Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 118: Study in blocks


After leaving the home magic machine production workshop, Xu Yi went to the magic machine tool workshop, discussed with Canby and other dwarves for a while, and then hurried back to his office with a few drawings.

This office has been expanded at this time. In addition to Xu Yi occasionally using it for office work, there is a room specially set aside as Wella's research room.

Xu Yi pushed the door open and found Wella immersed in a pile of information, flipping through it attentively.

These materials are related to some magic machines being produced by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. After Wella accepted Xu Yi's employment, Xu Yi did not let her immediately start research work, but first gave her a bunch of materials to study carefully. .

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Wella raised her head and saw that it was Xu Yi. She simply nodded to him without saying hello.

Xu Yi has long been accustomed to her coldness, and this seems to have become more obvious since he signed a confidentiality agreement with her last time.

"Wella, what do you think? Now do you have a general idea of the product design of our New Aircraft Chamber of Commerce?" Xu Yi didn't care about her attitude, sat down opposite her, and asked.

Wella pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "I have a general idea. Xu... President, after reading these information, I found that Rem and I lost at the Leo Chamber of Commerce not unjustly."

"Oh? Why do you say that suddenly?"

"Because the more I study the information you gave me, the more I find that in fact, magic is not the most important factor in these magic machines. What plays a decisive role is actually the design and structure of these magic machines themselves. If Speaking of magic arrays alone, the magic arrays designed by Rem and I and others are by no means inferior to the magic arrays you designed. However, when the power of these magic arrays is applied to magic machines, the magic machines The design gap is too big, which ultimately leads to great contrast. ”

Xu Yi looked at Wella in surprise, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Although this reason is simple, except for the great magician Camilla and Steele who have been studying with Xu Yi. The other magicians didn't realize this at all.

In everyone's mind, they feel that the power of magic machinery is due to the application of magic power, but they completely ignore the powerful mechanical structure knowledge that Xu Yi brought from the earth.

Wella was the first person to point this out in front of Xu Yi. Even Steele and others, although they understand in their hearts, may not be able to point it out as clearly as Wella.

"Congratulations, Wella. Realizing this proves that you are one step closer to becoming a magical mechanical designer." Xu Yi smiled. "Now that you have this understanding, I think I can really give you some practical work now."

Xu Yi took out a drawing from his arms and handed it to Wella.

"This is the design drawing of a certain part of the roll-forging magic forging machine that I am preparing to develop. What you need to study is the magic array that needs to provide power for this part. Because this power source requires an explosive impact So I think it is best to use explosive fire magic. Wella, you are more proficient in fire magic, so I decided to leave this part to you to study the specific requirements of this magic circle. In the markings on the drawings, you can study them carefully based on the patterns and parameters on the design drawings. "

Wella took the drawing and was immediately shocked by the dense patterns and various numbers on the drawing. She looked at the drawings for a while, then raised her head and asked Xu Yi: "President, when you designed the magic fan before, you didn't use such complicated design drawings, right?"

"Of course." Xu Yi replied matter-of-factly: "The technical content of the magic fan is so low, how can it be compared with this roll-forging magic forging machine? You should know that there is only a simple whirlwind array on the magic fan. As for this roller-forging magic forging machine, my preliminary design contains a total of eleven magic circles of different levels in three categories! Do you think it can be the same?"

Wella stared at the drawing blankly, and suddenly showed a wry smile: "President, I am convinced that I have lost now."

Xu Yi smiled. He clicked twice on the drawing and said sternly: "I don't care whether you accept it or not, but you must do a good job in designing this magic circle. This is your first job in our chamber of commerce, Wella, I don't want you to do it. Smash it."

Wei Na glanced at Xu Yi and snorted softly. His expression was filled with confidence again: "Who do you think I am?"

# # #

In order to complete the order for 3,000 farm magic machines before spring planting, Xu Yi was extremely busy.

After completing the part of the research work that Wella was responsible for, Xu Yi immediately left the factory and returned to Bangta City.

He first went to see Sancheli, who was alone in the rented house and was worrying about setting up the magic circle in advance, and urged him a few words. Without stopping, he came to the small courtyard where Evita and Akali lived.

After seeing the new magic lamp shape design completed by the cooperation of Yanis and Vivian, Evita and Akali exclaimed at the same time.

"President, who painted this painting? It's so... so beautiful!" In her excitement, Akali even forgot to continue to be deliberately indifferent to Xu Yi, and pulled Xu Yi's arm with a look of surprise. Expressing exclamation with all his strength.

Although Evita was much more restrained than Akali, her face showed the same excitement.

"Yes, President, this magic lamp is so beautiful! If there is such a magic lamp, no matter how much it costs, I will definitely buy one!" Evita said with great certainty.

"Are you two very interested in this magic lamp? Want to buy it?" Xu Yi asked.

"Of course!" The two of them nodded in unison, answering with unusual certainty. "This is simply a work of art!"

A trace of embarrassment suddenly flashed across Evita's face: "President, since you have such a good magic lamp design, why didn't you tell me earlier? I gave you such an ugly magic lamp..."

"No, no, that magic lamp is not ugly at all. And the magic lamp in this painting is modified from the appearance of the magic lamp you designed." Xu Yi quickly comforted. "In addition, I just bought this picture, and I didn't know about it before. Well... Since you two are very satisfied with the appearance of this magic lamp, it proves that it should not worry about sales. Very good, I have decided happily. , our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce’s next product for the public is this magic lamp!”

"Great! I support you, President!" Akali clapped her hands excitedly. "When this magic lamp is produced, I will definitely buy one!"

Xu Yi rolled his eyes at her angrily: "You are one of the designers of this magic lamp. Do you still need to buy it? Don't worry, I will give you one as soon as it is produced."

Akali suddenly cheered happily, even holding Xu Yi's arm and shaking it vigorously. There was no such depressed look as when he faced Xu Yishi after suffering a previous blow.

Looking at Akali's exaggerated appearance and Evita's equally joyful expression, Xu Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The many powerful magic machines that I have worked so hard to design are probably far inferior to this mere magic lamp in the eyes of these little girls.

After saying goodbye to Evita and Akali, Xu Yi went straight to Camilla the Great Magician Tower.

Although the New Flying Chamber of Commerce now has a magic research institute composed of magicians such as Steele, Evita, Akali, Wella and Sancheli, which is enough to complete the general research on magic arrays used in magic machines, but This time, Xu Yi had to develop a series of corresponding magic forging machine tools in order to incorporate small farmland magic machinery into mechanized assembly line production.

Compared with the simple small magic forging machines that are only used in the production of magic fans, magic rice cookers and magic air conditioners, the magic forging machines required to manufacture farmland magic machinery are much more complicated. The number of related magic arrays that need to be studied has naturally increased several times.

To complete such a large amount of magic circle research work in a short period of time, it is of course impossible to rely on Steele and others alone, so Xu Yi had already decided to need the help of the great magician Camilla when Canby and others were discussing it. .

Putting aside the extensive research on magic arrays, the driving force required for the core parts of these magic forging machines is extremely high, and the requirements for the corresponding magic arrays are naturally also extremely high. Although Xu Yi determined through theoretical calculations that a level 5 or 6 magic array should be able to meet the requirements, to be on the safe side, Xu Yi still planned to leave this part of the core research to the great magician Camilla.

If Xu Yi had proposed so much research work on magic machines to the Great Magician Camilla before, he would have definitely been scolded by the Great Magician Camilla. However, after receiving genuine gold coin funding from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and for assisting in the research After receiving part of the additional reward funds, Archmage Camilla truly felt the benefits of assisting Xu Yi in completing his research. Gradually, he became less resistant to the work proposed by Xu Yi.

What's more, while helping Xu Yi complete these research tasks, it also gave the great magician Camilla a new understanding of magic circles and magic, which also helped to improve his magic strength.

So now every time when she sees Xu Yi, the great magician Camilla no longer shows a deep regret as before, almost as if she hates iron but cannot become steel, but always smiles. Very amiable.

But this time when she saw Xu Yi, the great magician Camilla looked uneasy. She glanced at Xu Yi who pushed the door in and snorted coldly.

Xu Yi was a little confused, thinking that he had been away from Bangta City for more than ten days. This is the first time I've met the great magician Camilla since I came back. I shouldn't have done anything to make him angry, right

Camilla, the great magician, glanced at Xu Yi who was in a daze, snorted again, and said in a deep voice: "I thought that after you became a fifth-level magician, your tail would be raised to the sky, and even I wouldn't be happy to see you. It turns out I still knew about it.”

Xu Yi was even more confused. What does Camilla the Great Magician mean

I just arrived in the afternoon, but I came to see him the next morning, and he was still not satisfied

The great magician Camilla suddenly changed the topic: "Do you know, kid? Steele knew that you were coming back yesterday, but he was happy for several days. Yesterday, he even went to the kitchen to cook a few dishes, just waiting for you. I'll invite you to my house for dinner. It turns out that you went to the two little girls Evita and Akali as soon as you came back. Are those two little girls prettier than Steele?"

Xu Yi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that it was not Camilla, the great magician, who had an opinion against him, but that he expressed his opinion on behalf of Steele.

But Steele was even more baffled. The reason why he went to Evita and Akali was to take Vivian home who had been entrusted to them these days. It was not like Steele didn't know this. Come on, why are you still angry about this

"Um... Your Excellency, the Great Magician, are you not sincere in your words? Steele's charm is now not only known to everyone in Bonta City, but also spread to several surrounding cities, and is even called the Goddess of Bonta by many people. "If you say she's not beautiful, you're obviously lying with your eyes open." Xu Yi thought for a moment, answered with a dry smile, and then quickly changed the subject and asked, "By the way, how did you know that I have become a woman?" A fifth-level magician?"

Camilla the Great Magician snorted again, pointed to a thick magazine-like book on the table and said: "Boy, you are famous!"