Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 119: Show your courtesy for nothing


When Archmage Camilla talks about being famous, of course she means being famous in the circle of magicians.

The magazine-like thing on the desktop is a journal published internally by the Magician Guild. Only those at the level of Archmage and Magister can obtain it regularly.

So when the great magician Camilla said that Xu Yi was famous, it just meant that he was now known by many great magicians.

There are only twenty-seven magisters and about five hundred great magicians in the entire Sainz continent, so strictly speaking, Xu Yi is only known to more than five hundred people. To be serious, he is not famous at all. .

"Idiot!" Camilla, the great magician, glared at Xu Yi angrily. "Magisters and great magicians are the top figures in the circle of magicians. If all the great magicians and magisters know about it, it means that all magicians in the whole continent know about it. Isn't this famous enough? "

Xu Yi looked at the great magician Camilla in surprise: "Really?"

"What did I lie to you for?" Archmage Camilla pointed at her feet. "As long as I am willing, everyone in this magic tower will know this news, and if they spread this news, the magicians in the entire Bangta City, and even in several surrounding cities, will also know the news. You will know this news. Let me tell you, this internal journal of the union has an extremely authoritative position in the hearts of magicians across the continent. It is difficult for you to appear in this journal and not be famous. "

Xu Yi scratched his chin, a little confused.

"Although it is rare to become a fifth-level magician directly after passing the assessment for the first time, since this journal is so high-end, I shouldn't be qualified to appear in it, right?"

Camilla the Great Magician shook his head: "Of course it's not because you became a fifth-level magician. Although there are not many things like you, there are many magicians who participate in the union assessment every year, and there are always some guys who want to It's a blockbuster like yours, so it's not that unusual after all. Moreover, this journal is not a newspaper that only reports gossipy news. You can only appear in it. This is actually related to your answers to the written test in the Level 5 assessment.”

"Answer to the written test?" Xu Yi recalled the situation when he took the written test, still a little confused. "Why don't I think there's anything special about the answers I filled in?"

"Don't you think it's special?" Camilla, the great magician, looked at Xu Yi. He asked with a serious look on his face.

Seeing that the great magician Camilla looked serious, Xu Yi also thought about it seriously and shook his head: "I don't think so."

The expression on the face of the great magician Camilla became a little strange: "Xu Yi, it seems that I still underestimated your talent. Come. Let me show you the evaluation given to you in the journal."

Xu Yi took the thick journal thrown by the great magician Camilla and turned to the seventh page according to his instructions. He found that what was recorded on this page was indeed what he was doing when he took the fifth-level written examination. The few questions I encountered about the magic circle.

Xu also noticed that the author of this article was signed by Gordon Esenka.

This name may look familiar. After thinking about it, he remembered that when he first entered the Camilla Great Magician Tower, Salsha had mentioned this name and said that he was the most powerful person in the Lampali Kingdom. A rich magician.

And in this article. The richest magician praised Xu Yi's answers in the written test.

The magic arrays assessed in the written examination are only fifth-level magic arrays, and the question asked is an extension of these magic arrays, including putting forward some targeted requirements for the magicians to conduct the assessment on these magic arrays. Improvement.

Xu Yi has already done a lot of research on magic circles, and in order to adapt to the requirements of magic machinery. Most of his energy is focused on how to modify the magic circle to adapt to different requirements, so these problems are naturally a piece of cake for him.

After the assessment was completed, the examiner of the Magician Guild who met the assessment gave Xu Yi an evaluation that his answers in the competition even exceeded the level of a fifth-level magician. This was why he was specifically allowed to pass the assessment and become a fifth-level magician. .

In this article, the great magician Essenka conducted an in-depth analysis of the answers given by Xu Yi bit by bit, and actually explained all the thoughts contained in Xu Yi's answers clearly.

"... This is a completely genius idea! By reversing the arc of the array normal line, the concentration of the area where the magic array absorbs magic elements is changed. Using this to make small-scale changes to the effect of the magic array is like making the magic array come alive. Come on! If we can promote this idea, we can even make any changes to any magic circle, so that the magic circle can achieve all the effects we want it to achieve. I can definitely say that Xu Yi’s research on the magic circle. , I have reached the level of a master! Even I am not as good as that!"

Looking at the article, the great magician Esenka praised him without hesitation. Xu Yi blushed slightly.

Those answers were just what he came up with naturally, but he didn't expect that in the eyes of the great magician Esenka, they would have such a shocking effect, which really surprised him.

After reading the entire article, Xu Yi frowned slightly. He asked the great magician Camilla: "Your Excellency, the great magician, are you familiar with this great magician Esenka?"

Archmage Camilla shook her head: "No. It can only be regarded as knowing each other's names."

"Then why does he praise me so much? I don't think I'm worthy of his praise. Seeing him praising me as a genius in this article makes me feel a little embarrassed."

"No need to be embarrassed. After reading the questions in the written test and the answers you gave, I feel that his praise of you is not exaggerated at all. Your creativity and conception are indeed worthy of this praise." Camilla Magic The teacher said seriously. "I still maintain my previous view. If you are willing to study magic wholeheartedly, your future achievements may exceed mine, and you may even become the first magician in the Lampali Kingdom."

Xu Yi laughed dryly: "Your Majesty the Great Magician, there is no need to talk about this topic anymore."

Camilla the Great Magician snorted and said: "Of course, in addition to the fact that you are indeed qualified to receive such praise, I also want to remind you. This guy Aisenka... never does anything unnecessary, so … You be careful.”

Xu Yi nodded slowly.

There is a saying that goes: If you show courtesy for nothing, you will either commit adultery or steal.

No matter how amazing the answers he gave in the written test were, after all, it was just a written test for a fifth-level magician. Under normal circumstances, he would not fall into the category of a top person like the great magician Essenka. Dharma eye is the right one.

However, the great magician Aisenka mentioned Xu Yi's answer separately and wrote a passionate article in this important internal journal of the magicians union, praising himself greatly. If he had not For any other purpose, he wouldn't believe it even if he beat Xu Yi to death.

But Xu Yi is still very strange. He is only a small fifth-level magician. What is there that this great magician should value

Unless... what he values is his status as the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce

Xu Yi thought for a while, but couldn't get an answer, so he had to put the question aside for the time being and began to turn his attention to the main purpose of his visit to the great magician Camilla this time.

Hearing that Xu Yi actually wanted to study a series of magic machine tools at once, and only gave him a month, Archmage Camilla couldn't help but frowned.

"Boy, are you planning not to give me any time to study magic?"

Xu Yi sighed helplessly: "There is no way. If I want to complete His Majesty the King's order, I must develop these magic machine tools. Otherwise, even if the dwarves work hard, they will only be able to complete the initial three tasks at most. The order for thousands of small farmland magic machines, and if they are to complete the tens of thousands of farmland magic machines planned by His Majesty the King, they may not be able to complete it within several years. Since there is always work to be done, the sooner the better.”

"But these magic forging machines look so complicated, do you think they can really be successfully developed within a month?" Archmage Camilla asked doubtfully.

"Perhaps time is a little tight, but I don't think the problem is big." Xu Yi paused and said seriously: "Your Majesty the Great Magician, in fact, it is not only His Majesty the King who wants to realize the plan in his mind, but I also want to be able to advance it in advance. The expansion of farmland magic machinery in one harvest season can increase the food production in the kingdom one season ahead of schedule. His Majesty the King is considering the livelihood of the people in the kingdom. Although I can't be that noble, I don't want to see anyone hungry. Belly. The last time I talked to Heinze about the turmoil in the kingdom for more than ten years, and the tragic situation of many people starving to death at that time, Heinze, a grown man, even couldn't help but shed tears. Decided to give priority to research on magic machinery that can improve agricultural production efficiency.”

Archmage Camilla was silent for a moment and nodded slightly: "You have a good idea. When you were invited to Earl Satsuma's banquet a few days ago, Earl Satsuma praised you and the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, claiming that there was a New Flying Chamber of Commerce. With the help of the researched farmland magic machinery, a large amount of farmland near Bangta City has been reclaimed. If nothing happens, the food production in Bangta City will definitely increase significantly next year, ensuring that everyone can fill their stomachs. , Do you know that because of this, Earl Satsuma has given you and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce a lot of support? Otherwise, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce would never have developed so smoothly in Bangta City."

Xu Yi smiled and nodded: "I know very well how the City Lord's people take care of me and the Chamber of Commerce." Then he smiled again. "But Your Excellency the Great Magician, since even the Lord of the City supports me so much, shouldn't you also support me strongly?"

The great magician Camilla glared at Xu Yi angrily: "Don't try to use Earl Satsuma to pressure me, it's useless. But since you want to speed up the production of farmland magic machinery, I will agree to it. . This time, not only me, but I will also ask the entire Magic Tower to fully assist you in completing the magic array research on these magic forging machines!"

Xu Yi was immediately overjoyed.

With the guarantee of the great magician Camilla, he was more than 80% sure about the research and development of the magic forging machine tool this time.