Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 121: Labor certificate


When Director Riley left with an excuse, Sevini showed Xu Yi a meaningful smile and said: "President Xu, it seems that you don't get along so well with your colleagues in Bangta City?"

Xu Yi laughed, pretending to be confused and pretending to be surprised: "Miss Sevini, what are you talking about? All the major chambers of commerce in Bangta City are good partners in the federation, how could there be What's unpleasant? You must have misunderstood something."

Sevini smiled and did not continue to waste time on this issue. He turned to look at the magic machine tool workshop that he had just visited under the guidance of Xu Yi. He pondered for a moment and said: "President Xu, you just said that you plan to spend It will take about a month to develop some new magic machine tools to improve the efficiency of producing farmland magic machinery, but are you sure about the development of these magic machine tools?"

"Of course." Xu Yi replied very definitely. "Our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce already has a lot of practical experience in developing magic machine tools, and now we have Camilla the Great Magician as our strong backing. I firmly believe that this research and development will be successful."

Sevini shook his head slightly: "President Xu, you are not telling the truth. Judging from what I have observed and the information I have collected in the past few days since I arrived in Bangta City, the most critical aspect of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce lies in you. This president, whether it is the original magic fan or the farmland magic machinery valued by the Department of Agriculture, the emergence of these magic machinery was initiated by you and played the most critical role in it, so I think. The question is not whether your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can do it, but I simply want to ask, do you have confidence in yourself? "

Xu Yi looked at Sevini and found that the expression on her face was still very sincere, without any trace of falsehood, making people involuntarily willing to believe what she said.

"Miss Sevigny, if you don't even have confidence in me as the president, then our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce might as well disband as soon as possible. Are you right?" Xu Yi asked.

Sevini stared at the smile on Xu Yi's face for a while, then nodded slightly: "I hope President Xu that your confidence will always be so strong. Okay. I believe you can develop a new magic machine tool within a month. And as you expected, farmland magic machinery will be incorporated into large-scale production. However, President Xu, I still have a question about the large-scale production you mentioned. After successful large-scale production of farmland magic machinery. The output can be increased several times or even dozens of times, but will the farmland magic machinery produced still maintain the previous quality? I think that if you want to ensure the quality of anything, it is better to keep improving.”

"The idea of striving for excellence is good, but Miss Sevigny, you are using it in the wrong place. Changing the pure manual production of farmland magic machinery into mechanized and large-scale production is a completely different approach. Although the output has increased significantly, The quality will not decrease as you said. Even if the various specifications and parameters are strictly controlled, the quality of the farmland magic machinery produced in this way will be higher than that of purely manual machines." Xu Yi pointed out. The household magic machinery production workshop on the other side said: "You also saw in that workshop just now the comparison between the first batch of magic fans produced by our chamber of commerce and the last batch of magic fans. Which magic fan do you think has the best quality?" What's better?"

"Of course the quality of the last batch of magic fans is much better." Sevini replied without any hesitation.

"As you can see, although the first batch of magic fans were handmade by skilled craftsmen in Bangta City, the quality is actually far inferior to the last batch of parts produced by various magic machine tools. The assembled magic fan. Although manpower is much more flexible than machinery, when it comes to mass production, you must admit that manpower is far less useful than machinery. If His Majesty only needs three thousand farmland magic machines. , then I might be able to ask more skilled dwarf craftsmen to make the door purely by hand, but His Majesty the King ultimately requires 30,000 units, or even more, so there is no other way but to rely on the help of machinery."

Sevini pondered for a while and nodded slightly: "Maybe you are right. But before I see the actual product, I still have doubts. I hope President Xu will not let me down."

"Don't worry, I guarantee you won't be disappointed." Xu Yi replied with a smile. There was a pause. He continued: "Miss Sevigny, I think you should know by now that the workers responsible for producing farmland magic machinery in our chamber of commerce are mainly dwarves. Can you help me solve a problem?"

"You're welcome, President Xu. My main task here is to assist the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in completing His Majesty the King's orders. As long as your request can help complete these orders, you can make any request." Sevini smiled.

"That's good." Xu Yi was not polite and immediately continued: "Although these dwarves from the Chamber of Commerce have been working here for several months, because they are dwarves, they have never obtained the national qualifications of the kingdom. As for their life here, there are a lot of inconveniences. Miss Sevigny, can you help solve this problem?"

"There are relevant provisions in the laws of the kingdom. Races other than humans can become official citizens of the kingdom as long as they meet certain conditions. I believe you, President Xu, must have understood this, right?" Sevini asked rhetorically.

"It is true that these regulations are good, but Miss Sevigny, you should also know that these regulations are very strict. If dwarves want to become official citizens, they not only have certain requirements for the length of residence, but also strict requirements for paying taxes. No It will take ten or eight years to achieve these conditions. And if we let these dwarves wait for ten or eight years, our New Flying Chamber of Commerce may have disappeared by then."

"President Xu, are you kidding me?" Sevini glanced at Xu Yi. "The development prospects of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce are so good now, how can it not be able to persist for ten or eight years. Regarding your request, I am afraid I cannot agree to you. These regulations are written in the laws of the kingdom, and it is impossible to do it for The two hundred dwarves in your new Flying Chamber of Commerce can be changed at will."

"I'm not asking for a change in the law, nor do I expect the kingdom to immediately recognize them as formal citizens. I just want to facilitate their life here. I hope to give them a special certificate, such as... a labor certificate." Xu Yi added.

"Labor certificate?" Sevini looked at Xu Yi in shock. "What does it mean?"

"A labor certificate is... a special document issued to various races other than kingdom nationals, including humans from other countries. People with a labor certificate represent that they have accepted employment from a certain chamber of commerce in the Lampali Kingdom. While the labor certificate is valid, you can stay, work, and carry out normal life in the Kingdom of Lampali. To put it simply, people with labor certificates can be regarded as temporary nationals of the Kingdom of Lampali, but they are not. will be restricted by the chamber of commerce where they work. Once something goes wrong with these people, the Kingdom official can directly hold the chamber of commerce that employs them responsible. When the labor certificate expires, these people's temporary national qualifications will be cancelled. To retain it, you can only apply again and get official review and approval from the Kingdom," Xu Yi explained patiently.

Sevini looked at Xu Yi in surprise: "This is a good idea, but how can we guarantee that these people will be under the jurisdiction of the kingdom?"

"As I said just now, these people can enjoy this qualification mainly by relying on the chamber of commerce and their employment relationship. In addition to supervising these people, the kingdom officials just need to keep a close eye on those chambers of commerce. I think our King Lampali Domestic chambers of commerce will still cherish their feathers, right?”

Sevini thought for a while and couldn't help but nodded slowly.

"This is a good idea, but President Xu, you have overlooked an issue. Whether it is issuing labor certificates or conducting qualification reviews, the kingdom will need to establish an additional relevant department, and the human and material resources required are probably not small. With the current situation of the kingdom Judging from the financial situation, I think it will be difficult for both His Majesty the King and the Royal Parliament to pass this proposal.”

"No money? That's not easy." Xu Yi chuckled. "You have to pay money to apply for a labor certificate, and while the labor certificate is valid, the chamber of commerce that employs these people must pay an additional late fee for them every year, and the amount depends on the situation. Miss Sevigny, if you think this is the case, the king Will His Majesty and the Royal Parliament approve it?”

Sevini looked at Xu Yi with a strange face, and was stunned for a while before slowly speaking: "President Xu, I suddenly feel that you should not be a businessman. How about joining politics?"

Xu Yi waved his hand: "I am a rotten businessman who is drowned in the smell of copper from head to toe. Let's forget about joining politics. Miss Sevigny, so you think my proposal has hope?"

"Well, if you pay as you said, I think it will be much easier to pass." Sevini nodded. "But President Xu, according to what you said, there are not many humans and other races in the entire kingdom that meet the conditions you mentioned. How much do you plan to pay for each of the two hundred dwarves in your business? How about obtaining these rights? In addition, besides your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, there should be some similar situations. If this bill is passed, what will happen if other chambers of commerce are unwilling to pay the money? "

"That's not easy. If you don't apply for a labor certificate, you won't be able to enjoy the relevant benefits. Everything is still the same as before. As for our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, just like Director Riley said just now, because the president is a spendthrift, that's why When I'm full, I'll run over and apply for this kind of labor certificate for my workers," Xu Yi shrugged and said casually.

Sevini chuckled, and after a while he regained his composure and asked, "What's the answer to the first question? How much money does your New Aircraft Chamber of Commerce plan to pay?"

"The specific amount will of course be decided by your kingdom officials after discussion, but I can reveal to you the bottom line of our chamber of commerce." Xu Yi extended a slap in the face. "What do you think of the quota of five gold coins for one worker?"

"Five gold coins?" Sevini's beautiful eyes opened a little wider, she took a deep breath and looked at Xu Yi with emotion. "President Xu, you are really good to your workers."