Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 16: brand


Xu Yi looked at the almost identical magic fan on the table, observed it carefully for a while, and then reached out and pressed the switch.

The magic fan paused for a few seconds, and the blades slowly accelerated, blowing out streams of cool wind after a while.

Xu Yi stood in front of the fan, feeling the cool breeze, and nodded slightly: "Well, not bad, it's quite cool."

Heinze on the side suddenly became anxious, stretched out his hand to turn off the magic fan, and said angrily: "How long has it been, and you still have the heart to praise it? Think of a way! Let me tell you, there is more than one of this thing. , I asked someone to check it for me, there aren’t many of them in Bangta City, but there are quite a few imitations like this outside the city!”

"Then find out where the counterfeit products are made?"

"No." Heinze was immediately discouraged.

"No need to check." Xu Yi waved his hand. "It's useless even if you find out."

"How could it be useless! We can sue..." At this point, Heinze suddenly paused.

Because he suddenly remembered that for this kind of handicrafts, not to mention the Lampali Kingdom, even the entire Sainz continent had no relevant laws and regulations to protect them from being imitated. Even if he found the person who imitated the magic fan Whoever it is, it is impossible to rely on the laws of the kingdom to punish the other party, and he will even be scolded by the kingdom's top officials for being meddlesome.

"Have you thought of it?" Seeing Heinze's face, Xu Yi knew that he had understood the key points. "Actually, I had already thought of this when designing the magic fan."

This wasn't Xu Yi fooling Heinze casually. As early as when he was designing the magic fan, he had read relevant books and finally determined that this continent of Sainz was just like what he imagined. There was no such thing as a patent at all. Not to mention patent protection.

So he had long been certain that there would be counterfeit copies of the Magic Fan, because this thing was not a highly technical thing and it was not difficult at all to imitate it.

"Since you have thought of it a long time ago, haven't you thought about how to prevent it? Are we just going to watch those despicable guys copy it at will? Xu Yi, you should know very well that every time they make a copy, we will lose If one is sold, it means we will earn one less gold coin!”

"Okay, don't be so excited." Xu Yi raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling Heinze to calm down. "Don't worry, since I have thought of it a long time ago, of course I have prepared preventive methods. Come on, take a look."

Xu Yi casually grabbed a magic fan designed and produced by himself and pointed at the base of the fan to Heinze.

"What?" Heinze was confused.

"Did you see this sign?" Xu Yi pointed at a circular icon above the fan base switch. "Here, this is the brand icon I designed for our magic fan."

Heinze frowned and looked at the icon with a half-wing pattern inside a circle, and asked in confusion: "What is the use of this thing? What brand icon do you mean... What does it mean?"

"Well... you can think of it as a badge, a unique badge belonging to the magic fans we produce. And I have already applied for registration of this badge at the Kingdom's Noble Council. No one can use this badge without my consent. They will all be severely punished by the noble council," Xu Yi explained.

"The Kingdom's Noble Council is applying for a badge?" Heinze stared at Xu Yi with wide eyes, looking frightened. "Oh my God! You actually applied for registration with the Noble Council for such a small badge? You... wait, what level of badge are you applying for?"

Xu Yi smiled and stretched out three fingers.

"Pa—" Heinze slapped his forehead and groaned in pain: "Although the Noble Council is no longer so strict about badge registration, the third-level badge... Every year just because of this thing, I have to submit it to the Noble Council. Pay three hundred gold coins?"

"Well, that's right. In fact, I would say that the Noble Council is not flexible enough. I have to pay enough years before the badge can be allowed to be upgraded. Otherwise, I would like to directly apply for the top platinum badge."

"Platinum badge?" Heinze suddenly raised his voice and shouted. "That means paying a thousand gold coins a year! You must be crazy!"

"No, I'm awake." Xu Yi sat down Heinze and handed him a cup of tea. "This badge is actually the only thing I can think of to protect our interests at the moment. With the protection of the badge, we can imprint this badge on every magic fan we produce, and others can imitate it. Magic fans do not dare to engrave this emblem on the magic fans they produce because they are afraid of violating the regulations of the Noble Council. "

Heinze took a sip of tea and shook his head: "I still don't understand what you mean. Even if we have more badges than them, what's the use?"

"It's very useful!" Xu Yi said with certainty. "This badge can distinguish the magic fans we produce from those imitations, and this difference is the brand!"

Heinze still looked confused: "What's wrong with the brand? Can it be eaten?"

Xu Yi shook his head, thinking that explaining brand value to people in this world was a bit ahead of his time.

Moreover, it is difficult for people to fully understand this thing just by talking about it. It is easier for people to understand it only when it is reflected in specific events.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi waved to Heince.

"Hey, Heinze, is there anything... uh... like a newspaper in Bonta City?"


Papa Afaria was angry.

For him, an old hunter who relied on hunting for a living, two gold coins were enough to earn him half a month of hunting in the mountains. Normally, he would be completely reluctant to spend such a large amount of money all at once.

If it hadn't been for the fact that his favorite grandson fainted due to heat stroke two days ago, he would never have made up his mind to buy this expensive magic fan.

Although this magic fan is indeed very good, as soon as it starts to rotate, it can blow out cool air and make the grandson smile, but... damn! This damn magic fan stopped spinning after only two days!

Father Afalia even went to buy several magic crystals for this purpose, but no matter which one he replaced, it was useless, and the magic fan remained motionless.

Seeing his little grandson's little face turning red due to the heat, Afalia's father couldn't bear it anymore and entered Bangta City with a magic fan in one hand.

The man who sold him the magic fan at that time said that he bought the magic fan from a store called Heinze Grocery Store in Bangta City. Now there is something wrong with the magic fan and he can't find the damn one. Merchant, it should be no problem to just go to this Heinze grocery store.

Father Afalia didn't come to Bonta City many times. It took him a while to find the Heinze grocery store after entering the city. But when he came to Heinze's grocery store and took a look, he was stunned. Living.

It turns out that the door of the grocery store is already crowded with people at this time. At a casual glance, it is probably not more than a hundred people.

What made Afalia's father even more curious was that almost every one of these people was carrying a magic fan.

"Hey, young man, what's going on? Why are there so many people?" Father Afalia curiously pulled a young man from the crowd and asked.

The young man glanced up and down at Alfariya's father, and when he saw the magic fan in his hand, he immediately showed an expression of enlightenment.

"Old man, is your magic fan broken too?"

"Yeah, what? Are these people the same as me?"

"That's right. This damn profiteer!" The young man spat hard on the ground. "I finally made up my mind to buy a magic fan, but I didn't expect it to stop spinning after just one night of use! As a result, I was sweating profusely until midnight last night and couldn't fall asleep at all the rest of the night!"

The young man spoke loudly, and several people nearby could hear it clearly and they all agreed.

"Yes, the same thing happened to the magic fan I bought. It stopped moving after just one night. Even if I changed the magic crystal, it wouldn't work."

"Mine was better than yours. It lasted two days, but it didn't work when I took it out at noon today."

"Then it looks like I'm the unluckiest. I've only been using it for less than two hours, and I was feeling comfortable when it suddenly stopped working. Damn it, it cost me three gold coins!"

"Ah? You spent three gold coins? Didn't you only need two gold coins?"

"Two? Why does that damn profiteer ask for three from me?"

"You've been cheated..."

Hearing the comments from the people around him, Afalia's father felt slightly relieved.

If it was just his family's magic fan that had a problem, the profiteers might still refuse to admit it, and his problem would not be easy to solve.

Now that so many people have problems together, if this damn profiteer still refuses to solve it, there will be public outrage.

Just as he was thinking this, the door of Heinze's grocery store opened slowly with a soft creak.

The people surrounding him immediately rushed over.

"Hey, my magic fan is broken, can you fix it?"

"Mine is broken too! I want a replacement immediately!"

"Yes! Just replace it with a new one!"

"Profiteer! The thing that cost me two gold coins actually broke after only one day of use! Be careful, I will sue you at the Chamber of Commerce and Management!"

The door of the grocery store was fully opened, and Heinze walked out with a strange expression.

Looking at the excited crowd in front of him, Heinze was greatly surprised.

"This Xu Yi, how did he know that something like this would happen today?"

The scene when Xu Yi was talking to him yesterday flashed through his mind. Heinze raised his hand and pressed it down hard, shouting: "Everyone, be quiet. If you have any questions, please speak slowly! I am from this family The owner of the store, Heinze, will definitely solve it for everyone if it is a problem with our store!”

"You want to solve it? Well, tell me, you sold this magic fan from this store, and it broke after only one day of use. What do you think we should do?" A strong man shouted loudly. got up.

"What else can I do? Pay compensation! How could something worth two gold coins break so easily!" Another person also echoed loudly.

"Yes! Pay compensation!"

"Even if you don't pay compensation, you have to fix it for me. My tigress is too hot at home!"

"Everyone, be quiet!" Heinze raised his voice and shouted again, suppressing everyone's voices. Looking left and right, he pointed at the strong man who shouted loudest just now and said, "Show me your magic fan."

The strong man thrust the magic fan in his hand to Heinze. With so many people watching, he was not worried that Heinze would dare to fool him like this.

Unexpectedly, Heinze took the magic fan and looked at it for a while, but then shook his head at him: "Sorry, I didn't sell this magic fan here. I can't help you solve it."

"Huh? Are you kidding me?" Seeing Heinze denying it, the strong man suddenly became angry. "I've made inquiries. Yours is the only store in Bangta City that sells magic fans. You didn't sell them here. Did they fall from the sky?"

"It's just that there is no other place to sell it except your store. Do you dare to deny it?"

"This bastard wants to default on his debt!"

"Profiteer! Beat him to death!"

Seeing the crowd raging, Heinze felt a hint of timidity in his heart. Then he took a deep breath, regained his strength, and shouted: "This magic fan is indeed not sold by us, because it does not have our brand on it. !”