Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 18: The screw is born


After sending the last person who was deceived away, Xu Yi took a long breath and stretched.

"Phew, it's finally done. I'm exhausted."

Heinze handed Xu Yi a cup of warm tea at the right time and said with a smile: "Actually, since you expected this situation today, you should have called those students here. If you were alone, of course you would tired."

Xu Yi shook his head: "That's not possible. Their studies in the college are very important to them, and I can't delay them. Besides, the contract signed with them made it clear that it cannot conflict with their class time. Besides, the magic fan Our production is also closely related to them. It would be bad if we tire them out and affect our production.”

Heinze rolled his eyes at Xu Yi: "Are you tired?"

"Hey, this little intensity is nothing. In the past..." Xu Yi suddenly paused.

He originally wanted to say that when he was working on a key topic in the research institute, he once slept only four hours for three consecutive days. Compared to that time, this is nothing now.

But he immediately realized that he was no longer in the original world, and he was afraid that he would never be able to return to the feverish research atmosphere before.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi couldn't help but feel a trace of melancholy in his heart.

Seeing that Xu Yi suddenly became silent, and the expression on his face was a little confused, Heinze was a little confused, but he also knew that it was inconvenient to ask more questions, so he also fell silent.

For a while, the only sound in the room was the sound of Alex packing his things.

After a while, Xu Yi suddenly shook his head vigorously and smiled at Heinze.

"Sorry, I was distracted. By the way, where did I just say?"

"You said you shouldn't tire out those students and affect production."

"Oh, yes. Speaking of which, Heinze, you can take the time to go to Baron Rector's Magic Academy. It's best to recruit some more students. Or you can ask the students who have already been hired to go back and help with publicity. The effect may be better. I will develop the second version of the magic fan soon, and may start production by the end of this month, and it will probably require a lot of manpower."

"Yes, I understand." Heinze casually recorded what Xu Yi said in the small notebook he carried with him.

Seeing his actions, Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh, because Heinze's actions were like a competent secretary.

Heinze was a little confused when Xu Yi laughed, but when he opened the book, he remembered something else.

"By the way, Xu Yi, I asked, and there is really no newspaper like the one you mentioned in Bangta City. The closest thing is probably the newspaper issued by the city lord's palace every once in a while. But That thing is only given to the aristocratic grandpas in the city, and ordinary people can't see it at all. "

"That's it. Forget it, I'll think of other ways to advertise." Xu Yi waved his hand, indicating that he should put this matter down for now. "Speaking of manpower, Heinze, I think we should just hire a group of blacksmiths."

"Ah?" Heinze was startled by Xu Yi's leaping thinking. "Hire a blacksmith? Why? If it is to forge the fan casing, wouldn't it be better to hire a blacksmith in the city?"

"That would be too restrictive. If there is a problem with the blacksmith shop in the city, it will be difficult for us to handle it properly." Xu Yi shook his head in denial. "Of course, the most important thing is that we need professional manpower. In fact, I have never been satisfied with the fan casings made by these blacksmith shops in the city. The quality does not meet my requirements. It is just because I can't find a substitute for the time being. Use it. After what happened today, haven't you discovered that the reason why we easily convinced those people that the magic fans they bought were not from us is because the quality of the magic fans we produce is better? So, I think? To ensure the value of a brand, we must ensure quality.”

Heinze thought about what happened today and found that Xu Yi was right.

If there hadn't been an obvious gap in quality that forced those people to admit that the magic fans they bought were not the same thing as the Xinfei magic fans, I'm afraid this matter wouldn't have ended so easily.

"But where are we going to find a large number of suitable blacksmiths?" Heinze frowned.

"Actually, we don't necessarily need highly skilled craftsmen, but we need specialized and suitable blacksmiths. Do you understand what I mean?" Xu Yi asked.

"You mean... we just need to hire some blacksmiths who know a little bit about forging to forge fan casings for us?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. Even..." Xu Yi smiled slightly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. "When it develops to a certain level in the future, even these specialized blacksmiths won't need too many."

It was already afternoon when he left Heinze Grocery Store. Xu Yi looked up at the sky and thought that he had taken another day off today. In total, he had already taken three days off this week, and he had not worked at the Magic Tower for nearly half of the time.

"My colleagues in the research laboratory must be guessing that I don't want to work anymore, right? Maybe they will say that I am too stupid for giving up the opportunity to study magic next to the great magician Camilla." Xu Yi smiled at himself. "But speaking of it, the great magician Camilla has never expressed his position. If it were anyone else, he might have been kicked out of the magic tower."

While guessing the true attitude of Camilla the Great Magician, Xu Yi walked briskly around several street corners and came to the Volcano Blacksmith Shop again.

As usual, as soon as he walked into the blacksmith shop, he was hit by a wave of heat.

"Hey, Master Ranu, come on." Xu Yi threw the wine bottle in his hand into the blacksmith shop without even looking at it.

A thick arm stretched out from the heat and caught the bottle steadily.

"You brat, didn't you see me working? What if I get... Huh? Good wine!"

As soon as Master Lanu cursed, he was attracted by the strong aroma of wine emanating from the bottle, and took a big sip into his mouth without saying a word.

"Huh... that's really good wine!" Master Ranu exhaled with satisfaction and burped, and then looked at Xu Yi. "Hey, boy, this should be the 30-year-old wine of Sage Manor, right? This bottle costs at least five gold coins. You boy don't know how to show your kindness. Tell me, do you have any weird requests?"

"What are weird requests?" Xu Yi called out: "Master Ranu, have you always been dissatisfied with the requests I made before? Don't forget that you yourself also agreed. After changing according to my requirements, those two Will the effect of this machine be much better?”

"Hmph! I said so, but every time you ask, you will give me a good beating."

Xu Yi laughed dryly, looked to the side, and his eyes fell on two strange-shaped machines placed in the corner of the blacksmith shop.

"Wow! Master Ranu, I just haven't been here for two days, and you've actually finished it?"

Xu Yi rushed over excitedly and circled the two machines a few times with an expression as if he had seen a treasure.

"Hmph! Who am I, Ranu? I'm just two machines. How difficult is it?" Master Ranu snorted and took another sip of wine.

Xu Yi had already begun to carefully inspect the two machines from head to toe.

One of them is naturally the magic tooth-rolling machine that he asked Master Ranu to help make some time ago, and the other is the magic head-rolling machine that was added later.

These two machines are important machines for making screws. As long as these two machines can operate successfully, the mass production of screws envisioned by Xu Yi will become a reality.

Don’t underestimate screws. They may seem inconspicuous, but they can be found everywhere in the industrial system and are almost one of the essential materials.

Regardless of whether it is large or small, complex or simple, almost any industrial machinery or industrial product on the planet contains screws.

Being able to successfully mass-produce screws means that Xu Yi has finally taken a solid step on the industrial road of Sainz Continent!

"Master Ranu, can these two machines be used now?" Xu Yi turned around and asked.

"Nonsense, I told you it's done, why can't it still be used?"

"Very good." Xu Yi picked up a small iron pillar in the blacksmith shop, placed it in the mold of the heading machine, and then pressed the switch of the heading machine.

There was no movement.

"Idiot! You didn't put the magic crystal in, how could it possibly move!" Master Ranu roared from behind.

Xu Yi slapped his head and realized that he had forgotten the most important thing because he was so excited.

Xu Yi quickly took out a high-end crystal that he had prepared long ago and put it into the power source of the header machine, and pressed the switch again.

The punch inside the heading machine suddenly made a "bang" sound. The entire punch flew out at high speed and hit the top of the iron pillar in the mold hard.


There was a loud, clear and slightly weird noise from the heading machine, which caused the heading machine to tremble violently. The ground of the entire blacksmith shop also shook with the loud noise, and the sound was really scary.

Xu Yi couldn't help but be stunned.

Isn't it just a screw head? As for making it so earth-shattering

It took him a moment to react, and he pressed the control switch again, and the punch returned to the top.

Xu Yi took out the iron pillar from the mold and was delighted to find that one end of the iron pillar was indeed squeezed into a round head under the huge pressure of the punch, and there was a cross-shaped groove at the top. Just a standard screw head.

"Not bad." Xu Yi nodded with satisfaction. "Let's try the dental grinder again."

Compared with the simple and crude heading machine, the operation of the tooth rubbing machine is much more complicated.

Although Xu Yi has made many simplifications, this magic tooth rubbing machine still uses up to four magic arrays. The drawing of the magic arrays alone consumes a lot of energy from Xu Yi, not to mention the four magic arrays and the The whole machine fits together perfectly.

However, when he watched the screw bolts quickly carve circles of threads under the cutting of the tool, Xu Yi completely forgot about the hard work of studying this machine, and his whole body was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

This is in Sainz continent! This is in a world with no industrial foundation!

Being able to successfully make a screw in this world is a great achievement!

As the most important participant in completing this great project, Xu Yi has every reason to be proud of it!

Ranu on the side watched an ordinary iron pillar turn into an exquisite and beautiful screw after being processed by two machines, and his heart was full of surprise.

At first, I just thought that the two machines designed by this guy were very weird, so Ranu helped him build them as a challenge.

But now seeing the magic of these two machines, Ranu suddenly felt that these two machines might be more important than any iron tools he had built before.

"How did this kid come up with these two machines?" Ranu looked at Xu Yi with curiosity in his eyes.