Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 19: dinner


Not far from the northwest corner of Bangta City, a path winds into a lush forest, travels for about two kilometers, and flows into a very large manor.

The interior of this manor is also full of greenery, with various flowers and plants in between. There are only a dozen houses in the manor, which are not many, but they don't look messy at all and are arranged in an orderly manner.

From time to time, various birds fly by and sing, which makes the entire manor feel quiet and comfortable.

There is a small hilltop to the west of the manor. A clear spring water flows down from the top of the hill, bringing a touch of cool water vapor to the manor and forming a pool at the foot of the hill.

The spring water is cool and the pool is constantly flowing, naturally bringing with it a hint of coolness.

A small wooden house was erected next to the waterhole. Viscount Leslie took off his shoes at the opening of the wooden house facing the waterhole, and immersed his feet and entire calves in the waterhole, enjoying the coolness brought by the waterhole. Let out a comfortable **.

In addition, right next to him, there is a magic fan spinning constantly.

A stream of cool wind blew out from the magic fan, blowing his disheveled hair and shaking it.

After enjoying it with his eyes closed for a while, Viscount Leslie suddenly shook his head: "This thing is still not good. It is not as cool as the frost magic circle."

The Brunei housekeeper who had been standing aside immediately bowed and responded: "Yes, Lord Viscount. None of the nobles in Bangta City bought this magic fan. Everyone thinks it is a commoner's thing. I suggest you not to continue. If you use it well, it will have its own merits.”

"Oh? Do all those idiots think so?" Viscount Leslie turned his head and looked at the Brunei housekeeper, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Seeing the lazy smile on Viscount Leslie's face, the Brunei housekeeper sighed inwardly.

The Viscount has just turned thirty this year. He is in the prime of life. With his handsome appearance and decent manners, he is very popular among the noble ladies in the aristocratic circle in Bangta City. However, he has no intention of getting married yet. The Earl of Anvilmar has been worrying about this for a long time.

"Lord Viscount, what do you mean?" Of course, the Brunei housekeeper would not reveal his thoughts, but just gave the appropriate compliment.

"What? Don't you understand?" Viscount Leslie pointed at the magic fan. "Although this thing is not as effective as the Frost Magic Array, don't forget that the cost of this thing is far less than the Frost Magic Array. The ordinary families in Bangta City can't afford to install the Frost Magic Array, but it doesn't mean they can't buy it. You can buy this magic fan and bring yourself a cool breeze with just two gold coins. What's not acceptable?"

The Brunei housekeeper nodded slightly: "That's true. During this period, the magic fans sold very well in Bangta City, and even people from many villages outside the city came to the city to buy them."

"Brunei, how much do you think it would cost to make one of these?" Viscount Leslie suddenly asked again.

Brunei didn't hesitate much and immediately replied: "I have roughly calculated that the cost of a magic fan should not exceed one gold coin."

"Haha, the cost is only one gold coin, but one unit sells for two gold coins. In other words, for every magic fan sold, that guy Xu Yi will earn one gold coin. Then do you know that he How many units have you sold so far?”

"Um... I don't know. But it should be more than two thousand, right?" the Brunei housekeeper replied uncertainly.

"Even if he has two thousand units, that's two thousand gold coins. This guy earned two thousand gold coins in just one month. He is really quite capable." Viscount Leslie's tone was filled with admiration.

The Brunei housekeeper was a little strange. He frowned and said: "Sir Viscount, although I also admit that he is very capable, this is just a special case. Magic fans can only be sold in the summer, and they can only be sold in a year at most. It’s only three months. Besides, not every family needs much of this thing. Once every family that can afford it buys it, he won’t be able to earn so many gold coins from this.”

"Brunei, you are getting old after all." Viscount Leslie sighed and shook his head. "You don't understand. No one in Bangta City has bought it. He can sell this thing to other cities or even other countries. The Sainz continent is so big that there are countless families who want to buy this magic fan. Count, as long as he can transport this thing to other places, he will definitely be able to sell it. I can even tell you with certainty that this guy has had this idea from the beginning, otherwise why do you think he would. He rented a whole hectare of land from me at once? If he just maintains his current scale, he doesn't need such a large area, he can just find a small workshop in the city. "

The Brunei housekeeper said in surprise: "Does he actually have such big ambitions?"

"Haha, it is a good thing to be ambitious. Otherwise, do you think I would talk to you about a small businessman who is not attractive at all?" Viscount Leslie chuckled. "Actually, what really made me notice him was when a group of people besieged his store last time."

"Oh, I was quite surprised about that incident. I thought it would cause a big fuss, but I didn't expect them to handle it very well. In the end, those people went back very satisfied." The Brunei housekeeper couldn't help but express his voice. With a hint of appreciation. "I have seen that Heinze, but he is not a person with such strong abilities, so Xu Yi should be the one who handles this matter."

"This alone is nothing. What caught my attention was what he proposed... By the way, brand! Brunei, do you understand the meaning of this word?"

The Brunei housekeeper shook his head blankly.

"To be honest, I don't understand either. But I feel that this thing must be very important. The other businessmen in Bangta City still don't understand the meaning of this thing, but I believe that they will definitely understand it in the future." Viscount Slee's tone was unusually certain, and he seemed to be very convinced of his conclusion.

The Brunei housekeeper frowned and thought for a while, and couldn't help but ask: "Master Viscount, you have said so much, what do you want to say? No matter what Xu Yi wants to do, it doesn't seem to have much to do with you, right? Although he asked I gave you 10% of the shares, but according to my estimation, it can only bring in a few hundred gold coins a year at most, so you don’t need to worry so much about it, right?”

Viscount Leslie laughed and said, "Brunei, you still don't believe me when I say you are old. Go, go there in person tomorrow, send an invitation to Xu Yi for me, and say that I invited him to be a guest here."

The Brunei housekeeper's eyes widened in astonishment.

Did he hear it correctly? The Viscount, who never likes to be disturbed by guests, actually invites others to his home


Xu Yi didn't feel honored at all now. After testing the magic head-turning machine and the magic tooth-rolling machine for hundreds of times with Master Ranu, he put forward a lot of adjustment suggestions to Master Ranu.

While receiving countless complaints from Master Ranu, he also received good news that he would make adjustments within three days.

This process almost exhausted Xu Yi's physical strength and energy. When he dragged his tired body back to his rented cabin, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Yi woke up from his sleep, and his nose immediately smelled the aroma of stewed meat.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear conversations coming from the kitchen.

It’s actually a girl’s voice!

Xu Yi was shocked. Did someone sneak in while he was sleeping

After getting up, Xu Yi went to the kitchen and took a look, only to see two figures, one large and one small, with their backs to him, busy in front of the stove.

No matter big or small, both figures were very familiar to him.

"Steele, why are you here?" Xu Yi said in shock.

Steele, who was shaking the spatula, turned his head in surprise and smiled at Xu Yi: "You're awake. Go wash your face and get ready to eat."

Xu Yi glanced at her inexplicably, then looked at the little slave he bought next to Steele, and couldn't help but frown.

"Hey, your injuries haven't healed yet, why did you run out?"

Although the little slave had been staying with Xu Yi for many days, he still looked timid. When he heard this, he shrunk, lowered his head and left the kitchen, returning to the room Xu Yi had prepared for him.

"Xu Yi, why are you hurting her? I called her to help." Seeing Xu Yi yelling away the little helper, Steele couldn't help but said dissatisfied.

"You didn't see that he was still injured, and you actually asked him to help? It would be troublesome if the wound opened."

"Don't worry, I've checked the wounds on his body. They're almost healed. There's nothing wrong with him at all." Steele had already fried a plate of vegetables and pouted at Xu Yi, gesturing for him to put another plate of vegetables and a The stew was brought out.

While placing the utensils, Steele asked Xu Yi softly: "Hey, Xu Yi, what's going on with this little girl?"

"Little girl? Who?" Xu Yi asked in shock.

"Of course it's her." Steele pointed to the hut where the slave had lived since childhood.

"Oh, it's a little slave I bought back. It's quite troublesome to talk about this. I'll explain it to you later... Wait, you mean a little girl?" Xu Yi suddenly widened his eyes.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Seeing Xu Yi's surprised expression, Steele was also stunned.

"Isn't he a boy?" Xu Yi asked in surprise.

"What kind of boy? You're obviously a little girl, okay! Is there something wrong with your eyes?" Steele scolded him unceremoniously.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

The first time he saw this little slave, she was being whipped to death by three strong men with leather whips. Xu Yi subconsciously thought of her as a little boy because he didn't believe that there were still people in this world who would treat her like a boy. A little girl did this cruel thing.

Later, after buying her from the Brunei housekeeper, she was always wrapped in gauze because of injuries on her body, and Xu Yi didn't have much time to interact with her, so naturally he didn't pay attention to these problems.

Unexpectedly, the little boy he always thought of was actually a little girl!