Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 2: It would be nice to have a fan


"Hot! It's so hot!"

A loud complaint suddenly resounded in the room, immediately arousing a wave of echoes.

"Yeah, why is it so hot? It's almost killing me."

"That's right, I just want to take off all my clothes!"

"Get out! Rem, you bastard, there is a woman here."

"Tch, Wella, are you considered a woman?"

Hearing the complaints from his colleagues, Xu Yi raised his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves.

It was indeed hot.

Unknowingly, he has been working in Camilla Magic Tower for a month.

It's already early July, it's midsummer, and the weather is naturally extremely hot.

In the past month, he had been doing odd jobs in a magic research laboratory under the great magician Camilla, and had hardly participated in any specific magic research work.

Xu Yi was not surprised by this. With several years of experience working on the earth, he knew very well that a newcomer like him would have to do some basic work at first before he could slowly integrate into it.

What's more, his magical ability is not outstanding in the laboratory at all, and what happened when he applied has long been spread. Now almost everyone in the laboratory thinks that he came in through Miss Steele's back door. , many colleagues have a hint of contempt and disdain for him.

"Is this guy attracted by Miss Steele because of his good looks?"

Xu Yi could only smile bitterly at this. Except for meeting Steele on the day of application, he had never seen Steele for a second time in the past month. Apart from knowing Steele from chats with colleagues, Nothing is known about her except that she is the granddaughter of the great magician Camilla. God knows how these rumors spread.

Of course, he also knew that the so-called rumors were originally baseless.

So he didn't explain at all, but while doing his job well, he kept improving his magic level by observing the magic research conducted by his colleagues.

Xu Yi's talent is actually quite good. Even though he is just observing from the side, his magic level has actually improved a lot in this month.

After all, the strength of the great magician Camilla is far from comparable to those of the teachers in Senkohaier Academy. Even though it was just some magic research he assigned, the level was much higher than Xu Yi's study at Senkohaier Academy.

"By the way, when I was called by the Great Magician to give a report the day before yesterday, I found that his room was very cool. Why?"

The person speaking was Rem, who had just been denounced as a bastard. He was a fifth-level magician who had passed the Magicians Guild qualification certification test. He ranked third in strength in this laboratory of seventeen people, including Xu Yi, and had a bad personality. He is very outgoing and creates a lively atmosphere in the research room.

"Idiot, the great magician has a large frost array in his room. Of course it will be cooler."

The one who answered him was Wella who scolded Rem for being stupid. She was a fourth-level magician, slightly less powerful than Rem, and had a more serious personality. She usually scolded Rem, but everyone could see that she was actually against Rem. Rem is special and has been recognized as a couple in private.

"Oh? Then why don't we have a large frost array in our research room?"

"I don't believe you are stupid! Just setting up a large frost array costs thirty gold coins, not to mention that maintaining the array consumes ten high-level magic crystals every day. That requires five gold coins, one month In total, it's one hundred and fifty gold coins. Let me ask you, Rem, how much is your monthly salary?" Wei Na replied angrily.

"Well... haha..." Rem laughed twice, not daring to answer.

Xu Yi knew very well that Rem's monthly salary was considered high in the research room, but it was only thirty gold coins. Not to mention the cost of maintaining a large frost array, it was impossible to just set it up.

In the entire Camilla Magic Tower, the only room equipped with a large frost magic circle is the room of the respected Camilla Magician, and there are no other rooms.

"Actually, I was lucky enough to visit the magic tower of the great magician Esenka last time. They have frost circles in every room, and even red wine in every room..." A slightly timid voice sounded. .

This voice belongs to Salsa, who is closest in age and strength to Xu Yi in the laboratory. Because before Xu Yi entered the laboratory, she ranked last in terms of strength, and her personality is slightly cowardly, so any Sometimes he seems a little timid.

"Great Magician Aisenka? That's one of the richest great magicians in our Lampali Kingdom, right? Of course the conditions are much better than ours. Tell me, why is it that the same great magician Aisenka The great magician is so rich, but our respected great magician Camilla is so poor that he can’t even afford to set up a frost circle for us?”

After Rem let out a long sigh, he found that no one agreed with him. He looked around in shock, but saw that everyone lowered their heads, making it clear that they did not want to accept his words.

Only Wella glared at him fiercely and winked at him.

Rem suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing without restraint, so he quickly lowered his head and stopped talking.

Xu Yi, who was watching this scene from the side, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and reveal a smile.

Rem's question reminded him of the graduate tutors he met when he was a graduate student. Some tutors were more capable and could handle many projects, so they would naturally earn more. Some tutors were less capable, and of course they would earn less.

Of course, there are differences between tutors who earn more. Some will give equally generous remuneration to the graduate students who work under their names, which naturally makes everyone happy.

Some tutors make a lot of money themselves, but are very stingy with their graduate students. Of course they will be complained about.

As for which category does the great magician Camilla belong to

Xu Yi is still not qualified to meet the great magician Camilla. He doesn't have any understanding, so naturally he can't make a conclusion.

"But to be honest, it would be nice to have a large frost formation. At least it won't be so hot." Xu Yi shook his clothes and tried to let himself breathe.

Although he can arrange a small frost magic circle in his body to cool down, maintaining the magic circle requires a lot of magic power. With his current magic power, he can only maintain it for less than half an hour at most, and it will take more than three to recover. Hours of meditation are totally worth the loss.

What's more important is that the work in the research room will use magic power at any time, so even Rem, a powerful fifth-level magician, does not dare to waste magic power on such things easily.

Xu Yi habitually looked up at the wall of the research room and found that it was empty, with no sign of air conditioning anywhere.

"This technologically backward world..." Xu Yi could only shake his head and sighed. "If there is no air conditioning, it would be good to have an electric fan."

Thinking of the electric fan, Xu Yi's heart suddenly moved, as if he had captured something.

After being stunned for a long time, Xu Yi slapped his thigh suddenly.

"Stupid! If not, wouldn't I do it myself?"

The "snap" sound of Xu Yi slapping his thigh alerted the others who were immersed in their work. They looked at Xu Yi in surprise, only to find that this guy who had been relatively silent since entering the research room seemed to suddenly encounter something happy. Something happened, with an ecstatic expression on his face.

"Is this guy crazy?"

How could Xu Yi pay attention to their gazes at this time? He was completely immersed in the thoughts that suddenly popped up in his heart.

That's right, what he suddenly thought of was to make his own electric fan!

Of course, there is no electricity in this world, but there is something that can replace electricity, and that is magic!

Xu Yi quickly organized his thoughts in his mind, then quickly pulled out a piece of paper and started drawing crazily on it.

As a professional mechanical engineer, although Xu Yi is not a light industry major, he has been interested in the mechanical industry since he was a child, so he knows the structure and principles of electric fans very well.

Coupled with professional mechanical engineering knowledge, Xu Yi quickly successfully copied the structural diagram of the electric fan.

After some research, Xu Yi quickly determined his ideas for transformation.

If you want to use automatic fans in this world, the first solution is power supply.

There is no electricity in this world, but the use of magic circles can provide the same power. This is exactly what Xu Yi has been studying when he was studying at Senkehaier Academy.

The piano model brought out during the interview can actually be regarded as a manifestation of his research results.

The structure of the electric fan is very simple for a senior mechanical engineer like him, and the magic array that replaces the electric drive is also not complicated. Xu Yi only spent less than an hour to draw the magic array.

This magic array is a primary wind magic array that can simulate the effect of low-level wind magic - wind whirlpool.

What Xu Yi has to do next is to combine the structure of this magic circle with the electric fan to successfully drive the fan.

Of course, Xu Yi still has many problems to solve.

For example, how high should the wind rotation speed simulated by the magic array be to drive the fan blades and replace the motor effect of the electric fan

For example, what if the magic array is perfectly embedded in the structure of the fan, so that it can function without affecting the overall structure of the fan

For example, as the power source to drive the magic array, what quality should be used to ensure sufficient power

Also like...

The more questions he thought of, the more excited Xu Yi became.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the time when he was still on Earth.

At that time, when the Engineering Research Institute did not encounter any problems, Xu Yi was always so excited.

He is actually an out-and-out research geek. Researching and solving problems is more pleasurable to him than any kind of entertainment.

In the blink of an eye, it was time to get off work, and colleagues in the laboratory left one after another.

Xu Yi was still immersed in research, but these colleagues were already used to it.

During this month, Xu Yi would stay and work overtime almost every day.

These colleagues really appreciate Xu Yi's spirit.

But they didn't know that this time, Xu Yi was not just doing magic research.