Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 20: Vivian


"This..." Xu Yi couldn't help scratching his head, thinking that he was really careless.

In fact, it's not Xu Yi's fault to say that. He didn't have much contact with girls on Earth, and he always stayed with cold machines and data, so he was very slow in this regard.

Moreover, this little slave is too thin, not well developed at all, and has no girlish features at all.

If it weren't for special circumstances, perhaps Xu would have continued to misunderstand like this.

Seeing the embarrassed look on Xu Yi's face, Steele suddenly laughed.

"Hey, Xu Yi, when I saw such a young girl in your house, I thought you had special hobbies like those women from the nobility. Now that I see it this way, I have misunderstood you. ”

Xu Yi couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

What is a special hobby? Even if I had that kind of thought, I wouldn't be tempted by such a bean sprout-like child, right

"Don't talk about me, first tell me how you came to my house?" Xu Yi asked angrily. "How do you know I live here? Besides, if you think I'm a **, why do you still stay here? And what does cooking for me mean?"

"You have so many questions." Steele muttered. "Thanks to you, I have completely completed the piano model. I came to you originally to invite you out for dinner as a thank you, but I didn't expect to see you asleep as soon as I came. Seeing how tired you were, I can't bear to wake you up. After thinking about it, how about I cook you a meal? Looking at the mess you have here, no one has ever cooked for you, right? "

Steele's pretty face, coupled with this cute and cute smile, made Xu Yi's eyes light up and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Uh... I said, you want to treat me to dinner, but you use the materials I bought and the tools I own. Isn't this too frugal?"

"Tch, I cook the food myself. This is a treatment that even grandpas can hardly enjoy. Just be satisfied." Steele snorted coldly and pointed to the room inside. "Go and call that little girl out for dinner. Although she shouldn't have dinner with us as a slave, I don't think you regard her as a slave."

"Of course, slaves should not exist in this world." Xu Yi sighed, shook his head, and walked toward the inner room.

Hearing Xu Yi's subconscious sigh, Steele was slightly startled, and looked at Xu Yi's back with a gleaming look.

"By the way, Xu Yi, besides wanting to treat you to dinner this time to express my gratitude, I also have something to inform you." During the meal, Steele suddenly said.

"Huh? What's the matter? Could it be that the great magician Camilla was dissatisfied and decided to fire me because I took too much leave during this period?" Xu Yi asked indifferently.

"Go, who said you were going to be fired?" Steele's eyes widened and he pointed at Xu Yida: "Tell you, grandpa is very optimistic about you. Although you refused to be his apprentice, he said that your magic talent is You are tall enough, and you always have some novel ideas. Staying in the magic tower might inspire him, so why would he be willing to fire you?"

"That's good. That's not to fire me. Is there anything I need you to inform me about?"

"Listen up. Xu Yi, although I don't know why you don't care so much about improving your magic strength, I must tell you very seriously that since you are already a magician, on the continent of Sainz , the magician level is almost everything to you." Steele's face became extremely serious, which showed that what she said now was very solemn. "There are less than three months left before the annual unified certification assessment time of the Magicians Guild. As a three-star great magician recognized by the Magicians Guild, Grandpa has three recommendation quotas in his hand. He decided to give one quota to you. Recommendation You go to take the qualification examination of the Magician Guild. Do you understand what this means?"

Xu Yi shook his head very honestly: "I don't understand."

Steele couldn't keep a serious expression at that moment and shouted angrily: "You're stupid! You don't understand this? If the candidate is recommended by the great magician, the magician's union will be appropriately relaxed during the qualification certification assessment. Some standards. In other words, as long as you have this recommended quota, it will be much easier to pass the qualification examination than an ordinary magician!"

"Then what? Become a magician whose strength does not match his level?" Xu Yi asked.

Steele was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Because she suddenly discovered that Xu Yi's rhetorical question was so accurate that she had no way to refute it.

Seeing Steele's speechless look, Xu Yi smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to Steele: "Give it to me."

"What for you?" Steele asked numbly.

"Is it something that represents the recommended quota? I can't just go to the Magician's Guild and tell others that I was recommended by the Great Magician Camilla, and the people in the Magician's Guild will believe it, right?"

Steele asked in astonishment: "Don't you want this recommendation spot?"

"Who said I didn't want it?"

"But you just said..."

"That's what I said, but I also know the significance of this assessment." Xu Yi said with a smile. "I'm twenty-seven years old this year, and I'm not an idealistic kid like you. How can I give up conveniences but not know how to take advantage of them? Besides, this also represents the great magician Camilla... Well , and your kindness, if I refuse, wouldn’t it be a waste of your kindness?”

Steele looked at Xu Yi blankly for a while, then suddenly slammed the table, stood up suddenly, and said angrily: "You are the child!"

After that, he left directly without looking back.

Looking at Steele's disappearing back, Xu Yi smiled and shook his head.

"It seems that this sentence is her taboo. I can't say it in front of her easily in the future."

Looking back, he caught a glimpse of the little slave on the side looking at him blankly, with a look of confusion on his face. Xu Yi smiled slightly and said to her: "I'm sorry, I have been busy for so many days and I don't have time to chat with you." How are you getting used to staying here? "

The little slave shook his head at first, then suddenly nodded vigorously as if he remembered something.

Xu Yi frowned slightly: "You... can't speak?"

The little slave nodded.

"What does this mean? Can you speak or can't you?"

The little slave slowly opened his mouth, and it took him a while to spit out a few syllables: "Can... can speak... words..."

Judging from her slightly hoarse voice and the pronunciation of Chi Chi Ai Ai, she seemed to have not spoken for a long time, so that she seemed very unskilled when speaking now.

Xu Yi thought for a while, took a spoonful of broth and poured it into her bowl.

"You don't have to be so afraid here. Although I bought you back, I won't treat you as a slave, and I won't beat you. Don't worry."

The little slave glanced at the broth in the bowl and nodded slightly.

"I... I know... know that you... are... a good person."

"Ha, I was given a good guy card." Xu Yi chuckled. "By the way, what's your name? I haven't asked yet."

"Wei... Vivian..."

"Vivian? That's a good name." Xu Yi praised it. Seeing a look of pain on the little slave's face, he knew that this name might have triggered some painful memories for her, so he shook his head and asked no more questions. .

He knew that the life of this little slave must have been very difficult before, which caused her to have a serious psychological shadow. If she wanted to resolve it, she would need to work hard slowly over a long period of time and not in a hurry.

After finishing the meal, the little slave took the initiative to put away the dishes. Xu Yi thought about it and did not stop her action.

Now letting her do something will actually make it easier for her to integrate into her new life, which is actually a good thing for her.

Xu Yi returned to the workroom after doing a few exercises as usual.

The Magic Heading Machine and Magic Teeth Rubbing Machine have been successfully developed, which means that the second version of the variable speed Magic Fan will be officially put into mass production, but before that, Xu Yi still has a lot of problems to solve.

Although it only has three more words "variable speed" than the first version of the magic fan, the changes to the magic array and the overall design of the fan involved are very complex, and many data need to be recalculated.

Unfortunately, many of the things involved in this process cannot be accomplished by others, because currently he is the only one who is proficient in both the magic circle and the mechanical industry, and he is the only one who can perfectly combine the two.

"Talents are rare." Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh as he thought about the massive problems that needed to be solved.

If there were as many highly educated and complete knowledge systems in this world as there are on earth, then his work would definitely not be so hard.

But thinking about it on the other hand, if Sainz continent has so many relevant talents on earth, it is impossible for Xu Yiran to earn a large amount of money just by relying on a magic fan with low technical content.

“As the saying goes, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

Xu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head. Just as he was about to regain his energy and start researching, a tray suddenly stretched out from the side.

Looking at the steaming cup of strong tea on the tray, Xu Yi smiled and said: "Vivian, you don't have to worry about me, just go to bed."

Vivian put the tea cup in Xu Yi's hand, lowered her head and lowered her hands, and said softly: "Serving... serving the master is... it is my duty."

Xu Yi smiled and was too lazy to continue persuading her. He turned around and continued working.

At first, Vivian was a little cautious and stood beside Xu Yi with her head lowered. After a while, she raised her head and looked at Xu Yi, who was concentrating on his work, with a look of curiosity on his face.

This new owner is indeed much kinder to me than the previous owner.

But why does he have to work so hard