Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 21: Cash reward


On the land rented from Viscount Leslie, the factory that was built less than three days ago is already in full swing.

In fact, to say that this place is a factory is too flattering, because this so-called factory currently only has one building, and it is just a simple wooden house with one floor, covering an area of only 500 square meters.

If you insist on saying so, it’s just a small workshop.

Of course, there was nothing we could do about it. Time was tight. It had only been less than ten days since he leased this land from Viscount Leslie. Heinze was able to summon enough people in such a short period of time. To have built such a large wooden house with human hands is already considered a feat of ability.

"If his thinking could be more flexible and far-sighted, he would be a very suitable CEO." Xu Yi looked at Heinze who was busy supervising production in the distance, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

The rarity of talents is not only reflected in researchers, but also in managers.

Xu Yi is currently worried about only Heinze, and basically all management is left to Heinze.

It should be said that Heinze did a good job. Whether it was production, sales or logistics, he did it in an orderly manner, so that the overall progress was carried out smoothly without any drag.

But that's all.

After all, Heinze was just an ordinary grocery store owner with a limited vision. He could do some trivial things very well, but he did not have a higher level of cognition, allowing him to take the initiative to make some changes and responses.

Many times, Xu Yi had to pay attention to the overall situation and give him some pointers, which made Xu Yi also spend a lot of energy on these matters.

If a more suitable management talent than Heinze emerges, not only can Xu Yi be freed up to focus on research and long-term planning, but Heinze can also be freed up to focus on production and logistics management. This can significantly improve efficiency.

"Where can we find such talents?" Xu Yi was a little worried.

"President, can I discuss something with you?" A childish voice suddenly sounded from the side, interrupting Xu Yi's thoughts.

Xu Yi turned around and looked slightly startled: "Olin, are you done with your work?"

This fat boy is one of the thirty students he hired from Baron Rector's Magic Academy this time. Unlike the other twenty-nine students from ordinary or even poor families, this one is called Orin Zetaman. But the student is the biological son of Viscount Zetaman in Bangta City, and he is the son of an out-and-out noble.

When he first saw this guy's information, Xu Yi was very surprised. With this guy's family background, why did he need to work for him

Ou Lin's answer left Xu Yi a little speechless. He said that firstly, he wanted to experience life, and secondly, he was very interested in magic fans and wanted to come and study them.

Xu Yi felt at the time that this boy signed up just for fun. Once he found out that the work in the factory was boring, he might not be able to persist at all.

Xu Yi originally wanted to reject him, but there was no suitable reason, because this was the first batch of students he recruited at Baron Rector Magic Academy, and Orin was also a famous magic genius in the academy, so he couldn't come up with a good reason. Rejecting him would have an impact on future recruitment efforts.

Besides, even a student like Ou Lin, who has a rich family background and excellent magic talent, is willing to come here to work, which is also a stimulus to other students in the college.

You see, even Orin is willing to come, so why wouldn’t the rest of you be reluctant

So Xu Yi recruited Ou Lin with a little worry.

Unexpectedly, more than a week has passed since he started working. Olin not only persisted, but also meticulously completed all the tasks assigned to him. Because of his outstanding magic talent, he completed more magic circles than other students. The more precise the result, the better.

These performances couldn't help but make Xu Yi change his opinion greatly.

"The morning's share has been completed." Orin replied loudly.

Xu Yi glanced at where the students were busy and found that several students had finished their work this morning and were resting. He nodded: "Well, good. So what are you discussing with me?" Are there any work requirements? Just say it, as long as it is a reasonable request, I will agree.”

"There are work requirements. For example, it's too hot here. I strongly urge you to set up a large frost circle here. Otherwise, it will affect our work efficiency and enthusiasm."

Xu Yi suddenly smiled bitterly, shook his head and said: "I'm afraid I can't promise you this. You have a large frost array at home. You should know how much it costs to set up and maintain it, right? I can't afford it now. But bear with me for now. When I develop the magic air conditioner, the situation will be much better."

"Magic air conditioner?" Ou Lin's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly: "What is that? Is it a new type of magic machine? President, can you tell me in detail? I'm very interested!"

Xu Yi knew that he had accidentally let something slip, so he waved his hand quickly: "This thing is just an idea at the moment, and we haven't officially started researching it yet. At least we won't be able to catch up with it this summer, so don't ask about it."

"Oh... So it's still confidential." Orin nodded disappointedly, but he also very obediently didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. From your tone, you didn't come to me to make demands. So what exactly do you want to discuss?" Xu Yi quickly changed the subject.

Hearing this question, Orin suddenly showed an excited look, took out a drawing from his arms and handed it over.

"President, look, this is the whirlwind array I researched last night. What do you think?"

"Wind whirlwind array?" Xu Yi glanced at Ou Lin strangely, thinking that your job now is to draw the whirlwind array, why do you have to go back to study this thing

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to dampen Olin's enthusiasm. He took the drawing and took a look at it. He suddenly let out a light sigh and began to observe it seriously.

After a while, Xu Yi raised his head and looked at Ou Lin in astonishment: "Did you research this whirlwind array by yourself?"

Orin puffed up his chest and said proudly: "I am alone, no one is helping me."

As if meeting Orin for the first time, Xu Yi looked him up and down, suddenly reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and praised: "Good boy, no wonder Director Lian Shearer said you are from Baron Rector's Magic Academy. Rare magic genius, let me take good care of you."

Ou Lin chuckled and pointed to the drawing in Xu Yi's hand: "President, you haven't said anything about this magic circle yet? I think if it is changed like this, it should be slightly better than the previous whirlwind magic circle, but it doesn't So sure."

Xu Yi laughed: "Didn't you see that I praised you so much? The answer is of course yes. Let me tell you, although I have not done experiments on your changes, I can infer that with this change alone, you can Let the power consumption of the magic fan be a little lower than before."

"Huh? Just lower it a little?" Orin was disappointed. "President, I can only say that the magic circle you designed is so outstanding. There are almost no flaws. I tried my best and could only make so few changes."

Xu Yi vigorously patted Ou Lin on the shoulder and said sternly: "Don't underestimate this little change. I can tell you seriously that for magic machinery, any slight change, no, to be precise It is an improvement, and it has very important significance. Don't underestimate this change, because it can slightly reduce the speed at which the magic fan consumes magic crystals, which also makes those who buy the magic fan save money when using it. For us, it means that people are more willing to buy Magic Fans, which means that our new Feipai Magic Fans are of higher quality, which is not what you can do now. "Understood."

Ou Lin was stunned for a moment by what Xu Yi said, thinking that he had just made a small change, why did the president say it as if it meant so much

After thinking about it, he became happy again.

He changed the whirlwind circle just out of interest and didn't think much about it. Being recognized by Xu Yi was enough to satisfy him.

Xu Yi suddenly grabbed Ou Lin's arm and dragged him to where the students were working.

Facing the puzzled looks of the other twenty-nine students and Heinze, Xu Yi raised Olin's arm high and said loudly: "Everyone, listen up, Olin just proposed to me a proposal for the whirlwind array. A change plan. After my confirmation, this change plan has a positive effect on magic fans, so I hereby announce that because of this change plan proposed by Orin, he will receive a special research reward from the Chamber of Commerce. The prize is... ten gold coins. !”