Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 22: Be a guest


As soon as Xu Yi finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

"Ten gold coins? That's a lot!"

"Oh my god! What changes did this boy Olin make? That he would be rewarded with ten gold coins all at once?"

"If I had known earlier, I would have done some research. I am very confident in the magic circle."

"That's right, ten gold coins! If I can get this reward, I can let my mother have a good rest for a while..."

You must know that these students only earn two silver coins for each magic circle they draw here. If they want to get ten gold coins, they will need to draw a full 500 magic arrays!

For other students whose family background is far inferior to that of Oulin, ten gold coins is a real and large number.

Listening to the students talking, Xu Yi winked at Heinze who was in a daze. Heinze immediately understood and hurriedly walked aside. After a while, he came over with a hastily wrapped small paper bag in his hand. Pass it directly to Orin.

"Olin, this is your reward, you can count it."

"No need, President, I only study magic circles out of my own interest. This reward... I don't want it." Orin shook his head and waved, not wanting to accept the reward.

Although he is usually very proud, he also knows that there is a gap between him and these classmates because of his family background. If he receives this award in front of everyone, it is even more likely that he will be completely separated from everyone.

This is not a pleasant experience.

"Take it. This is a rule of the Chamber of Commerce, and it's not just for you." Xu Yi took the paper bag and stuffed it into Ou Lin's arms. "Here, let's check if there are ten gold coins in it?"

Seeing Xu Yi's resolute attitude, Ou Lin could only open the paper bag with an embarrassed expression, poured out all the gold coins inside, and counted them one by one.

Seeing the shining gold coins shining in Orin's hands, the other students couldn't help but shine with their eyes.

Xu Yi smiled slightly and raised his voice again: "Listen, I just said that this rule is not just for Ou Lin. Any one of you can also get this as long as you can provide a solution to improve the magic fan. A reward!”

"President, any method will work?" A tall boy raised his hand and asked.

"As long as it is related to the magic fan and can improve the magic fan, it will be fine." Xu Yi said seriously. "Of course, this is on the premise that it does not affect your own work. If you are just thinking about these things, but delay the work you should complete and affect the production progress, not only will your remuneration be deducted by me, but you will also be deducted according to the contract. , I may also fire you directly."

This bad guy has to do it first. Otherwise, if these students get hot-headed and focus on studying improvement plans but forget their most basic work, they will lose more than they gain.

The students looked at each other, then suddenly lowered their heads and started working seriously.

Compared with before, their enthusiasm for work seemed to be much higher.

Heinze glanced at Ou Lin, who had returned to his post and was immersed in work, and asked Xu Yi quietly: "Ten gold coins? Is it worth it?"

Xu Yi smiled softly: "Of course it's worth it. Heinze, remember, research and improvements like this are of great significance to any product. This policy will continue in the future, and is not limited to magic circles. In the future, we may include the entire production process of magic fans, and if there are improvements in the appearance design of magic fans, we should also reward them and encourage them to do so.”

Heinze said in confusion: "Didn't you complete all these things? Don't you think the things you have researched are not as good as these guys who don't have all their hair?"

"No matter how powerful I am, I am only one person. One person's power has its limits, but the wisdom of the crowd is infinite. Don't underestimate these students. Maybe a great person will be born among them in the future. Magical Mechanical Engineer.”

Heinze looked at the students opposite who were working enthusiastically and shook his head slightly.

Why can't he see it

Just when Heinze was about to discuss the next step of work with Xu Yi, a shout suddenly sounded from the door of the wooden house: "Mr. Xu Yi."

Both of them were startled. It seemed that the only person who would call Xu Yi with such a formal title was the old butler of Viscount Leslie.

Looking back, who suddenly appeared at the door of the wooden house, who was it not the Brunei housekeeper

Xu Yi hurriedly greeted him.

"Butler Brunei, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

The Brunei housekeeper glanced inside the wooden house twice, then took out an invitation with gold edges from his arms and handed it to Xu Yi.

"Mr. Xu Yi, on behalf of my master, Viscount Leslie, I sincerely invite you to visit the Viscount Manor at noon today."

Xu Yi was startled and looked at each other with Heinze, somewhat confused.

How could Viscount Leslie, who didn't even show up when renting the land, suddenly think of inviting Xu Yi as a guest


Xu Yi was slightly surprised when he saw Viscount Leslie.

Since he has rented Viscount Leslie's land, Xu Yi naturally needs to know a little bit about this Viscount.

Through Heinze's repeated inquiries, Xu also knew that Viscount Leslie was very well-known in the aristocratic circles of Bonta City. He seemed to be just thirty years old this year. It was said that because of his handsome appearance and strong family background, he was deeply loved by the public. The ladies and ladies from the aristocratic circle in Bangta City welcomed him, but he was a famous playboy in Bangta City.

Xu Yi originally thought that this guy should have a pretty face, and his demeanor may look chic but is actually frivolous. I'm afraid he is also very arrogant, and he is by no means an easy person to get along with.

But after actually meeting him, Xu Yi found that his impression of him was somewhat biased.

The guy in front of him is indeed handsome, but he has regular features, thick eyebrows and big eyes. At first glance, he has a righteous face. His skin color is not like the pale one popular among nobles, but is bronze or even slightly dark.

The whole person is tall and well-proportioned. Needless to say, he is also keen on sports and fitness. He is definitely not comparable to those ordinary aristocratic princes who are delicate and frail.

At the first sight of Viscount Leslie, Xu Yi immediately put away his contempt for him.

This Viscount Leslie is probably different from those domineering and arrogant young aristocratic young men I have met by chance before.

While Xu Yi was sizing up Viscount Leslie, he was also sizing up Xu Yi, and seemed to be very interested in Xu Yi. He carefully looked at Xu Yi from top to bottom several times, and then pointed. The small table next to me: "Please sit down."

Xu Yi bowed respectfully according to the common people's etiquette, and then sat down opposite Viscount Leslie.

Seeing Xu Yi's performance, Viscount Leslie chuckled: "You don't have to be so restrained. I don't pay attention to those troublesome etiquette like those old men. Just feel free to do it. You see, I'm not entertaining you in the living room." , so it’s not a formal occasion, just treat it as an invitation from a friend to have a casual meal at home.”

Xu Yi glanced at him, wondering why he was so polite to him.

From a purely status point of view, Xu Yi is just a very ordinary civilian, while the other party is the real viscount of the Lampali Kingdom, a real nobleman.

Although Xu Yi is a magician, magicians are not that rare in this continent, and ordinary magicians are not taken seriously.

In Bangta City, only great magicians like Camilla are respected by everyone.

What's more, Xu Yi didn't even pass the qualification certification examination of the Magician Guild, which is even less worth mentioning.

From a business point of view, if Xu Yi rents the territory of Viscount Leslie, he will be even more controlled by others. He should be polite to Viscount Leslie.

"Lord Viscount, I wonder why you suddenly summoned me for something important?" Xu Yi couldn't help but ask.

"We'll talk about this later. Come on, let's eat first." Viscount Leslie waved his hand and did not answer.

Xu Yi thought for a while, then simply let go and enjoyed his lunch at the greeting of Viscount Leslie.

As Viscount Leslie said, the place where he entertained Xu Yi was not the living room of the manor, but in a small wooden house by a waterhole. The meal served for the reception was not particularly rich and formal, but just a few refreshing side dishes. That’s all.

Of course, these side dishes are extremely exquisite, but they are incomparable to any restaurant in Bangta City.

During the dinner, Viscount Leslie was very enthusiastic. While greeting Xu Yi, he talked loudly and chatted with Xu Yitian all over the world. It didn't happen that he was the same for a long time, which fully showed that his knowledge was much higher than that of ordinary civilians.

It wasn't until lunch was finished and the servants removed all the tableware and served two glasses of perfectly frozen juice that Viscount Leslie ended his chat, glanced at Xu Yi, and suddenly said: "Xu Yi, listen to the Brunei housekeeper. Say, your magic fan workshop has started?"

"Here we come." Xu Yi's heart moved, he took a sip of juice, moistened his throat and at the same time sorted out his thoughts, paused, nodded and said, "Yes."

"I also heard that your workshop produces a large number of magic fans every day. Can you tell me how many magic fans can be produced in a day now?" After asking this question, Viscount Leslie waved his hand. "Of course, if it's confidential, you don't have to tell me."

Xu Yi smiled slightly: "This is not a secret. The current production is temporarily set at 150 units per day, no more, no less."

"Oh? One hundred and fifty units a day... Let me calculate, you have been working for three days, that is four hundred and fifty units."

"If everything goes smoothly today, then this number is indeed correct." Xu Yi nodded.

"Then I have a question." Viscount Leslie looked at Xu Yi thoughtfully and continued to ask: "If we can produce one hundred and fifty units every day, wouldn't we be able to produce four thousand units in one month?" Five hundred units? Do you think you can sell so many magic fans? There are only 3,000 households in Bangta City. I don’t think every household will buy several magic fans."

"Thank you, Lord Viscount, for your concern." Xu Yi smiled and said: "Actually, as you said, the sales of magic fans in Bangta City have become saturated, and it is difficult to sell more magic fans."

"Oh? Then you still produce so many magic fans? Aren't you worried about not being able to sell them?"

"No one is buying in Bangta City, but there are still a large number of people in need outside Bangta City." Xu Yi replied with a smile. "Lord Viscount, to be honest, we have more than 5,000 orders in hand right now. Only a very small part of them come from Bangta City, and the vast majority come from various villages outside the city. And every day , the number of orders will increase significantly. For example, this morning, I just received an order for a thousand magic fans." At this point, Xu Yi paused briefly and looked at Viscount Leslie's expression. He said with a stronger tone: "It is worth mentioning that this order comes from Kalma City."