Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 23: partner


"Kalmar City?" Viscount Leslie and the Bruneian housekeeper who had been standing aside quickly exchanged a look and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that you have actually sold the magic fan to other cities. It is really unexpected. "

Xu Yi chuckled and shook his head: "Strictly speaking, we didn't sell it, but they came to us."

"Oh? How did you say this?" Viscount Leslie asked curiously.

"Sir Viscount, you just said that there are only a limited number of residents in Bangta City. Even if you include the villages outside Bangta City, there is an upper limit on the demand for magic fans. So we have long planned to promote magic fans to Bangta City. But in fact, we didn’t want to promote it so early because the time was not right yet.”

"Why isn't it suitable?" Viscount Leslie was a little puzzled. "If someone is willing to buy it, aren't you willing to sell it?"

"No, that's not the case. This is just a long-term consideration of mine."

Xu Yi put down the juice and decided to explain it to Viscount Leslie.

After today's brief contact, his impression of Viscount Leslie has greatly changed. He feels that he is not useless like those ordinary dandy nobles, but has his own ideas and insights. So for such a person, Xu Yi was willing to have a more in-depth communication with him.

"Although from the surface, we must sell Magic Fans to a broader market, which will also be of great benefit to our development. But in fact, this cannot be rushed, because while sales are increasing, we must Increase our own production at the same time. Otherwise, if we cannot keep up with the production and cannot complete the order, it will not only cause the loss of sales and market, but the most serious thing is that it will be a huge blow to our credibility. If we lose our credibility, our foundation will be damaged, which will have a fatal impact on our future development.”

Viscount Leslie thought for a while, frowned and asked: "Then why can't you increase production? Is it because there are not enough manpower? But I heard from Brunei that there are only thirty people in your workshop hired from Baron Rector's Magic Academy. The students who came are working, which cannot be said to be in full production. You just said that you can produce 150 magic fans a day, so I think if you are willing to recruit more people, not to say it is too much, at least. You can produce two hundred units a day, right?"

"Lord Viscount, you have forgotten a very important question." Xu Yi shook his head gently.

"what is the problem?"

"That's quality. Although the production process of the magic fan sounds very simple, until now, there are very few people with the actual ability to operate it, or to be more precise, I am the only one who can complete the complete production of the entire magic fan. Although the hired students can take on the most important work of drawing the magic circle, no one except me can complete some specific installation and debugging. This creates a fact that makes me very helpless. The output of the magic fan actually depends entirely on my work efficiency, but my energy is limited. Now the output has reached the limit and there is no way to increase it. "

Viscount Leslie stared at Xu Yi for a long time: "Isn't that right? Since you can leave the most important work of drawing the magic circle to those students, it is impossible that you can't leave other tasks to others. I Look... you are afraid of leaking the core secret, so you are not willing to do this at all, right?"

"Lord Viscount, you underestimate me." Xu Yi smiled slightly. "As I said just now, the craftsmanship of the magic fan is not complicated, and it is not a secret at all to me. It's just that the part of the work I am now responsible for involves a lot of troublesome knowledge. In a short while, It is difficult to teach other people time. However, I believe that this situation will not last long. Those students have gradually mastered some of the essentials. I believe that after a while, they will be able to completely take over my work. "When the time comes, you will find that the production of magic fans has increased dramatically." At this point, Xu Yi paused and showed a mysterious smile. "Also, I might as well reveal a real secret to you, that is, if nothing unexpected happens, a new generation of magic fans will be released soon."

Viscount Leslie was stunned: "New generation? Are there any different magic fans? How are they different from the magic fans you sold before?"

"I'm afraid the specific difference cannot be explained clearly in a few words. You will naturally know it when the new generation of magic fans comes out." Xu Yi deliberately let it slip. "And I can also tell you that the new generation of magic fans adopts a completely different process design and production process, and the output is far beyond that of the magic fans currently being produced. And at that time, we will really push the magic fans to a wider market market time."

Viscount Leslie stared at Xu Yi for a while, slowly shook his head and said with a smile: "At first, when I saw the plan taught to me by Brunei's housekeeper, I thought you were just a lunatic who told lies, but now it seems , I really underestimated you. Very good, since you didn’t disappoint me, we can talk in depth. Brunei, take out the contract.”

The Brunei housekeeper bowed, turned and left.

"Contract?" Xu Yi frowned slightly as he looked at Viscount Leslie who looked confident.

Is this guy trying to cause trouble

After a while, the Brunei housekeeper came back with a document in his hand. Viscount Leslie took the document and placed it directly in front of Xu Yi.

"Let's take a look and ask if you have any questions."

Xu Yi picked up the document and looked at it in confusion, and found that it was a contract about renting land, which was for the land he was currently renting.

However, compared to the first contract initialed by both parties, this contract is much more detailed and more favorable.

In the previous contract, Xu Yi and Heinze only obtained a one-year lease from Viscount Leslie, and had almost no other rights. They would be subject to various restrictions from Viscount Leslie, even where If Viscount Leslie was unhappy, there would be no problem in driving them away.

However, this contract clearly stipulates that Xu Yifang has complete land use rights, and Viscount Leslie only has ownership rights.

In other words, whatever Xu Yi wanted to do on that land was fine, and he didn't even need Viscount Leslie's consent.

At the same time, Viscount Leslie directly extended the term of the contract from one year to five years, and took the initiative to lower the rent. The average rent for one hectare per year was only half, which was fifty gold coins!

Xu Yi read the contract carefully, and after confirming that nothing was missing, he put down the contract, thought about it, and asked, "Sir Viscount, do you have any conditions?"

Viscount Leslie's eyes flashed with appreciation and he smiled: "If I don't mention any conditions, will you believe it?"

Xu Yi smiled and said nothing.

"Haha, okay, no kidding. Of course there are conditions, but I don't think you can refuse."

"Please make it clear, Lord Viscount."

"Well, the condition is very simple, that is, I want to become a shareholder. Note that it is not as simple as giving me 10% of the shares like you did before, but I want to really participate in it. In the future, whether you produce magic fans Whether it's about producing other things, I have the right to know and give my opinion. Of course, I won't just squeeze in. In addition to providing land, I can also inject financial support into your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. , In addition, I can also rely on my own connections to help you open the market. For example, I can bring this magic fan to the capital Anvilmar to sell it. What do you think of this condition? "

Xu Yi was unmoved on the surface. After being silent for a while, he asked seriously: "Lord Viscount, I would like to ask, when you proposed this condition, did you do it as a noble or as an ordinary businessman?"

"Oh? Is there any difference?" Viscount Leslie was very interested when Xu Yi asked strangely.

"There is a big difference." Xu Yi nodded. "If you are making this opinion as a noble, then according to the relevant regulations of the Kingdom's Parliament of Nobles, you must place this equity under the supervision of the Parliament of Nobles without any concealment. In this way, many things of our Chamber of Commerce may be compromised. I cannot agree to this, so I can only apologize to you."

"What if you are an ordinary businessman?"

"If he were an ordinary businessman..." Xu Yi showed a sly smile. "Then in Shangyanshang, the condition you proposed is very attractive. But I must tell you clearly that it is no problem to obtain a part of the equity of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, but your equity can only occupy a small part, that is to say , you only have the right to propose in the Chamber of Commerce, but you have no decision-making power, what do you think?”

The Brunei butler on the side raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "How outrageous! It is your honor that the Viscount is willing to invest in your small chamber of commerce! How dare you say that the Viscount has no decision-making power? How brave! "

Xu Yi's expression remained unchanged and he ignored the Brunei housekeeper at all. He still looked at Viscount Leslie with a smile.

Viscount Leslie did not show any surprise, but nodded and asked: "I understand your thoughts. But Xu Yi, how can you guarantee that you will not make the wrong decision? To put it simply, how Can it guarantee my interests?”

Xu Yi smiled, winked at Viscount Leslie and said, "Sir Viscount, you actually believe me, don't you?"

Viscount Leslie was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"Okay! Okay! Xu Yi, you are such an interesting person. Brunei, that's it. Show him the other contract."

Xu Yi took another contract from Brunei and found that it was indeed a shareholding agreement.

The agreement stated that Viscount Leslie would join the New Flying Chamber of Commerce with the territory as a share, and thereby increase the original 10% share to 30%.

At the same time, the agreement also clearly stated that Viscount Leslie did not have any decision-making power regarding the decision-making of the Chamber of Commerce. All matters of the Chamber of Commerce were still dominated by Xu Yi, and Viscount Leslie was not allowed to interfere.

It should also be noted that this is a private agreement, which means that this agreement is not protected by the laws of the kingdom.

But precisely because of this, Xu Yi felt relieved.

After carefully reading the agreement, Xu Yi raised his head, looked at Viscount Leslie with a smile on his face, and stretched out his right hand.

"Lord Viscount, the faster we cooperate, the faster we can cooperate."

Viscount Leslie also smiled and stretched out his hand, holding it tightly with Xu Yi.

“A pleasure to work with.”