Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 26: alloy steel


If calculated in terms of straight-line distance, the dwarf tribe where Master Ranu came from is probably less than 200 kilometers away from Bangta City.

But if the entire distance is included, it is close to 300 kilometers.

Fortunately, at first the distance of more than two hundred kilometers could be covered quickly by horse-drawn carriage, but when we finally entered the mountain where the dwarf tribe was located, we had to rely solely on walking for more than twenty kilometers.

As Master Ranu said, the trip took a full day.

Xu Yi set off from Bangta City in the morning. It was not until it was completely dark that he saw the lights in front of him under the guidance of Master Ranu who was accompanying him.

"Did you see that? Those fires are all furnace fires, and the furnace fires in our dwarf tribe will never go out!" When he said this, Master Lanu held out his already big belly and his face was filled with pride.

It's a pity that Xu Yi has been tortured by this day's journey and has no energy to speak, so he doesn't have the sense to agree with him.

The dwarves in the tribe were somewhat surprised by Xu Yi's sudden visit, but because Xu Yi came with Master Ranu, he was immediately welcomed in by the enthusiastic dwarves, and a grand welcome banquet was held immediately.

Dwarves love wine, so wine is the main way to entertain guests.

Xu Yi didn't remember how many bowls of wine he had been fed, nor how he fell asleep to death. However, when he regained consciousness and opened his eyes, he found that it was already bright and it was already early morning the next day. .

Xu Yi shook his head and found that it was surprisingly not painful, but he still felt a little dizzy.

It seems that dwarves are not only good at wine, but also very skilled in making wine. After drinking so much last night, they actually didn't get drunk the next day.

Of course, this is also thanks to Xu Yi's good drinking ability.

On earth, as one of the top mechanical engineers in the largest mechanical engineering company in the country, no matter how strictly Xu Yi controlled himself, he could not escape the large number of various dinner parties. This was how he developed his drinking capacity.

The technology of distilling alcohol in this world is not as good as that of the highly technologically advanced Earth, and the alcohol content is naturally far inferior. However, it indirectly increased Xu Yi's alcohol capacity by a large margin.

"Hey, Xu Yi, right? Are you awake?" A rough voice sounded next to him.

Xu Yi turned his head and saw a male dwarf with an extra-large nose.

"You are..." Xu Yi scratched his head. He had an impression of this male dwarf, but he couldn't name him.

"Haha, just call me Canby." The dwarf slapped Xu Yi on the shoulder vigorously and laughed loudly. "I originally thought that human beings' drinking capacity was not very good, but I didn't expect that you are very good at drinking. Yesterday, you actually knocked down two people before they fell down. Not bad, not bad!"

Xu Yi chuckled, thinking that dwarves were good at drinking, so he regarded those who could drink as heroes. The drinking capacity he showed last night became a good stepping stone.

"Where is Master Ranu? Why didn't you see him?" Xu Yi asked.

"That kid Ranu went to see the clan leader and said he had something to discuss. By the way, I almost forgot. He said that after you get up, you can also go to see the clan leader. How about it? Do you want to go now? But You just got up, you’d better eat something to fill your stomach before going.”

Xu Yi touched his stomach and felt it was indeed empty, so he nodded.

Kanby quickly brought two pancakes made of unknown ingredients. Xu Yi ate them in a hurry and asked Kanby to lead the way to meet the clan leader.

The dwarf tribe that Ranu came from is not particularly large. According to Canby, the total number of dwarves in the entire tribe is only more than 500 people.

Xu Yize estimated based on what he saw that the total number of adult male dwarves in this dwarf tribe might be about a hundred.

This made him a little disappointed. He came here with the intention of recruiting as many dwarf craftsmen as possible, but the total number of adult male dwarves in this tribe is only about a hundred people, even if everyone has a skill similar to Master Ranu's. level, but still somewhat inadequate.

"Who told you that only adult male dwarves among us dwarves can forge?" Shluka, the dwarf leader, sneered at Xu Yi's question. "Let me tell you, we dwarves have been accompanied by wine and stoves since we were born. Even the children in our tribe are much more skilled than your human craftsmen!"

Seeing Shluka's proud expression and the extremely approving looks of Master Ranu and Kanbi next to him, Xu Yizhi did not refute, and thought for a while and said: "Then the respected patriarch, can you please Can’t I hire some highly skilled masters in my clan to assist Master Ranu in completing the work I entrusted him with?”

"As for your request, Ranu has just told me." Shluka nodded. "Logically speaking, I have no reason to stop you. But humans, have you ever thought about a problem? If you remove a large number of people from here, the lives of the remaining people will be greatly affected. Besides, How can you ensure that the people who go to work in your human cities can live a good enough life and get the rewards they deserve? "

Xu Yi glanced at Master Ranu, and Ranu nodded slightly.

Master Lanu had already told Xu Yi about this problem on the way here, and this is also a problem faced by many dwarf tribes.

Although the various races on the continent of Sainz get along relatively peacefully, after all, there will always be various problems when different races live together.

For example, although Master Ranu is a recognized forging master in Bangta City, his life in Bangta City has many inconveniences because of his status as a dwarf.

Although these doubts were raised by Shluka, they were also doubts in the hearts of most dwarves.

It is precisely because of these doubts that the dwarves still gather into small tribes and do not choose to live together with humans.

Xu Yi had already prepared a plan for this and said calmly: "Please rest assured, patriarch, since I want to invite my dwarf friends to work, I will naturally solve these problems for them. Regarding life, I have discussed it with Ranu before. Master has talked about it, and I believe Master Ranu has also told you.”

"Well, you said that you would set aside an area near the factory for the tribesmen to live, and build houses for them and solve their living problems, which is very good. But what about other aspects? Are you sure that my tribesmen will not be affected by you humans? Exclusion and oppression?”

Xu Yi smiled slightly: "Master Patriarch, let me tell you a fact that I am not willing to admit, that is, we humans are actually a very practical race. As long as the other party can bring us benefits, we will get along with each other in a friendly manner, and You won’t care about the other person’s race. I think you agree with this, right?”

Shluka snorted: "Of course I know."

"If that's the case, what do you have to worry about? You see, Master Lanu is a good example. Although he is a dwarf, because of his outstanding forging skills, he can give many benefits to Bangta City. If people bring convenience and benefits, then he will naturally receive the respect of many people in Bangta City. Maybe there are some inconveniences in his life, but these inconveniences do not really affect his life, right? "

Master Ranu laughed very cooperatively, nodded and said: "That's true. The guys in Bangta City don't dare to offend me. There are many things that the human craftsmen in Bangta City can't do, so they just You can only ask me to do it, so how can you cause trouble to me? "

Shluka pondered for a moment and then continued: "Well, let's put this issue aside for now. You took away a large number of our tribesmen in their prime, what will happen to the remaining tribesmen? You have to know that although we dwarves love wine and forging, , but they also need life, whether it is hunting or harvesting, they all need the efforts of these tribesmen. If you take them away, it will have a great impact on our tribe. "

"Master Patriarch, I have a proposal, but you don't want to listen to it."

"Say it."

"I plan to build a research laboratory here, and I hope that the dwarf friends from your tribe can help me research something. Of course, I will provide a fixed research fund every month. As for the amount... I will set it at five hundred gold coins for the time being. Yes. If the laboratory has specific research results, corresponding rewards will be given based on the results. Mr. Patriarch, what do you think of this proposal? "

As soon as he finished speaking, the three dwarves present were stunned.

"Five hundred gold coins?" Master Ranu's eyes widened. "Xu Yi, why didn't you tell me before that you were going to build a research laboratory here?"

"Research room? Humans, what we dwarves are best at is forging. What do you want us to help you research?" As the leader of the clan, Shluka is concerned about another aspect.

"Don't worry, the research I need is related to forging, mainly related to forging materials. It just so happens that I have brought a research plan today. You may wish to take a look, Mr. Patriarch." Xu Yi from his arms. He took out a piece of information and handed it over.

Shluka took the information and glanced at it, and was slightly startled: "Alloy steel? What is this?"

"The specific information is written on it. Patriarch, you can study it later." Xu Yi replied with a smile. "Now, may I ask, Mr. Patriarch, do you have any questions? If you are still dissatisfied with anything, please feel free to ask. As long as I can do it, I will definitely meet your requirements."

Shluka, Master Ranu and Kanby exchanged a few glances with each other, and sighed softly: "Okay, human, I admit that I was moved by you. I basically agree with your conditions and agree that you are in the tribe. Recruiting people, but we still need to discuss the specific details.”

Xu Yi showed a happy smile: "Of course."