Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 3: Magic fan



Xu Yi took a long breath, put down the utility knife in his hand, and wiped the sweat on his face. However, he found that the hand felt strange. When he looked again, it turned out that his hands were all stained with oil. He wiped them all over his face. Has turned into a tabby cat.

Xu Yi didn't care at all about this. He smiled and looked at the strange-looking iron lump erected in front of him with joy.

It is said that the iron knot is not suitable. This thing has a square base, with a hollow partition on the top. Steel bars with large gaps are connected together, and three evenly distributed fan blades are wrapped in the middle.

Obviously, this is the fan he successfully developed.

This fan driven by a magic array took Xu Yi half a month to successfully develop.

What took him the most time was not the most important power source, but the outer casting of the fan.

After solving the main problem of the magic array replacing the motor, Xu Yi discovered a serious problem. The casing of this fan is difficult to imitate the models of electric fans on earth, because there are no perfect plastics and alloys in this world. Craftsmanship.

In desperation, Xu Yi could only use iron tools instead.

And because the casting technology in this world is far less sophisticated than that on Earth, the final table fan looks a bit weird, and can even be said to be ugly.

"Forget it, the requirements can't be too high, as long as it works." Xu Yi shrugged and comforted himself.

After two more careful inspections, Xu Yi picked up a piece of variegated magic crystal that was only the size of his thumb, carefully put it into the embedded opening behind the fan, and then sealed the entrance.

It was just a simple action, but Xu Yi broke out in sweat. After wiping his face again, he raised his right hand with a solemn expression, stretched out his index finger, hesitated for a moment, and then pressed it.


With a crisp sound, the switch of the fan was pressed. Xu Yi immediately felt a trace of magic power begin to flow inside the fan. After a while, a light cyan light representing the activation of the magic circle came out from the gap in the fan.

Xu Yi widened his eyes and stared at the fan blades nervously.

After a moment, the three fan blades suddenly shook and began to rotate slowly at random.

At first, the fan blades rotated very slowly, but after a while, the rotation speed became faster and faster. Gradually, the three fan blades were completely indistinguishable from each other and almost became one piece.

As the fan blades rotated at high speed, wisps of breeze blew out of the fan and blew onto Xu Yi, who was covered in sweat. It immediately brought him a sense of refreshment.

Xu Yi enjoyed it silently for a while, then suddenly waved his fist vigorously.



Seeing Xu Yi walking in with a fan in his arms, everyone in the research room cast curious glances at him.

What happened to this guy today? With a silly smile on his face and holding such a weird-looking iron lump in his arms, what does he want to do

"Hey, Xu...Xu Yi, what is this?" Rem couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked, pointing to the fan in Xu Yi's arms.

"This is..." Xu Yi thought for a while and found that calling this thing an electric fan seemed inappropriate. "It's a magic fan. I made it when I had nothing to do."

"Magic fan?" Everyone around was even more confused.

Rem looked at the fan, but couldn't feel any magic power from it, and was surprised.

"What is this thing for?"

Xu Yi chuckled, looked around, and placed the magic fan on the table in front of Rem.

"It's very hot these days, so I just wanted to make this thing to cool everyone down."

After saying that, Xu Yi reached out and pressed the switch.

Everyone in the research room is a magician. Naturally, they immediately felt the magic flow when the magic circle inside the magic fan was activated. However, this magic flow was extremely weak, which showed that the magic circle inside must be a very low-level magic circle.

Then everyone was surprised to find that the weirder three leaf-like things inside this strange thing actually started to rotate, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Wow! It's windy!" When Xu Yi put down the fan just now, he faced Rem. Naturally, he felt the wind blowing from the fan for the first time, and he shouted loudly in surprise. “So cool!”

"Wind?" Everyone around saw Rem's magic robe beginning to swing, as if being blown by the wind, and they couldn't help but come over.

As soon as they came to the front of the fan, everyone immediately felt the cool breeze.

It was still very hot today, and everyone was sweating to some extent. Now that the wind blew, they immediately felt cool all over their bodies.

After enjoying it for a while, everyone immediately asked Xu Yi.

"Hey, Xu Yi, how does this thing move? Is it because of the magic circle inside?"

"Isn't it right? The magic circle is easy to say, but how does the magic circle make this thing spin? I have never heard of any magic circle that has this effect."

"That must have been researched by Xu Yi himself. Right Xu Yi?"

"Research by yourself? Xu Yi, are you so proficient in magic arrays? Can you actually research new magic arrays by yourself?"

"Yes, Xu Yi, you can actually study the magic circle by yourself? Then why is your magic strength still so low?"

These people asked for a long time, but most of the questions revolved around Xu Yi's magical strength, but few people asked about the principle of this magic fan.

This is also in line with the tradition of Sainz Continent. In this magical continent, magic applications are rarely concerned by magicians.

In the end, Wella, who had been looking at the magic fan in deep thought, asked.

"Xu Yi, there should be magic crystal used in this, right? Otherwise, the magic circle would not be able to last for such a long time."

"Yes." Xu Yi pressed the switch, stopped the rotation of the fan, opened the embedding hole at the back, and took out the small piece of magic crystal that had become significantly darker in color due to the consumption of magic power.

Wella looked at the magic crystal in Xu Yi's hand that was about the same size as his thumb, and her eyes suddenly shrank.

"If I read correctly, this magic crystal shouldn't even be at the intermediate level, right?"

Xu Yi smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "I don't have money to buy high-grade magic crystals."

Wella nodded, took the magic crystal from Xu Yi, looked at it, and pointed at the magic fan.

"Xu Yi, can you take apart this... magic fan and let me see the magic circle inside?"

Xu Yi smiled and shook his head: "It can be disassembled, but reinstalling it is more troublesome." Seeing the disappointed expression on Wella's face, Xu Yi added: "But it's easy to see the magic circle. I have the drawings here and you can do it at any time. show you."

"This..." Wella hesitated for a moment, then suddenly seemed to have made up her mind, pointing at the magic fan and said: "How about selling me this magic fan?"

Everyone around was stunned.

Rem couldn't help but said: "Wella, why did you buy this? If you are interested in the magic circle inside, didn't Xu Yi just say that I can show it to you at any time?"

Wella shook her head: "This is different." After saying that, she ignored everyone's surprised looks, stared at Xu Yi, and asked seriously: "Make a price."

Xu Yi looked at the serious expression on Wella's face and felt a little confused.

It seems that this Wella is really obsessed with magic, but when she sees such a novel thing, she wants to find out immediately.

But speaking of pricing…

If we only count the material cost, the main cost of this magic fan is concentrated on the structure, including the wooden base, frame steel bars, etc. The total cost is less than thirty silver coins.

In addition, including labor costs, including the cost of hiring a blacksmith and others, the total cost will not exceed one gold coin.

But among these costs, the most important is actually the cost of research.

In order to successfully develop the magic fan, Xu Yi spent more than half a month, during which almost every day of his free time was spent on it. Just to develop a completely suitable magic circle cost him more than a hundred dollars. piece of paper.

Not to mention transforming the entire frame structure so that it can be perfectly integrated with the magic array, which incorporates mechanical technology knowledge that far exceeds that of Sainz Continent on Earth, and the value contained in this is immeasurable.

Seeing that Xu Yi hesitated, Rem suddenly became unhappy and frowned: "Hey, Xu Yi, this is just an iron frame, how much is it worth? Since Wella wants to buy it, you can sell it to her. Right? Just make a price and I’ll pay.”

Wella frowned and glanced at Rem, but didn't say much.

Although she was very curious about this magic fan, she also didn't think this strange-looking thing was worth a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yi thought for a while, stretched out two fingers and gestured: "For the sake of our colleagues, if you really want to buy it, just two gold coins."

With this pricing, it can be said that Xu Yi has completely abandoned the research cost and automatically treats this magic fan as a general commodity.

He is not worried that Wella will be able to study the mysteries of the magic fan immediately after buying it. Perhaps she can easily see through the magic circle, but the modern mechanical technology contained in this seemingly inconspicuous magic fan, But she couldn't see through it anyway.

However, this pricing, which Xu Yi felt was very conscientious, made everyone's eyes widen.

"Two gold coins?" Rem waved his arms exaggeratedly. "Xu Yi, are you crazy? This is just an iron lump! Although it's great that you can come up with this thing, it's not worth two gold coins, right?"

Everyone around him agreed, and they also felt that Xu Yi's price was too exaggerated.

Although Wella did not speak, her deep frown made her thoughts very clear.

Xu Yi sighed, a little helpless.

People in this world know nothing about modern industry and naturally do not understand its value.

From a pure magician's point of view, the magic circle inside this magic fan is indeed not worth two gold coins.

As a senior mechanical engineer on Earth, Xu Yi has his own dignity, and he will never allow the things he has worked so hard to research to be sold at such a low price.

So he could only shrug: "If you don't accept the price, forget it. Anyway, I just thought it was very hot in the research room, so I brought it over for everyone to use."

Everyone looked at Xu Yi with a strange look. Since this guy can be used by everyone for free, why not just be a favor and sell it to Wella at a low price

Wella hesitated for a moment, and just when she was about to continue persuading Xu Yi, a clear voice suddenly sounded at the door of the research room.

"Two gold coins, I bought them."