Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 32: Energy advantages


"Look carefully, align the thick end here, and then carefully put it into this groove." Xu Yi picked up a screw blank and put it into the heading machine. "Next, you must remember clearly. After you put it in, you must stay away from the machine. In addition, you must not put your hand in again, otherwise your entire hand will be smashed as soon as the machine starts to move. Do you understand? "

Forming a circle around Xu Yi were the one hundred slaves that Viscount Leslie had temporarily lent to him. After hearing Xu Yi's solemn instructions, they all nodded to express their understanding.

"Okay, I will press this switch next." Xu Yi reached out and pressed lightly on the switch of the heading machine.

The light cyan light and crimson light representing the flow of magic power flashed, and the punch of the head machine suddenly fell.


The sudden explosion startled the surrounding slaves, and a few timid slaves even squatted down with their heads in their hands, shivering.

"Don't be afraid, this is not an explosion. Get up and watch!" Xu Yi scolded and tried to restore order to the slaves.

Under the gaze of the slaves, Xu Yi took out the blank that had completed this process from the groove of the heading machine, and raised it to signal to everyone.

"Did you see that a cross-shaped groove has been punched out on the thick end? This means that this process is completed. What you need to do next is to use a tool to check whether the cross groove meets the specifications." Xu Yi took out another iron pillar with a cross-shaped tip and inserted the top of the screw, just right. "If you see if it can fit into the bayonet, it means it is qualified and can be taken over for the next process."

The slaves nodded in understanding.

For slaves like them, magic is something that has nothing to do with them, not to mention that the machine in front of them looks so complicated and magical. Under normal circumstances, they would not dare to Imagine that you would actually have the opportunity to touch a machine and even control it.

However, since arriving here, Heinze, under Xu Yi's instructions, treated these slaves equally and took good care of their daily life, which made these slaves very grateful to Xu Yi and Heinze. , so when Xu Yi pointed to three slaves and asked them to come out and try to control it, although these three people were a little afraid of the machine, they still obediently stepped forward and started to control it.

In fact, the control of the heading machine is very simple, and these slaves are all of normal intelligence. Under Xu Yi's personal guidance, they overcame their fear of the machine and quickly mastered the processing procedures of this machine.

Seeing that the three selected slaves had gradually become more proficient, Xu Yi nodded with satisfaction and motioned for them to continue, and then led the remaining slaves to another machine.

"Compared with the machine just now, the operation of this magic teeth rubbing machine is a little more troublesome, so you have to watch it carefully and make sure there are no mistakes."

Xu Yi then selected five more slaves and demonstrated to them the operating procedures of the magic tooth rubbing machine in detail, making sure that they had no questions.

After demonstrating the magic tooth rubbing machine, Xu Yi led the remaining slaves to the last machine.

This machine is the latest small magic stamping machine successfully developed with the cooperation of Xu Yi and Master Ranu.

"This machine is relatively simple to operate, but it is much more dangerous than the two machines just now. If you are not careful, you will be crushed into a puddle of meat pie. So you must pay strict attention." In view of these slaves Xu Yi had no idea about the dangers of magic machines, so he had to vaccinate them in advance and put forward strict requirements and standardized work procedures to ensure that no accidents occurred.

"Okay, let's put this thin iron plate here first. We must pay attention to making sure that this iron plate and the entire model are completely attached, without any gaps. Next, we need to close the model and then move away. A little bit, flip the switch here.”


Two huge modules in the small magic stamping machine were squeezed together, and the originally flat thin iron plate instantly turned into a semicircular fan casing under the huge stamping force.

This small magic stamping machine is naturally used to mass-produce fan casings.

Now, in this newly built workshop that was only two days old, there are already as many as five various magic machines scattered around, responsible for constructing various components of the second version of the variable speed magic fan.

With the help of these machines, the craftsmanship requirements of workers have been greatly reduced, so Xu Yi can even put aside the blacksmith shops in Bangta City this time, and can complete the magic fan just by relying on the slaves sent by Viscount Leslie. of production.

Of course, the core power component of the magic fan - the magic array base still needs to be completed by those students.

After teaching the slaves how to operate these machines, Xu Yi dispersed the slaves and taught them one by one how to assemble these components into a complete magic fan.

If assembling the entire magic fan is a very complicated process, then it becomes extremely simple when the entire process is divided into dozens of processes.

Some slaves only need to learn to snap several components together in a certain pattern, while other slaves only need to thread thin wires together to assemble a protective net, and some slaves have an even simpler job. Just put the screws on...

These slaves have basically no cultural education, and their understanding ability is naturally not very high, but as long as their IQ is normal, they will have no problem mastering these simple processes.

Xu Yi had been busy all morning, and these slaves were already familiar with their own processes, and the entire workshop immediately entered a tense working atmosphere.

Xu Yi looked at his results with pleasure and nodded with satisfaction.

Next, it is just a matter of constantly adjusting the number of workers responsible for each process according to the work efficiency of these slaves, so that the entire assembly line operation becomes smoother.

As for this part of the work, it is of course arranged by Heinze, the factory director, and there is no need for Xu Yi to take care of it himself.

Watching the slaves controlling the machines becoming more and more skilled, Xu Yi suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked an advantage on Sainz's continent.

Compared with the highly developed industrial system on the earth, perhaps many places on the Sainz continent are far inferior.

But there is one advantage, but it is that the earth is far inferior to the Sainz continent.

This is energy.

The main categories of energy on the earth are petroleum, coal, hydropower, wind power, solar energy, nuclear energy, etc...

Among these energy sources, whether it is petroleum, coal mines, which are the most widely used, or nuclear energy, which is in the development stage, they all have a fatal flaw, that is, extremely serious pollution.

Any industrialized country on earth will suffer pollution and damage to the environment during the process of industrialization. In the end, it will have to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to re-treat the environment.

However, water power, wind power and solar power, which are less polluting, are far from becoming mainstream due to low energy utilization.

In contrast, the magic machines that Xu Yi is currently researching all use magic arrays as driving power, and what keeps the magic arrays running is the magic crystal.

No matter what kind of magic circle it is, the magic crystal will only turn into an ordinary stone after consuming the magic power contained in it, without causing any pollution.

Even the highest quality top magic crystal is completely condensed by magic power. If the magic power is completely consumed, the entire magic crystal will disappear without leaving any traces, and naturally there will be no pollution.

In addition, magic crystal also has a greater advantage, that is, the energy conversion rate is extremely high.

Just a small piece of very low-quality magic crystal is enough to support the operation of the magic fan for three full days. If replaced by an ordinary desktop electric fan on earth, it will consume at least three kilowatt hours of electricity.

If these three kilowatt-hours of electricity are converted into corresponding energy, according to the general standards on earth, more than one kilogram of coal will be consumed, and at the same time, it will also cause nearly four kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions.

Whether in terms of energy conversion rate or pollution level, magic crystal has unparalleled advantages.

What's more, due to the industrial foundation of Sainz Continent, the energy consumption of the magic fan actually developed by Xu Yi far exceeds those electric fans on earth that have undergone many technological improvements.

If the technology standards on earth can be reached in this regard, then the consumption of magic crystals will be lower.

As for the magic crystal? They can be found almost everywhere on the Sainz continent, and there are three large-scale magic crystal mines outside Bangta City alone.

And because magic crystals are so common, except for those that produce ultra-high-quality magic crystal mines, no one cares about ordinary magic crystal mines at all.

"Heinze, go buy some magic crystal mines." Xu Yi suddenly said to Heinze who was observing the work of the slaves.

"Huh? Why do you suddenly want to buy a magic crystal mine again?" Although he had long been accustomed to Xu Yi's unconstrained thinking, Heinze was still dumbfounded. "If we want magic crystals, we can just buy them directly from other chambers of commerce. If we mine them ourselves, the cost will probably be even higher."

"No, we must buy a few mines, and even try our best to buy more, the better." Xu Yi said seriously. "Remember, energy will only become less and less as it is used. In any case, having it in your own hands is the best choice."

Heinze frowned and looked at Xu Yi, wondering why he suddenly came up with this idea.

But he also understands that his foresight in this regard is far less than Xu Yi. Since he has made such a decision, he must have his reasons.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Xu Yi grabbed Heinze's shoulders and warned in a deep voice: "Remember, this must be done quickly and kept as confidential as possible. Do you understand?"

Heinze couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Keep it secret? Is there anything that needs to be kept secret about something that is not worth mentioning at all