Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 33: The significance of investment research


There is an old saying that ideals are plump but reality is skinny.

Xu Yi originally thought that since he could seize resources one step ahead by relying on his familiarity with the industrialization process of the original world and buy ten or eight or more of its magic crystal mines, the price of magic crystals would inevitably increase significantly in the future. You can sit back and relax with these magic crystal mines.

Who knew that he would soon be hit by cruel reality.

The reality is... no money!

"President, the Chamber of Commerce currently has only 361 gold coins in remaining liquidity. According to my investigation, if you want to purchase the cheapest magic crystal mine in Bangta City, you will need to invest at least 3,000 gold coins. Gold coins." Sebastian stated this cruel reality to Xu Yi expressionlessly, not caring about how ugly Xu Yi's face looked.

"At least three thousand gold coins?" Xu Yi calculated it calmly. "According to that, it will take at least a month before we can consider this matter?"

"President, this is still impossible." Sebas shook his head. "Although if all the work of the Chamber of Commerce goes smoothly, it can indeed have a net income of more than five thousand gold coins, but Mr. Chairman, as a qualified Chamber of Commerce, at least keep enough liquidity for yourself, otherwise if If this happens, I am afraid that the Chamber of Commerce will face a serious crisis. In addition, forgive me for being offended, Mr. Chairman, you have too many investment directions. The funds used for research alone account for three thirds of the Chamber of Commerce's income. More than one percent is not a healthy chamber of commerce fund operation plan.”

"Oh?" Xu Yi glanced at Sebas and smiled: "Is this what you mean or the viscount's?"

This Sebastian was actually recommended by Viscount Leslie.

According to Viscount Leslie, although according to the agreement with Xu Yi, he did not have the right to decide on the decision-making of the Chamber of Commerce, but he did have the right to make suggestions and information, so he sent a person into the Chamber of Commerce as his representative.

Heinze was very worried about this. He felt that this was a chess piece inserted by Viscount Leslie into the Chamber of Commerce. Even if Viscount Leslie said nicely now, he would definitely use this chess piece to influence the decision-making of the Chamber of Commerce in the future, and it might even gradually Control the Chamber of Commerce.

Xu Yi's reaction was completely different from Heinze's.

Since Viscount Leslie already owns 30% of the shares of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, it is a reasonable request for him to send a representative to the Chamber of Commerce, and there is no reason to refuse.

What's more, they still need Viscount Leslie in many areas. If they reject Viscount Leslie's reasonable request at the beginning, then the cooperation agreement reached before will probably be lost.

As for Heinze's concern that Viscount Leslie controls the New Flying Chamber of Commerce through Sebastian, Xu also sneered at this.

Viscount Leslie is a Viscount of the Kingdom, an upright nobleman. In a small city like Bonta City, he is the top figure besides the city lord. Even because of the family behind him, his status in Bonta City is probably not as high as How much difference does the city lord have

Relatively speaking, although their new flying chamber of commerce has made a lot of money with the sales of magic fans, in terms of the strength of the chamber of commerce, it is not very powerful in Bangta City. As for other aspects, it is naturally more important. There's nothing strong about it.

If a powerful noble like Viscount Leslie really wanted to attack the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, there would be no need to go to such trouble. There are a hundred more direct and simple ways to swallow up the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in one go.

So Xu Yi happily accepted Sebastian. Even before he knew that Sebastian was the financial manager of a chamber of commerce, he handed over all the financial management of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to him.

Facts have proved that this Sebastian is indeed a rare talent. It only took him two days to compile all the financial details of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and organize them in an orderly manner. It is completely different from the previous days when only Xu Yi and Heinze were the only ones. It was so confusing when the two reconciled their accounts.

Heinze was very worried that Sebastian was actually in charge of the finance of the Chamber of Commerce, but Xu Yi was secretly happy, feeling that Viscount Leslie had done a great thing and sent him a rare talent.

Of course, sometimes, Xu Yi would still worry about Viscount Leslie behind Sebastian, so he would ask this question.

Upon hearing Xu Yi's question, Sebastian bowed and said, "This is my subordinate's personal opinion and has nothing to do with the Viscount."

Xu Yi nodded and said: "It doesn't matter whose opinion it is. Sebastian, do you think that research funds account for too much one-third of the income? In fact, I think it is too little. Because at present, the Chamber of Commerce In fact, the income is not high, so the so-called more than one-third, in fact, adds up to just over a thousand gold coins. In fact, this research fund is very low in my opinion, as the income of the Chamber of Commerce will grow in the future. Gradually, I will continue to invest more money in research, maybe more than you think."

Sebastian pondered for a moment, frowned and said: "President, I don't quite understand why you made such a decision. Now the sales of magic fans are very good, and the prospects are also very promising. You don't need to spend so many Invest money in research. Although I agree that it is necessary to develop a new generation of magic fans if you want to continue to occupy the market, but there is no need to be so anxious. Another point, Mr. Chairman, you have invested a lot of money. Research... I'm afraid it has nothing to do with magic fans, right?"

Xu Yi smiled slightly, thinking that this last question was probably the real question in Sebastian's mind, and it should also be Viscount Leslie's question.

This question is really hard for Xu Yi to answer. After all, realistically, more than half of his investment in research has been spent on research that has nothing to do with magic fans.

For example, in Master Lanu's dwarf tribe, he invested 500 gold coins in one month. At the same time, after the agreed dwarf craftsmen arrived, Xu Yi invested another 200 gold coins in them. , and there is a gradual increasing trend.

In addition, even though there is currently only one decent researcher named Steele, his newly founded Magic Research Institute has already invested more than one hundred gold coins in it.

This huge amount of money, which adds up to nearly a thousand gold coins, has nothing to do with the magic fan on the surface.

Moreover, the results of these studies cannot be seen in a short time. Even if Xu Yi wants to explain that these studies are closely related to the establishment of the industrial system in the future, I am afraid that no one on this continent can understand.

"Sebas, let me ask you a question, why do you think our Chamber of Commerce's magic fans are so popular?" Xu Yi thought for a while and asked.

"Accurate positioning." Sebastian had obviously studied this issue for a long time and answered without hesitation: "Compared to the expensiveness of a large frost array, it is undoubtedly easier to buy a magic fan that only costs two gold coins. It is accepted by the vast majority of families who do not have the ability to set up a large frost circle and need to deal with the hot summer. What's more, the consumption of the magic fan is extremely low. After buying it back, the money spent on it every month will not even exceed Ten silver coins are exactly what all families who buy a magic fan can afford, so for these families, although the magic fan is not as effective as a large frost array, it just meets their requirements, so they see the advent of the magic fan. Later, these families bought it without hesitation, which led to the huge sales of magic fans.”

"That's right." Xu Yi nodded appreciatively. "Then let me ask you again, is it difficult to make a magic fan?"

"I should say it's not difficult." Sebas shook his head. "In fact, not long after the magic fan came out, imitations have already appeared. However, the quality of the imitations is not as good as that produced by this chamber of commerce, so it did not cause much impact. Moreover, Mr. Chairman, your response methods at the time were extremely excellent, which made this chamber of commerce The Chamber of Commerce successfully weathered that crisis.”

Having said this, Sebas looked at Xu Yi with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

The concept of "brand" that Xu Yizai proposed in the counterfeit incident really impressed Sebas very much.

Before being sent here by Viscount Leslie, Sebastian did some research on the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. He was surprised to find that after the counterfeit incident, the sales of the Magic Fans of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce actually increased instead of falling, and When many people want to buy a magic fan, they will immediately ask if it is from the Xinfei brand. If not, they simply don’t buy it. This directly leads to small workshops that want to imitate the magic fan to completely cut off the idea. .

Although there are some guys who want to print the Xinfei brand logo on the imitation magic fans, Xu Yi withdrew from the specialty store system at this time, that is, the Xinfei brand magic fans are only available in the one store in Bangta City. The products sold in stores and sold elsewhere are all fakes.

This has almost completely cut off the survival of counterfeit products, so that now Bangta City and outside are completely monopolized by Xinfei brand magic fans.

"Since it is not difficult to make, it means that it is difficult for us to prevent others from making magic fans."

Speaking of this, a hint of helplessness flashed across Xu Yi's face. There is no patent protection law in this world. Even if he invented the magic fan, there are no corresponding protection measures. If others want to imitate it, it will be effortless.

"Although we have no problems here in Bangta City, no one outside of Bangta City knows what the new flying card is, so we have no advantage in other places. You should already know that just a stone's throw away from here More than a hundred kilometers away in Saltan City, a factory that also manufactures magic fans has appeared, and their sales in Saltan City are also good. "