Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 4: sell


There was a soft knock at the door, and the great magician Camilla didn't even need to raise her head to know that it was her precious granddaughter Steele who came in.

Apart from her, no one else in this magic tower dared to rush in without even knocking on the door.

"Grandpa, I'm back." Steele's lively voice full of youthful tension sounded in front of Camilla.

Camilla smiled and raised her head, looking lovingly at Steele standing in front of her, but her eyes involuntarily slid from Steele's face to a strange... iron bump held in her arms

"What is this?" Archmage Camilla frowned.

"I just bought a fun thing, it's called a magic fan, take a look." Steele responded with a smile, put the thing in his arms on the table in front of Camilla, and conveniently placed the one in the middle of the base. Pressed on the bump.


After a soft sound, the three leaf-like things that Camilla originally thought were just decorations began to rotate slowly. After a while, the speed became faster and emitted gusts of breeze.

"Is this... a magic circle?"

As a three-star great magician recognized by the Magician's Guild, Camilla's magical strength is far beyond that of Rem and others. The moment the magic fan is started, she has already sensitively felt the most important thing from the magic power fluctuation in the magic fan. a little bit.

"Yeah, grandpa, don't you think this thing is interesting?" Steele asked.

"It's interesting." Camilla reached out and pressed the base of the magic fan. She instantly understood the magic circle from the magic wave, and then shook her head. "It's just a very simple whirlwind circle, nothing unusual." After saying that, he glanced at Steele and said with a serious expression: "Steele, if you have free time, study magic carefully and don't waste your time on these messy things. ”

The reason why Camilla dotes on this granddaughter is that besides Steele's sweet appearance and being very filial to him, more importantly, Steele's magic talent is extremely high. Three years ago, he was admitted to the exams in the entire Sainz continent. The Royal Academy of Lampali, the highest magic academy in the Lampali Kingdom, passed the qualification certification examination of the Magicians Union last year and became an official magician recognized by the Magicians Union.

With her being able to achieve such an achievement at the age of only nineteen years old, she can be called a genius magician in the entire Sainz continent.

It is precisely because of this that Camilla is very strict with Steele while doting on her, and often scolds Steele for his love of these little things.

"I understand." Steele had long been accustomed to Camilla's attitude and was not very afraid. He stuck out his tongue and left quickly.

She knew very well that if she continued to stay here, she would definitely be caught by Camilla and scolded.

Watching Steele escape, Camilla shook her head helplessly.

He really didn't have a good way to deal with this granddaughter.

After immersing herself in magic research for a while, Camilla suddenly had a flash of light in her heart.


Camilla turned her gaze back to the magic fan on the table that Steele had forgotten to take away. She put a hand on it and slowly poured in the huge magic power in her body.

The light cyan light suddenly bloomed in the base of the magic fan, and the fan blades that were originally rotating steadily began to rotate crazily at a speed several times faster than before, causing the entire magic fan to sway.

A moment later, the magic fan suddenly made a strange rattling sound. Unable to withstand such a violent high speed, the fan blades detached from the shaft and directly hit the protective net made of iron bars.

Given the current high speed of the fan blades, they were naturally smashed into pieces, and even the protective net was distorted by the impact.

Only then did Camilla take back her hand, her face full of confusion.

The reason why he suddenly wanted to explore the magic fan was because he suddenly thought that the whirlwind array was just one of the lowest levels of wind magic arrays, and the whirlwind magic formed was also a low-level magic.

Although it is released directly, it may be much more powerful than the wind brought by this magic fan, but the wind brought by whirlwind magic will never be so stable, but should be as violent and unstable as most wind magic. .

However, this magic fan has been placed here for more than ten minutes. During these ten minutes, the fan blades have been rotating, and the wind released has been extremely stable, with no changes at all.

"How is this done?" Camilla frowned and thought for a while, and found that with his strength as a great magician, he couldn't think of how to do this for a while.

Glancing at the twisted magic fan, Camilla waved her hand without hesitation, and the entire magic fan was immediately cut open, exposing the inside of the fan base.

Camilla carefully looked at the magic circle engraved inside the base, not missing a single bit.

But when he saw the entire magic circle, he was shocked to find that there were many things he couldn't understand!

Maybe he could perfectly reproduce the entire magic circle, but he couldn't figure out why the magic circle was like this and how it worked to achieve the effect of stably rotating the fan blades!

Camilla had strong doubts in her heart.

"Who designed this magic circle?"


Heinze looked at the sparse flow of people on the street outside the store, then looked back at the magic fan that was spinning on the table, blowing out streams of cool breeze, and couldn't help but frown.

Yesterday, when the little magician named Xu Yi brought these three strange-looking magic fans and asked him to help sell them, he originally wanted to refuse.

There was no guarantee that he could sell such a strange thing.

But seeing that Xu Yi usually purchases things from his own store, he finally agreed.

Fortunately, Xu Yi didn't say that he would definitely sell it. He just turned on a magic fan and then didn't care about it anymore.

It has to be said that with this magic fan blowing cool breeze all the time, Heinze's stay in this small store was not as stuffy as before, so it was much more comfortable.

"If I really can't sell it, I might as well buy it. Anyway, Xu Yi said that a small piece of low-quality magic crystal can make it run for three full days."

While Heinze was secretly making plans in his mind, a tall figure walked into the store.

"Hey, dear Carl, why are you here so early today?" Heinze immediately greeted him. The visitor was a regular customer of his shop.

The man named Karl had long, unkempt and thick brown hair and a messy beard. He was tall and rough-looking. He waved his hands and said loudly: "Okay, Heinze, stop talking nonsense. Hurry up and give me a glass of cold ale first, I’m almost dying of heat!”

Heinze laughed, quickly filled up the ice-cold ale and handed it over.

Karl took a few gulps, spit it out for a long time, and suddenly let out a sigh.

"Heinze, why is it so much cooler in your store than outside? Strange? Where does the wind come from? There is no wind at all outside? Don't tell me that a stingy guy like you is willing to decorate the store Magic circle?"

"Even if I could afford it, I can't afford it." Heinze pointed to the magic fan that was working hard nearby. "Well, it's the wind blown by this magic fan."

"Magic fan?" Karl went over and looked at the magic fan curiously for a while, feeling the cool breeze blown by the magic fan. Suddenly he slammed the table, pointed at Heinze and shouted loudly: "Hey Heinze, you have something good. You didn’t tell me! Tell me, how can you sell this thing?”

Heinze's eyes suddenly lit up, and he pretended to be mysterious in his voice: "This... this thing is not cheap."

"What? Do you think I have no money?" Karl stared. "Come on, as long as it's not ridiculously expensive, I'll buy it! Let me tell you, if the weather continues to be this hot, I've even planned to set up a large frost array!"

Heinze chuckled. Although Karl looked rough, he was very smart. He was also willing to endure hardships and ran a small business. He was not a rich man in Bonta City, but he was definitely richer than the average person. If he decided Setting up a large frost array would be no problem.

"Of course it's not as expensive as setting up a large frost array. What's the price..." Heinze hesitated and stretched out two fingers to Karl.

"Two gold coins?" Seeing Heinze nod, Karl without saying a word, touched his pocket, counted out four gold coins and slapped them on the table. "It's so cheap, give me two!"

Looking at the four gold coins on the table, Heinze was stunned: "Are you sure you want two?"

Karl rolled his eyes: "What? You don't even have two here? I can't just buy one, right? If that bastard at home doesn't have one, he will make trouble to death."

"Yes, yes, of course!" Heinze quickly took out the remaining two magic fans and handed them to Karl.

Seeing that Karl was about to leave with his things, Heinze suddenly remembered and called him quickly.

"Wait a minute, Karl, there's something else I forgot to tell you. This magic fan also needs magic crystals, otherwise it won't be able to move."

"Why didn't you say anything just now?" Karl frowned. Although he is not a magician, he also knows that as long as it is related to magic, most of it requires the consumption of magic crystals. "Is this thing good at eating crystals? If it costs more than a hundred gold coins a month like a large frost array, I might as well just set up a large frost array."

"Of course not, of course not..." Heinze waved his hands repeatedly. "This thing is not very good at eating crystals. Well, such a small piece of magic crystal can keep it blowing for three days."

Karl took a look at the low-quality magic crystal in Heinze's hand, which was no bigger than his thumb. He immediately felt good and laughed: "It's just that little, it's like spending nothing."

After saying that, he waved his hand to Heinze and left carrying two magic fans.

Heinze looked back at the four gold coins still shining on the table, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

Two units were sold? And sold four gold coins in one go

What did that boy Xu Yi say before? He said he could get a 10% dividend? In other words, just by selling these two magic fans, he can get a dividend of forty silver coins

You must know that the daily net profit of his store is only about one gold coin...

If you sell two units, you will receive forty silver coins as dividends. If you sell twenty units, two hundred units...

Just as Heinze was fantasizing in his mind, a figure walked in again.

"Hey, Heinze, I just met Karl. I heard that you sell some magic fans here. What do you think? Take them out and show them to me. If they are useful, I will buy two of them."

"Huh?" Heinze was startled. Just when he was about to answer that he only had one left, another person walked in at the door and said that he wanted to buy a magic fan just like the previous person.

Heinze was shocked but pleasantly surprised as more and more people came in, his heart beating more and more intensely.

Could it be that I am going to get rich now