Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 42: Material limitations


When Xu Yi walked into the magic machine tool production and research workshop, one hundred dwarves in the workshop were all working hard.

These 100 dwarves are now responsible for different tasks. Some of them are responsible for continuing to produce the magic teeth grinding machine and other five magic machines necessary for the production of magic fans. The other part is responsible for researching and forging the new magic power that Xu Yi gave them. mechanical.

During this period of time, the focus of research is on the magic harvester.

After a conversation with Viscount Leslie last time, Xu Yi was convinced that the prospects of farm machinery were very broad on the Sainz continent, so he started research after returning.

And because it was about to enter the autumn harvest stage, Xu Yi's first target was a small agricultural harvester.

This research is conducted simultaneously in two aspects. One aspect is the magic circle representing the power drive of the harvester that Xu Yi and Steele jointly researched. The other aspect is the mechanical structure of the harvester that these dwarves are responsible for.

Among them, Xu Yi is responsible for the most important work. He must perfectly combine the power of the magic circle with the harvester as a whole. To do this, he needs a large amount of practical data support. For this reason, he works almost every day these days. Running back and forth between the production workshop outside the city and the research institute in Bangta City.

Of course, the hard work pays off. After this period of research, the small magic harvester has begun to take shape. Now in this workshop, the dwarves responsible for researching the new magic machinery have made a model that is similar to the one on earth. The harvester has a few similarities with the magic harvester and is being constantly debugged.

Seeing Xu Yi come in, the dwarf Canby, who was appointed by Xu Yi as the workshop director, came over.

"Hey, Xu... Oh no, President, are you here to see the situation of the magic harvester again?" Canby raised his stubby arm to say hello to Xu Yi.

"Okay, Canby, just call me by my name." Xu Yi smiled and nodded. "That's right. Didn't you see that the wheat in Lord Viscount's farmland outside is starting to turn yellow? It looks like the harvest will start in less than a month. If we don't hurry up and use the magic power before the wheat matures, It will take at least half a year to get the harvester out.”

"Don't worry, brothers have been working overtime and working hard these days. You see, this thing has actually been made, but there will always be some minor problems, otherwise it can just go to the ground."

"It's better to find problems now than to have problems later when you use it."

Xu Yi and Kanby walked to the dwarves who were debugging the magic harvester and asked carefully. They found that the problem they were encountering was that after the machine ran at high speed for a period of time, it would become obviously not smooth.

No need to check at all, Xu Yi knew that it must be because of a failure in the bearing.

Sure enough, when I opened it, I found that the power shaft of the magic harvester was obviously worn, causing unevenness on the shaft surface, which naturally affected its operation.

Xu Yi was actually very helpless about this, because it was entirely caused by the material problem of the bearing.

Due to the current iron smelting technology limitations on Sainz's continent, there is currently no alloy steel suitable for making bearings that is both wear-resistant and tensile-resistant.

Whether it is white iron or gray iron, it will be insufficient to build such bearings that require constant high-speed rotation and friction.

Although the previous magic fan also required high-speed bearings, the power output of the magic fan was not large and the pressure it caused was not large. Simple iron bearings could handle it, but switching to a magic harvester requires stronger power. It is easy for problems to occur on the machine.

Xu Yi could not solve the material problem for the time being. He thought carefully for a while and could only adopt a compromise solution, asking the dwarves to add an iron ball roller in the middle of the bearing. This could effectively reduce friction and extend the life of the bearing. Some.

Of course, this would also cause the output power to be relatively weakened, so Xu Yi had to reconsider the modification plan of the magic array to ensure that the magic array could output enough power.

"Well, after all, the industrial system on this continent is too thin. If there are more than a dozen alloy steel materials to choose from like on Earth, why would it be so troublesome?" Seeing the dwarves getting busy again because of his small change, Xu Yi couldn't help but shake his head and sigh in his heart.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi naturally thought of the materials research laboratory he set up in the dwarf tribe.

Although the research fee of five hundred gold coins a month he promised at that time was mostly to obtain these one hundred dwarf forging masters, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

If the dwarves of the dwarf tribe can really make a breakthrough in materials research, then the monthly investment of 500 gold coins will be worth it.

Of course, as a mechanical engineering expert, Xu Yi knows that there is no trickery in materials research and can only be improved step by step, which is something that cannot be rushed.

"That's all. The so-called mechanical engineers originally exist to solve these problems. Completing tasks under restricted conditions is the meaning of existence for people like me." Thinking of this, Xu Yi habitually cheered himself up in his heart. .

Then he thought that because of this small change, he had to make corresponding changes to the magic circle. When Xu Yi thought of modifying the magic circle, he naturally thought of the two girls who were in the office at this time.

"That's bad. I was so busy working here that I almost forgot about them both." Xu Yi slapped his thigh, pulled Canby to explain a few words, and hurriedly left the workshop and returned to the office.

"Sorry, I'm busy..." Xu Yi opened the door of the office and was about to express his apology when he suddenly saw Akali and Evita lying on the table, concentrating on the magic circle in front of them. While thinking about changes to the drawing, he immediately stopped talking.

It wasn't until Xu Yi stood at the door for a long time that Akali seemed a little tired, straightened up and stretched, and then discovered Xu Yi.

"Huh? President, when did you come back?" Akali asked in surprise.

Hearing what Akali said, Evita was also startled and turned back to look at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi smiled slightly: "It's been a while, but seeing that you two were very attentive, I didn't bother you."

"What's the trouble?" Akali stretched out her fist and knocked on her head, complaining: "Mr. President, these drawings you gave us are really troublesome. Evita and I thought about it for a long time. Not a single one has been completed. Do you think we are too stupid to solve these problems?”

"How could that happen?" Xu Yi laughed. "To tell you the truth, it took me several days to solve these problems. If you can solve them all in such a short period of time, believe it or not, I will pay you a hundred gold coins a month. I want you to stay too?”

Akali couldn't help but roll her eyes at Xu Yi: "You knew we couldn't do it, so you deliberately offered such a high reward to tempt us."

Evita noticed another thing: "President, do you mean that these drawings are actually problems you have solved? Then... can you show me the solution?"

Xu Yi shook his head: "I'm afraid this won't work, because the final solution can currently be regarded as the secret of our chamber of commerce and will not be shown to others."

Evita let out a disappointed sigh and lowered her head.

"Of course, if you officially join our Chamber of Commerce, then these secrets will no longer be secrets for you." Xu Yi smiled again.

Akali said dejectedly: "President, these drawings you gave us are so difficult, now I'm afraid you won't even want us to join your Chamber of Commerce, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Xu Yi smiled and shook his head. "Can you let me see your solution first?"

After taking the drawings handed over by the two people, Xu Yi looked at it carefully for a while and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Although these two people did not give a complete solution, from some of the ideas they left on these drawings, Xu Yi could clearly see that they were indeed worthy of graduating from Lampali Royal Academy and had an understanding of magic circles. It is very in place, and the ideas and solutions proposed are of a very high level, and are even very close to the solution that Xu Yi finally developed.

And from the two people's thoughts, it can also be seen that there are indeed differences in their personalities.

In comparison, Akali's ideas are more active and unconstrained. There are some extremely bold ideas in the plan, which can even be called whimsical.

Evita, on the other hand, is a little more conventional, but it can be seen that her basic skills are extremely solid, each step of the solution has a solid foundation, and the overall concept is almost perfect.

If Evita is given enough time, I believe she will eventually come up with a realistic and feasible plan.

After reading these drawings, Xu Yi felt extremely happy.

Although these two classmates of Steele are not powerful magicians, as Steele said, they are qualified for the current work of the institute.

If they join, plus Steele, Xu Yi will have three more reliable helpers, which will definitely greatly improve his efficiency in magic circle research.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi put down these drawings, met their expectant eyes, showed them a hearty smile, and said: "I must say, both of them are very outstanding, and they are completely in line with the requirements of our New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute." Job requirements. Now I would like to ask you two a question, are you willing to join our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce