Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 43: Paycheck day


The hot days are still going on, and it’s already mid-August in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the several workshops of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce were full of joy, and almost everyone had a heartfelt smile on their face.

As for the reason? Simply because today is payday.

According to the rules set by Xu Yi when he founded the factory, the fifteenth day of every month is the fixed pay day, and this time is just one month after the factory was established. It is the first serious salary payment, so naturally Be extra formal, even grand.

Sebastian came to the factory early and handed Xu Yi and Heinze his financial statistics for the previous month for review.

Xu Yi has always believed that those who employ should be trusted and those who are suspicious should not be ignored. He only glanced at the financial statements and didn't pay much attention to them. However, Heinze carefully reviewed them several times from beginning to end. Almost every number must be included in Saiba's report. He will not be let go until Sri Lanka obtains verification.

Xu Yi was a little helpless about Heinze's behavior, but he didn't object.

As the third largest shareholder in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce after himself and Viscount Leslie, Heinze has enough qualifications and reasons to do this. Moreover, with him supervising and inspecting for himself, Xu Yi also saves a lot of money. Less energy.

The tense and exciting morning passed, and in the blink of an eye, at noon, all the employees in the two production workshops gathered together and began to line up to come forward one by one to receive their share of the salary.

The first one to step forward was the dwarf Canby.

As the workshop director of the Magic Machine Tool Production and Research Workshop, Canby's salary is certainly higher than that of other dwarves. It is about the same level as Heinze, tentatively set at twenty gold coins per month.

The next person to step forward was Alex.

As Heinze's assistant, Alex's salary is ten gold coins, slightly more than the average worker.

Then came the other dwarves except Canby.

Except for some dwarves who were affected by trivial matters or illness, each of the remaining dwarves received a full monthly salary of eight gold coins.

When they opened the purse handed over by Sebas and found eight shining gold coins inside, all the dwarves smiled, and some even danced excitedly on the spot.

As Master Lanu lamented, the current life of the dwarves is very difficult. When these dwarves lived in the tribe before, although they were not hungry, except for the wine because they could brew it themselves and enjoy it at will, any other living materials were very difficult. poor.

After coming to this factory and starting to work, not only did the factory take care of their food and accommodation, so they didn't have to worry about life at all, but now they can get a full eight gold coins every month!

Although eight gold coins are not particularly large, they can buy a lot of urgently needed supplies. If they are taken back to the tribe, it will be enough to make the lives of their parents, wives and children better.

Thinking of the happy smiling faces of their families after getting those things, the hearts of these straightforward dwarves were suddenly filled with happiness.

Thinking again that the life like this was only possible after joining this factory, the dwarves looked at Xu Yi with even more gratitude and respect.

Compared with the dwarves, the students hired from Baron Rector's Magic Academy have lower salaries, only five to six gold coins.

The reason for such a salary is that they are still students, so their working hours are limited every day. Naturally, they are not as good as the dwarves who work in the magic machine tool workshop every day.

The second reason is that their job is simply to draw magic circles. Although it is related to magic, to be honest, it is just a simple repetitive labor. The technical content is not high, and naturally the salary is not much higher.

Xu Yi was a little worried at first that these students would feel unbalanced when they saw other people's salaries being higher than his own. However, after receiving their salaries, these students all looked extremely happy and were not dissatisfied at all. expression.

Even Orin, a boy from a noble family, smiled so hard with his salary of just six gold coins, as if it was not six gold coins, but six hundred gold coins.

Xu Yi thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

In fact, the students' reaction is correct. After all, they are just students who are still studying in the college. Being able to get a salary through their own labor is enough to surprise them.

What's more, five or six gold coins are actually quite a lot for them. You must know that the tuition for one semester of Baron Rector's Magic Academy is only twenty-five gold coins.

This means that as long as they persist, these students can even afford their tuition fees entirely through their own efforts.

For these students, most of whom are children from ordinary or even poor families, it will reduce a huge burden on their families. Presumably their parents will be very satisfied after knowing about it.

After the salaries were paid to the students, there were still some workers whose salaries had not been paid, and that was the one hundred slaves.

However, the payment of wages to these one hundred slaves has really troubled Xu Yi for some time.

According to general principles, since these slaves have worked in the factory, they should be paid a salary as a matter of course. However, slaves are slaves after all. No matter how unwilling Xu Yi is to accept this fact, he has to admit it. Slaves have no status at all on the Sainz continent. Normally, no one would agree to pay wages to slaves.

The more important reason is that the current ownership of these slaves is still in the hands of Viscount Leslie, and Xu Yi is just borrowing them.

Even if Xu Yi pays them wages, they should be handed over to Viscount Leslie. As for whether Viscount Leslie is willing to pay these slaves, it depends on whether he is happy or not.

So Xu Yi and Heinze discussed for a long time in front of Sebas, and finally decided not to pay these slaves money, but to provide welfare subsidies instead.

In view of the fact that it is still in the hot summer, Xu Yi gave each slave a second-generation variable speed magic fan, and also gave each slave a clothing coupon for the Metagen tailor shop in Bangta City. , with this clothing coupon, these slaves can customize a set of clothes at Metagen Tailor Shop, with the total price not exceeding one gold coin.

In addition, there are some carnivorous fruits and some messy daily necessities.

If all the welfare subsidies are added up, they are probably worth about four gold coins.

According to Xu Yi's actual thoughts, the work value of these slaves should have been at least six gold coins a month, so the welfare subsidies should be more, but this idea was stopped by Heinze.

In any case, these slaves still belong to Viscount Leslie. If Xu Yi gives them too many benefits, it is inevitable that Viscount Leslie will have some special thoughts in his heart.

Even these current welfare subsidies, which Xu Yi seems to be very simple, are actually quite taboo.

These slaves watched the dwarves and the students receiving their salaries. Although they were very envious in their hearts, they knew that as slaves, it was impossible for them to receive salaries like them, so they just watched honestly and said Nothing expressed.

In fact, they are very satisfied with their current life.

Since arriving at this factory, not only have they no longer been scolded or beaten every day, but they can also enjoy three hearty meals normally without having to worry about going hungry.

Although there are tasks to be completed every day, these tasks are much simpler and easier than the heavy tasks under Viscount Leslie.

What's more, they only have a short eight hours of work every day, and there is no extra work for them other than that.

Even last time when Xu Yi asked them to help because of the lack of manpower for road construction, each slave was given an extra pound of meat as compensation.

It can be said that the current life was something that these slaves had only dreamed about before, and they never thought that one day they would be able to live such a comfortable and comfortable life.

If possible, they really want Viscount Leslie to sell himself to Xu Yi.

Being in the name of this master is probably the best destination for every slave.

So when Sebas announced that these slaves would come forward to receive welfare subsidies, the slaves were all stunned.

Welfare subsidies? What it is? Is it for us

It wasn't until Sebas raised his voice and repeated it, and named a slave, that the slaves confirmed that they heard correctly.

The named slave came to Sebas tremblingly, and Heinze smiled and stuffed a magic fan, clothing vouchers, and other meat and other welfare subsidies into his hand.

The slave stared blankly at the thing in his hand for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing. However, his eyes involuntarily shed two lines of tears, sobbing, and for a moment he didn't even know how to express himself.

Seeing this situation, Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh slightly.

This damn system of slavery should really be eliminated as soon as possible.

After finally distributing the welfare subsidies to one hundred slaves, Xu Yi announced loudly that a holiday would be tentatively scheduled for this afternoon, which immediately triggered another burst of cheers.

Now that the salary is in hand, everyone present, whether it is the dwarf or the students, is itching to go out and show off, and of course they are a little impatient.

Xu Yi's announcement of a holiday at this time simply hit their mark, instantly gaining prestige in their minds.

Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh when he saw dozens of students rushing out cheering in a crowd, including Ou Lin among them without any exception.

This situation reminded him of the crazy days when he and his classmates in the dormitory ran outside the school when he was in college.

Looking back, the dwarves also dispersed in groups, leaving only the slaves who seemed a little at a loss. Xu Yi thought for a moment and pulled Heinze to a corner.

"Heinze, start recruiting workers."