Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 44: Get a new product


Perhaps it was because the gods finally paid their wages. Just after noon, a long-awaited rainstorm began to fall.

The raindrops as big as a little finger not only hurt my body but also made a muffled sound when they landed on the thick log roof.

"This is the first time it rains so heavily. Are you afraid it will leak?" Xu Yi raised his head and looked at the roof with a frown.

"It may leak a little, but it shouldn't be a big problem." Heinze on the side responded nonchalantly.

At this time, the outside had become completely dark due to the sudden rainstorm, and it was almost impossible to see anything ten meters away through the window.

Now in this workshop, the workers have long since left, leaving only Xu Yi, Heinze, Sebas and Canby, and it seems extremely empty and quiet.

The sound of huge raindrops hitting the roof echoed back and forth in the workshop, like beating a drum.

"No, rain leakage is a big problem." Xu Yi shook his head. "Heinze, what we produce here are all precision machinery. If they are exposed to rain, they will rust at least, or directly damage the magic circle inside, causing damage to the entire machine, so this issue must be taken seriously. "

Heinze raised his head helplessly: "That's not the case, is it? These are strong guys, and there's no problem at all if they get caught in the rain."

Dwarf Canby looked at Xu Yi with the same puzzlement, wondering why he was making such a fuss.

As an authoritative dwarf master craftsman in forging, Canbi has probably made more iron tools in his life than Xu Yi has ever seen. He doesn't think those dark iron guys will die just because of a little rain.

Only Sebas had the same expression on his face as usual.

Xu Yi was also helpless, thinking that if there were no stainless steel in this world, even serious steel would not have appeared yet. As for the anti-rust technology, it was extremely crude, which would greatly reduce the service life of many iron tools.

Looking back at the completed batch of magic fans in the corner of the workshop, Xu Yi shook his head.

There is no way, he is just a mechanical engineer. Although he knows a little about material research, he is not that proficient. He cannot completely come up with the formula of plastic. Otherwise, if the shells of these magic fans can be made of plastic, it will not only be very good The prevention of rust can also greatly reduce the weight of the magic fan, and can also make the appearance more beautiful. The most important thing is that it can significantly reduce the cost, and the profit obtained from this will only be higher.

Fortunately, when designing these magic machines, Xu Yi had already considered the waterproofing issue, and had done strict waterproofing on the core power components, so they should not be easily damaged by water.

Moreover, the drawing of the magic circle is completed with special magic materials. Once the magic circle is generated, unless the material attached to the magic circle is destroyed, the magic circle itself is difficult to be destroyed. There is no need to worry too much about this.

"Even if we put aside the reasons for these products, these workshops will need to be renovated in the future. Otherwise, if there is serious rain leakage, even the workers' production will be greatly affected." Xu Yi still insisted on his opinion. "Heinze, please make arrangements as soon as possible."

Seeing Xu Yi's insistence, Heinze could only nod and agree.

"Okay, let's put this question aside for now. Where did we talk about just now?" Xu Yi asked again.

As the current main persons in charge of the Chamber of Commerce, the four of them stayed after the workers left to hold a meeting. In addition to summarizing the operations of the Chamber of Commerce last month, they also planned the future development and work arrangements of the Chamber of Commerce. .

"Kambi just said that everything is going well in their magic machine tool shop, but many dwarves complained that the work was too idle and there was nothing to do." Heinze replied.

"Yeah, a lot of brothers said they're embarrassed to get so much money every month despite not doing much work here." Canby scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

Xu Yi suddenly laughed.

These dwarves are really honest and honest, and they are not happy to be given free time to work. They even think that their wages are too high because of this.

"Kambi, please let them rest assured. Your task is not heavy now. That's because the guys outside have not realized the importance of machine tools. You just have to wait until the Fasak Chamber of Commerce arrives in Saltan City. After the factory is built, I can guarantee that there will be a large number of machine tool orders coming in. When the time comes, don’t blame yourself for being too busy. "

Canby grinned and waved his hand nonchalantly: "How could it be? We dwarves are the ones who can endure the most hardships. As long as we have wine to drink, we can do any amount of work."

"Speaking of drinking... Canby, although I know that you dwarves especially love wine, you should try not to drink it while working, because the machine tools you produce require high precision, and any slight deviation will cause major problems, so You must stay awake when working. Our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is a small chamber of commerce after all, and we must pay attention to the quality of our products during the development process.”

Canby nodded: "Okay, I'll warn them later, they only need to drink when they are off work, not when they are at work."

Xu Yi frowned: "Just a warning may not be enough. Let's set up a system. If someone is found drinking during working hours, then the first time he is found to be drunk, the fine is fifty silver coins, and the second time is found to be fined two gold coins. , the third time it was discovered, the salary for the month was directly deducted.”

"Isn't this too serious?" Canby exclaimed. "President, those brothers are all addicted to alcohol. I'm afraid that once this rule is announced, a lot of people may not be able to get their salaries."

"I just know that you are addicted to alcohol, so I have such strict requirements." Xu Yi said seriously. "No matter what, product quality must be given top priority. If there are problems with the products produced due to personal reasons, then it should be punished."

Seeing Xu Yi's solemn words, Kanbi could only lower his head helplessly.

"Okay, I'll make it clear to them."

"Of course, this rule is not only for dwarf brothers. Heinze, this rule is also valid for the magic fan workshop."

Of course, Heinze knew that Xu Yi was trying to balance the situation, so he immediately agreed.

"Cambi, you don't have to be so downcast. In addition to punishment, there are rewards. Go and tell the dwarf brothers that as long as they complete their tasks well, I can place a large order with Sage Manor in the name of the Chamber of Commerce. If they want to drink fine wine, they can just apply to the Chamber of Commerce based on their performance.”

Canby's eyes immediately lit up: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Would I be joking at this point?"

The depression on Canby's face was instantly wiped away, and he burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay, this is good! I can guarantee that the brothers will be particularly motivated when they hear that they are drinking the fine wine from Sage Manor!"

"That's good." Xu Yi nodded with a smile, turned to Heinze and said, "Okay, now that we've talked about the magic machine tool workshop, it's the magic fan workshop's turn."

Heinze immediately puffed up his chest and said proudly: "We don't need to worry in the magic fan workshop. Those slave workers are very obedient and will never cause any trouble."

Canby immediately glared at Heinze, which was clearly a slander.

Xu Yi smiled wryly and waved his hand. Although the dwarves have been working here for a month, there is still some gap between them and humans due to race.

It's just that it will take a long time for this gap to be eliminated, but it can't be rushed.

"No, Heinze, the problem with the Magic Machine Tool Shop is not with the workers, but with the subsequent production."

Heinze was startled: "There is no problem with production, everything went smoothly."

"I don't mean whether the production goes smoothly or not, but have you ever thought about a very important issue, that is, the magic fan is likely to be discontinued?"

"Huh?" Heinze was shocked and stood up suddenly. "Stop production? Why stop production? Magic fans are selling so well, why should they stop production?"

Canby and Sebastian next to them also looked at Xu Yi with puzzled faces.

The second-generation variable-speed magic fan has been sold for less than half a month after it was put into production, and more than 6,000 units have been sold, bringing a large profit of more than 5,000 gold coins to the Chamber of Commerce. Why is there such a good sales volume? Xu Yi suddenly said that he would stop production

Xu Yi pointed out the window: "Because summer is about to pass."

The three of them suddenly understood.

That's right, it's already mid-August, summer is about to end, and the hot weather won't last more than a month.

Once the weather is no longer hot, people's interest in buying magic fans will naturally decrease significantly, and may even approach zero.

By that time, no one will buy the magic fan, and naturally there will be no need to continue production.

Once he figured this out, Heinze suddenly became anxious.

"Then what should we do? Xu Yi, the magic fan is our most profitable thing now. If production is stopped, how can we still make money? Think of a way, otherwise, we can't wait until next summer to start work again, right? But Next summer there will definitely be more magic fans from different brands, and we might not be able to sell them so well by then!”

Kamby pulled Heinze: "Why are you so anxious? Since the president raised this issue, it proves that he already has a solution. Just listen."

Heinze threw Canby away and said angrily: "Of course you are not in a hurry! Your magic machine tool workshop has work to do anytime, what about us?" After saying that, he turned to Xu Yi and urged: "Xu Yi, do you have any work? Do you have a solution? If so, tell me quickly, I’m going to die!”

Xu Yi patted his shoulder and told him to calm down.

"Of course there is a solution. Since the magic fan can no longer be produced, then we will replace it with a product that is not affected by the seasons."

When Heinze heard about the drama, his eyes immediately lit up: "What product?"

Xu Yi chuckled and took out a drawing from his arms: "Here, this is it."