Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 46: The magic harvester is released


Probably because it had been held in for a long time, the heavy rain either stopped falling or it continued intermittently for less than half a month before finally stopping.

When the sky cleared up completely and the sun showed its long-lost glory, shining hotly all day long, people were shocked to find that the weather was no longer as hot as before, making people want to peel off their skin. Layer down.

After all, it is already the end of August, the last period of summer.

The abundant rain during this period has promoted the last stage of the wheat growth in the farmland outside Bangta City. The weather has only been sunny for two days, and all the farmland has turned from green and yellow to golden. Looking around, one after another golden waves are rippling in the wind, which is really spectacular.

For Sainz Continent, a world where productivity is not yet developed and cannot even guarantee everyone's basic needs for food and clothing, annual food production is a top priority. No matter what country or person, it is important to harvest. Put aside everything during the day and go all out to harvest.

The Kingdom of Lampas is located in the southwest of the central part of Sainz continent. There are two harvest seasons every year, and the autumn harvest is the most important. So when the wheat fields mature, the whole kingdom is full of autumn harvest scenes. Bangta City naturally There will be no exception.

However, this year seems to be a little different from previous years.

In the western suburbs of Bonta City, a large piece of land is the territory of Viscount Leslie. Because it was planted a little earlier, nearly half of the fields have fully matured wheat, and they are harvesting as soon as possible.

According to the tradition of previous years, at this time, Viscount Leslie usually sends out all the slaves under his name, and at the same time mobilizes all his guards to go to the farmland to assist in harvesting. In many cases, even children will participate.

After all, farmland harvesting relies entirely on manpower. Having one more person to contribute means that the harvesting will end earlier.

Often at this time, everyone would hope that the sky would not suddenly rain heavy rain continuously like before. Otherwise, this year's harvest would be ruined.

But this year is really different. Although Viscount Leslie led the servants of the Viscount's Mansion to worship the gods as in previous years, he did not immediately announce that all the slaves and servants should go to the fields to start harvesting. He took the lead in cutting off the first ear. Wheat set a symbolic example and simply stepped aside, pretending to be a spectator.

This made the nobles in Bangta City who were watching on the side even more puzzled.

It was already very strange that Viscount Leslie specially invited them to watch the harvesting ceremony in the viscount's territory today, but now Viscount Leslie is like this... What on earth is this Viscount Leslie doing

Just when everyone was wondering, a roar suddenly came from behind Viscount Leslie, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Under the gaze of everyone, a strange-looking machine rushed out from behind Viscount Leslie under the control of a strong man.

This machine looks very weird. The front end is a huge rectangular iron box. There is a hole in the front of the iron box, revealing an iron rake-like thing inside that is rotating with the roar of the machine. It looks very ferocious.

In the middle of the machine is a huge iron frame, covered with iron sheets on the outside. There is a constant rumbling sound inside, as if something is constantly vibrating inside.

Under the iron frame are two huge thick iron wheels that are half a person's height. Judging from the appearance, these wheels have obviously been specially modified. Not only are the wheels as wide as a child's arms, there are also lines on them. The dents appear to be to enhance the wheel's grip.

However, in the eyes of many people, this is clearly unnecessary.

Judging from the way the wheels easily pressed into the field about a palm's thick, the machine weighed at least several hundred kilograms.

The end of the whole machine was simple, just two handles, just enough for the strong man to hold and control, so that the machine could move forward normally according to his wishes.

"Viscount Leslie, what is this thing for?" A nobleman standing next to Viscount Leslie couldn't help but asked.

Viscount Leslie smiled slightly: "It's boring to say it. You'll know just by looking at it."

After hearing this answer, the surrounding nobles who were concerned about the answer could only helplessly refocus their attention on the machine.

At this time, the strong man had carefully controlled the strange-looking machine and entered the farmland. He looked back at Viscount Leslie. Seeing Viscount Leslie nodding, he took out a piece of white cloth from his pocket and covered his mouth and nose. Cover it, then put a cloth bag that should be used to hold food in an opening at the back of the machine, then reach out and press something that looks like a switch on the handle. The machine roars again and slowly moves toward Advance in the wheat field.

The nobles who were watching were all shocked. This machine looked so vicious. If it rushed over like this, wouldn't it crush all the wheat that had finally matured

Even if the territory of Viscount Leslie is large enough, he can only grow so much wheat, and it is absolutely inappropriate to waste it in vain.

As everyone watched in amazement, the iron box at the front of the machine had already rolled in the outermost row of wheat in the wheat field.

The high-speed rotating iron rake and plow mercilessly swallowed the wheat in one gulp and disappeared directly into the machine.

There were strange roars coming from the huge box of the machine. After a while, several sharp-eyed nobles discovered that something seemed to be sprayed out of the opening at the back of the machine, filling the originally empty bag.

As the machine continued to advance in the wheat field, something was sprayed from the opening at the back, and the bag was filled little by little.

When the machine walked back and forth in the wheat field under the control of the strong man for two times, the bag was bulging, and the strong man stopped the machine.

Viscount Leslie waved his hand, and two slaves rushed over from behind, unhooked the bag from the machine, and hung up another bag.

The strong man continued to operate the machine to harvest wheat in the wheat field, while the two slaves carried the filled bags to Viscount Leslie.

Before Viscount Leslie could signal, the nobles on the side had already gathered around him.

A nobleman took a look, and immediately shouted in surprise. He reached out and grabbed a handful in the bag, and unexpectedly pulled out a hand full of crimson wheat grains!

Seeing this situation, the other nobles who were watching couldn't bear it anymore and reached in one after another, and without any surprise, everyone caught a handful of wheat grains.

Looking at the handful of wheat grains in their hands with almost no husks, the nobles could not believe their eyes.

"How... is this possible? It was obviously wheat straw in the field, but why did it suddenly turn into wheat grains?" A nobleman muttered to himself.

"Yes, how did this happen? Viscount Leslie, you must have packed a bag of wheat to trick us, right?" Another noble obviously couldn't believe it even more.

Viscount Leslie didn't bother to explain to them and pointed to the machine that was still harvesting in the wheat field.

Everyone looked over and saw that the machine had already filled the empty bag that had just been replaced.

When the two slaves carried the bag over, everyone gathered around to take a look and found that the bag was indeed filled with wheat grains.

In fact, if Viscount Leslie lied to them, no one would believe it.

First of all, there is no need for Viscount Leslie to do this. Secondly, the nobles here have some knowledge of farmland. Naturally, they know very well that the wheat grains in these two bags are obviously new wheat that has just been harvested, and they cannot be wheat grains. Viscount Slee used the old Chen Mai to deceive them. did this happen

The wheat was obviously growing well in the fields just now, but it was swallowed all the way by that weird-looking machine, and then spit out and turned into wheat grains

"I said... Viscount Leslie, could this be caused by magic?" A nobleman couldn't help but said.

Viscount Leslie laughed: "You are right, this has something to do with magic. But it is wrong to say that it is all caused by magic. Have you ever heard of such convenient magic?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Okay, let me tell you, this thing is called a magic harvester, and it is used to harvest wheat. How about it? After seeing it now, do you have any thoughts?" Viscount Leslie looked around with interest. Everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, and a nobleman rolled his eyes, approached Viscount Leslie and asked with a smile: "Viscount Leslie, we are all old friends, tell me, do you have more of this machine? Can you lend me two of them?"

After hearing what this man said, other nobles around him immediately reacted.

"Yes, lend it to me too. It's time to harvest the wheat in my territory. This machine of yours is so amazing, it's so easy to use!"

"That's right, we are all old friends, so why don't you lend it to me?"

"What do you mean by borrowing? You guys are greedy for cheap. Viscount Leslie, I don't need to borrow. If you have more, just make a price and sell me two."

"Yes, you can sell it to me. With this thing, harvesting wheat will be much more convenient. Looking at the speed, it won't take only an hour to harvest this large piece of land, right?"

"I'm afraid it won't even last an hour. I didn't mention it, but it's so useful. Viscount Leslie, if you have more, just ask me and sell them to me. I'll buy as many units as you have!"

"Baron Rover, you only have such a small territory, why did you buy so many machines? Besides, this machine is so amazing, I don't think there will be many. Viscount Leslie, you must sell it to me first! Don't forget , I lent you a hundred slaves to help you during the last harvest."

Seeing the enthusiasm of the nobles around him, Viscount Leslie chuckled, turned around and pointed to the person behind him.

"You can buy this machine if you want, but don't look for me. You should look for him. He sold me this machine."

The nobles turned their heads in shock and saw Xu Yi with a smile on his face.

That smile was like a tiger that had been hungry for three days and saw a big piece of compost brought to its mouth.