Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 47: Household magic machinery production workshop


"Hey, Canby, didn't you complain about not having any work some time ago? Let me tell you good news, now you have work, and it's a lot of work!" Xu Yi smiled and patted Canby hard on the shoulder, but because The dwarf had thick skin and thick flesh, which made his hands hurt from the shock.

"What kind of job? Is it a magic harvester?" Canby's eyes lit up and he asked immediately.

Xu Yiyang raised the stack of orders in his hand and said with a smile: "Yes, it's the magic harvester. There are seventeen units in total, and they must be produced within a week. What do you think?"

Camby looked happy just now, but he instantly collapsed after hearing this number.

"Channel 17? Within a week?" Canby shook his head with a grimace. "Isn't this too exaggerated? Even if we start working at full capacity now, we can't make one in a day."

"Hey, I don't care about that. Anyway, I'm taking the order. If you can't complete the task, don't blame me for deducting your salary next month." Xu Yi showed the face of a bloody capitalist and stuffed the order. With Bi in his arms, he hummed a little tune and left the magic machine tool workshop.

He couldn't be in a bad mood.

A total of seventeen magic harvesters!

According to the selling price of 70 gold coins per unit, this is a full 1,190 gold coins!

According to Sebastian's cost accounting, the total cost of each magic harvester is less than ten gold coins.

In other words, for every magic harvester sold, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce earned a full sixty gold coins!

This is equivalent to a 600% profit! It can’t even be described as huge profits!

At first, Xu Yi was prepared to set the price at the price of "fifty gold coins" mentioned by Viscount Leslie, but later Viscount Leslie suggested that Xu Yi could raise the price even higher. He could guarantee that it would still sell well. go out.

Facts have proved that Viscount Leslie's proposal is very correct.

After witnessing the magic of the magic harvester with their own eyes, more than twenty nobles proposed the intention of purchasing the magic harvester on the spot.

Although Xu Yi quoted a high price of seventy coins per unit, these nobles still agreed without blinking.

This made Xu Yi even regret whether the price was still too low.

Later, the reason why he only received seventeen orders was entirely because Xu Yi declined several nobles considering that the production capacity of the magic machine tool workshop was temporarily insufficient.

Because of Xu Yi's polite refusal, those nobles were quite unhappy, thinking that Xu Yi looked down on them.

Fortunately, Viscount Leslie solved the problem after claiming that he would rent the magic harvester he already owned to them.

"Looking at it this way, the production capacity of the Magic Machine Tool Workshop is still insufficient. It seems that the research on forging machinery must be further accelerated. Otherwise, if more and more orders are received in the future but cannot be completed, wouldn't we just have to watch helplessly? Is the fat in your mouth slipping away?" Xu Yi thought with some reluctance.

As for Canby's complaint that they couldn't complete the order, Xu Yi naturally didn't take it to heart.

Only one thing can be completed in a day, that's because the magic harvester was still in the development stage.

Now that it has been successfully developed and officially put into production, it is naturally impossible to maintain such low production efficiency.

Seventeen units, one week, this is the number that Xu Yi came up with after careful calculation. With the abilities of Canby and the dwarves, they can definitely complete this task.

Of course, this week will definitely be tiring.

But who made Canby claim that dwarves are the most hardworking and hardworking, and complained that Xu Yi gave them too little work

While thinking about what should be done next to increase the production capacity of the magic machine tool workshop, Xu Yi strolled to the magic fan production workshop.

After entering the end of August, the Magic Fan production workshop was obviously much busier than before.

During the previous period, the workshop was almost always operating at full capacity, and the slaves even worked many days of overtime.

After completing Kalma City's largest order of three thousand magic fans, the magic fan workshop suddenly felt relaxed.

As Xu Yi had predicted before, towards the end of summer, the number of families willing to buy magic fans has dropped sharply, the demand for magic fans has dropped significantly, and orders will naturally no longer come in as they did before.

Xu Yi's eyes swept across the much quieter workshop, and he saw Heinze squatting in a corner, his face full of sadness, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Heinze didn't react until Xu Yi walked up to him and squatted down as well.

"Ah? Xu Yi, when did you come?"

"Just got here." Xu Yi smiled and asked, "What? What are you thinking about? You look worried."

"Why don't you worry?" Heinze smiled bitterly and pointed to the workshop in front of him. "Look, the orders for magic fans have suddenly dropped so much, and maybe even one won't be sold next month. Why don't I worry? If this continues, this workshop might not be able to sell even one next month. It’s about to close down and stop production.”

"Isn't this the result we expected a long time ago?" Xu Yi said nonchalantly.

Heinze turned his head and looked at Xu Yi seriously, and suddenly said: "Xu Yi, tell the truth, are you ready to give up this magic fan workshop?"

Xu Yi was stunned: "Who told you that I wanted to give up?"

"What about the new product you were talking about?" Heinze stretched out his hand to Xu Yi. "Don't think I don't know. You helped Canby and his magic machine tool shop develop that magic harvester, and it seems to be selling very well now. Coupled with the machine tools they were already making, now their magic machine tool shop works every day They are all so busy. If we look at our Magic Fan Workshop, it will only become less and less busy, and we may have to close down. Don’t you think that you are favoring one over the other?”

Xu Yi suddenly felt dumbfounded.

"Heinze, what are you thinking about here alone? Whether it is the magic fan workshop or the magic machine tool workshop, they are the most important part of our chamber of commerce. How could I just focus on one end and give up on the other? That's right. , there is a lot of work in the magic machine tool workshop now, but you are totally wrong if you think I will give up on the magic fan workshop! To tell you the truth, this workshop should actually change its name from now on, and it should not be called the magic fan workshop. , but should be called Home Magic Machinery Workshop.”

"Household magic machine workshop?" Heinze was stunned. "What does it mean?"

"It means that this workshop will not only produce magic fans from now on, but also all magic machines used in family life. Didn't I ask you to produce thirty magic air conditioners some time ago? Have you forgotten?"

"Of course I won't forget this. But Xu Yi, that magic air conditioner is not as popular as you said. After 30 units were sold out, there were no new orders at all."

Xu Yi couldn't help but roll his eyes at him: "Nonsense, a magic air conditioner only costs 20 gold coins per unit. How can it be sold so easily? Besides, it was already more than half of the summer at that time. How could a luxury product like a magic air conditioner be so expensive? Many people buy it. But you don’t have to worry, the magic air conditioner is not like the magic fan and can only be used in summer. It can also be used in winter.”

"For winter? Are you kidding me?" Heinze's eyes widened. "The wind blowing out of that thing is so cool, wouldn't it freeze people to death if used in winter?"

"Hey Heinze, why are you so stubborn?" Xu Yi sighed with a feeling of resentment. "Who told you that the magic air conditioner can only blow cold air? The so-called air conditioner means air conditioning. It can make the air cool, and of course it can also make the air cooler.

The air is getting warmer. Let me tell you, when the weather gets cold, we will start selling magic air conditioners that can provide heating. I am sure it will be a big hit by then. "

Heinze's eyes lit up: "Are you telling the truth? Is there really a way to warm the air?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"That's great! If that's the case, then we will make a lot of money again!" Heinze stood up excitedly.

Xu Yi sighed helplessly. No matter how he used all methods to instill his business philosophy into Heinze, Heinze was always so petty. It seemed that he was only suitable to be a factory director and could not be better. Highly developed.

This is also a helpless thing. A person's knowledge is related to his environment. Before meeting Xu Yi, Heinze was just a small grocery store owner, so how could he have extraordinary knowledge.

After Heinze was excited for a while, he suddenly remembered something and suddenly became depressed again.

"But Xu Yi, summer is over, and winter is still several months away. What are we doing during this time?"

Xu Yi glanced at him: "Have you forgotten what I told you last time? Let me tell you good news. Steele and the others have almost completed the research on the core magic circle. Next, I only need to spend some time It will take a while to combine the magic array and the mechanical structure diagram, and after some experiments, it can be officially put into production. If we move quickly enough, it can be completed in less than twenty days."

"Really? That's great!" Hearing that the workshop would not really stop working, Heinze breathed out, feeling relieved this time.

Seeing him worrying about gains and losses, Xu Yi sighed helplessly again.

This time, I wasn’t sighing for Heinze, but for Sainz’s continent’s backward industrial system.

It turns out that those electric fans in the world don't necessarily have no work once summer is over.

No one is buying them now. The worst thing is that they will be produced and stored, and then sold together next summer.

And even if it is to switch production, it will be easy. The powerful industrial system of the original world can ensure that these electric fan manufacturers can produce other products by slightly modifying their production lines, and they will definitely not hang themselves on the electric fan tree.

However, on the Sainz continent, due to material reasons, if the production of magic fans is shelved for a year, I am afraid that there will be a lot of scrapped products next summer.

Moreover, all the machine tools and equipment and even the workers in this magic fan workshop are specially designed for magic fans. If you want to switch production, you will have to redesign the machine tools and train the personnel.

In other words, Xu Yi will continue to be busy in the next twenty days.

"Hey, establishing a complete industrial system is really easy to say, but actually it's more difficult to do." Thinking of this, Xu Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly. "Oh no, if you want to reach heaven, it's not that difficult in this world where magicians are everywhere..."