Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 48: Magic rice cooker


In the small building where the Magic Research Institute is located, Xu Yi, Steele, Akali and Evita gathered around a small table. Their four pairs of eyes stared at a cylindrical object on the table. Unblinking.

Wisps of white mist floated out from the gaps above the cylinder, rose up, fluttered on the faces of the four people, and condensed into small water droplets on the hair of the four people, but the four people did not care. , still staring at the cylinder, as if there was something particularly attractive about this dark iron.

"I smell the aroma!" Akali suddenly shouted excitedly. "Do you smell it?"

"Yeah, I smelled it too." Steele also looked pleased, looking away at Xu Yi. "Xu Yi, this should be considered good, right?"

Xu Yi sniffed hard, but did not answer. Instead, he turned to Evita: "Evita, among us, you are the best at cooking. It's up to you to judge whether it's good or not."

"Ah? But this time is different from before..." Evita was taken aback and waved her hand gently to refuse.

"It's okay, it just changed the form. The basic principle is still the same. You can smell it and see. If it's good, we will accept the results." Xu Yidao.

"Oh... okay then." Evita responded, brushing away the hair around her earlobes, moving closer to the cylinder, taking a deep breath, then closing her eyes and savoring it, straightened up and looked at her expectantly. The three nodded. "Well, it should be fine."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start the pot!" Akali cheered and reached out to reach for the lid on the cylinder.

Xu Yi was startled when he saw it, and quickly grabbed Akali's outstretched hand to stop her movement.

"Do you want to be burned to death?" Xu Yi scolded angrily.

Akali finally woke up and stuck out her tongue at Xu Yi in embarrassment.

Seeing that her right hand was still grasped by Xu Yi's big hand, Akali blushed slightly.

Although she has a cheerful and lively personality, she has never had any close contact with a man outside her family in her entire life.

However, Xu Yi didn't think so much. After stopping Akali's movement, he let go of her hand. This made Akali relieved, but also a little disappointed.

Xu Yi found a rag and put it in the palm of his hand, then reached out and lifted the cover above the cylinder.

As soon as it was opened, a strong white mist rose up along with a strong aroma, immediately filling the room with fragrance.

When the fog dissipated, the four of them took a closer look and saw a ball of white crystal rice filling the inside of the cylinder, which looked extremely tempting.

Steele took out a small spoonful with the spoon he had already obtained, blew on it twice, and put it in his mouth.

"Well, it's cooked just right and tastes very good. Come on, Xu Yi, try it."

Steele took another small spoonful and handed it to Xu Yi's mouth naturally.

Xu Yi swallowed it in one gulp and chewed it twice. He felt that the rice grains in his mouth were tender and delicious, soft and tough. Just one bite made his appetite whet his appetite. It even made Xu Yi feel that he could eat just the rice. Let him eat two large bowls.

Only Xu Yi had eaten such delicious rice when he was very young. The rice he ate after that almost completely lost its taste.

"Well, it's indeed good." Xu Yi laughed. "Very good, this means that our experiment has officially been successful! Come on, Akali, Evita, you guys should also try it. Your contribution to the successful development of this thing is also great. Come on... I Why do you two look so strange?"

Akali and Evita looked at Xu Yi, then at Steele, looked at each other, smiled at the same time, then found another spoon and took two bites each, and immediately nodded with satisfaction.

"Great! President, this... this... what is this?" Akali suddenly got stuck.

"Magic rice cooker." Xu Yi added.

"Oh yes, the magic rice cooker, does it count as a complete success now?"

"It's not a complete success. In fact, there are still many areas that can be improved." Xu Yi looked at the dark cylinder on the table and thought that although the appearance of this thing was modeled after the rice cookers on Earth, it still If you really want to calculate it, it's still quite a bit off.

At least the rice cookers on Earth are fully insulated, so you don't have to worry about burning your hands when opening them.

But this is a minor problem, and it will be enough to make some small changes when it is put into production.

That's right, this magic rice cooker is the product Xu Yi prepared for the next production of the magic fan workshop.

As early as the middle of the summer, Xu Yi had already considered the issues that Heinze had been worrying about these days. After careful consideration, Xu Yi had a longer-term plan and repositioned the magic fan workshop into a household magic machine factory. .

As the name suggests, all the products produced by this workshop in the future will be household magic machines for ordinary families.

Although due to the conditions on Sainz's continent, many household appliances on Earth cannot be copied, but there are already many that can be imitated.

The rice cooker is one example.

Compared with the magic fan, the process of the magic rice cooker, which is based on the principle of a rice cooker, is actually simpler. The entire research process was completed in less than a week.

That is to say, in the process of studying the magic rice cooker, Xu Yi discovered another advantage of the magic machine, that is, because the power source of the magic machine uses the magic generated by the magic array, it does not need to be like those electrical appliances on earth. We must first consider the conversion of electrical energy, and then we can directly generate the corresponding required power.

For example, this magic rice cooker, compared with electric rice cookers that must use electric heating tubes to convert electrical energy into heat energy, the magic rice cooker directly uses a low-level flame magic array inside. After pressing the switch, with the support of the magic crystal, this flame magic array By directly generating heat energy, the entire liner can be completely wrapped. Not only does it heat up quickly enough, but also because of the characteristics of the magic array, the heat energy utilization rate is extremely high.

On earth, there are many people who pursue the original wood-fired cooking method. They think it is more delicious than cooking rice with a rice cooker. This is because the heat generated by wood-fired fire is higher and more direct, and the effect is better than the heat energy converted from electrical energy.

But this magic rice cooker does not have this problem. Even because of the careful research of Steele, Akali, and Evita, the heat generated by the flame array inside the magic rice cooker envelopes the inner pot in all directions, making the inner pot The heating is more even, and the cooked rice has almost no defects.

Xu Yi ate a few more mouthfuls of rice and felt very satisfied.

If you give this thing to Heinze, he will no longer look at you resentfully like a resentful woman every day.

"President, please sit down and eat together." Over there, Evita had already diligently cleared a table and brought out several dishes that had been prepared long ago.

"Oh, okay." Xu Yi smiled and sat down at the table. Seeing the four exquisite side dishes and a broth that just looked appetizing on the table, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Evita, Your cooking skills are really good. If anyone marries you in the future, they will be really happy. "

Evita's hand that was serving rice froze, and her pretty face turned red.

"Hey, uncle, you are harassing me." Steele knocked on the table in front of Xu Yi and snorted coldly: "I tell you, Evita was very popular when she was in our college. How many male classmates They are all fascinated by her. If they know that an uncle like you dares to harass their goddess, do you believe that those guys will rush over to deal with you? "

Xu Yi laughed dumbly: "Is it so scary? Well, I'd better eat obediently and don't talk nonsense."

Evita came over with a red face and put a bowl in front of Xu Yi.

"President, don't mention Steele's nonsense. In terms of popularity, Steele is the most popular one in our Lampali Royal Academy. I am far behind her."

"That's right. If Steele doesn't have a crush on her, as long as she opens her mouth casually, the boys who are willing to chase her will probably line up from here to the gate of Bonta City." Akali on the side sighed and said to Steele asked: "By the way, Steele, I have always forgotten to ask you, haven't you always liked that Vincent? How is it now? Have you gone to see him again after graduation? I Do you think you should at least tell him that you like him?"

"Vincent?" Xu Yi thought. Could this be the male classmate that Steele liked before, but later recognized his true face and denounced him as a "slut"

"I've looked for it, but they're already engaged, so why should I go and steal someone else's fiance?" Steele shrugged easily, as if he didn't care at all.

Xu Yi carefully observed Steele's expression and found that although she looked relaxed, there was still a shadow hidden under that relaxed expression.

It seemed that the harm done to her by this incident would not subside in a short time.

"Engaged? How come I didn't hear about it. Who is he engaged to? That girl is probably not as beautiful as you, right? Why don't you go grab her, Steele. I think you..."

"Akali." Seeing that Akali seemed ready to ask further questions, Xu Yi suddenly spoke up, interrupting her question.

"Huh? What's wrong? President?" Akali was stunned and asked.

"Hmm... and Evita, are you two interested in filming a commercial?"


Akali and Evita looked at each other, completely confused as to what Xu Yi meant.