Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 49: People's hearts are floating


"Xu Yi, actually you don't have to help me out, I'm fine." Steele showed a relaxed smile to Xu Yi beside him.

At this time, the two of them had finished lunch at the Magic Research Institute. Steele planned to return to the Magic Tower. Xu Yi happened to have something to see the great magician Camilla, so they walked together on the way back to the Magic Tower.

"Is it really okay?" Xu Yi frowned and looked at Steele with doubt on his face. "I saw that you didn't look very good just now."

"That's just..." Steele thought for a moment and waved his hand slightly irritably. "After all, this incident makes people unhappy. It just makes me feel sick when I think about it."

"As long as you don't still have feelings for that guy." Xu Yi shrugged.

"Who would have feelings for that kind of inferior guy?" Steele glared at Xu Yi angrily. "Do you think I'm a fool? I liked him before, but I didn't see his true face clearly and was deceived by his appearance. Thinking about it now, I really feel that I was so naive at that time, that I would do it because of a person's appearance. I just liked him based on his appearance. Well, I was indeed a fool at that time.”

Xu Yi laughed: "Being a fool is not necessarily a bad thing. At least through this incident, you know that you can't judge people by their appearance. Compared with appearance, the heart is the most important. After all, like me, the appearance is the same as the heart. Outstanding people are so rare.”

Steele looked like he wanted to vomit: "Can you please? I just finished lunch and I don't want to vomit it now."

Xu Yi snorted and put on a disdainful expression: "I tell you the truth and you still don't believe me. I'm really a brat who cannot be taught. But forget it, an outstanding man like me is just like the bright moon in the sky, so I can't hide it even if I want to. If you can’t hide it, you, a guy with bad eyes, will have to discover it.”

"You're the one with bad eyes." Steele glared at Xu Yi and suddenly smiled.

Once the laughter could no longer be suppressed, it was like opening a floodgate and letting out water. It became more and more unstoppable. At first, Steele just covered his mouth and laughed. Later, the laughter became louder and louder. He simply covered his stomach and laughed so hard. Can't stand up straight.

Xu Yi kept a straight face at first, but later he couldn't help but laugh with her.

At noon on this summer day, two guys suddenly burst into laughter on the street for no apparent reason, which naturally aroused the surprised looks of people around them.

Unfortunately, these two guys are now quite famous in Bangta City. When people around them found out that it was them, they couldn't help but point their fingers.

Xu Yi soon discovered this and quickly took Steele's arm and ran away.

It wasn't until he ran all the way to Camilla's Magic Tower that Xu Yi put down Steele's arm, panted and pointed at the Magic Tower in front of him and said: "Okay, you go find your grandpa first. I have to go back to the research room first." Come on. By the way, tell the great magician Camilla first that I will come to him later and hope he can give me some time."

"Why are you so polite all of a sudden?" Steele glanced at Xu Yi. "Didn't Grandpa tell you a long time ago that you can go see him anytime you want?"

Xu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It was no problem before, but I was scolded by him last time. Now I'm not sure whether he will look at me differently."

Steele snorted: "You deserve it."

At this point, Steele suddenly frowned, sighed, turned to look at the towering magic tower in front of him, and the expression on his face became a little regretful.

"Xu Yi, actually... don't talk about you, I have always wanted to persuade grandpa. If he continues to be so stubborn, I'm afraid this magic tower... "

"What's wrong with the magic tower?" Xu Yi was sensitive to the sadness in Steele's tone, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Is there something going on with this magic tower? Probably not, no matter what Kami said Your Excellency La is also a great magician and has a position in the entire kingdom."

Steele shook his head: "That's not the problem. But it's not easy to tell you about this matter for the time being. I'll look for an opportunity to talk to you in detail after Grandpa and I have a good communication. Maybe... I'll ask you again then. help."

Seeing that Steele spoke solemnly, Xu Yi frowned.

Listening to her tone, the great magician Camilla seemed to be in trouble.

"Don't beg, just ask if there is anything I can do to help. Steele, if you hadn't made an exception and recruited me into this magic tower, I'm afraid I would have been forced to do other jobs in order to support myself. It’s very possible that I won’t have anything to do with magic, let alone create a chamber of commerce like this. So you played a decisive role in being able to have these things. In this case, why are you being polite to me?”

Steele smiled slightly: "Then do you know why I made an exception to recruit you in the first place?"

"Oh why?"

"Because... you held the door for me when I came in." Steele blinked, dropped these words, and turned around to leave.

"Is it because of this?" Xu Yi touched his nose, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

When Xu Yi walked into the research room, he immediately caused a sensation.

Since the business of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has increased, Xu Yi has asked for leave more and more often. Later, he would show up only once every few days, and each time he appeared, he would only stay for a short period of time before leaving.

This made the colleagues in the research room even forget that he was actually a member of this research room.

What's even more strange is that if it were anyone else, I would have been kicked out of the magic tower by the great magician Camilla at this time, but for Xu Yi, the great magician Camilla didn't say anything at all, as if It was as if he had no idea what Xu Yi was doing.

As time went by, colleagues in the research laboratory came to know that Xu Yi's status in the eyes of the great magician Camilla was indeed unique.

In addition, as the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce launched more and more products, the chamber of commerce became stronger and stronger, and Xu Yi's status in the minds of his colleagues also increased.

Now that Xu Yi appears in the research room, he will naturally not be ignored by everyone like he was at the beginning, nor will he be hostile to some colleagues like before. Instead, he will be almost unanimously welcomed with enthusiasm.

"Hey, Xu Yi, why are you suddenly back today free?" Luti jumped out first and greeted Xu Yi with a smile on her face. "If you don't come back, we will all forget you as a colleague."

"Lutie, what are you talking about? We have forgotten that no one can forget Xu Yi. After all, we have worked hard for that magic fan together for so long. Don't you think so, Xu Yi? "This colleague is naturally one of the ten colleagues who assisted Xu Yi in drawing the magic fan magic circle.

"That's right, I can't forget this." Another colleague also laughed loudly and came to Xu Yi's side, patted Xu Yi's shoulder, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Hey, Xu Yi, your chamber of commerce has recently Is there such a job? If so, can you introduce it to me? "

Upon hearing this question, the entire research room suddenly became quiet.

Xu Yi looked around and found that except for a few colleagues in the research room, the rest were looking at him expectantly.

Even the few colleagues who didn't look here were obviously listening, and they were by no means as indifferent as they appeared on the surface.

Xu Yi was secretly surprised.

These colleagues used to be very disdainful of the work of drawing magic circles. Why are they suddenly so enthusiastic now

The only explanation can only be that something happened here that he didn't know about yet.

"There is something to be said for this kind of work, but with your magical strength, I'm afraid it's a bit humiliating, right?" Xu Yi responded with a smile, while carefully observing everyone's reactions.

However, after careful observation, Xu Yi discovered a fact that surprised him even more.

"Huh? Why didn't you see Camilo, Renault and Wella? The three of them couldn't have asked for leave together like me, right?"

"You don't know?" Luti glanced at Xu Yi in surprise, then realized. "Oh yes, you haven't been here for many days, of course you don't know. The three of them are no longer working here. I heard that they seem to have gone to a chamber of commerce in Saltan City to work for that chamber of commerce."

"Working for the Chamber of Commerce?" Xu Yi was suddenly stunned. "With the strength of the three of them, they can't go to work as escorts for some chamber of commerce, right? Camilo aside, with Renault and Wella's arrogant hearts, how could they agree?"

"No, of course not as guards. How could they be willing to go and serve as guards for the Chamber of Commerce?" Luti shook her head. "I heard that they seem to be doing some research... By the way, Xu Yi, it seems that they have something to do with your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce."

"What does it have to do with our chamber of commerce?" Xu Yi was even more stunned.

"I don't know what it is specifically. I only know that the salary offered to them by that chamber of commerce is quite high. Anyway, before Camilo left, he said it was much higher than his salary here."

"Really?" Xu Yi frowned and fell into thought.

Camilo ranks second in terms of strength in this research room, and his salary is naturally the highest, even more than Renault, which is forty gold coins per month.

If the salary offered to him by the chamber of commerce he went to was much higher than here, it would be really not a small sum.

If Renault and Wella were offered the same salary, it wouldn't be surprising if they both agreed.

"By the way, the three of them were poached by that chamber of commerce. What about you? Why didn't they come to poach you?" Xu Yi asked again.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing his question, the expressions on the faces of the colleagues in the laboratory became strange at the same time.

Xu Yi understood immediately, he was afraid that no one of these people was excepted, and all of them had been poached.

The only answer to why they are still here is that the conditions have not been negotiated yet.