Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 5: Mass production


"A total of one hundred and thirty-seven units?" Xu Yi looked at the reservation order given to him by Heinze with a headache. He didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed for a moment.

The hot sales of the magic fan did not surprise him. In this extremely hot weather, everyone is looking forward to something that can bring them a bit of coolness. However, setting up a large frost magic circle is difficult for most people. It was too expensive, and the emergence of magic fans just met their needs.

Think about it, compared to the deployment cost of thirty gold coins for a large frost array and the maintenance cost of hundreds of gold coins per month, it only costs two gold coins to purchase and never exceeds one gold coin per month. The magic fan costing the magic crystal is undoubtedly much cheaper.

Although the effect of the magic fan cannot be compared with that of a large frost array, it is enough to make the human body feel some coolness and relieve the heat a little.

But no matter what, Xu Yi did not expect that in just one day, Heinze would receive reservations for a total of 137 magic fans.

And according to Heinze, more people have not made up their mind to buy because they have not seen the real thing. Once the supply of magic fans is sufficient, I am afraid that the sales volume will far exceed the number of one hundred and thirty-seven. .

"Dear Xu, no matter what, please make these one hundred and thirty-seven magic fans as soon as possible. This is related to our future reputation!" If Heinze's attitude towards Xu Yi before was just ordinary. You're welcome, so now he was looking at Xu Yi as if he were looking at a golden mountain, and his tone was full of strong expectations, even mixed with a hint of flattery. "Of course, if possible, you can make as many magic fans as you can! Believe me, there must be many people in Bangta City who need this magic fan! Even if no one in Bangta City wants this magic fan, I believe others There must be people in the city who need it!”

Xu Yi was a little overwhelmed by Heinze's enthusiasm, but when he thought of the seven gold coins and the handful of silver coins that Heinze had just handed him, he felt a surge of passion in his heart.

"Okay, I will try my best to finish it!"

But it's easy to agree, but very difficult to actually do it.

If you want to complete the pre-order for these 137 magic fans, Xu Yi alone will definitely not be able to do it.

Although Xu Yi is already very skilled in the craft of making magic fans, it would take at least three hours of non-stop work to complete each magic fan by himself. Multiplied by one hundred and thirty-seven, that is a full four hundred and one hours. Eleven hours, it takes more than half a month!

After sending Heinze away, Xu Yi thought carefully, first went to the blacksmith shop where he had ordered magic fan casings, placed an order for two hundred fan casings, and then hurried back to Camilla Magic Tower. .

He met Heinze during his lunch break. When he returned to the research room, his colleagues happened to be there.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Xu Yi distributed the large bag of frozen ale he had brought back from the special trip. When he arrived in front of Rem, he did not reach out to take it. Instead, he frowned and asked, "Hey, Xu Yi, something's up. Just tell me. My mother taught me that after eating food from others, my mouth will become soft. If you don't say anything, I won't drink your ale. "

Hearing what Rem said, several colleagues who had taken the ale and were about to put it into their mouths also put their hands down and looked at Xu Yi curiously.

Xu Yi was slightly surprised by Rem's reaction. He glanced at Rem and smiled. Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, he raised his voice and said, "Everyone, I do have something to ask for your help. Of course, these ales are just trivial things, they don’t count, you can drink them without any worries, I didn’t add any poison to them.”

Xu Yi's relaxed words caused a burst of chuckles, and he immediately continued: "As for asking everyone to help, of course there will be rewards. Well, this can be regarded as some extra money. I wonder if you are interested?"

"What's the reward like?"

"What are you doing?"

"How long will it take? Are you busy?"

Everyone's concerns are slightly different, but they are all concerned about remuneration.

Although he was paid a certain amount every month for assisting him in magic research under the great magician Camilla, it was very fixed and not much, so these colleagues still cared about it after they knew they were being paid.

"This job shouldn't be difficult for you, and it doesn't take much time. As for the reward, it depends on the specific completion. The more you complete, the more reward you will get. The specifics are like this..."

When they heard Xu Yi explain that they only needed to draw a simple whirlwind array, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. For them, it did not take much time to draw a low-level whirlwind array, and it was not difficult at all.

After hearing Xu Yi say that he would be rewarded with ten silver coins for each completed whirlwind circle, everyone was instantly enthusiastic. Even Wella, who had been calm all this time, became a little excited.

According to Xu Yi, this job is so simple. You can get a few gold coins by just drawing dozens of whirlwind arrays. It's really relaxing and enjoyable.

After Xu Yi finished explaining, ten of the sixteen people in the research room except Xu Yi took over the work.

The few who didn't agree included Rem and Wella, as well as the colleagues at the top of the research room in terms of magic power.

Xu Yi just smiled softly and said nothing more.

He knew in his heart that these people did not agree because they probably looked down on the work, or even looked down on him.

But this didn't hinder him. Being able to persuade ten colleagues to help was beyond his expectation.

With the assistance of these ten colleagues, not only is it no problem to complete the pre-order for 137 magic fans, but it is even possible to achieve higher production according to Heinze's ideas.


In the next week, Xu Yi could be said to be extremely busy.

On the one hand, he must strictly monitor the quality of the fan housings completed in the blacksmith shop.

As a senior mechanical engineer on Earth, Xu Yi knows that once mass production is carried out, the most important thing to pay attention to is the unification of product specifications.

However, in the Sainz continent, the blacksmiths in the blacksmith shop rely entirely on their own experience and craftsmanship to forge items. There is no particularly strict and precise specification control. Naturally, it is impossible to make all products uniform.

Xu Yi had no choice but to mark it clearly on the drawings and strictly required the blacksmiths to build it according to the drawings.

On the other hand, he needed to teach the ten colleagues how to draw the whirlwind circle step by step.

At first, the ten colleagues were dismissive of this, thinking that Xu Yi needed to be taught to draw a mere whirlwind circle, and they could draw it easily.

But when Xu Yi placed the whirlwind array in front of them after his transformation, they discovered that the whirlwind array was much more complicated than they had imagined, and they couldn't understand many of the nodes and array lines at all. .

One of the colleagues was still unconvinced and roughly drew it. However, when Xu Yi combined the magic circle with the fan casing, everyone discovered that the wind blown by this magic fan was extremely weak and nothing like ordinary.

At this time, they obediently followed Xu Yi's arrangements and began to study and draw the magic circle seriously.

In addition to investing a lot of energy in these two aspects, Xu Yi cannot give up his work in Camilla Magic Tower.

In this regard, Heinze once advised Xu Yi that with the sales prospects of magic fans, Xu Yi could completely quit his job in the magic tower. Just cooperating with him to sell magic fans would be enough to ensure that he would have no worries about food and clothing in the future, so why bother to let him I am so busy.

Xu Yi just smiled and did not answer Heinze's reasons for doing this, but still insisted on working at the Magic Tower every day.

After a busy week, the work on the two hundred magic fans was finally completed. Putting aside the thirteen defective products due to various reasons, the remaining complete magic fans reached 487. Not only was the work completed, There are pre-orders for one hundred and thirty-seven units, and there are an additional three hundred and fifty units.

The small house Xu Yi rented temporarily became a studio during this period. After finishing the work on the magic tower every day, Xu Yi came here with the ten colleagues to continue working hard on the magic circle drawing of the magic fan.

The atmosphere in the studio today is different from the past, with a bit more joy and excitement, because after completing the work on these five hundred magic fans, Xu Yi also paid everyone the rewards he promised.

On average, each of the ten colleagues completed the drawing of fifty magic circles. According to the remuneration agreed between Xu Yi and them, each person was five gold coins.

Strictly speaking, this remuneration is not too much, but for these low-level magicians who usually don't have many opportunities to make money, it is a very real income.

In addition, Xu Yi also gave each of them a magic fan as a reward.

You must know that the magic fan has become a hot-selling product in Bangta City, and ordinary people may not be able to buy it even if they want to buy it.

Privately, the magic fan that was originally priced at two gold coins was even raised to three gold coins, a full increase of half!

If they resell the magic fan given by Xu Yi, it will be equivalent to three more gold coins!

Looking at the excited but trying to hide the faces of these equally young colleagues, Xu Yi smiled slightly and turned to look in the direction of Heinze's store.

Tomorrow is the day Heinze has set to sell a large number of magic fans. This time he used the reservation money for the 137 magic fans to directly make 500 magic fans. If the sales tomorrow are hot, then it will be inevitable. So make a fortune.

But if something unexpected happens and the magic fan cannot be sold, all the money will be lost.

become? defeat? We can only wait until tomorrow to find out.