Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 50: The poor magician


An hour later, Xu Yi met the great magician Camilla on the top of the magic tower.

After staring at the Great Magician for a while, Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Nearly twenty days have passed since the last time I saw the Great Magician. However, only twenty days have passed, and the Great Magician has obviously become much older.

In addition to his tired and haggard look, the most conspicuous thing is that the Great Magician's original dark brown hair now has a lot of gray.

To be able to turn a great magician who was always full of energy and energy into what he is now, he must have been under great pressure during these days.

After seeing Xu Yi, the great magician Camilla seemed to have forgotten things, but she still nodded to Xu Yi in a friendly manner and motioned for him to sit down, just like at the beginning.

"Xu Yi, what's the matter with coming to me this time?" Although she looked tired, the expression of the great magician Camilla was still serious. "Let me tell you in advance, if we come here to discuss business cooperation, you can leave now."

Xu Yi pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "Your Majesty the Great Magician, I'm afraid I've disappointed you. I came here just to ask you some magic questions, because I encountered some problems that I can't solve for the time being. But Now, I have changed my mind, and I just want to talk to you about business cooperation. "

The great magician Camilla raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "Then get out of here as soon as possible! All of you guys have fallen into the eyes of money, so what qualifications do you have to be a magician? Ah?"

Xu Yi still kept smiling and his expression remained unchanged.

"Your Majesty the Great Magician, I think what you said is somewhat wrong. It is certainly wrong to fall in the eyes of money, but it seems to have nothing to do with whether you are qualified to be a magician, right?"

"Hmph! A guy who only knows how to make money and doesn't know how to study magic is qualified?"

Xu Yi shook his head: "Your Majesty the Great Magician, I have a question for you. Do you think it costs money to study magic?"

The great magician Camilla was suffocated, and the expression on her face changed. First she was angry, then she was confused, and finally she looked helpless.

"Of course, studying magic requires money, and not only money, but a lot of money..." Camilla, the great magician, sighed, looking a little uninterested.

"So, being a magician should not only not be in conflict with making money, but should be combined well. Your Excellency, the Great Magician, are you right?"

Camilla, the great magician, glanced at Xu Yi and snorted coldly: "Are you here just to laugh at me?"

"No, Your Majesty the Great Magician, you misunderstood. I never meant to laugh at you. I just... heard that you are encountering some difficulties now and wanted to see if there is anything I can do to help you."

Archmage Camilla stared at Xu Yi for a while, but all she could see was sincerity on his face, so she snorted softly and said, "Is this what Steele told you?"

"Steele did tell me something, and I also heard something from other colleagues." Xu Yi paused and continued: "Your Majesty the Great Magician, I think you should change your attitude now. What about the idea of combining magic and business?”

"I hate merchants, and I hate letting the merchants' copper odor contaminate pure magic even more." Camilla, the great magician, said coldly.

"But you don't hate money, do you?" Xu Yi asked.

Archmage Camilla snorted, but did not refute.

Xu Yi immediately took advantage of the situation and said: "That's right. Money is just a tool. What you hate is just those people who use this tool and make you sad. It's not that you hate money itself. Money itself has no distinction between good and evil. Yes, if it is used well, it is a very useful tool. If it is not used well, it can also cause huge damage. Camilla the Great Magician, do you think that if you are given enough money? What will it be used for?"

"Nonsense, if I had enough gold coins, I would definitely invest them all in magic research." Archmage Camilla replied with unusual simplicity.

"But you don't have enough gold coins now, do you?"

Archmage Camilla's expression suddenly changed, and she was speechless for a while.

Seeing him like this, Xu Yi shook his head slightly, thinking that the difficulties encountered by Camilla the Great Magician might be more serious than what he knew now.

When he found out in the research room that Camilo, Renault, and Wella had actually left Camilla's Magic Tower, Xu Yi was not too surprised, but later he found that all the colleagues in the research room were upset and showed signs of confusion. Xu Yi immediately realized that something was wrong with the situation.

Later, through constant insinuations, Xu Yi finally got an answer that he didn't expect at all.

It turns out that the great magician Camilla is out of money!

Although the great magician Camilla has never been very well-off, causing the magicians working in the magic tower to complain privately, there is still no problem in maintaining the normal operation of the magic tower.

But just recently, many magicians have discovered that there seems to be problems with the normal operation of the magic tower.

First, many magical materials needed for research began to be in short supply, then some of the magicians' demands that could have been considered reasonable were rejected. Finally, and most importantly, magician Camilla defaulted on everyone's salary for the first time. !

Although all the reissues were issued after only two days of arrears, this time the arrears made everyone alert.

In the circle of magicians, many secrets are not secrets, so everyone soon found out that the great magician Camilla is now encountering great difficulties. I am afraid that there will be a lot less money than before, and she may even be unable to do it. Well, this magic tower can no longer be maintained.

After hearing the news, the magicians in the magic tower were shocked and naturally began to look for a way out.

Camilo, Renault, and Wella had already left first. Of course, the colleagues in the laboratory couldn't sit still. As soon as Xu Yi, a guy who had been classified as the big boss in everyone's eyes, appeared, the colleagues showed their anger. unusual enthusiasm.

After inquiring about this, Xu Yidang found Steele who returned to the Magic Tower with him. After repeated questioning, he finally got the truth from Steele.

It turns out that what my colleagues heard was true, and the great magician Camilla did have a big problem with her current funds.

Generally speaking, if the other income of the great magicians is not included, then magicians at the level of great magicians usually have two stable financial incomes.

One is from the Magician's Guild.

When a magician breaks through the boundaries and reaches the level of a great magician, he is already eligible to enjoy the special allowances of the Magician Guild.

This allowance has strict grade regulations. The main assessment method is the strength level of the great magician, followed by the number of years to become a great magician.

Grand Mage Camilla is currently a three-star Grand Mage. According to regulations, she will enjoy a special allowance of two hundred gold coins from the Mage Guild every year. In addition, since he has been a great magician for twenty-three years, there will be an additional allowance of fifty gold coins.

In total, it's two hundred and fifty gold coins.

Another source of financial income comes from the magicians’ own countries.

Because magicians are an important force in every country, and magicians of the level of the Great Magician are very precious, so no matter which country they are in, they will give special financial support to the Great Magician.

Although the Lampali Kingdom can only be regarded as a small country on the continent of Sainz, the great magician Camilla can still receive financial support of up to two thousand gold coins from the royal family of the Lampali Kingdom every year.

Because Camilla, the great magician, does not cooperate with certain chambers of commerce like many other great magicians, and while agreeing to protect those chambers of commerce, he also receives gold coin support from those chambers of commerce, so the income of these 2,250 gold coins is almost It is equivalent to the annual income of the great magician Camilla.

If there are no changes, these 2,250 gold coins are enough to support the daily expenses of the Magic Tower in the small city of Bonta City.

However, there has been a change this year.

The main part of the change is concentrated on the financial support from the Lampali Kingdom.

Originally, before the autumn harvest every year, the royal family of the Lampali Kingdom would distribute funds to the great magicians in the kingdom. However, more than half a month ago, the royal family of the Lampali Kingdom suddenly announced that due to financial constraints within the kingdom, the royal family would not grant funds to the great magicians in the kingdom. The financial support of the great magicians had to be lowered.

Specifically for the great magician Camilla, his annual capital of two thousand gold coins was reduced to one thousand gold coins, which was cut in half at once!

The great magician Camilla was already struggling to maintain this magic tower. Now that she suddenly lost one thousand gold coins in financial support, it could almost collapse instantly.

One thousand gold coins is equivalent to half of the annual income of the great magician Camilla. With such a sudden loss, not only many magic research cannot be continued due to lack of funds, but even the salaries of many magicians under his command have been unable to be paid. come out.

"Grandpa even told me that he would probably close the Magic Tower." When Steele said this to Xu Yi, he showed a very helpless smile. "Although from my point of view, I actually think this might be better. Because if there is no magic tower to worry about, grandpa will have an easier time. But I also know that grandpa spent a lot of effort to build this He has put a lot of effort into this magic tower, but now he is forced to close it, I’m afraid he won’t be able to accept it.”

After hearing what Steele said, Xu Yi just thought for a while, then resolutely went to the top of the magic tower and asked to see the great magician Camilla.

In front of this old man who looked serious and old-fashioned but was actually very wise, Xu Yi did not intend to hide his thoughts and purposes at all, and pointed out this cruel fact to the great magician Camilla very simply and directly.

Great Magician Camilla, you are out of money!