Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 53: Recruitment


The worry in Xu Yi's heart only lasted for a few seconds, and then he woke up.

"Oh, I remembered, today is the day we start recruiting workers."

Many days ago, Xu Yi had told Heinze that in order to expand production and increase production capacity, more workers needed to be recruited.

It's just that there were a lot of orders for the second-generation magic fans, magic machine tools, and small magic harvesters some time ago. As a result, the two workshops and the entire factory were operating at full capacity, making Heinze unable to spare time to do this. thing.

Finally, the summer has passed, and the orders for magic fans have gradually decreased. Heinze has gradually become free, and after a period of preparation, he has finally decided to officially start recruiting workers today.

Heinze had already reported this matter to Xu Yi yesterday, but Xu Yi finally opened up his mind because he finally reached a cooperative relationship with the great magician Camilla, and because of the words of the great magician Camilla. It made him so excited that he forgot about it for a while.

"I didn't expect that there were so many people applying for jobs. Is it possible that so many people in Bangta City have nothing to do? But that's not right..." Xu Yi looked up at the sky and found that the sun had already turned to the west. "It's already afternoon, why are there still so many people here? Is it possible that Heinze has been wasting time this morning?"

Xu Yi moved toward the factory in confusion, only to find that the entire road in front and the open space in front of the workshop were crowded with people. He couldn't even get close to the door of the workshop.

In desperation, Xu Yi could only pat the person in front of him, trying to get him to move out of the way, but he was glared at fiercely by this young man who looked to be in his early twenties.

"What are you doing! Just line up!"

Xu Yi could only smile bitterly, thinking that Heinze could let these people know that lining up was good, but couldn't he make these guys line up more neatly

Looking around, Xu Yi found that Alex seemed to be responsible for maintaining order outside the open space, and hurriedly walked over.

"President, are you back?" Seeing Xu Yi suddenly appear, Alex shouted in surprise.

Xu Yi immediately screamed in his heart.

Sure enough, when Alex called out "President", the people around him who came to apply for the job all turned their attention.

After these eyes fell on Xu Yi, there were clearly countless more doubts.

Xu Yi looks like he is in his twenties. How can he be the president of this new flying chamber of commerce

While these people were still doubting, Xu Yi grabbed Alex's arm and got into the crowd.

These people all knew Alex, and when they saw him leading the way, although they were suspicious, they consciously made way for Xu Yi to successfully enter the household magic machinery production workshop.

The situation in the workshop is better than outside, but it is also crowded with many people.

In addition to the original workers in the workshop, there were also twenty people with unfamiliar faces, who were doing some practical operations on the assembly line of the magic fan. It seemed that they were undergoing a practical assessment.

As soon as Xu Yi and Alex walked in, they were caught by Heinze who was supervising the assessment out of the corner of his eye. He came up to them in shock and asked in a low voice: "Why are you back? Didn't you say that there is a magic rice cooker today? The final research?”

Xu Yi glanced at Heinze and couldn't help laughing softly.

Since the magic fan was close to being discontinued, Heinze was extremely concerned about the new product Xu Yi promised him, the magic rice cooker, so much so that Xu Yi said that when he would conduct the final research on the magic rice cooker today, he would recruit workers in a big way. All matters were taken over by one hand, allowing Xu Yi to take charge of the research with peace of mind.

"Don't worry, the magic rice cooker has been successfully researched. It will officially enter the trial production stage tomorrow, and it will be officially put into production in less than a week." Xu Yi patted Heinze on the shoulder and smiled.

Sure enough, upon hearing Xu Yi's words, Heinze immediately nodded with a smile on his face.

"That's good, that's good. I was just worried about what I would do if you asked me to recruit a hundred workers in one go, but when the time comes I have nothing to do."

Xu Yi rolled his eyes helplessly, thinking that Heinze might never be able to change his mentality of worrying about gains and losses.

Of course, he knew that this kind of personality problem was difficult to change, so he gave up thinking about it, pointed at the unfamiliar faces operating on the assembly line and asked: "Heinze, are you going to let these people come here?" Everyone who applies for a job should go through the actual operation before deciding whether to hire it, right?”

Heinze looked at Xu Yi in confusion: "Shouldn't it be right? If you don't let them try, how will you know whether they can do it after recruiting them? If they can't do it, they will have to fire them separately. That's not a waste. It’s time.”

"Isn't that true? These are the simplest tasks. As long as you are not a fool, will you be able to learn them?" Xu Yi was suddenly stunned. "You see, each of the hundred slaves that Viscount Leslie lent us learned very quickly. Is it possible that these guys are not as good as those slaves?"

Heinze frowned and looked at Xu Yi with a puzzled look on his face.

"I said Xu Yi, I noticed that you seem to look down on those slaves? Let me tell you, you really don't believe it. Although those slaves have low status, since they can be accepted as slaves by Viscount Leslie, then there is no Of course, fools learn faster among them. On the contrary, there are quite a few fools among those who came to apply for jobs. In the morning, many people were kicked out by me because they couldn't even learn the most basic assembly. Two people were even injured while learning to operate the magic tooth grinding machine. Compared with those slaves, who is stupid?"

Xu Yi was speechless. He turned to look at the magic machine tools in the workshop that seemed to him extremely crude and the even cruder assembly line. He thought that if these jobs were placed on earth, they would be the most common and ordinary jobs in the factory. A job that ordinary workers can master at will, unless that person is really a fool, how could he not be able to master it

After a moment, he reacted.

Another major manifestation of the gap between Sainz's continent and the earth is the cultural level of ordinary people.

The social system of this continent is still between slave society and feudal society. Productivity is still low. It is no longer easy for ordinary people to fill their stomachs, let alone have more energy and finances to receive education. Therefore, ordinary people’s Educational level is generally low.

On Earth, most countries have implemented basic compulsory education, and ordinary people have far greater opportunities to receive education than in Sainz continent.

People who have received education generally have better understanding and learning abilities than those who have not received education. When entering a factory, it is naturally much easier to learn and master the basic skills in the factory.

If we use popular language on Earth, this is the human resource advantage of Earth over Sainz Continent.

Things that Xu Yi often took for granted on earth may be a different matter on the continent of Sainz.

Thinking of the impact he had just received from the great magician Camilla, Xu Yiruo realized something, nodded slightly, and said seriously: "Well, you are right. In short, I have given this job to you, so just press it all You have the final say. But Heinze, you'd better speed up the process. There are still so many people waiting outside. Besides, we only need to recruit a hundred people for the time being, so it shouldn't be that difficult, right?"

"It's not difficult..." Heinze's expression suddenly became a little unnatural. After a pause, he suddenly lowered his voice and said to Xu Yi: "This... Xu Yi, to tell you the truth, don't be angry. I heard that our factory is recruiting workers. There are many former acquaintances who want me to help recruit the people they introduced. Those acquaintances are all people I have known for a long time, and I can't say no easily... "

Xu Yi smiled slightly, patted Heinze on the shoulder again and said: "I forgot to tell you, there are a total of one hundred places for this recruitment, ten of which are decided by you, I will not care about it. Of course, you must promise The workers recruited can complete the work normally and cannot affect the progress of the entire workshop, do you understand? "

Heinze's eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand! President, you are so... great!"

Xu Yi calmly accepted Heinze's obviously unskilled flattery, thinking that Heinze was indeed quite petty. If it were a company on Earth, with a major shareholder like Heinze, let alone just a tenth. If there is only one recruitment quota, I am afraid that all the quotas will be swallowed up in one go.

Xu Yi didn't mind Heinze's request that much. Human relations were very important both in Sainz and on Earth.