Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 57: New ad


It was already late September, the heat was gradually beginning to subside, and the breeze blowing in the air even began to have a hint of coolness.

On the trees beside the road, the originally dark green leaves began to have a hint of bright yellow. They were blown by the wind, and occasionally one or two pieces would fall down.

However, in such a cool autumn weather, Freeman was still sweating profusely. The short shirt he was wearing was soaked through. It was sticky and uncomfortable to lie on his body.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Anyone dragging more than two hundred kilograms of wheat from Ireland to Bonta City, covering a distance of nearly thirty kilometers, would probably be sweating profusely.

In fact, he didn't need to put himself through such hard work, because since the day of the autumn harvest, the Maiti Chamber of Commerce in Bangta City, which specializes in grain business, has sent people to the village to purchase. Almost all the wheat harvested by most farmers in the village All sold to them.

Freeman had done this in the past few years, but this year he chose to transport the harvested wheat to Bonta City to sell it himself.

The reason is simple. This year, he suddenly found out that if sold directly to a buyer in Ireland Village, the price per kilogram would be thirty-four copper coins lower than in Bonta City.

If the more than two hundred kilograms of wheat are included, there will be a loss of almost seven to eighty silver coins.

Perhaps for the nobles in Bangta City, seventy or eighty silver coins fell on the ground and they were too lazy to take a second look. Even most of the villagers in the Irish village didn't care too much, so they almost They all chose to sell the wheat directly to the Maidi Chamber of Commerce in the village.

However, for a poor family like Fellman, who still had three children to feed, seventy or eighty silver coins was a sum of money that could not be ignored.

The other villagers thought it was too hard, but Fellman insisted on dragging the wheat to Bangta City just to sell seven to eighty more silver coins.

A gust of cool wind suddenly blew, making Fellman feel much cooler instantly.

He temporarily put down the handlebars, picked up a towel and wiped his sweat, preparing to take a rest.

Anyway, the city wall of Bangta City is already in sight, and there is still some time before noon, so there is no need to be too anxious.

After raising his head to wipe the sweat from his face, Fellman's eyes unconsciously fell to Bangta City in the distance, but he suddenly let out a light sigh.

Outside the four walls of Bangta City, there has always been a tall and giant sign. Not only the residents in Bangta City have long been familiar with it, but even ordinary farmers in the villages outside the city like Fellman know it clearly. Chu, every time he came to Bonta City for something, Fellman couldn't help but look at that sign more.

For no other reason than to see more of the beautiful and noble girl above.

But this time, when Fellman looked at the sign out of habit, he found that the pattern on the sign had changed.

On the previous sign, in addition to the beautiful girl, there was also the pattern of the Xinfei brand magic fan.

When he first saw the painting on the sign, Fellman was already deeply attracted.

In addition to remembering the beautiful girl, he also remembered the New Fei brand magic fan, and secretly made up his mind that as long as his family was a little better off in the future, he would definitely buy a New Fei brand magic fan and take it back. Let the three children at home enjoy this cool breeze in the hot summer.

However, on the huge picture on this huge sign now, the beautiful girl Fellman was familiar with was still there, but besides her, there were two other equally young girls.

Although the two girls are not as beautiful as that girl, they are equally beautiful. One is lively and bright, the other is quiet and beautiful, which give people different feelings.

In the picture, three girls are gathered around a table. Judging from the dishes on the table, they should be preparing to eat.

But in the middle of the table, there was a strange cylindrical iron vessel. The girl with a lively expression and a round face was holding a spoon in one hand and dug out a spoonful of the strange iron vessel, which was still smelling fragrant. of rice.

"What is this?" Freeman looked at the picture in confusion, thought about it, and guessed something. "The previous picture was an advertisement for Xinfei Magic Fan by Xinfei Commercial Company, so this picture should also be an advertisement? But what is this strange thing? Why is there cooked rice in it?"

In addition to the pictures, there were two lines of words on the sign. Unfortunately, Freeman did not recognize the words. Finally, driven by curiosity, he pulled a middle-aged man who happened to be passing by and asked him about it.

"What's written on it?" The middle-aged man glanced in the direction Freeman pointed and laughed. "Oh, that. Let me tell you, that is the new billboard that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce put up just two days ago. It is for their chamber of commerce's new product, the Magic Rice Cooker."

"Magic rice cooker? Is it that round thing on top? What is it used for?" Freeman became even more curious.

"Can't you understand this? Look, there's rice in it, so this magic rice cooker can be used to cook rice." The middle-aged man pointed at the sign and read it word by word. got up. "There are two rows of words on it. The first row is 'Xinfei Magic Rice Cooker, allowing you to enjoy the purest rice'. The row below is 'Live a healthy life and stay away from firewood smoke'. Do you understand the meaning?"

Freeman shook his head honestly: "I don't understand."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "What's wrong with this? With this magic rice cooker, you don't need to use firewood to light the fire, you can cook the rice directly. Not only is it faster than using firewood, but it's also I don’t even have a cigarette. How about that?”

"Without firewood? How can it be cooked?" Freeman said in astonishment.

The middle-aged man laughed: "It seems that you still don't understand. But forget it, I have nothing to demonstrate to you here, and you won't understand if I tell you. If you are really curious, buy one and try it yourself. That’s it. Let me tell you, I bought one right away, and now it’s much easier for my wife to cook.”

Seeing the middle-aged man leaving with a smile, Freeman shook his head helplessly, thinking that although this magic rice cooker was a good thing, he couldn't afford it, and it was useless no matter how good it was.

After talking on the roadside for a while, Freeman felt that he had regained some strength, so he washed and pulled up the cart and continued to drag the cart full of wheat toward Bonta City.

Half an hour later, Freeman arrived at the Tracy Chamber of Commerce and easily followed the flow of people to find the place where wheat was purchased. Then he sold it and finally bought two gold coins, thirty-seven silver coins, and seventy-six copper coins.

With this hard-earned income, Freeman took a look at the restaurant next to McGrady Chamber of Commerce, swallowed hard, took out the sesame seed cakes that his wife had prepared in the morning from the cloth bag that he had carried for a long time, and was ready to eat. Enjoy your lunch with the free cold water provided by the Maidi Chamber of Commerce.

I had just taken a sip of water and was about to take a bite of sesame seed cakes when I suddenly heard a conversation between two people passing by in a hurry.

"Hey, have you participated in the Big Eater Competition of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce?"

"I took part, but unfortunately I couldn't hold on after just three bowls. Alas—"

"Only three bowls? Are you too bad? I ate a full five bowls!"

"Come on, so what if five bowls are there? When I went there, the guy who won the championship ate nine bowls! He ate all the rice in the three magic rice cookers by himself!"

"So powerful? Is this guy a pig?"

"Then how do I know..."

Freeman's ears twitched. A big eating competition? What is this

Curious, Freeman asked a guy from the Chamber of Commerce to inquire about it, and then he found out that this big eating competition was a competition held by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce since this morning to see who could eat more.

This competition does not limit participation, no matter who you are, you can participate as long as you want to.

During the competition, all participants are free to eat the rice provided by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and the one who eats the most will win.

The competition that lasts all day will eventually determine a winner. This winner will not only receive a magic rice cooker as a reward, but also a special membership card provided by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Products will receive certain discounts.

Freeman didn't care too much about this final reward. What he cared about was that he could eat rice for free.

Looking down at the shriveled sesame seed cake in his hand, Freeman thought for a while, decisively rewrapped the sesame seed cake and stuffed it into his arms, then asked the clerk about the direction of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce's competition, and strode away.