Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 6: Shopping mania


It was already mid-July, the hottest period of the year. Even though it was only early in the morning, as soon as the sun came out, the streets of Bangta City were still quite hot.

Bangta City seemed to have paralyzed under the scorching sun. The whole city seemed weak. Not to mention the dense flow of people, even the sound was rarely heard.

However, on the commercial street in the west of the city, it is a completely different scene.

This commercial street is home to hundreds of large and small shops. Hundreds of people have been pouring in since before dawn. What is even more surprising is that all these hundreds of people have gathered together. In front of one of the shops, it seemed like an appointment had been made.

"Eh? Joseph, why are you here too?"

"Nonsense, you can come but I can't come? By the way, Ike, are you here to buy a magic fan too?"

"That's right. You said 'yes'? Are you here to buy a magic fan too?"

"Of course. I paid the deposit a week ago!"

Similar conversations were heard from time to time in the crowd.

Through chatting with each other, everyone discovered that the hundreds of people waiting in front of this "Heinze Grocery Store", which is usually inconspicuous in the commercial street, were all here for the magic fan!

Only a small number of them paid the deposit a week ago and just came to pick up the goods today. But the remaining few hundred people heard about the magic fan through their own channels and rushed to buy it.

"I said, there are so many people here, what if there are not enough magic fans in the store to sell?" A person suddenly asked a question.

It didn't matter that he asked. The people who were just chatting together suddenly became quiet. After a while, they all rushed to the door of the grocery store together as if they had a telepathic connection.

"Don't squeeze! I must buy a magic fan and go back today! Otherwise, the mother-in-law at home will scold me to death!"

"Damn! Do you think your mother-in-law is the only one who knows how to curse? The one in my family said that if there is no magic fan blowing tonight, she will take my boy to sleep on the street!"

"Okay, don't crowd me, I paid the deposit!"

"Get out of here! The guy who paid the deposit will come and squeeze his ass with us!"

Xu Yi had already transported 500 magic fans to Heinze's grocery store last night. At this time, he and Heinze were counting the quantity of goods. Suddenly, he heard the front of the grocery store becoming extremely noisy, and Heinze Ce glanced at each other and walked to the store in front together.

As soon as they opened the door, the two of them were shocked by the sight in front of them.

The black crowd rushed into the store like a flood, instantly filling the small shop.

"Heinze, where is the magic fan I ordered?"

"Hey, boss, I didn't make a reservation in advance, but I want to buy two units now, no! Three units!"

"And I, Heinze, I am a regular customer of yours. You must sell me two magic fans!"

"Damn, what's wrong with my regular customers? If I give you money, you have to sell me something, and I want one too!"

"Why are you squeezing so hard when you only want to buy one? Stay behind me!"

The weather was already hot, and as soon as the crowd squeezed in, the heat rose even more. In addition, it was the first time Xu Yi faced such a situation, and he was sweating profusely in an instant.

It was also the first time for Heinze to see such a fanatical crowd of shoppers. Fortunately, he had opened a grocery store for many years, so he was much better at this than Xu Yi, who had always just stayed in the research room. He quickly calmed down. , shouted loudly: "Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet! We have prepared a total of 500 magic fans this time, and I guarantee that you can all buy them!"

After hearing the number five hundred, everyone calmed down a little.

But this calmness only lasted for a blink of an eye. In an instant, everyone thought that there were hundreds of people guarding outside the grocery store. Even if each person only bought one magic fan, it would only be barely enough, but there were so many people just now. Everyone has revealed that they want to buy more than one unit, so five hundred units are not enough at all.

After figuring this out, the crowd actually became a bit more enthusiastic than before.

Seeing this posture, Heinze knew that it was useless to say anything. He quickly winked at Xu Yi and asked him to go to the backyard to move the goods with his nephew Alex, who he had found two days in advance.

A magic fan probably weighs less than three kilograms. Xu Yi and Alex can move out ten of them together. However, as soon as these ten units were moved out, they were snatched away by the crowd guarding the store in an instant. So the two had no choice but to return to the backyard warehouse again.

As Xu Yi and Alex went back and forth between the backyard warehouse and the store, the 487 magic fans filling the entire warehouse quickly decreased.

Later, the people guarding the store became impatient and continued to wait in the store, so they simply rushed to the warehouse in the backyard with Xu Yi and Alex.

Heinze also took advantage of the situation and changed the trading location to the warehouse, so in less than an hour, all the magic fans in the warehouse were sold out.

At this time, there were still more than a hundred people outside the store who had not bought anything. When they heard the news that the magic fans had been sold out, they were immediately disappointed. Some impatient people couldn't help but complain.

"What kind of shabby shop are you opening if you don't even have everything ready?"

In response to this unreasonable complaint, Xu Yi and Heinze could only look at each other and smile bitterly.

However, there was an obvious sense of satisfaction and relief in the wry smiles of the two of them.

They originally thought that it would take a long time to completely sell these more than 400 magic fans, but they did not expect that they were all sold out in less than an hour, which really surprised the two of them.

For the remaining hundred or so people who have not bought the magic fan, Heinze will naturally not give up easily. After getting Xu Yi's nod of agreement, he immediately said that a large number of magic fans will be purchased in the future. If everyone If necessary, you can book in advance.

This time, everyone did not hesitate at all and placed orders one after another.

Another half hour passed before the crowds of people gradually dissipated, and silence finally returned to the grocery store.

After sending away the last guest, Heinze immediately pulled Xu Yi to the inner room.


Heinze shook the money bag in his hand, and a large pile of gold coins fell down like water. After a moment, a small mountain was piled on the table in front of the two of them.

Looking at the brilliant golden light emitting from this hill, Heinze swallowed hard.

Too much!

It took a while for Heinze to calm down his excitement and start counting in front of Xu Yi.

A total of 487 magic fans were sold today. According to the price of two gold coins per magic fan, it should be 974 gold coins. However, 137 of them have been handed over in advance. The deposit of one gold coin is just to make up the difference today, so one hundred and thirty-seven will be subtracted, and the total should be eight hundred and fifty-seven gold coins.

After Heinze counted them, the number was exactly the same.

"Xu...Xu Yi, I really made a fortune today!" Even though he had prepared for this amount in his mind, when there were actually more than 800 gold coins in front of him, Heinze still felt a little dizzy.

He runs this grocery store in Bangta City, and his income for the whole year is only more than 300 gold coins. But now, in just one morning, he actually sold more than 800 gold coins!

He couldn't believe it was true!

Although Xu Yi was much calmer than Heinze, he was still a little excited in his heart.

It has been three years since he came to this world, and his life has never been considered rich. Although he has never been particularly sensitive to money, now that he has this income, it will undoubtedly make him feel much more relaxed.

After the two were silent for a while, Xu Yi calmed down and counted four hundred gold coins from the pile of gold coins and pushed them to Heinze.

Heinze was stunned: "Isn't this right?"

According to the agreement between him and Heinze, Heinze should be paid 10% of the dividend, so the dividend alone should be ninety-seven gold coins. In addition, when making these 500 magic fans, Xu Yi did not have enough funds to purchase them. The raw materials were borrowed from Heinze for two hundred gold coins, so they naturally had to be returned together.

In general, Xu Yi should have given Heinze three hundred gold coins, but this time he directly gave him four hundred gold coins, which naturally surprised Heinze.

Xu Yi smiled slightly: "There is nothing wrong. The extra hundred gold coins are because I hope you can help me rent a larger venue in the city so that I can produce more magic fans. Otherwise, if you stay at my house, There will be a lot of inconvenience.”

Heinze nodded slightly. The cabin Xu Yi rented was only more than ten square meters, but it had a lot of inconveniences.

Just when Xu Yigang was about to make a more specific request to Heinze, Alex, who was guarding the shop in front, suddenly broke in.

"Uncle Heinze, Mr. Xu... Mr. Xu, here... we have a big guest!"

"Big guest?" Xu Yi and Heinze looked at each other inexplicably. "What is a distinguished guest?"

The two of them came to the front shop together and instantly understood what Alex meant by "big customer".

The person who came was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties, with a medium build and an ordinary appearance. However, there was a hint of shrewdness all over his body. When he looked at people with his narrowed eyes, he was always looking at people. It revealed a look that seemed to treat people as commodities.

"One thousand units." After meeting Heinze and Xu Yi, the middle-aged man who called himself Reeves bluntly explained his purpose. "I want to order a thousand magic fans."