Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 60: Magic scarifier


The conversation with Viscount Leslie went very smoothly.

Compared with many arrogant and stubborn nobles, Viscount Leslie has a very significant advantage, that is, even if there is something that he cannot understand for the time being, he will not directly deny it, but listen patiently, and try to accept and try it. .

For example, when Xu Yi talked about liberating productivity, Viscount Leslie was confused and said he didn't understand it at all.

However, he did not refute Xu Yi because of this, but listened patiently to Xu Yi's words. It was not until Xu Yi gave examples of the hundred slaves he borrowed that he had a certain concept.

When the one hundred slaves were under the name of Viscount Leslie, they could only do some very simple and heavy work, and the value they produced was extremely limited. In order to feed them, Viscount Leslie had to pay a small amount of gold coins every year.

After lending them to Xu Yi, in just over two months, if they were settled according to normal wages, they could bring huge profits of more than a thousand gold coins to Viscount Leslie.

Not to mention that they played an extremely important role in the factory and created huge benefits for the entire Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Viscount Leslie is also the major shareholder of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Of course, he also accounts for part of the benefits obtained by the Chamber of Commerce.

So no matter how reluctant Viscount Leslie was, he had to admit that what Xu Yi said before was absolutely correct. The value created by these slaves under his hands was far less than those under Xu Yi's hands.

After thinking of this, Viscount Leslie immediately became very interested in Xu Yi's plan to support farmers. Although he did not know Xu Yi's specific plans, he made a prompt decision to strongly support Xu Yi's plan.

In comparison, although Xu Yi is currently worth a lot of money because of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, he can still only be regarded as a small businessman in Bangta City, and many things are not so easy to do.

Viscount Leslie is completely different. As a famous nobleman in Bangta City, coupled with the influence of the family power behind him, his voice in Bangta City is far beyond that of Xu Yi. With his strong support, Xu Yi This plan is naturally much easier to implement.

Three days later, the first small magic scarifier came out and was demonstrated on the farmland of Viscount Leslie's territory as usual.

This time was different from the last time when they watched Viscount Leslie harvesting wheat. The nobles of Bonta City who received the invitation did not have any doubts in their hearts and came happily because they had long known that this time they would demonstrate the efficacy of the small magic scarifier.

Although they currently only know a name for the small magic scarifier, this does not hinder their enthusiasm.

In the previous autumn wheat harvest, this group of nobles fully enjoyed the convenience brought by the small magic harvester. The wheat fields that originally took ten and a half months or even longer to be harvested were harvested under the influence of the small magic harvester. Under the influence, it only takes two days at most to complete the harvest, and the efficiency improvement is extremely terrifying.

And this time, when Viscount Leslie told the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce that a new type of magic machine would be developed that could more quickly complete the post-harvest loosening work, no one in this group of nobles doubted it. Even this magic machine Without even knowing what the machinery looked like, they placed orders with the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Now that this small magic scarifier has finally come out, all the nobles certainly want to see it first.

When they came to the edge of the designated farmland, they were shocked to find that in addition to nobles like them, there were also some guys who were obviously civilians standing beside the field. Some of them were even dressed in extremely simple clothes and had dark faces. , dressed as a farmer.

Seeing this situation, some nobles immediately became dissatisfied.

This is obviously a gathering among nobles. It makes sense for Xu Yi, the president of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, to participate in it. Why do these commoners and even those mud-legged people sneak in

But this time, after all, it was Viscount Leslie who invited them here. Considering that Viscount Leslie might have other intentions, even if these nobles were dissatisfied, they would not express it in public.

On the other hand, the common people seemed very embarrassed, especially some of the ordinary farmers. They had never seen so many nobles in their lives, and they felt awkward when they were suddenly standing with so many noble gentlemen.

Fortunately, a strange-looking machine placed next to the farmland attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's attention was turned to that machine.

This machine should obviously be a small magic scarifier, but it looks even stranger than a small magic harvester.

The front end of the machine is a row of columns juxtaposed, with the lower end of each column emitting a faint brownish-yellow light.

Several of the nobles watching around had some knowledge of magic, and they could tell that there were probably earth magic arrays attached to these columns.

Considering that this machine is called a small magic scarifier, it is understandable that there is an earth magic circle attached to it.

But the second half of the machine is really hard to understand.

The second half was tightly wrapped by an iron box. Except for what seemed to be something inside, which could be seen through the gap, nothing could be seen clearly. People couldn't help but want to open the iron box and take a closer look.

The doubts in everyone's minds did not last long. After a while, Viscount Leslie saw that everyone had arrived and announced the start of the meeting.

A strong man stepped forward and grabbed the handle on the back of the machine. After pressing the switch, several bright brown lights flashed on the row of columns at the front of the machine, and then it suddenly fell down and hit the harvester hard. After finishing the wheat, it became extremely hard on the farmland.

As soon as the lower end of the column touched the soil, everyone heard a low muffled sound coming from the soil, and then saw numerous cracks appearing on the originally hard soil, and then violently rolling and shaking.

"Earth Fissure Technique?" A young nobleman beside the farmland's eyes lit up and he spoke in surprise.

"Baron Heiners, can you recognize the magic circle above?" A noble next to him asked in shock.

"Well, if I read correctly, each of those columns should be equipped with an earth-shattering magic circle." The young nobleman known as Baron Heiners nodded. "Although the earth-shattering magic circle is only a second-level earth-based magic circle, it is conceivable to use this magic circle in this way, and to control the range of influence of the magic circle so exquisitely, and even to make a dozen columns on the The magic circles will not affect each other and work perfectly. It can be seen that the person who designed this magic circle and this magic machine must have a very profound research on magic circles. "

"Haha, Baron Heiners, this is your first time coming to our Bangta City. You must not know that the person who designed this magical machine is Xu Yi, the president of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. He is indeed a magician, and it is said that he has even The great magician Camilla praised his magic talent, so it is not surprising that he can design such a magic circle. "

"You said he was a magician?" Baron Heiners was stunned. "Since he is a magician, why did he open a chamber of commerce instead of studying magic? He has such a powerful magic talent. If he studies magic with all his strength, he will definitely become a very powerful magician!"

The noble next to him shrugged: "I don't know about that. But everyone has their own ambitions. Maybe the president just likes to study these things?"

Baron Heiners frowned, shook his head, and stopped talking.

In the farmland, the small magic scarifier is still moving forward.

The column in front fell, and the earth-shattering magic circle on the column easily shook away the solid soil and loosened it into pieces of broken soil. The iron box behind finally revealed the fangs hidden in it, but it was a A ferocious iron rake.

Along with the high-speed rotation of the iron plow, the dense iron nails on the plow kept rolling in the broken soil, breaking all the broken soil in an instant.

After the small magic scarifier left the soil, the originally hard and thick soil turned directly into a pile of extremely loose and fine soil residue.

Seeing this situation, both the nobles and the common farmers couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

If you rely solely on manpower, if you want to complete the same loosening work, it will not only consume a lot of energy and time, but it will also be impossible to directly break the soil into such a loose state, and the effect will be far inferior.

Moreover, the better the effect of loosening the soil, the easier the subsequent planting work will be completed, and the better the effect of the planted crops on absorbing nutrients from the land will be, which will of course be helpful for future growth.

Therefore, with the help of this small magic scarifier, you can not only save a lot of time and energy, but also achieve better planting results.

A group of people stared intently at this small magic scarifier, which took less than ten minutes to loosen all the soil in nearly an acre of farmland. They then looked at the extremely fluffy soil in the entire farmland, and it took them a while to regain their composure.

Several nobles who reacted quickly rushed to Xu Yi, who was standing next to Viscount Leslie, and started shouting impatiently.

"President Xu, where is the small magic scarifier I ordered? Has it been made? Send it to me now!"

"What should I give? President Xu, I will send someone to your Chamber of Commerce to pick it up right now. I still have many fields at home waiting to be loosened."

"Hey, don't think you are the only ones who placed the order. I placed the order right away. President Xu, you must remember to come first, first served."

Seeing the actions of these people, the other nobles reacted instantly, rushed to Xu Yi together, and started to make noises as well.

Seeing these aristocratic men making such a noise without grace, the civilian farmers nearby were surprised for a long time before finally reacting.

After looking at each other, these civilians all looked sad.

Although this small magic scarifier is very effective, it is obviously also very expensive. Don't say that they can't afford it. Even if they can afford it, even these noble gentlemen are fighting so hard for it, so how can they get it? They are civilians.

Thinking of this, these civilians sighed, shook their heads and prepared to leave.

They simply couldn't understand why Viscount Leslie would invite them here. This kind of place was not where civilians like them should come.

However, just when these civilians were about to start, a man who looked very decent in both dress and demeanor emerged from the side, smiled at everyone and said: "Everyone, please stay, I am Sai, the treasurer of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Bass, would you like to ask, are you also willing to obtain a small magic scarifier?"

The civilians were stunned, looked at Sebas who looked very sincere, hesitated for a moment, and nodded in unison.

It has to be said that this small magic scarifier gave them such a strong shock that it would be nonsense to say they didn't want it.

Seeing everyone nodding, Sebas showed a smile and continued: "Since this is the case, I think you will be interested in the farmer support plan recently launched by our chamber of commerce..."