Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 61: paparazzi


"Were you introduced by Reeves?" Xu Yi looked at the young noble opposite who was attracted by Viscount Leslie in astonishment. He did not expect that a name he had not heard for a long time would come out of his mouth.

Baron Heiners bowed slightly and replied with a smile: "Yes, when he heard that I was coming to Bangta City, Uncle Reeves told me that I must find an opportunity to contact the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Reeves My uncle also said that he was very sorry that he did not get the opportunity to cooperate with you on the magic fan last time. If your chamber of commerce has other new products, he will definitely cooperate with you again if he has the opportunity. "

Reeves' plain-looking, but shrewd face flashed through Xu Yi's mind.

Xu Yike was deeply impressed by this big customer who wanted to order a thousand units of Magic Wind Sand at the first glance.

At that time, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce had just been established, and the magic fan had just been successfully developed. It was not as famous as it is now in the entire Bangta City, and even in several surrounding cities.

However, in this case, Reeves actually dared to order such a huge amount, which shows his long-term vision and huge courage.

What made Xu Yi even more unexpected was that he still remembered their small chamber of commerce after a few months, and even asked people to come and contact it.

Xu Yi glanced at Baron Haynes up and down, thinking that although this guy was young, he was still a baron anyway, and he could still find him through Viscount Leslie, which proved that he should have some status in Anvilmar City.

Such a person still calls Reeves uncle, which shows that this Reeves should indeed be a big shot.

"How is Mr. Reeves so sure that we will have new products?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

Baron Heiners smiled: "I also asked Uncle Reeves the same question, and he answered me that although he met President Xu once, he could see that President Xu is an ambitious person. People will never be satisfied with just the Magic Fan.”

Xu Yi touched his nose sheepishly, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Am I so easily seen through?"

Viscount Leslie, who was accompanying him, laughed: "Xu Yi, if I hadn't seen that you were ambitious and capable, do you think I would be willing to cooperate with you?"

Xu Yi spread his hands helplessly: "Is the word ambition written all over my face?"

Baron Heiners also laughed together: "President Xu, you are so funny. Being ambitious is not a bad thing, is it? Since you have opened such a unique chamber of commerce, if there is no wild... Well, I like Reeves better Uncle said it was ambitious. If it were not ambitious, how could this chamber of commerce continue to develop? "

"Okay, I admit, I am Arino...very ambitious. Well, I also like this statement. Our New Flying Chamber of Commerce is just in its infancy. In the future, I will definitely make it become the center of the entire Lampali Kingdom, and even the entire game." The top chamber of commerce on the Enns continent!" Xu Yi nodded vigorously.

"I believe it." Baron Heiners smiled and nodded. "But President Xu, I'm still very curious. I heard that you are an excellent magician, and from the small magic ripper just now, I can at least see that you are quite good at earth magic circles. High. If that's the case, why did you choose to study magic machinery instead of continuing to study magic? But as a businessman, it’s better to be respected as a powerful magician, right?”

"You are not the first person to ask me this question." Xu Yi glanced at Viscount Leslie. Just over a month ago, Viscount Leslie also asked him this question. "This question is not easy to answer. I can only tell you that this is my personal interest."

Baron Heiners frowned, obviously not satisfied with this answer.

"President Xu, my personal interests alone won't make you abandon your promising magician and become a businessman, right?"

Xu Yi shrugged and thought, I can't tell you that my ideal is to create a complete industrial system on the Sainz continent, right

Even when Viscount Leslie asked him that time, Xu Yi just told him that he preferred to study magic machines instead of studying magic.

Although this answer in terms of personal interests, hobbies and ambitions is not understandable and satisfactory, it is also impossible to refute.

So far, Xu Yi has only revealed a hint of his true thoughts in front of the great magician Camilla and Steele.

As for this Baron Heiners? The relationship is too far apart.

"Baron Haynes, I think you can ask this question to Mr. Reeves. He might be easier to understand than you. By the way, you just said that Mr. Reeves wants to have some more discussions with our New Aircraft Chamber of Commerce. Cooperation, I wonder if he has mentioned specific cooperation intentions?" Xu Yi quickly changed the topic.

"That's not true." After all, Baron Heiners was still young and was easily distracted by Xu Yi. He shook his head and said, "Uncle Reeves just asked me to come and take a look first, and try to meet you as much as possible." , put forward this idea. As for how to cooperate in detail... I am not familiar with this aspect. Could you please tell me, President, what we can do for cooperation?”

Xu Yi frowned: "For me? In fact, I know nothing about Mr. Reeves. I don't even know what he does. How do I know how to cooperate?"

Baron Heiners' eyes widened in surprise: "You actually don't know the identity of Uncle Reeves? Didn't he tell you last time?"

Xu Yi shook his head: "He just gave me a name note. There was only his name and address on the name note. I didn't know anything else."

"The name note Uncle Reeves gave you has an address on it? Where is it?"

"Let me think about it, it seems to be No. 23, Sloane Street, Anvilmar City...or is it No. 24? Sorry, I didn't bring my name note with me, so I can't remember clearly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yi noticed that the expressions on the faces of Viscount Leslie and Baron Haynes both became strange.

There was just a hint of surprise in Viscount Leslie's eyes, and Baron Haynes looked at Xu Yi more like he was looking at a monster.

"Uncle Reeves actually gave you a personal name note! Oh my god! I never thought that Uncle Reeves would value you so much! No wonder he would make a special trip for me to see you."

Although Xu Yi was a little confused, he could guess from the reactions of the two that the name note given to him by Reeves at that time was not something that could be obtained easily.

This also made him very strange. Why did Reeves pay so much attention to himself when he had only met him once

Could it be that this guy didn't act like a prophet and knew that he would develop more magical machines and change the entire continent

"President Xu, I think I need to get to know you again." After Baron Heiners was surprised, he put on a serious face. "Uncle Reeves has always been known for his ability to recognize people. Since he values you so much, there must be something worthy of his attention in you. Uh... let's do this. I will stay in Bangta City for about half a month. In this half month, President Xu, can I learn more about you and your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce? "

Xu Yi couldn't help but be surprised: "How do you want to understand?"

"For example, I may stay with you all day long and observe your movements. I may also often go to the factories under your chamber of commerce to observe your operations. I may also make inquiries around Bangta City. , look at what people say about your chamber of commerce, etc... "

Xu Yi felt a chill coming from his body.

How come the behavior of Baron Heiners is so similar to those of paparazzi on earth

"I'm afraid..." Xu Yigang was about to refuse, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of Viscount Leslie on the side and nodded lightly at him, and he immediately swallowed the next words.

"I'm afraid what?" Hainas asked expectantly.

Xu Yi looked at the color of Viscount Leslie running over, thought about it for a moment, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it will waste a lot of your time, right?"

"No, no, no, I am very interested in you and the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. This will allow me to know you better. When I return to Anvilmar and Uncle Reeves asks me, I will be able to ask him Explained in more detail.”

"That's right..." Xu Yi pretended to hesitate for a while, then nodded gently. "Well, since you have this idea, Baron Heiners, on behalf of myself and the New Aircraft Chamber of Commerce, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you."


Suddenly I noticed that someone actually tipped this book...especially someone tipped 1888, which surprised me so much.

Thanks to six book friends Zhu 1126 Hong, Ji Shining Star, Quan Ran Tuc, Tashi’s Tears, Yangfan 1995, and Hey Hua Hua Gongzi for their rewards.

ps: Please vote for recommendation~