Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 65: Vivian's talent


The conversation with Earl Satsuma was very pleasant, so the time naturally dragged on for a long time. By the time Xu Yi returned home, it was already the middle of the moon and late at night.

When she opened the door, Vivian was not waiting inside the door as usual. The room was also dark and quiet, without any sound.

"Maybe he couldn't wait any longer and went to sleep by himself." Xu Yi thought to himself.

When he took off his shoes and entered the house, he was shocked to find a figure lying on the table in the living room.

Take a closer look under the moonlight, who is it if it’s not Vivian

Judging from the several plates of food that were covered and untouched on the table, she may have prepared the food at home long ago and waited for Xu Yi to come back for dinner. When she couldn't wait, she fell asleep. .

Looking at Vivian's sleeping face, Xu Yi felt a trace of apology in his heart.

Today, because Viscount Leslie decided to attend the dinner at the City Lord's Mansion at short notice, he did not have time to come back and inform Vivian, but kept the little girl waiting.

"I have been talking to Leslie and Earl Summer about liberating productivity, but I have confined a young girl like Vivian in this small room. It is really outrageous." Xu Yi shook his head and sighed. , possessed and gently picked up Vivian.

Compared to how thin she was when she was just bought by Xu Yi, although Vivian is still slender now, she is obviously a lot heavier, making it difficult for Xu Yi to hold her up.

This is because Vivian is now at an age of rapid growth, and secondly, Xu Yi's living conditions here are much better than when she was a slave under Viscount Leslie, which makes her physical condition improve quickly.

In addition to the growth of flesh on her body, other parts of Vivian's body have also begun to develop obviously. When Xu Yi held her, he could easily feel the plumpness of certain parts of her body, which made him actually have such a slight feeling. A confused mind.

Fortunately, Xu Yi is not an impulsive young man in his teens or twenties. Although he knows that even if he makes a request to Vivian, Vivian will never or dare not refuse, but he still Forcibly suppressing this trace of uneasiness, she carried Vivian into her bedroom and put her down to sleep.

After returning to the living room, Xu Yi casually lit a candle.

The candle's light had just turned on, and something suddenly flashed in Xu Yi's head, and then he hit his head hard.

"You're stupid. I'm always thinking about what magic machine I should invent. Isn't there something ready for me to work on? Hey, Heinze will definitely be very satisfied if this thing is developed."

Since he began to focus on researching magic machinery, Xu Yi often has various ideas popping up in his head. Some of them can only be kept in the back of his mind and cannot be realized because of the weak industrial foundation on the continent of Sainz. But it was completely achievable, and Xu Yi recorded them one by one, just waiting for the right time to launch them.

Now that this idea suddenly occurred to him, Xu Yi followed his habit and took out the notebook he carried with him to record it.

When he just sat down at the table, Xu Yi was shocked to find that there were several pieces of paper with patterns placed on the table where Vivian had just been lying on her stomach, and there were also a few pieces scattered on the ground next to her.

Xu Yi picked up these pieces of paper and took a closer look, and found that the patterns drawn on these pieces of paper were actually schematic diagrams of various magical machines!

Xu Yi's face immediately darkened. These schematic diagrams were drawn by him occasionally when he was studying at home. Unexpectedly, Vivian's memory was so good that she could completely draw them just by looking at them a few times.

These schematics may seem inconspicuous, but in fact they can be regarded as the trade secrets of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. If they fall into the hands of people like Leo Chamber of Commerce who are also very concerned about magic machinery, the losses to Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will be far greater than A few hundred less magic machines are sold, which is much larger.

Xu Yijing thought about it carefully and quickly eliminated the chilling speculation that Vivian was actually a commercial spy.

Since being bought by Xu Yi, Vivian has almost never left the house, and the only outsider she has come into contact with so far is Steele.

Steele will never do commercial espionage, so even if Vivian wants to do it, she doesn't have enough conditions to do it.

Moreover, Vivian is still Xu Yi's slave. According to the laws of the Lampali Kingdom, no matter how Xu Yi treats her, there is no problem even if she is killed directly.

Given Vivian's character, she doesn't have the courage.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi felt relieved and began to carefully examine the diagrams in his hands.

It has to be said that although Vivian can't even read the words, her talent in painting is extremely high. These diagrams are exactly the same as those drawn by Xu Yi.

In addition to these schematic diagrams, Vivian actually drew many complete appearance diagrams of magic machines.

It seems that she simply guessed based on these schematic diagrams and then completed the drawing.

Although there are some differences in appearance from the magic machines eventually produced by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, overall there is not much difference.

Even... Xu Yi had to admit that in terms of appearance alone, the magic machines drawn by Vivian were even more beautiful...

"Is this little girl a natural mechanical appearance designer?" Xu Yi looked at these appearance pictures with an extremely strange expression.

As a genius mechanical engineer on Earth, Xu Yi has met many extremely talented people. He knows better than anyone else that there are indeed geniuses in this world who can leave others speechless.

But he could not in any way connect Vivian, a little slave who had always looked pitiful, to a genius, let alone connect her with a tough machine.

And before Xu Yi, there was no such thing as magic machinery in Sainz continent. Who knows how this little girl had this talent...

For things that couldn't be explained, Xu Yi could only use his strong science student thinking to classify the problem as a low-probability event and put it aside for the time being. He shook his head, honestly wrote down the ideas that just passed through his mind, and then cleaned up. After sitting on the table, he didn't bother to take a shower and went straight to sleep with his tired body.

Early the next morning, Xu Yi woke up to the sound of Vivian making breakfast as usual.

Xu Yi's first thought was that he should move to another house, otherwise Vivian would wake him up every day as soon as he made breakfast, which would make it impossible for him to take a good nap if he wanted to.

The second thought was those drawings I saw last night.

After being dazed for a while, Xu Yi stood up, washed his face in a hurry, and regained consciousness.

By the time he finished washing up, Vivian had already brought the prepared breakfast to the table.

After living here with Xu Yi for more than two months, Vivian and Xu Yi have formed a certain tacit understanding.

Xu Yi picked up a piece of bread, glanced at Vivian who was waiting for him to eat first, thought for a while and said: "Vivian, did you not have dinner yesterday?"

Vivian nodded lightly: "Well, Master, I have been waiting for you since you didn't come back. But then I fell asleep. I didn't even know when you came back, so I bothered Master to carry me in."

"Remember, if I miss my meal time and don't come back, you don't have to wait for me. I'm very busy at work now, and I may eat out a lot. If you wait for me like this every time, You will often be hungry, do you understand?" Xu Yi warned.

"But... But Master, you haven't eaten yet, how can I eat by myself?" Vivian opened her big eyes and looked at Xu Yi in confusion.

"This is an order, just obey it."

"Oh." Vivian agreed obediently.

"Besides..." Xu Yi took out the drawings he had put away yesterday and waved them in front of Vivian. "Did you draw these?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Vivian's face and she lowered her head: "I'm sorry, Master, I used your paper and pen without your permission..."

"It's not important. Come on, raise your head and answer my question." Xu Yi carefully observed Vivian's face and found that there was indeed only an embarrassed look on her face, but no other strange expressions. Heart comes.

He would never believe that such an inexperienced little girl could have such good acting skills, so Vivian should have no problem.

"Vivian, the reason why you draw these paintings is because you feel bored staying at home, so you paint to pass the time?"

Xu Yi took out one of these paintings, but it had his portrait on it.

This portrait, along with another portrait of Steele and several landscape paintings, were discovered by Xu Yi later, which further dispelled his suspicion of Vivian.

"I have to say that your painting talent is great. Look, you painted me so much like a photo." Xu Yi pointed at his portrait and praised.

"Photo?" Vivian looked at Xu Yi in shock. "what is that?"

"Uh... it's something that prints images directly on paper. You've never seen it before." Xu Yi waved his hand. "Don't worry about it, Vivian, answer my question, do you feel bored staying here all day?"

"No, no, it's not boring. I'm very happy here, really!" Vivian waved her hands in a panic, trying to deny it.

"Tell the truth!" Xu Yi said in a deep voice.

Vivian was startled, and after holding it in for a long time, she replied hesitantly: "Yes... it's a little boring... there are too few things to do here every day, and I... am not used to it."

"That's right. If you were bored, you should have told me earlier. Vivian, you have been with me for more than two months, don't you still know what kind of person I am?"

"Master, you are a good person, I... I am just a slave, you don't need to care about me." Vivian lowered her head and said timidly.

"Even if you are just a slave, you are still my slave. Well, Vivian, since you think there are too few things to do and it's a bit boring, then I will find something for you to do so that you don't It’ll be boring.”

Vivian looked up in shock and saw Xu Yi showing an evil smile as if he was kidnapping a little girl, and asked softly: "Vivian, do you want to go to school?"


Disconnected for a day, sad...

ps: Thank you to four book friends: Wasted Time, zgq8812, Crescent Moon Ban, and Laosi Yezi for their rewards.

ps2: Ask for recommendation votes again to make the data look better~