Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 67: Plant a seed


Since reaching the intention to cooperate with the great magician Camilla, Xu Yi has returned to Camilla Magic Tower much more frequently than before.

Especially after discussing with the Lord of the City a few days ago and deciding to vigorously develop farmland magic machinery, Xu Yi came even more diligently.

Most farm magic machines require strong power, and what can provide strong power is of course more powerful magic. Among the magicians currently working with Xu Yi, except for the great magician Camilla, no one else has this ability.

Now Xu Yi has gradually divided the research institute into two parts. One part is Steele, Evita and Akali. They are mainly responsible for researching the magic arrays needed for light-powered household magic machines. The other part is For the time being, there is only one Archmage Camilla, who is mainly responsible for heavy magic machines that require high power.

And because currently only Xu Yi has the ability to combine magic and machinery, he has to participate in research on both aspects.

This is certainly not a good situation.

Mechanical engineering research cannot be completed by Xu Yi alone. Only by allowing more and more magicians to have abilities comparable to Xu Yi can the power of research become more and more powerful.

So in these days, whether with the Steeles or the great magician Camilla, Xu Yi paid great attention to subtly teaching them some basic mechanical theoretical knowledge during research.

Since the four of them can become excellent magicians, their learning and understanding abilities are naturally very good, and it is extremely easy to absorb this new knowledge.

Now when Xu Yi is proposing a new magic machine idea, they have even been able to put forward some of their own reference opinions from time to time.

Of course, just the four of them is not enough.

That's why Xu Yi thought of going to Baron Rictor Magic Academy to hold such an open class. The purpose was to plant a seed in the minds of these students and give them a preliminary understanding of the combination of magic and machinery.

If there is a chance in the future, Xu Yi will continue to hold open classes at Baron Rector Magic Academy.

If possible, he would even turn this course into a regular course at Baron Rector's Magic Academy.

If even one tenth of the students who graduated from the academy could invest in the research of magic machinery, it would be a force that cannot be ignored.

"Hey, President Xu, here we go again."

As soon as Xu Yicai entered the magic tower, a magician greeted him warmly.

"Hey, good morning. Is the Great Magician here now?" Xu Yi greeted him with a smile.

The circle of magicians is not large, and the scope of the magic tower is even smaller. The news that Xu Yi and the great magician Camilla have reached a cooperation cannot be concealed at all, and it did not take long for it to spread in the magic tower.

Now almost all the magicians in the magic tower know that the great magician Camilla can get a thousand gold coins from Xu Yi every year through her cooperation with Xu Yi.

It can be said that the magic tower's successful return to normal operation during this period was entirely dependent on Xu Yi's powerful injection of one thousand gold coins.

To put it more bluntly, Xu Yi can even be regarded as the bread and butter of these magicians in the magic tower.

So when facing Xu Yi, these magicians who had been quite disdainful of him before naturally became much more enthusiastic.

"Your Majesty the Great Magician is still conducting magic research on the top floor as usual. He will be very happy to see you here." The magician replied with a smile.

"Okay, thank you." After Xu Yi nodded his thanks, he did not step on the magic ladder to the top floor, but came to the research room where he belonged.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw everyone in the research room lying on the table and conducting magic research seriously.

However, if you look closely, you will find that what they are doing is not ordinary magic research, but all kinds of magic arrays.

Turning your attention to the wall of the research room, you will also see a huge drawing hanging on the wall. The pattern is actually a strange-looking machine.

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, Luti raised her head in shock. When she saw it was Xu Yi, she immediately jumped up.

"Xu Yi, you're here!"

This greeting immediately alarmed everyone. Others raised their heads and greeted Xu Yi enthusiastically.

Xu Yi smiled and returned the greetings one by one, and then asked Luti: "How is it? How is the research progress?"

The joyful expression on Luti's face immediately turned into distress when she saw Xu Yihou. She shook her head and sighed: "It's not that good. We have studied all the magic arrays required for each part of the magic excavator, but... There is no way to solve the problem of combining them without conflict. As for achieving an integrated operation as you said, there is no clue at all. "

"Bring me your research results first."


Xu Yi took over the information collected by Luti and examined it carefully.

Reaching an intention to cooperate with the Great Magician Camilla, of course, does not just mean that all the research Xu Yi needs will be completed by the Great Magician Camilla. For a great magician like him, the magicians in the magic tower can be regarded as his assistants, so when faced with some research tasks proposed by Xu Yi, he will take the part that does not require him to take part. Let these magicians do it.

Since Xu Yi used to work in this research room, and the magicians in this research room had also cooperated with Xu Yi on some magic machines before, the great magician Camilla usually left these research work to to this research room.

Because every time he completes a research task, Xu Yi will pay Camilla the Great Magician some gold coins as a reward, and Camilla the Great Magician will allocate part of it to the magicians in the research laboratory, so now this The magicians in the software laboratory are very envied by other magicians in the magic tower.

After looking at the research results of Luti and others for a while, Xu Yi quickly discovered the problem.

Although the magic power of these magicians is higher than that of the three Steeles, because of this, their concept of magic has become rigid. When studying these magic arrays, they are basically arranged according to traditional magic arrays.

The magic excavator Xu Yi gave them for research this time can be regarded as the most complex magic machine developed by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce so far. If they still use traditional magic circles to deal with it, of course they will find various problems. Appear.

In fact, it’s no wonder that Xu Yi overestimated them, because Xu Yi had always been there to give pointers when discussing with Camilla the Great Magician or Steele, so he rarely met them. When faced with these problems, the magicians in the research room studied them on their own. Without Xu Yi's influence, it was of course difficult to make corresponding changes.

If the design drawings Xu Yi gave them at that time could be more detailed, there would be many fewer problems.

Thinking of this, Xu Yishu raised his eyebrows, summoned everyone in the research room, spread out the drawings one by one, and began to explain them in detail.

Xu Yi explained in great detail, even the smallest details, and fully displayed all his ideas in front of these magicians.

What he hopes now is to try his best to change their minds so that they can become qualified magic mechanical engineers as soon as possible so that they can more easily participate in magic mechanical research.

With them making changes, after other magicians in the magic tower see the benefits, there is a great possibility that they will also make changes.

After changing the magicians in a magic tower, it is possible to change the magicians in the entire Bangta City, and then change the magicians in the entire Lampali Kingdom, and ultimately change all the magic in the entire Sainz continent. division.

By that time, creating a complete industrial system on the Sainz continent will no longer be just a dream.

It is not easy to explain clearly every aspect of the magic excavator. The most difficult thing is to clearly explain the mechanical theory designed on this magic machine.

Many times Xu Yi even had to popularize the most basic physics knowledge and geometry knowledge to them. This knowledge can only be regarded as the scope of primary school students on earth, but it often makes these magics worshiped by others on the Sainz continent. The teachers were amazed.

It took more than three hours for Xu Yicai to finally explain all his ideas thoroughly.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw everyone around him finally showing expressions of realization.

It stands to reason that since these magicians are young, it should be easier to understand new knowledge. However, when Xu Yi communicated with them, he found that it was much more difficult than communicating with the great magician Camilla.

When discussing magic machinery with the Great Magician Camilla, Xu Yi found that there were many things that did not need to be explained at all. The Great Magician Camilla could figure it out by herself and even draw inferences.

You know, the great magician Camilla is almost sixty years old.

After recounting his requirements and key points, Xu Yi left the research room and stepped onto the magic ladder to the top of the magic tower.

As expected, the great magician Camilla was doing magic research in the research room on the top floor.

Of course, he is still doing research on magic.

Seeing Xu Yi come in, the great magician Camilla raised her head and glanced at him, and suddenly said: "One good news, one bad news, Xu Yi, which one do you want to hear first?"