Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 69: Tax relief


In mid-October, the envoys of Autumn Plantings were supposed to have arrived, but there was no sign of Autumn Plantings in Viscount Leslie's territory. Instead, there were endless roars everywhere.

Looking around, dozens of magic machines of various sizes and shapes were shuttled back and forth in the farmland, changing the appearance of the originally barren land.

This is the resolution of Viscount Leslie.

After receiving the support of a large number of magical machines from Xu Yi, Viscount Leslie decided to reclaim all the land that could be used for planting in the territory under his name, and carried out large-scale rectification according to Xu Yi's proposal.

Before that, because all the farmland under the name of Viscount Leslie was cultivated by hand, the planning of the farmland was very haphazard. But now that it was decided to fully cultivate it, Xu Yi suggested that he make a new plan and connect all the farmland as much as possible. into pieces, and then divided them into equal squares. At the same time, more spacious ditches were dug in each piece of farmland to facilitate future rice planting and drought relief.

In addition, Xu Yi also suggested that Viscount Leslie turn all farmland into a large flat land of the same height, which would be extremely convenient for future mechanized operations.

Seriously speaking, Viscount Leslie had not considered rectifying the land under his name before, but his manpower was really limited before. Even if he had this idea, he did not have enough manpower to complete this matter.

With more than 300 slaves and less than 100 guards under his name, he could only cultivate less than seven hectares of farmland every year despite his best efforts.

This year, with the help of various farmland magic machines developed by Xu Yi, this idea can finally become a reality.

First use a small magic scarifier to break up the higher surface of the land, and then transport the broken soil to the low-lying areas to fill it up.

After repeating this several times, the farmland under the name of Viscount Leslie had basically turned into a large, flat piece.

At this time, it was the turn of the newly developed small magic excavator successfully developed by Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

First, use a small magic ripper to loosen the soil in the painted area, and then use a small magic excavator to dig bit by bit on the farmland according to the marks. After a while, a large pit with a width and depth of nearly half a meter can be dug.

As the small magic excavator continued to retreat and the front-end mechanical arm flexed and extended, the deep pit extended all the way, and soon a long, deep, straight ditch was drawn on the farmland.

"Very good. At this rate, it seems that it will only take one day to transform an entire hectare of farmland." Today, not only Viscount Leslie and Xu Yi, but also Sean came to the farmland. ·Earl Satsuma also came after hearing the news. Seeing the extremely high working efficiency of those magical machines on the farmland, Earl Satsuma couldn't help but praise them loudly. "If this was done entirely by hand, I'm afraid it might not be completed in a week."

"Lord City Lord, I'm actually very dissatisfied with this speed." Xu Yi shook his head. "The power of the small magic excavator we designed now is actually too low. According to my idea, the real magic excavator does not need the help of the magic scarifier at all, and can dig a trench in the ground by itself. Even my ultimate goal is to use an excavator to dig up stones directly, which is far beyond what the small magic excavator you see now can compare with.”

"Oh? You can even dig out rocks? Are you kidding me?" Earl Satsuma said in surprise.

"No, of course this is not a joke. If it were not limited by mechanical materials, we could completely arrange a more powerful magic array on this magic machine as a power output. In that case, the efficiency of the magic excavator would be greatly improved. It’s not surprising to finally achieve the goal of digging rocks,” Xu Yi replied affirmatively.

This is of course not bragging. After studying with the great magician Camilla for a long time, Xu Yi now fully understands that advanced magic is extremely powerful, and even the legendary forbidden spell can rival the nuclear bombs on earth.

If such a comparison is made, as long as the power of these magics can be correctly applied to the magic machinery, it is not a fantasy to have the magic machinery have the ability to completely match those of the engineering machinery on the earth.

Unfortunately, due to the rough iron craftsmanship on Sainz's continent, these magical machines cannot withstand too much power, so Xu Yi can only keep these ideas in his stomach for the time being.

"It's a good thing for young people to have ambitious goals, but you have to eat bread one bite at a time. Just rushing is not enough." Earl Satsuma smiled and patted Xu Yi's shoulder to comfort him. "These magic machines you designed have already surprised me. Before, I couldn't imagine that such a large area of farmland reconstruction project could be completed in such a short period of time. No wonder that boy Leslie was so confident last time He definitely told me that he wants to reclaim all the farmland under his name. Looking at it now, I’m afraid it’s really promising.”

Xu Yi suddenly chuckled: "Lord City Lord, Sir Viscount is actually using the farmland under his own name to help me conduct experiments. Although our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has developed so many magical machines, if they are not verified by actual effects, That won’t work either.”

"Well, this is the attitude that a responsible chamber of commerce should have. As for this boy Leslie... I think he is eager to let you do these experiments on his territory. You don't know that other nobles in the city are now Are you jealous of him?" Earl Satsuma smiled.

Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh. Not only did he know this, he had also experienced it countless times.

After knowing that Xu Yi would provide many newly developed magical machines to help Viscount Leslie complete the transformation of his farmland, other nobles in Bangta City also made the same request to Xu Yi. However, Xu Yi's current factory capacity is limited. At present, it can only meet the needs of Viscount Leslie's family, and cannot agree to the requests of other nobles at all.

And even if the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can now produce so many farmland magic machines, Xu Yi would not dare to agree to any noble at will.

It's okay for Viscount Leslie. After all, Xu Yi started from him when he launched the magic air conditioner, small magic harvester and small magic scarifier. Everyone else knew that Viscount Leslie and Xu Yi had a bad relationship. Generally speaking, if Xu Yi dares to agree to any other noble family casually, he will definitely offend all other noble families.

Xu Yike is not stupid, why would he do such a thankless thing.

Of course, while Xu Yi declined these nobles, he also gave them a guarantee, guaranteeing that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce would produce enough magic machines in the coming spring to meet the needs of all noble families.

Although there are still several months until spring next year, Xu Yi has already received high-value orders with a total value of nearly 10,000 gold coins.

This order is all for various farm magic machines, which can ensure that the dwarves headed by Canby will be busy all winter.

However, this is also something that makes Xu Yi very worried.

The magic machine tool workshop is not just for producing magic machinery for farmland. In comparison, Xu Yi hopes that they can do their best to research magic machine tools.

Because for industrial development, machine tools are the foundation of the foundation. It is difficult for any machine to be separated from the machine tool.

If machine tools do not develop sufficiently, the development of the entire industry will be restricted, which is not what Xu Yi wants to see.

But Xu Yi couldn't refuse these orders at all, so he had been facing a painful choice during this period.

If you want to develop the magic industry, you must make as much money as possible, because researching the magic industry requires a lot of gold coins, and any research requires a lot of material and human investment.

However, if you want to make more money, you will definitely shift your focus, which will delay the research on the magic industry. It is really putting the cart before the horse.

"In the final analysis, there are still too few talents." Xu Yi sighed in his heart, turned to Earl Satsuma and asked: "By the way, Lord City Lord, do you have any clues about the matter that I asked you to help with last time?"

Earl Satsuma was startled, then woke up and frowned slightly: "You said it was to help you recruit craftsmen? This... is a bit difficult. Your requirements for craftsmen are too high, and we can meet the requirements in Bangta City. There are not many, so there are also very few who meet the requirements in other cities. Moreover, these craftsmen who meet your requirements must be rare talents in the cities where they are located. They will not easily change places and come to our Bangta City. Come, so... I am also very embarrassed. "

Xu Yi sighed helplessly. In fact, he knew very well that Earl Satsuma was right. If qualified craftsmen were so easy to recruit, he wouldn't have to worry so much.

It seems that it is better to place our hopes on the dwarves.

When he mentioned this to Canby last time, Canby said that he could find a way to help him contact dwarves from other tribes, and if possible, he would help the New Flying Chamber of Commerce recruit more dwarf craftsmen.

"But Xu Yi, don't be too busy being disappointed. I can't help you recruit craftsmen, but I can help you with other things." Earl Satsuma said suddenly.

"Oh?" Xu Yi looked at Earl Satsuma with some surprise.

Earl Satsuma pointed to the magic machines working hard on the fields and said: "I have reported these farm magic machines invented by your New Flying Chamber of Commerce to the Kingdom's Agriculture Department, and also written a private letter to His Majesty the King, proposing Both the Agriculture Department and His Majesty the King appreciated this, and finally decided to exempt some of the farmland magic machinery produced by your New Flying Chamber of Commerce from tax, and at the same time, these farmland magic machinery will be fully promoted within the kingdom. If nothing else happens, His Majesty the King may summon you for this very soon, so you’d better be mentally prepared.”

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Free from all taxes

You must know that the commercial tax in the Lampali Kingdom is very high. For small chambers of commerce like the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, the highest commercial tax may even exceed 40%!

According to the selling price of a small magic harvester of 70 gold coins, if the tax is completely exempted, it means that the New Flying Chamber of Commerce can earn nearly 20 more gold coins!

This is equivalent to His Majesty the King and the Department of Agriculture giving a large sum of money to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce for free.

Of course, it should not be possible to completely exempt taxes. This would immediately arouse the dissatisfaction of all other chambers of commerce in the kingdom. His Majesty the King would not be so stupid.

But as long as part of it can be reduced, it will also bring great benefits to Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

What's more important is the last sentence, His Majesty the King and the Department of Agriculture will promote these farmland magic machines within the kingdom!

This is equivalent to official advertising!

With the support and promotion of His Majesty the King and the Kingdom's Agriculture Department, it means that the farmland magic machinery of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will be easily sold to every place in the Lampali Kingdom.

By that time, just by selling these farmland magic machines, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is likely to become the first-class chamber of commerce in the Lampali Kingdom!