Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 74: Female elf


The three of them were startled, especially Xu Yi, whose eyes widened in surprise.


They are actually elves!

Xu Yi has traveled to the Sainz continent for more than three years, which is not a short period of time. However, during these three years, he has seen dwarves in human cities and orcs on construction sites, but he has not been able to see them in a row. Not a single elf was seen.

According to legend, more than 3,000 years ago, the elves were still the rulers of the continent of Sainz. However, humans quickly rose up and finally drove the elves off the throne through racial wars, and they became the rulers of the continent of Sainz.

Since then, the elves have almost disappeared from this continent. Even if humans go to the forests where the elves live, they often will not see even one elf.

In many cases, the elves have even become legends, and many people speculate that the elves may have become extinct!

However, now in this dwarf tribe, Xu Yi will actually see an elf tribe!

From the time Chief Mento ordered the dwarf to bring in the elven guests, Xu Yi involuntarily stretched his neck and stared at the entrance of the Angora tribe, hardly blinking.

After a while, a slender elf who was as tall as two dwarves and almost as tall as Xu Yi slowly walked in under the guidance of the dwarf.

Xu Yi's eyes instantly glanced at this elf, and then he couldn't help but secretly praise it in his heart.

A pair of long pointed ears reflected her elf identity, and her tall chest showed that she was a female elf. Her pair of big blue eyes that looked like two springs, and her face with soft lines but slightly firm features made her There is a hint of heroism in her soft appearance, and combined with her exposed white but perfectly proportioned calves, it will instantly make people feel bright.

Xu Yi had long heard that the elves were all handsome men and beauties. He didn't believe it at first, but now that he saw this elf beauty, he chose to believe it without hesitation.

The female elf spotted Xu Yi from a distance, who stood out among a group of dwarves. After walking over, she couldn't help but look Xu Yi up and down with a look of curiosity on her face.

However, the elves have always paid attention to etiquette. Although she was very curious about Xu Yi, the female elf still bowed to Chief Mento before speaking: "Hello, respected Chief Mento, may the glory of Elune shine forever. With you.”

Patriarch Monto just nodded slightly in return and said in a deep voice: "Hello, may your feet always stand in the palm of the Messiah."

This was the first time Xu Yi saw such a simple question and answer, and he couldn't help but look at the female elf more curiously.

As expected, the elves are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have an excellent temperament. This female elf has fair skin, a tall figure, and an outstanding temperament. Although her expression is calm, she naturally shows a cold air, which makes people feel While she seemed inaccessible, she couldn't help but want to get close to her.

After the female elf and Patriarch Mengtu had finished the ceremony, they immediately said: "Dear Chief Mengtuo, what are your thoughts on the last matter? The current situation of our tribe is already very bad. I hope you can agree to my request. Please help us. Our entire family will definitely remember your helping hand this time.”

Although her voice remained clear and sweet, even Xu Yi, who had no idea what she was talking about, could still hear the anxiety that could not be hidden in her words.

It can be seen that her statement that "the situation of the tribe is already very bad" is by no means a lie.

Chief Monto looked embarrassed: "This... Dear Miss Yanis, although I value the long-term friendship between our dwarfs and elves, and I hope to help you solve this problem, you have also seen that we The tribe itself is also facing many problems, and a large number of mature people are about to leave here. I'm afraid there won't be enough people to help you. Why don't you go to other dwarf tribes and ask?"

Hearing the answer from Chief Mento, the female elf Yanis showed a look of disappointment on her face, but it was still light and not obvious.

"Well, thank you, Chief Monto, for your willingness to listen to my request. I hope you will always remain healthy under the light of Elune."

After saying these words, the female elf Yanis turned around and left.

Xu Yi on the side stared at his pocket.

Although he had long heard that the elves were a race that was so arrogant that they did not know how to adapt, he still did not expect that this female elf actually just came to say something and left immediately after being rejected!

Does this guy know any conversational skills

With an attitude like hers, it would be weird if she could get anything done.

If all the elves were like her, it would not be surprising at all for the elves to be kicked off the throne of Sainz continent by humans.

Xu Yi had various thoughts in his mind, and suddenly took two hurried steps and stopped in front of Yanis.

Yanis stopped and looked at Xu Yi who suddenly appeared in front of her, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Human, what do you want?"

Xu Yi showed what he thought was the most cordial and kind smile, and said with a smile: "Beautiful Miss Elf, can I ask what kind of help you and your tribe need? Maybe I can help you."

Yanis frowned her beautiful eyebrows slightly, looked at Xu Yi seriously for a while, and slowly shook her head.

"Sorry, I don't trust humans."

After that, he didn't even say a farewell blessing, and wanted to walk around Xu Yi and leave.

Xu Yi didn't expect that this guy was more straightforward and rude to him. He was stunned for a moment before he realized it. Just when he was about to stop Yanis again, he saw a green light flashing on her body. The person actually disappeared directly outside the gate of the Angola tribe.

"Elf magic, invisible technique." Chief Shluka came to Xu Yi's side, glanced in the direction where Yanis disappeared and said: "Unless your magic strength is much stronger than hers, you won't be able to find her. , let alone trying to catch up.”

Chief Mengtuo also came over and said to Xu Yida very seriously: "President Xu, the elves are difficult to get close to. I suggest you give up the idea of chasing her."

Looking at the strange expressions on the faces of the two clan leaders, Xu Yi knew that they must have misunderstood something, but he was too lazy to explain. He asked Chief Mengtuo: "Chief Mengtuo, just now she said she asked you for help with something, and she also said that she The tribe is in a bad situation now... Do you know what problems they have encountered? "

"Well... this is the third time she has come. The first two times I just said to think about it, but this time because I have promised to send a hundred tribesmen to your factory, I had to refuse directly." Meng Chief Tuo said. "As for the problems their tribe encountered... it was actually very serious. The elf tribe she belonged to lived in the Forest of Falling Rain, more than two hundred kilometers away from here. There was originally a river passing through the Forest of Falling Rain, providing them with The tribe uses all the water, but recently the water flow in the river has begun to decrease and is even close to drying up, making the tribe's life suddenly difficult. "

"Oh? Is there such a thing? What caused it?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"Their tribe has also investigated. The reason why the river has changed like this seems to be because there is more sediment on the bottom of the river, causing part of the river upstream to change its course, which naturally reduces the amount of water flowing through their tribe downstream. reduce."

"Then they want to ask for your help. Do they want you dwarves to help them drain the sand from the river?"

Chief Monto shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Although the elves have good magic, their physical strength is average. If they want to carry out such a big project, they can only ask us dwarves for help. But now we can't find the manpower to help them, so we have to Rejected."

Chief Shluka snorted coldly: "These elves have nothing to help them. Even if we try our best to help them solve the problem, we can only say a few cold words of thanks and not even give them a few sips of wine." , what can I do to help you?”

Chief Mento sighed and said: "Yeah, if we can live a decent life, then for the sake of old friends, it doesn't matter if we do this favor. But now we can't even take care of our own clansmen, where can we?" You can still take care of them.”

Xu Yi ignored the two clan leaders complaining to each other about what the elves had not done well in the past, and instead stared at the direction where Yanis disappeared, frowning and thinking.

The difficulties encountered by the elves may not concern others at all, but it is different for Xu Yi.

He keenly felt that this was likely to be an opportunity, a good opportunity for him to come into contact with the elves.

As Xu Yi said in front of the two clan leaders before, as a qualified human businessman, when Xu Yi looks at people, he first considers what benefits the other person can bring to him, rather than race.

Even if the elves have problems, Xu Yi knows that they have many advantages that other races do not have, so there will naturally be enough benefits for him to explore.

If this crisis of the elves can be used to close the relationship with the elves, maybe Xu Yi and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can benefit greatly from this in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi took out the notebook he carried with him, drew a few pictures on one of the pages, then wrote a large number of detailed notes next to the pictures, and finally tore it out and handed it to the Monto clan leader.

"Chief Mento, since the elf has come to you three times just now, I think you should know something about her and her tribe, right?" Xu Yi asked.

"Know something." Patriarch Mengtu took the paper handed over by Xu Yi in confusion, glanced at it and found that he couldn't understand it. "What's this?"

"This is the solution I designed to divert the river upstream of their tribe. If you show it to her or her tribe, they will understand."

"Really?" Chief Mengtuo and Chief Shilui got together and looked at the picture on the paper carefully for a while. They were still a little confused and had to give up. "But Xu Yi, why do you want to find a way to help them? That Yanis' attitude towards you just now was not good."

Xu Yi chuckled: "I believe that after she sees this thing, she will definitely change her attitude towards me."


ps1: Thanks to book friends 140709123141856, Tengyu Fusheng, and r for their rewards.

ps2: For the sake of beautiful data, please continue to ask for recommendation votes.

ps3: Some book friends in the book review area pointed out several bugs in the book. I am very grateful and accept them in full. There are many bugs caused by my insufficient consideration. I will pay more attention to them in the future. I also hope that if you find it, you can point it out~

ps4: Regarding the currency issue, let me explain it a little bit. The exchange ratio of gold, silver and copper coins is 100:1. This is a common ratio for many Magic Continent backgrounds. I am not going to create a new one.

Regarding purchasing power, my original setting was that one silver coin is roughly equivalent to one soft girl coin (you know), so a monthly salary of thirty gold coins can be considered a high salary in Bangta City, which has a low living standard.

When describing the living conditions of farmers and dwarves, in order to show the hardship of their lives, I described very low data. After being reminded by a book friend on the screen, I found that there are indeed some problems. I will reconsider and take the time to make revisions.