Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 77: Slave transfer


After watching the World Cup, I might as well update it in advance.


"Xu Yi, are you really going to attend that boring banquet?" Viscount Leslie frowned and looked at Xu Yi opposite, with a somewhat puzzled expression. "Can't you see that those guys have bad intentions? Although your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is developing well now, there is still a long way to go before it can become a truly big chamber of commerce. Those guys are here to win over you. They are just looking at you. It’s just about the technologies you have mastered now.”

"Lord Viscount, you also own 30% of the shares in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, so instead of 'your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce', you should say 'our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce'." Xu Yi said with a smile.

"Okay, since it is 'our' New Flying Chamber of Commerce, I have more say in this matter. Let me tell you clearly that I am opposed to you attending that banquet, and even more opposed to you getting involved with those old and cunning guys. Together." Viscount Leslie said seriously. "Although I don't like to boast, I think you have to admit that in this city of Bonta, I, Viscount Leslie, still have a little influence. As long as you don't seek death on your own, I can guarantee that Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will be stable. Continue to develop and grow. So you don’t need to pay attention to those guys and just study and come up with some useful magic machines. Why bother? "

"Of course I believe that Sir Viscount you have this ability. But Sir Viscount, your understanding of business seems a bit shallow." Xu Yi said bluntly.

Viscount Leslie snorted: "Oh? Then tell me, what is a non-shallow understanding like? I am just a small fish, but I jump into a group of sharks to seek death?"

Xu Yi smiled softly and said: "Perhaps you are right. Compared with the big chambers of commerce in the Chamber of Commerce, our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can only be regarded as a small fish. But Sir Viscount, any chamber of commerce can't It exists independently. The products currently produced by our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce seem to be unique, but you need to note that our chamber of commerce still has close ties with other chambers of commerce, such as the production of magic machinery. The most important raw material, iron, we can only buy from the Falcao Chamber of Commerce now, because almost all the iron mines near Bonta City are controlled by them, and we have no choice."

Viscount Leslie nodded and said in a deep voice: "I heard that Falcao Chamber of Commerce increased the selling price of pig iron by 10% half a month ago, right?"

"That's right. The large number of orders our chamber of commerce has received recently naturally requires a large amount of pig iron. It is normal for Falcao Chamber of Commerce to take the opportunity to raise prices." Xu Yi nodded with a smile.

"Can you still laugh?" Viscount Leslie looked at Xu Yi's still smiling face and felt angry for some reason. "This time Falcao Chamber of Commerce has raised the price by 10%. What if the next time it is raised by another 10%? Are you still going to hold your nose and admit it?"

"What else can we do if we don't admit it? Lord Viscount, I think you know better than me who the master behind the Falcao Chamber of Commerce is?" Xu Yi still said calmly.

Viscount Leslie was startled for a moment, then softened in frustration, and waved his hands irritably.

Of course, he knew better than Xu Yi that the Falcao Chamber of Commerce looked nothing special on the surface, but behind this chamber of commerce, which accounted for up to 40% of the Lampali Kingdom's iron ore business, was the Yole family, a huge backer.

The Yolay family is one of the largest families in the Lampali Kingdom. Not to mention the small Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, even if the family behind Viscount Leslie wants to conflict with them, they have to think carefully about it.

"What should we do? Iron is the most basic raw material for the production of magic machinery, and it cannot be used. If the Falcao Chamber of Commerce continues to increase the price in the future, what are you going to do?" Viscount Leslie couldn't help but ask.

Xu Yi didn't have an anxious look on his face. Instead, he picked up the cup and took a sip. Then he said slowly: "Master Viscount, don't worry about this. I expected the price of pig iron to rise. If it didn't rise, I would Strange. But there is a certain limit to price increases. There are so many places that need pig iron, and there are many chambers of commerce that need to buy pig iron. If the Falcao Chamber of Commerce raises the price too much. Gao, there is no need for our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to come forward. Naturally, other large chambers of commerce will take the initiative for us. No matter how excessive the Falcao Chamber of Commerce is, it will not go so far as to sell to other chambers of commerce and to us, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. The price of pig iron at the Chamber of Commerce is different, right?”

"They definitely don't dare to do this. But Xu Yi, don't you think this is too passive?"

"Of course I think so, that's why I agreed to attend the banquet." Xu Yi smiled and changed the topic back naturally. "Some things, if you don't join in, you don't even have a say. Of course, you can only be passive."

"But aren't you afraid that if you join in, you'll be swallowed whole by them?" Viscount Leslie frowned.

Xu Yi smiled slightly: "Lord Viscount, if I am swallowed up so easily, that is good news for you. I can tell you in advance that I am actually not worth investing in, right?"

Viscount Leslie snorted coldly from his nostrils and nodded to the Brunei butler who had been standing silently beside him. The Brunei butler then turned around and brought out a document.

"This is the transfer contract for those slaves. Take a look." Viscount Leslie took the document and threw it in front of Xu Yi.

Xu Yi glanced at Viscount Leslie with some surprise: "Lord Viscount, I didn't expect that you actually agreed!"

A few days ago, it was the day for the factory to pay wages. Xu Yi once again had some difficulties when paying wages to the slaves in the household magic machine production workshop.

Because the ownership of these slaves belongs to Viscount Leslie, it is difficult for Xu Yi to deal with them every time he pays them wages.

It is definitely not possible to give gold coins directly. It is also a bit troublesome to give corresponding welfare benefits. You must also seek the consent of Viscount Leslie in advance.

Later, Xu Yi tentatively suggested to Viscount Leslie that he could simply sell all these slaves to him to save himself the trouble.

At that time, Viscount Leslie did not agree. Xu Yi originally thought that there was no chance. Unexpectedly, now he actually threw out a transfer contract directly.

"As you said just now, I am investing in you. These one hundred slaves are part of the investment. I hope you can be worthy of my investment." Viscount Leslie said expressionlessly.

Xu Yi quickly browsed the contract and found no problems, so he signed his name.

Now as long as this contract is certified by the Kingdom's Law Enforcement Court, it will take effect immediately. From then on, the one hundred slaves will belong to Xu Yi completely.

Viscount Leslie took the contract from Xu Yi and looked at it, but did not sign his name immediately. Instead, he stared at Xu Yi and stretched out his right index finger.

"These one hundred slaves can be transferred to you, but there is a condition. I did not indicate it on this contract, but it is an agreement between us. Please listen carefully."

Xu Yi was not too surprised and nodded lightly.

"In one month, three hundred slaves will enter the factory. You must let these three hundred slaves fully learn the working techniques and processes for producing all the magic machinery currently produced by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. These include magic fans, magic rice cookers, and magic machines. The household magic machines you call air conditioners also include small magic harvesters, small magic scarifiers, and a series of large magic machines. Do you understand what I mean?"

Xu Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at Viscount Leslie. After a while, he slowly asked: "Lord Viscount, can I ask where these three hundred slaves come from?"

Viscount Leslie said with a cold face: "You'd better not ask these unnecessary questions, it won't do you any good. I just ask you, will you agree to this condition?"

Xu Yi spread his hands and said with a bitter smile: "Can I refuse to agree? Even if it is not for the sake of you, Lord Viscount, as the major shareholder, but for the sake of the one hundred slaves you transferred, I must also accept this condition. Promise. No problem, I will tell Heinze and Canby to teach these three hundred slaves well and not to hide anything. Of course, Lord Viscount, I cannot guarantee that all three hundred slaves will be safe. Can fully grasp it, after all, people are different.”

Viscount Leslie nodded: "I understand this, you just need to teach them well."

"Well, I have another question. How long will they stay here? If the time is too short, I guess they won't be able to grasp anything. If they stay for a longer time, you'd better tell me an accurate time. , I want to make arrangements in advance, otherwise once they leave, it may seriously affect the work progress of our factory. "

"It is currently set at half a year. If there are any changes after half a year, I will notify you in advance." Viscount Leslie said.

"Okay, I understand."

Seeing Viscount Leslie sign the contract, Xu Yi showed a heartfelt smile.

When he heard that Viscount Leslie wanted to place 300 slaves, Xu Yi was a little surprised at first, but then after hearing his request, it made him want to laugh.

Viscount Leslie asked Xu Yi to teach these three hundred slaves to master the technology of producing various light and heavy magic machines, but he forgot one of the most important technologies that needed to be mastered, which was the manufacturing technology of magic machine tools.

You must know that although Xinfei Chamber of Commerce now has multiple production lines and produces nearly ten types of magic machines at the same time, its foundation is those simple magic machine tools that are constantly processing various parts.

If you can truly master the manufacturing technology of the magic machine tool, then you can truly master the core technology of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Xu could also guess that these three hundred slaves were probably sent by the family behind Viscount Leslie. The purpose was to use these three hundred slaves as a basis to copy another New Flying Chamber of Commerce for Viscount Leslie's. The family creates benefits.

With the huge power of the family behind Viscount Leslie, as long as they master the technology and then invest, they can instantly surpass the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in scale.

But Xu Yi still couldn't figure out why Viscount Leslie didn't ask him to teach the three hundred slaves how to make magic machine tools.

Viscount Leslie is not that stupid, and he knows the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce very well. It is impossible not to see the important role of the magic machine tool.

"Is it possible that he did it on purpose?" Xu Yi guessed in his mind. "But why is this?"