Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 79: are we friends?


When he and President Lanke came to a small hall at the back, Xu Yi found that five other people were already sitting there. They were not chatting in private as he thought.

Gazing across the faces of the people in the room, Xu Yi smiled slightly, thinking that President Lanke didn't follow him around at all, and just called these people here. Is he planning to show off his cards tonight?

But then I thought about it, whether it was Xu Yi or the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, in the eyes of President Lanke and these people here, I am afraid that they are not worth mentioning, so there is no need to bother with myself, it is better to explain directly.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi couldn't help but have a slightly mocking smile flash across his lips.

"Come, President Xu, please sit down." President Lanke made a gesture of invitation to Xu Yi, and then pointed to the people present. "Let me introduce to you, these people are..."

Xu Yi raised his hand to stop President Lanke's movement and said with a smile: "President Lanke, these are the most famous businessmen in Bangta City. If I don't even know them, What qualifications do you have to open a chamber of commerce? President Morgan?"

The person Xu Yi looked at was a middle-aged man with a medium build and a touch of gray hair. He was Fuller, the president of the Falcao Chamber of Commerce that Xu Yi had just talked about with Viscount Leslie. Morgan.

Seeing Xu Yi taking the initiative to talk to him, a look of surprise flashed across President Morgan's face, and then he laughed and said: "President Xu, are you kidding me? In terms of reputation, which chamber of commerce is there in Bangta City now? Is it as popular as your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce? Your name, President Xu Yixu, often appears in the "Bangta Daily". Not to mention our colleagues, even ordinary civilians in Bangta City don't know it. , no one knows, right?”

Xu Yi smiled slightly, shrugged and said: "Actually, I want to do business honestly and ignore other messy things, but Baron Heiners always says that there is news to be mined in our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and he always wants to report it There is nothing I can do about the matters between our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and me.”

After hearing this, the expressions of several other people changed slightly.

When the novelty "Bangta Daily" first appeared, these people didn't pay much attention to it. However, when "Bangta Daily" quickly became popular in Bangta City, it was even sold to two nearby cities. , everyone immediately realized the huge influence this thing brought.

Take the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce as an example. Because "Bangta Daily" always reports on some of the measures and actions of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, the reputation of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in Bangta City has skyrocketed. Not to mention that there is no one in Bangta City. No one knows, even outside Bangta City.

Moreover, every time the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce launches a new product, "Bangta Daily" will publish a detailed report on it, not only clearly explaining the functions of the new product, but also praising it. Claiming how much convenience Xinfei Chamber of Commerce’s products have brought to people’s lives.

After such a period of time, both nobles and civilians inside and outside Bangta City now have a very high degree of recognition of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. In the past, some people would buy imitation magic machines from other chambers of commerce without knowing the truth, but now they absolutely do not. Someone will do this.

Once someone comes up with this idea, they will definitely be denounced as a fool by everyone around them.

"Xinfei's magic machines are the best. If you buy those messy magic machines that come out of nowhere, you will definitely lose yourself to death!"

This has now become a common understanding of everyone inside and outside Bangta City.

And even the big businessmen here now have some magic machines from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in their homes, and they must admit that the quality of the Xinfei brand's magic machines is much better than other imitations.

Some time ago, "Bangta Daily" also reported a news in Saltan City, saying that the Leo Chamber of Commerce in Saltan City also learned from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to produce magic machinery, but not only did they produce the Leo brand magic fans before, Serious quality problems arose. Several people were injured because the fan blades fell off. The recently produced Leo brand magic rice cooker even exploded, directly causing one death and three serious injuries to a civilian family in Saltan City. ACCIDENT.

Although the Leo Chamber of Commerce can be regarded as the largest chamber of commerce in Saltan City, it has also been troubled by the continuous incidents. Its reputation in Saltan City has dropped to freezing point, and hundreds of people have even besieged the chamber of commerce. collective event.

Compared with Leo Chamber of Commerce, the magic machinery produced by Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has not had a single accident so far, and every piece of Xinfei brand magic machinery is very durable, and the chance of quality problems is extremely low.

Besides, even if there is a quality problem, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has also set up a so-called "after-sales service center" in Bangta City. As long as there is a problem with the Xinfei Magic Machinery, it can be repaired within one year. Free repairs here give people who buy a new Fei brand magic fan even more peace of mind.

It is precisely because of this sharp contrast that in just over three months, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and the Xinfei Magic Machinery have become deeply rooted in the hearts of Bangta City and several surrounding cities, and have been recognized by everyone.

The newly launched Magic Rice Cooker by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has not done much publicity at all in other cities. Merchants in those cities have proactively approached us to sell the Xinfei Magic Rice Cooker.

When people in those cities heard that these magic rice cookers were produced by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, they did not have any doubts at all and purchased them very simply.

The fundamental reason for this result is of course that the magic machinery produced by Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is indeed easy to use and of high quality, but the propaganda role played by "Bangta Daily" is very important.

These people here are all big businessmen in Bangta City, how could they not see this.

Morgan rolled his eyes and smiled at Xu Yi: "President Xu, I heard that you have a good relationship with Baron Heiners, the editor-in-chief of Bonta Daily?"

Xu Yi waved his hand: "It's just a normal friendship."

The other people couldn't help but rolled their eyes at Xu Yi in their hearts.

Ordinary friendship? Go ahead and lie to yourself!

If it was just a general friendship, would "Bangta Daily" just report on the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce? And there are always positive reports, no negative ones at all

You must know that the chamber of commerce behind these people here also approached Baron Heiners and wanted him to report on the positive situation of his chamber of commerce, but he was flatly rejected by Baron Heiners.

The reason given by Baron Heiners for this was that the focus of the work of "Bangta Daily" during this period was on the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. There was nothing to report on other chambers of commerce and they would not attract people to read!

Of course, everyone thinks this reason is nonsense, because ordinary people may not know it, but they know it well. On the surface, it seems that "Bangta Daily" has nothing to do with the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and Xu Yi, but in fact, "Bangta Daily" has nothing to do with Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and Xu Yi. The establishment of Ta Daily is inextricably linked to Xu Yi.

Among other things, the reason why "Bangta Daily" can generate thousands of copies in one day is because Xu Yi designed a new magic printing press for "Bangta Daily", which greatly increased the speed of printing newspapers. .

If Xu Yi has no investment in "Bangta Daily", no one will believe it.

President Morgan couldn't help but snorted softly: "President Xu, are you not enough of a friend like this? Even if you let us know that you and Hainasman have a good relationship, it's not a big deal, right? Anyway, now All of you here are old friends of the Federation of Commerce, and you are about to join the Federation. We are all friends, so why do you need to hide this from us? "

"Friend?" Xu Yi showed a hint of surprised affection, looked at President Morgan, shook his head and said: "President Morgan, do you think of me as a friend? I thought you had never thought of it that way, otherwise , why did the price of pig iron suddenly increase by a full 10%?”

As soon as Xu Yi raised this question, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

President Morgan was stunned for a moment and looked at Xu Yi in surprise. He did not expect that Xu Yi would actually bring up this matter here in front of these people, and he was so straightforward and did not add anything at all. cover up.

"This..." President Morgan laughed dryly and said: "President Xu, business matters seem to have nothing to do with our personal friendship, right? Raising the price of pig iron is a joint decision within the chamber of commerce, and it is not my alone. You can make the decision. Besides, this increase in price is not aimed at you, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, so please don’t think too much, President Xu.”

"Really? Then the personal friendship between me and Baron Heiners, of course, has nothing to do with "Bonta Daily" reporting on our New Flying Chamber of Commerce. After all, "Bonta Daily" is not Baron Heiners's alone. Forget it." Xu Yi smiled.

President Morgan suddenly suffocated and narrowed his eyes at Xu Yi. Although he still maintained a smile on his face, there was obviously a hint of coldness.

President Lanke suddenly coughed slightly, attracting the attention of everyone in the room.

"President Xu, I invite you to come to this banquet tonight. I think you should have guessed something."

Xu Yi nodded: "If I guess correctly, President Lanke wants to accept our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce as a member of the Business Federation?"

President Lanke smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's right. With the current scale of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, it is honestly not up to the standards to join our business federation. However, President Xu is not an ordinary businessman, and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce It’s not an ordinary chamber of commerce. After discussion, we decided to specifically recruit the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce as a member. I wonder what President Xu’s intention is?”