Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 8: The summons of the great magician


It has been nearly two months since I came to Camilla Magic Tower, but this is the first time Xu Yi has entered the top floor of the Magic Tower.

As soon as he stepped into the exclusive area of Camilla the Great Magician, a refreshing coolness hit the pavement, making Xu Yi couldn't help but shiver and almost sneeze.

"It's great to have a large frost formation." Xu Yi rubbed his nose and smiled at Steele who was leading the way.

"What? Are you envious?" Steele looked back at Xu Yi, his eyes full of curiosity.

Xu Yi was surprised when he discovered the magic fan some time ago. She didn't expect that her grandfather would suddenly summon him now. Coupled with the impression Xu Yilai left on her on the first day, Steele was very interested in Xu Yi.

"Of course I'm envious." Xu Yi replied matter-of-factly. "The seniors in the research room have said it countless times in private. If a large frost array can be installed in the research room, everyone's work efficiency will at least be improved several times."

Steele chuckled, shook his hand and said: "That won't work. Grandpa is a notoriously poor guy, but he doesn't have the money to install a large frost array in every research room. Even the array he has here It’s only used during the hottest days, and it’s just a decoration at ordinary times.”

Xu Yi knew something about this, but he was still curious.

"Miss Steele, isn't this right? Your Excellency Camilla is a three-star magician after all. If nothing else, the kingdom gives him a lot of fixed investment every year. Why is he so poor?"

"Because there are more places to spend money." Steele shrugged, his expression very helpless. "You only know that grandpa is a great magician and enjoys a special salary from the kingdom, but you don't know that researching magic, especially high-level magic like grandpa, is extremely expensive. He spends it every year just to buy magic materials for research. Most of it is left to maintain the daily expenses of the magic tower, which is actually a very tight life. "

"That's it... But I heard that other great magicians are very rich..."

"Are you trying to say that grandpa has no ability to make money?" Steele rolled his eyes at Xu Yi. "Tell you, you can't mention this in front of grandpa, otherwise he will be very angry."

"No, no, no, of course I don't think so. I just heard that Lord Camilla has always been very opposed to magicians focusing on making money..."

"No way, Grandpa is just so stubborn." Steele sighed. "I have tried to persuade him several times, but he always said that magicians should focus on studying magic. He only thinks about making money all day long, which completely disqualifies him as a magician."

Xu Yi nodded and said no more.

Archmage Camilla's attitude reminded him of those professors and scholars on Earth who focused on research, who were also dismissive of business, feeling that academic research that was tainted with the smell of copper would deteriorate.

Xu Yi did not appreciate this attitude. Although too strong a commercial atmosphere would inevitably have a great impact on academic research, with commercial investment and an increase in research funds, the research environment and conditions can be greatly improved. For academic research, The progress and efficiency of research will be greatly improved.

There are many examples of the perfect combination of academic research and business on the planet. The two promote each other and the effect is better than simply immersing yourself in research.

Moreover, the mechanical engineering industry that Xu Yi works in is originally a science that is very close to practical applications. If it cannot reflect commercial value in practical applications, it will be a failure.

"We're here." Steele opened the door and made a gesture of invitation to Xu Yi. "Go in, grandpa is waiting."

Xu Yi tidied his clothes and walked in with his head held high.

The great magician Camilla's private research room occupies the entire top floor of the magic tower, and the area is naturally extremely large, four or five times the size of Xu Yi's research room.

The arc top of the research room is very high, and the top is more than five meters above the ground. Looking from left to right, this place is almost the same size as a slightly smaller basketball gym.

There is a huge table in the middle of the entire space. Behind the table is an old man wearing a dark blue robe and dark brown hair who is immersed in magic research.

This should be the great magician Camilla.

Hearing the sound of someone coming in, Camilla the Great Magician raised his head. After seeing Xu Yi, he looked at him for a moment, nodded, and continued to study with his head down.

Xu Yi was not surprised by this. He had long heard that the great magician Camilla was extremely obsessed with magic research. He must be immersed in a certain problem now and was unwilling to interrupt.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Yi carefully looked at the environment in the research room.

The situation in this research room was much neater than he imagined. All kinds of strange magic materials were placed against the wall in categories, but the table where the great magician Camilla was sitting was more messy.

Various strange traces can be seen on the ground and walls, which should have been left by the great magician Camilla when doing magic experiments.

Many of the traces are very profound, and it can be seen from them that the situation at that time must have been very dangerous.

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly stopped somewhere in the corner. There was a ball of rotten iron there, but Xu Yi easily saw from the rotten iron that this ball of rotten iron should have been made by him that Steele had bought before. The first magic fan.

Judging from the current dilapidated appearance of this magic fan, it must have been vandalized.

As for the spoilers…

Xu Yi's eyes turned back to the great magician Camilla, feeling a little strange in his heart.

"Is the great magician Camilla also very interested in this magic fan? But the magic level in this thing is so low, he shouldn't take it seriously, right?"

Not long after, the great magician Camilla seemed to have completed her research, stretched and straightened up.

After seeing Xu Yi, the great magician Camilla was slightly startled, but it seemed that she had completely forgotten Xu Yi.

After a slight pause, he nodded to Xu Yi: "Are you Xu Yi?"

Xu Yi quickly bowed respectfully: "It's me, the respected great magician."

Archmage Camilla waved her hand: "Don't be so nervous. I asked Steele to come to you because I want to ask you a few questions."

"Please feel free to ask, as long as I know, I will answer you wholeheartedly."

"Okay." Camilla, the great magician, looked around, came to the corner and picked up the piece of rotten iron that Xu Yi had just seen. "I heard from Steele that you made this thing?"

"This..." Xu Yi looked at the magic fan that was almost unrecognizable, and replied with some embarrassment: "It didn't look like this when it was given to Miss Steele."

"I don't blame Steele, I wanted to do some research, so I made it like this." The great magician Camilla threw the magic fan aside, rummaged around on the table for a while, and took out a drawing. "Well, I'm here to find you. I'm mainly interested in the magic circle you imprinted on this magic fan. There are some things I don't quite understand. I hope you can answer them for me."

Xu Yi was immediately in awe of the great magician Camilla. With his status as a three-star magician, he would actually admit that he didn't understand something in front of a guy like himself who had not even passed the qualification certification test of the magician's union. , which shows that he is very serious about magic.

"Your Majesty Camilla, you are too polite. I think there must be nothing in this magic circle that a great magician like you cannot understand. What cannot be understood probably has nothing to do with magic, right?"

Camilla the Great Magician pondered for a moment and shook his head: "It's okay to say it's irrelevant, but you can't say it's completely irrelevant. Come on, come and take a look, here..." Camilla the Great Magician reached out and tapped on the magic circle. at a certain point. "I can understand that your changes here will reduce the effect of the whirlwind formed by the magic circle, but I don't understand why you want to do this. Don't you want to make the magic circle more powerful?"

Xu Yi glanced over and immediately replied with a smile: "What you said is absolutely correct. This change will indeed reduce the power of the magic array. However, Your Excellency, this magic array is mainly to provide power for the magic fan. It does not It needs to provide such a powerful effect.”

Camilla the Great Magician shook his head: "That's not right. I tried that magic fan of yours. Although the wind it blew out was not small, have you ever thought that maybe a stronger wind might be needed sometimes? For example, You see, my room is so big, if I only put one magic fan, it can only blow to a very small area, which cannot meet my requirements at all. "

Xu Yi smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "Your Excellency Camilla, I actually considered this issue when designing the magic fan, but due to the material of the magic fan, the fan blades can only withstand such a high speed for the time being. If the power of the magic circle is increased, the speed of the fan blades can certainly be increased, but I am afraid that the magic fan itself will not be able to withstand it and will be damaged soon."

"That's it..." Archmage Camilla suddenly remembered the first time she injected magic power into the magic fan. At that time, the fan blades rotated strongly. As a result, it couldn't bear it after a short time, causing the entire magic fan to directly It turned into a piece of scrap metal, so Steele complained about him for a long time.

"Okay, that aside, what's going on here?"

"Oh, here, this is to ensure that the power output of the entire magic array is maintained within a small fluctuation range, so as to ensure that the wind blown by the magic fan will not be particularly unstable."

"What about here?"

"This must be viewed in conjunction with the overall design of the magic fan. You see, this is the central axis connection diagram between the magic array and the magic fan. If it is not designed this way, the output of the magic array will be greatly affected and will be in vain. A waste of magic crystal.”

"Very good, and here..."