Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 81: Can I marry you?


The wheels of the carriage rolled over the stone slabs of the road, making a series of soft noises that could be heard in the night.

The carriage was as quiet as the night outside. The always lively Akali didn't know why, but she had been silent since she got on the carriage, lowering her head and thinking about something. However, Xu Yi leaned against the carriage with his back closed. He closed his eyes, his face showing a trace of exhaustion.

On the surface, the first meeting with Chairman Lanke and others was a happy one, and both parties expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the meeting.

However, Xu Yi knew very well that it was not easy to achieve this effect.

Judging from the performance of President Lanke and others just now, they have clearly made up their mind to swallow up the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

However, their appearance was so ugly that before Xu Yi agreed to join the Chamber of Commerce, they had already asked him to share the technology of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

If Xu Yi didn't have other plans, he might have slapped the table and left immediately.

Xu Yi couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he thought of the happy expressions shown by Chairman Lanke and others when they heard that he agreed to transfer technology.

These guys spoke so nicely to him, claiming that as long as he agreed to let the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce join the Chamber of Commerce, he would enjoy many benefits and enjoy a variety of preferential cooperation relationships with the big chambers of commerce in other federations, but If you analyze it carefully, you will find that this is clearly a big hole waiting for him to jump into.

If Xu Yi is really stupid enough to share all the technologies mastered by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, then given the strength gap between the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and these really big chambers of commerce, it won't take long for them to be swallowed up.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi felt a little strange. Normally, since these guys are the presidents of the big chamber of commerce, they would naturally not be so shallow. So why do they think Xu Yi is so stupid

After thinking about it carefully, Xu Yi understood.

These guys don't think Xu Yi is stupid, but they definitely feel that the conditions they proposed should be a huge ** for Xu Yi.

For Xu Yihe and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, it is an extremely honor to be able to join the Chamber of Commerce, and it is even more lucky to be able to establish cooperative relationships with these large chambers of commerce. It would be an extremely lucky thing to be with any other company like Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Ordinary small chambers of commerce will not reject this kind of **.

But they never expected that Xu Yi's vision for the future of magic machinery far exceeded that of anyone else on Sainz Continent. His ideal was to create a complete industrial system on Sainz Continent. How could it be possible? This little **** in front of me is a pain in the ass.

These guys dug a big hole for Xu Yi and waited for him to jump out of it, but they certainly didn't expect that Xu Yi would dig a really big hole for them.

The last plan that Xu Yi came up with was indeed very simple in the eyes of President Lanke, because in this plan, Xu Yi proposed that Xinfei Chamber of Commerce would share the manufacturing technology of magic fans with all members of the federation, and even If other member chambers of commerce have the idea of producing magic fans, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will also provide technical support to assist other members in establishing a complete magic fan production line.

The only condition Xu Yi proposed for this was that for every magic fan sold by other members in the future, they would have to pay five silver coins to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Compared with the price of a magic fan for two gold coins, the profit of more than one gold coin, five silver coins is almost negligible.

So President Lanke was surprised because he felt that the conditions proposed by Xu Yi were too simple.

Of course he knew that asking the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to transfer the technology of magic machinery was too much. Xu Yi would definitely put forward many conditions for this, but he never expected that Xu Yi would only put forward such a simple condition.

In Chairman Lanke's view, Xu Yi's plan simply represents the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce's intention to abandon the huge market for magic fans.

Because as long as Xinfei Chamber of Commerce shares the manufacturing technology of magic fans, then with the strong strength of these chambers of commerce here, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can easily squeeze Xinfei Chamber of Commerce out of this market.

Although with this condition, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can get five silver coins in revenue every time they sell a magic fan, but compared to the huge profits of the magic fan itself, the revenue from these five silver coins can only be regarded as fat. It's just soup after all the meat was robbed.

After carefully reading the plan proposed by Xu Yi and asking Xu Yi, President Lanke and five other presidents of major chambers of commerce immediately expressed great enthusiasm for Xu Yi's plan. , and President Lanke immediately announced that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce would be admitted to the Business Federation.

Although Xu Yi only handed over the technology of magic fans, these people also understood that President Lanke wanted Xu Yi to hand over all the technology of magic machines at once. It was a big deal. No matter how stupid Xu Yi was, Impossible to agree.

Now that he can hand over the magic fan technology, he has taken a very important first step.

With this first step, there will be a second step and a third step.

Anyway, Xu Yi has now joined the Chamber of Commerce. There will be plenty of time and opportunities to slowly absorb all the technologies mastered by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

When they clinked glasses to celebrate at the end, President Lanke and others laughed happily, but Xu Yi smiled even happier.

These guys thought they had taken a big advantage by handing over the magic fan technology, but little did they know that in Xu Yi's view, they had fallen into the pit dug by Xu Yi.

In fact, long before these guys, there was a chamber of commerce that had obtained the manufacturing technology of magic fans, and that was the Fasak Chamber of Commerce in Saltan City.

The Fasak Chamber of Commerce has now established a complete magic fan production line with the help of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. It can be said that it has a lot of core technologies for magic fans and sold more than 3,000 units last summer. The magic fan thus obtained a profit of more than three thousand gold coins.

And this is the profit obtained under the vigorous suppression of the Leo Chamber of Commerce. Now that the Leo Chamber of Commerce has had several serious quality incidents in a row, the sales volume of Fasak Chamber of Commerce's magic fans will definitely increase significantly in the coming year.

On the surface, it seems that the Fasak Chamber of Commerce, which has mastered the magic fan, can be said to have obtained a stable profit growth point by relying on the magic fan technology obtained from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. It seems that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has directly lost the Saltan Chamber of Commerce. huge market.

But in Xu Yi's opinion, this is not the case at all.

The Fasak Chamber of Commerce's magic fan production line was built entirely on the magic machine tools sold to them by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Just by selling these magic machine tools, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has obtained hundreds of gold coins in profit from the Fasak Chamber of Commerce. Compared with selling them, the subsequent maintenance and repair of these magic machine tools even brought more profits to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

More importantly, because the Fasak Chamber of Commerce uses the magic machine tools provided by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, the magic fans produced by President Fasak can only be under the standards specified by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

For example, the screws used in the second-generation variable-speed magic fan produced by Xinfei Chamber of Commerce currently have two standards, one is smaller with a diameter of three millimeters, and a larger one is five millimeters in diameter. Then the magic fan produced by Fasak Chamber of Commerce has two standards. The screws used can only adopt these two standards, because the magic thread rolling machine they use is produced by Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and they cannot change the specifications of the screws at all.

What's more, the overall structure of the magic fan has been carefully designed by Xu Yi, and random changes will most likely cause big problems.

In summary, although the Fasak Chamber of Commerce has made a lot of profits by relying on magic fans, they have since been included in the standards of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce because of the magic fans. If they cannot make a major breakthrough in technology in the future, then From now on, we can only be led by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

However, it is not easy to obtain major breakthroughs through independent research in technology.

Xu Yi was able to design these magical machines by relying on the powerful mechanical theory and practical knowledge he brought from the earth, which combined the essence of hundreds of years of research on the earth. This foundation was not available on the Sainz continent before, and How could he possibly be as good as Xu Yi even a little bit in this regard

Now that President Lanke and others want to obtain the technology related to magic machinery from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, Xu Yi will certainly not refuse.

It was of course impossible to throw all the related technologies of magic machinery to them at once, so Xu Yi first threw out the fat-looking bone of magic fan technology to satisfy their desires.

They will definitely feel very happy when they start eating this bone. As for whether their teeth will pop out later... Xu Yi can't guarantee it.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh twice.

Akali on the side was lowering her head and thinking about something. Suddenly she heard Xu Yi let out two weird laughs. She couldn't help but look at Xu Yi and asked in confusion: "Mr. President, are you?" What are you laughing at all of a sudden?”

"Ah? Ah... It's nothing, I was thinking about something." Xu Yi came back to his senses, rubbed his face, and looked at Akali. He suddenly remembered that this little girl had not spoken just now, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange. "By the way, what are you thinking about? It's not like you to be so silent all the time."

"I..." Akali opened her mouth, suddenly sighed, lowered her head, and after a while she muttered: "Mr. Chairman, I just suddenly felt that the life between me and those rich people is too far apart. , but I envy their life, what do you think I should do..."

Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh. It seemed that Akali was stimulated at the banquet.

As an ordinary girl from an ordinary family, it is not unusual for a girl like Akali to be stimulated and yearn for it after witnessing the luxurious life of rich people.

After thinking about it, Xu Yi replied: "There are two ways. The first is to become a rich man yourself, and the second is to marry a rich man. Which method do you choose?"

Akali raised her head and looked at Xu Yi in astonishment, frowned and said: "Mr. President, you are so straightforward. I thought you would comfort me and say that the life of rich people is not that good, and they also have a lot of worries. I didn’t expect you to speak so harshly.”

Xu Yi shrugged: "Nice words are only said by a little boy when facing a little girl. Although it is the truth, as an old man who is already twenty-seven years old and is called an uncle by Steele, I don’t think it makes sense to say this now.”

Akali couldn't help but smile, rolled her eyes at Xu Yi, and asked: "Uncle, what do you think should be said to make sense?"

Xu Yi thought for a while and said seriously: "In any case, we must admit that the lives of rich people are much better than ordinary people in terms of material conditions. It is normal for you to envy their lives. This is human nature. But, unless you are born directly into a rich family, money will not fall from the sky, so if you want to enjoy the material life of a rich person, you can only use the two things I mentioned. Method. Which one do you choose?”

Akali rolled her eyes and suddenly gave Xu Yi a sweet smile.

"President, can I marry you?"