Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 82: Strange guest


Two days later, Canby finally arrived at Bonta City with a hundred dwarves from the Angora tribe.

Xu Yi directly arranged these dwarves into the staff dormitories that had been built long ago, and asked Canby to make further arrangements for them as the supervisor of the magic machine tool workshop. At the same time, he also asked Canby and the one hundred people from the Norma tribe The dwarf made them familiar with the work of the magic machine tool shop as soon as possible, so that they could get into work as early as possible.

The current production tasks of the Magic Machine Tool Shop are very heavy, and it is foreseeable that the production tasks will only be heavier in the future. Naturally, the sooner these dwarves of the Angola tribe can become familiar with the work, the better.

"Did you see it? From here, to the river, and then next to the factory building, it extends five hundred meters to the west. On this large piece of land, I want to build a large enough factory building, and the roof of this factory building must be It has to be high enough, and it cannot be lower than four meters. Can it be done?" Xu Yi was standing in the open space outside the magic machine tool workshop, explaining to a middle-aged man wearing blue linen clothes with a dark face. What are you wearing

The middle-aged man glanced at the area Xu Yi had drawn, thought for a moment, and frowned slightly: "President Xu, your request is a bit high. I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to build this house."

"If you don't tell me whether it's difficult or not, just tell me whether it can be built. If it doesn't work, I can only find someone else to build it." Xu Yidao.

The middle-aged man immediately patted his chest vigorously and said cheerfully: "That must be no problem. If our Amli Chamber of Commerce can't build it, others will certainly not be able to build it either!"

Xu Yi nodded: "That's good."

This middle-aged man's name is Wayne Riley. He is a supervisor under the name of the Armley Chamber of Commerce and is specifically responsible for the construction projects outside the Armley Chamber of Commerce.

Under normal circumstances, a small project like Xu Yi's, which is just a factory building, does not require him, the supervisor, to personally take part.

But this time, after the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce made a request to the Armley Chamber of Commerce to build a new factory, President Moon Cruise of the Armley Chamber of Commerce found Riley and asked him to personally take charge of the project.

From President Cruise's cautious attitude, Riley knew that the president attached great importance to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, so he always behaved very politely and even respectfully when facing Xu Yi.

"Director Riley, I require that this factory must be strong enough, because there will probably be more than four or five hundred workers working in it at the same time. If something goes wrong, hundreds of lives will be lost. Can you guarantee it? ?" Xu Yi said again.

Riley looked insulted and said with a blush, "President Xu, do you not believe me?"

Xu Yi smiled, patted Riley on the shoulder and said, "It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just telling you the importance of this issue. I hope you can supervise it carefully. Whether it's materials or workmanship, I want the best." , money is not an issue, you know what I mean?”

Riley nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, President Cruise has personally told me that he must be careful when building this, and there must be no mistakes. Of course I will pay attention."

Xu Yi laughed: "Very good, President Cruise is a good friend of mine, and I believe in his promise."

Seeing Riley starting to conduct exploration and measurements according to the range he had drawn, Xu Yi looked into the distance and frowned.

When he first leased this hectare of land from Viscount Leslie, Heinze felt that it was too big. With the size of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce at the time, there was no need for such a large piece of land, and only one acre was enough.

Xu Yi directly rejected Heinze's idea at that time. He knew very well that with the development and growth of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, the land occupied by the factory would inevitably become larger and larger, and one acre of land was completely insufficient.

However, even Xu Yi did not expect that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce would develop so fast. Once the magic machine came out, it was greatly welcomed in Bangta City and several surrounding cities, so much so that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce now received With more and more orders, it is natural to expand the factory.

At first Xu Yi thought that one hectare should be enough, but now it seems that it is still insufficient.

The household magic machine production workshop led by Heinze is not bad, because household magic machines are generally small machines and do not occupy a large area.

The magic machine tool workshop where Canby and other dwarves are located is completely different.

Even for small magic harvesters and other magic machines with the word "small" attached to them, the area occupied by any one of them is several times or even dozens of times that of a magic fan or magic rice cooker, not to mention those magic machine tools that occupy even larger areas. .

Therefore, the first place Xu Yi chose to expand was the Magic Machine Tool Workshop.

Based on the current output of the Magic Machine Tool Workshop and the large demand that it is likely to face in the future, Xu Yi directly expanded the new Magic Machine Tool Workshop ten times.

If this new workshop is built by then and enough craftsmen are recruited, the output of this workshop should be increased by more than ten times.

By that time, it should be possible to not only meet the needs of Bangta City and several nearby cities, but also extend the reach of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce into further cities.

What Xu Yi is looking forward to most now is the meeting with His Majesty the King.

Two days ago, the city lord sent someone to inform Xu Yi that His Majesty the King was very interested in the farmland magic machinery of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and decided to summon Xu Yi.

When Xu Yi goes to Anvilmar City to participate in the Magician Guild Qualification Certification Assessment, he must report immediately and wait for His Majesty the King's summons at any time.

Xu Yi has lived on the Sainz continent for more than three years. He is very clear about the importance of agriculture to this continent with low productivity.

Now that the farmland magic machinery produced by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can increase the productivity of farmland and increase food production in disguise, it will definitely attract the attention of the kingdom's senior officials.

Xu Yi is even certain that as long as His Majesty the King is sure of the convenience brought by farmland magic machines, he will definitely vigorously promote these farmland magic machines.

At that time, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will inevitably receive a large number of orders for farmland magic machinery. If we do not prepare in advance, if we are unable to fulfill His Majesty the King's request, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will miss an excellent opportunity. Maybe it will turn a good thing into a bad thing.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi suddenly smiled bitterly.

Heinze always said that he thought too much and too far, but Heinze didn't know that if he didn't want to think more and go further, how could it be so easy to create a complete industrial system on this continent with no foundation? .

Just like when Heinze learned that Xu Yi actually handed over the magic fan technology to the Chamber of Commerce, he was furious with Xu Yi for the first time and claimed that Xu Yi was digging his own grave. Xu Yi could not tell him at all Give an explanation.

Because it was impossible for Xu Yi to convince Heinze that these large chambers of commerce, which they could only look up to now, would be restricted by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in the future. It was also impossible for Xu to tell Heinze that another important reason why he did this was to hope that these More people and forces on the continent invested in the magic industry to help him complete the establishment of the industrial system.

Heinze would not understand Xu Yi's thoughts, and no one else on Sainz's continent could understand his thoughts.

So even though Xu Yi wanted to open his mind and tell Chairman Lanke and others that he could even share all the technologies he knew in the hope that everyone could jointly create an industrial system and create a better future, he could only honestly share these He kept his thoughts in his heart and engaged in intrigues with President Lanke and others, fearing that Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, which was still very weak at the moment, would really be swallowed up by these behemoths.

"Suddenly I realized that I have a tendency to self-abuse?" Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh at himself.

After laughing, Xu Yi took a deep breath, slapped his forehead hard, shook his head, and threw the sudden chaotic thoughts out of his mind.

Although there are many difficulties, now that he has determined his goal, he must go forward step by step.

If you can't learn even a little bit of mechanical toughness, what qualifications do you have to be a mechanical engineer

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps behind him. Xu Yi turned around and saw that Alex was running over with a drawing in his hand.

"President, there is a guest looking for you." Alex gasped and stood in front of Xu Yi, handing the drawing in his hand to Xu Yi. "This guest is very strange. She didn't even want to show her face. She just told me that if I give this to you, you will go see her."

Xu Yi took the drawing, glanced at it, and smiled: "He's here so soon, he seems really anxious." He raised his head and asked Alex, "Where are the guests? Where are they?"

"She said she didn't want to see anyone except the president, so I arranged for her to wait in the office." Alex replied.

"Well, you did a good job. Go back to work. I'll go meet this guest."

Alex glanced at Xu Yi, hesitated, and said worriedly: "President, this guest is so weird, I think... I think it's better for you not to meet him alone, in case something happens..."

Xu Yi laughed and glared at Alex: "Have you forgotten that I am still a magician?"

"But your magic level is not..." Alex quickly closed his mouth mid-sentence.

Xu Yi waved his hand at him angrily: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, go back to your post, I'll see her."

After driving Alex away, Xu Yi went straight to the office.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a man wrapped in a robe, sitting on a chair in the office.

Although she was facing the door of the office, her face was covered so tightly that no one could see her clearly.

Xu Yi looked this person up and down, smiled and said, "Didn't you say you don't believe in humans? Dear Miss Yanis?"