Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 83: Haynes' ambition


The mysterious visitor stood up and lifted the hood that covered his entire head, revealing a beautiful face with a hint of heroism and a pair of long pointed ears.

It was the female elf Yanis that Xu Yi met last time in the Angola tribe.

"I don't believe in humans now." Yanis didn't seem to hear the ridicule in Xu Yi's tone, and her face remained calm. "If the elder hadn't said that the drawing you gave is likely to be helpful in solving our tribe's problems, I wouldn't have been sent here."

Xu Yi smiled, no longer wasting time on meaningless words, asked Yanis to sit down again, and poured her a glass of cold water according to her request, then sat down opposite her, took out the AIDS just now Lix had seen the drawing.

This drawing was exactly the drawing that Xu Yi left for Chief Monto when he left the Angola tribe last time and asked him to pass it on to Yanis. So when he saw this drawing and heard from Alex, the guest was furious. Even though they refused to reveal themselves, Xu Yi immediately guessed that this guest should be Yanis.

"Miss Yanis, what do you mean, not only have you seen this drawing, but you also took it back to show it to the elders of your tribe?" Xu Yi asked.

"Yes. After reading it, the elder felt that the method you mentioned has a high possibility, so let me ask you what would be needed to implement this method?" Yanis nodded.

Xu Yi picked up the drawing and took a look at it, thinking that the plan he provided was based on many similar cases on the earth and was of course highly feasible.

"I'm sorry, Miss Yanis, I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly what to do." Xu Yi shook his head. "I just learned about some of the difficulties you encountered from Chief Mento, and then gave a rough solution based on my own experience. However, because I don't know the specific situation, I can't give a more specific solution. Plan. Unless I can go and see it, I can't really determine what to do."

Yanis pondered for a moment and asked: "You mean, you want to go to our tribe to see the specific situation?"

"That's right." Xu Yi said with certainty.

Yanis was silent for a while and shook her head.

"I'm afraid this won't work. Our tribe has not had humans enter for more than hundreds of years, and humans are not welcome to enter."

"Then I can only help." Xu Yi spread his hands and said helplessly: "Miss Yanis, I think you have to admit that solving the river problem is a big project, and I will never be able to provide it based on my imagination. I’ll give you a specific solution. If you don’t even let me go for an on-site inspection, then I can only express my apology.”

Yanis was silent for a while, then suddenly stood up, stretched out her right index finger and middle finger to hold her chest, bowed slightly and saluted Xu Yi: "In this case, I will take my leave. I hope you will be in Elune tonight. Sleep peacefully in the blessings.”

After saying that, Yanis walked out without looking back.

Xu Yi opened his mouth and wanted to call her out, but gave up after thinking for a moment.

The elves have such a character. Even if he stops Yanis, he can't change her current thoughts. It's better to let the elves make their own decisions.

Anyway, Xu Yi is not anxious about this matter at all, it is the elves who are anxious.

After thinking about things in the office for a while, Xu Yi got up and left the office, once again explained some of his requirements for the new factory to Director Riley, then got on the carriage and came to a small courtyard in the north of Bangta City.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard, Xu Yi heard the roar of Baron Heiners.

"Miller, hurry up! If we can't finish all the manuscripts before dinner, we may not be able to sleep at night!"

"McCovey, don't be in a daze. Why don't you hurry up and get these prepared manuscripts printed? What are you doing here waiting around?"

"Meghan, haven't those guys who collected news come back yet? It's almost time to finalize it. If they don't come back, they won't get today's salary!"

Hearing this rich voice mixed with hoarseness, Xu Yi found that he could no longer connect this voice with the young Baron Heiners who looked young when he first met him.

It seems that these days as the editor-in-chief of "Banta Daily" have really changed Baron Heiners.

When I walked into the small building in the courtyard, I found a busy scene inside.

There are more than ten young men and women. Some are writing hard at their desks, some are sorting documents, and some are running around, passing something...

Standing in the middle, giving instructions loudly and checking the manuscript in his hand, was Baron Heiners.

I don't know if he is too busy, but Baron Heiners is now full of beard and has a rugged appearance. His clothes also look a bit messy. At the same time, there are many places stained with ink that flew from nowhere. The whole thing is... Ren Ren and Xu Yi were completely different from the neat and self-disciplined look they had when they first saw him.

"Hey, Baron, are you still busy?" Xu Yi raised his hand to say hello to Baron Heiners.

Hearing the voice, Baron Heiners turned his head in shock. When he saw Xu Yi, he immediately raised his eyebrows and beamed with joy.

"President Xu, it's great that you're here. I was just looking for you!"

"Oh? Are you looking for me? What's the matter?" Xu Yi was a little stunned. "Is the magic printer broken?"

"No, no, no, the magic printer is our treasure, how could it break casually? But I am looking for you and it is indeed related to the magic printer. This... President Xu, you see, the sales volume of our "Bangta Daily" is getting more and more Gao, I can't handle it with just one magic printer. Can you help me build another one? No, preferably two, oh no, three magic printers! Printer? It shouldn’t be too difficult for you, right?”

"Are you sure it's Santai?" Xu Yiyi looked at Baron Heiners in surprise.

The magic printer he designed was actually based on the movable type printing technology on the earth. Because the language on the Sainz continent is an alphabetic language, it is simpler than the ancient Chinese movable type printing technology on the earth. If the magic circle is used as the driving force to control movable type typesetting, it is enough to complete the printing of up to two thousand copies of paper in one hour.

"Bangta Daily" has a total of ten pages. Even counting the front and back, it is only twenty pages.

In other words, if a magic printer is fully activated, it can complete the printing of one hundred copies of "Bangta Daily" in one hour.

And Xu also knew that Baron Heiners would determine the content of the next day's Bonta Daily before dinner every day, so from 6 pm to 6 am the next day, there would be a full twelve hours in between time to print the Bonta Daily.

Even if you exclude the rest time and some unexpected time consumption, it is enough to print a thousand copies of "Bangta Daily".

Now Baron Heiners has asked Xu Yi to add three magic printing presses, which means that the printing volume of "Bangta Daily" will most likely exceed 3,000 copies!

This is an astonishing number. You must know that the total population of Bangta City is currently less than 30,000. If divided by families, it is probably about 5,000 households.

With the education level of the people in Bangta City, it is obviously impossible for every household to buy "Bangta Daily". Even one-tenth of it would be good. Such a magic printing press is enough.

"That's right, it's three stations." Baron Heiners nodded with certainty. "Xu Yi, you haven't been here for a while. I'm afraid you don't know. Now, "Bangta Daily" can sell nearly a thousand copies every day in Bangta City alone. Outside the city, I have also been in every village. They all sent people to set up a sales point. Although each village can only sell one or two copies a day at most, the number is obviously gradually increasing. I can be sure that it will not take long for the villages outside the city to also sell. We can sell a lot of "Bangta Daily" because there are far more people outside the city than in Bangta. Maybe the sales of "Bangta Daily" outside the city will also exceed a thousand copies. "

"This isn't enough for you to ask for three magic printing presses at once, right?" Xu Yi said in confusion.

Baron Heiners chuckled: "Xu Yi, do you know that in addition to "Banta Daily", I also opened two branches in Saltan City and Kalma City?"

Xu Yi was startled and said in astonishment: "You move so fast?"

Baron Heiners smiled proudly: "It's so fast. If nothing else happens, I guarantee that within a week, the Saltan Daily and the Kalmar Daily will be published! By then, I will I know these three cities very well! And just look at it, sooner or later I will spread these newspapers everywhere in the Lampali Kingdom, and even in the entire Sainz Continent!”

Seeing Baron Heiners's self-satisfied and energetic look, Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

When he first met Baron Heiners, Xu Yi thought he was just an ordinary aristocratic child with a good upbringing. Unexpectedly, he later showed his gossipy side, and Xu Yi helped him get the "Bangta Daily" Later, he suddenly changed his appearance and became such a passionate and passionate journalist with extraordinary energy.

The reason why "Banta Daily" has been able to develop so fast is closely related to the huge energy Baron Heiners invested in it.

Relying on his family background and personal connections, Baron Heiners did not encounter any unexpected obstacles in establishing the Bonta Daily Newspaper, and this novel thing was naturally welcomed by countless people, so it became popular in just a short period of time. It has grown to this point in a short period of time.

"Uh... Actually, Heinas, the name of the newspaper is not just daily newspaper. You can call it "Saltan Morning News" or "Kalmar Pioneer News" or other different names." Xu Yi said in time. He made some small suggestions, but after seeing Baron Heiners' face beaming with joy, the conversation suddenly changed. "But having said that, Heinas, are you really planning to stay in Bonta and not return to Anvilmar?"