Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 88: Confidentiality Agreement


"Xu Yi, what are you thinking in your head?" Steele held Xu Yi's head unceremoniously with his hands and looked around, with a puzzled look on his face. "Wella has obviously admitted that she stole the magic machine tool technology from you, but you still want to hire such a person to the research institute? Aren't you afraid that she will also steal more important technology in the future?"

"If I'm afraid of everything, then I shouldn't even think about researching technology. Anyone can steal it anyway, right? For example, Evita, Akali, or even you." Xu Yi pointed at Si Till said.

"Nonsense!" Steele slapped Xu Yi's hand away. "How are the three of us different from Wella? You and Wella were not close friends before, but the three of us are at least your good friends now."

"A good friend?" Xu Yi smiled, thinking that in the face of sufficient benefits, let alone good friends, it would not be strange for relatives or even couples to betray.

However, Steele also reminded Xu Yi that he had not set up relevant confidentiality measures and terms before. If Evita and Akali really sell the technology they currently have for some reason, he will There are no means of defense.

At this stage, because the magic machinery they are researching is still relatively low-level and does not involve any advanced technology, it doesn't matter much. If they stay here for a long time and master more and more core technologies, then everything will be different. Once something like this happens, it will be a major blow to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Apart from anything else, the big chambers of commerce in Bangta City must really want to acquire these core technologies at this moment.

If they knew about the existence of Evita and Akali, and knew that these two little girls had mastered many of the more important technologies in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, they would definitely lure the two of them at a high price and let them sell these things.

"Hey, Steele, how about I sign a confidentiality clause with you?" Xu Yi asked Steele.

"Is it related to the magic machine?" Steele asked back. Seeing Xu Yi nodding, Steele smiled, stretched out his hand to fiddle with his beautiful flowing blond hair, put on a proud posture and said: "What? Did you just think of this now? Dear President, do you know , Many chambers of commerce in Bangta City have come to my grandfather, including me, asking how much we know about the technology of magic machinery, and they can buy it at a high price. "

"Oh? How much do they pay? If it's high enough, I can sell it to them." Xu Yi smiled easily.

Steele rolled his eyes at Xu Yi and snorted coldly: "Uncle, aren't you nervous? I'm pretty good, but what grandpa knows now is very important to the chamber of commerce. If grandpa is tempted, you can Aren’t you afraid of heavy losses?”

"Of course I'm not nervous. What kind of person is the Great Magician? Why would you agree to such a villain's behavior?" Xu Yi glanced at Steele with a smile and added: "Of course, like Steele A noble and beautiful lady like you would obviously not do such a thing."

Steele raised his head slightly and snorted softly: "You understand. But seriously, you should add a confidentiality clause. For example, when grandpa's magic tower signed a magician, there was confidentiality in the contract. The agreement stipulates that the magicians under his command are not allowed to reveal the magic research results in the magic tower. If they violate it, not only will they be expelled from the magic tower, but they will also be sued by their grandfather to the magician's union. In serious cases, the magician qualifications will be revoked directly. ”

"It's a pity that magic machines are not currently protected by the Magicians' Union. The punishment can only be monetary. I'm afraid the restrictions are not enough." Xu Yi said helplessly.

This is the problem Xu Yi is currently facing.

There is no intellectual property protection on the continent of Sainz, and the Magician's Guild has no protection measures for the application of magic. So the only possible way to punish is to be sentenced according to the laws of the kingdom.

However, the laws of the Kingdom only protect the property of the chamber of commerce, but do not identify the technical aspects as the property of the chamber of commerce. Therefore, when many chambers of commerce face this situation, they usually retaliate privately.

Xu Yike is unwilling to do such a thing, but if there is not enough punishment, the possibility of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce's technology being leaked is very high.

Steele thought for a while and found that there was really no good way, so he could only say in frustration: "Then set the amount of compensation higher. It would be best if this person loses everything and cannot afford to pay, then they will be afraid. "

Xu Yi shrugged: "That's all we can do for the time being." After saying that, he glanced at Steele, hesitated and asked: "Steele, I can completely trust you and the Great Magician. Whether you sign or not is confidential. The terms are fine. But Evita and Akali... I'm not saying I don't trust them, it's just that I'm not particularly familiar with them. I'm worried about what they will think if I ask them to sign a confidentiality agreement. …”

"Don't worry, it won't happen. They are all my good friends, and I know them very well. They are not such stingy people. If you feel that it is not good to bring it up yourself, I can tell them on your behalf, Put it on me." Steele patted his tall chest and said seriously.

Xu Yi smiled and nodded: "This is best. Okay, let's go see your grandpa now."

The place where the two of them talked was outside the top floor of the magic tower. As soon as they opened the door next to it, they entered the private research room of the great magician Camilla.

Seeing the two of them walking in hand in hand, a smile flashed across the face of the great magician Camilla, and she waved to Xu Yi and said: "Come, Xu Yi, take a look at this magic circle."

"Oh? Has your Excellency the Great Magician come up with any novel inventions?" Xu Yi came over and glanced at the magic array on the workbench. For a moment, he didn't know whether to say he understood it or not.

The understandable meaning is that Xu Yi can tell at a glance that this magic circle actually contains both the frost magic circle and the flame magic circle, and also mixes two magic needles with completely opposite attributes, making the two originally The magic circle, which was not particularly complex, became extremely complex.

What he didn't understand meant that Xu Yi didn't know whether this magic circle could still be regarded as a magic circle.

"This... Great Mage, can this magic circle be activated normally?" Xu Yi couldn't help but ask.

According to the general magic circle theory, it is impossible for a normal magic circle to mix other magic circles into it, let alone mix into a magic circle with completely opposite attributes.

Because the magic elements gathered in the magic circle are related to the properties of the magic circle, if it is interfered by magic needles with different properties, it will inevitably affect its own operation, or even cause it to be completely unable to start.

Magic is something with very strict requirements. A slight mistake can lead to completely different results.

"You'll know after you try it." Camilla, the great magician, pointed at the magic circle.

Xu Yi and Steele looked at each other, wondering what the big magician Camilla was doing today.

"Let me try." Steele stretched out his hand and injected a bit of magic into the magic circle.

A light blue light passed over the magic array, and Xu Yi and Steele instantly felt a chill coming from the magic array.

It had already entered winter, and a sudden chill hit them, making the two of them shiver involuntarily.

Xu Yi took a closer look at the magic array and found that only half of the array lines on the magic array were emitting light blue light, while the other half of the array lines were motionless, as if they were not affected by magic at all.

If you look closely, you will find that the half of the normal lines that emit light clearly form a frost-cold magic circle.

The half of the formation that was not affected was a flame formation.

Xu Yi understood immediately.

"Your Majesty the Great Mage, are you overlapping the Frost Magic Array and the Flame Magic Array? But won't this cause conflict? Now that you have only activated the Frost Cold Magic Array, how should you activate the Flame Magic Array?"

Faced with Xu Yi's question, Camilla the great magician did not answer. Instead, Steele took his hand away, fiddled with the magic array, adjusted the position of a small section of the array normal line, and then moved towards it. The magic circle is infused with magic power.


The formation line representing the Flame Array immediately passed by a red light, and a layer of flames less than one centimeter high suddenly burst out on the magic array, covering the entire magic array.

In just a moment, the space around the magic circle was heated up, instantly removing the chill from Xu Yi and Steele.

Xu Yi was overjoyed when he saw it.

"Your Majesty the Great Mage, you have actually improved the flame height of the flame array! This is great! Such a flame array can be used in magic air conditioners!"

When Xu Yi asked Steele and the others to study the flame array before, because the flames simulated by the flame array were more than half a meter high, it could be used in a small magic air conditioner, so Xu Yi asked them to study the flame array. By making some improvements, it would be best to ensure the high temperature provided by the Flame Array while also compressing the flames to a smaller height.

The three Steeles may be limited by their magic power, and their research progress is not fast. Unexpectedly, they are now solved by the great magician Camilla.

"No, I didn't come up with this magic circle on my own. I just combined their ideas." Camilla, the great magician, waved her hand and said modestly: "Actually, what I did was just combine the flame magic. The array has been slightly modified to make its flames smaller.”

The great magician Camilla said it lightly, but Xu Yi knew that the most difficult part of this magic circle was the improved flame magic circle.

If it weren't for a powerful magician at the level of a great magician, with the magic levels of Steele, Evita and Akali, it would probably take a long time to do this.

Of course, this magic circle also has an equally exquisite design, which is to integrate the frost magic circle and the flame magic circle so that they do not conflict with each other and can be run separately with a small change.

When Xu Yi was designing the heating and cooling magic air conditioner, in order to place the frost cooling array and the flame array in the magic air conditioner at the same time, he designed the space inside the cooling and heating magic air conditioner to be very large. As a result, the entire cooling and heating magic air conditioner was larger than the cold and heating magic air conditioner alone. The air conditioner is more than twice the size and would be too conspicuous if hung on the wall.

Now after such improvements, the internal space of the cooling and heating magic air conditioner has been greatly saved. In the end, it may still be larger than the single cooling magic air conditioner, but at most it will only be a little larger.

"By the way, Your Majesty the Great Magician, didn't you say that you are not interested in the research of these gadgets, so you didn't let me bother you with these questions? Why now..." Xu Yi pointed at the magic circle and asked curiously.

Archmage Camilla glanced at him and replied: "In a few days, your kid will go to Anvilmar to take the assessment. I heard Steele say that you are always thinking about this magic air conditioner these days. I’ll help you solve this problem so that you can take the exam without any worries.”

Although the great magician Camilla spoke in an understatement, Xu Yi felt warm in his heart.

This great magician really cares too much about himself.

However, if you really want to be worry-free, how can it be so easy