Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 92: Improve efficiency


"I think you three already know that I will leave here tomorrow and go to Anvilmar." After the four of them sat down, Xu Yi got straight to the point.

Heinze, Camby and Sebas looked at each other and nodded.

"This time is different from the previous trip to the dwarf tribe. Including the round trip, it will probably take at least ten days. If there is any unexpected delay, it may take more than half a month. Because the time to go is relatively long. , so arrangements must be made in advance for the work of the Chamber of Commerce during this period." Xu Yi nodded to Sebas. "Sebas, please first tell us about the financial situation of the Chamber of Commerce during this period."

"Yes, President." After getting along for a period of time, Sebastian no longer only showed respect to Xu Yi as before, but began to really treat him as his boss, and he immediately responded after hearing this. He made a sound, then opened the account book in his hand, glanced at it casually, and continued: "Because our chamber of commerce has received a large number of orders for magic machinery recently, and the production is going smoothly, the profits have been very stable, and the financial performance of the chamber of commerce has been very stable. The situation is very good. Based on the statistics last month, the profit was 11,423 gold coins. Although the statistics have not yet been calculated, based on the current situation, it will be at least within the next three months. The profits of the Chamber of Commerce will further increase.”

Although Heinze and Canby can be regarded as senior executives of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, they only have a rough idea of the overall financial situation of the Chamber of Commerce and do not know the specific figures. Now I heard that Sebastian actually broke out in one breath that more than enough The huge number of ten thousand gold coins made him smile immediately.

Especially since Heinze owns 20% of the shares in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. If these profits are distributed as dividends, it means that he will earn more than two thousand gold coins a month!

When he opened a grocery store before, this huge number only existed in his imagination, and he never expected it to become a reality.

Of course, after following Xu Yi for a long time, his vision gradually became less short-sighted. Of course, he couldn't really hope to take out these profits for dividends now.

"Of course, in addition to profits, the expenditures of the Chamber of Commerce are also quite huge." Sebastian paused and continued. "The largest expenditure is workers' salaries, which total 5,761 gold coins this month. Including various welfare expenditures, the total expenditure on workers this month is 6,347 gold coins."

"So many?" Heinze and Camby were stunned at the same time when they heard this number.

It’s true that you don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are. Although the two of them knew that the total salary of the workers should be quite high, they were still shocked when Sebastian revealed such a huge number.

"That's all." Xu Yi glanced at the two of them, nodded and said, "So now you two have to find ways to improve the productivity of the workers and try to produce more qualified products in the same time."

Canby and Heinze looked at each other, expressions of confusion on their faces.

"Well... the workers have already worked very hard. If we try to improve efficiency... I'm afraid the gains outweigh the losses." Heinze thought for a while.

"I don't mean to squeeze them, but to improve production efficiency through other methods." Xu Yidao. "For example, Heinze, do you remember the advice I gave you last time?"

Heinze recalled: "Are you talking about the last time you asked me to move the magic machine tool that produces screws behind the assembly workers?"

"Yes. Although this is a small change, it allows assembly workers to use the screws produced by the small magic thread rolling machine faster, which indirectly improves a small part of the production efficiency. According to this example, In fact, you can think of more ways to improve the efficiency of workers.”

Heinze and Canby nodded thoughtfully.

Xu Yi added: "Of course, the way to improve production efficiency cannot mainly rely on workers. I have now begun to cooperate with Camilla the Great Magician to research a new generation of magic machine tools. If the development is successful, the efficiency of the new generation of magic machine tools will be greatly improved." It is several times better than the magic machine tools we use now, which can greatly improve production efficiency. At the same time, Steele and I will also develop some small magic mechanical tools to help workers complete their work more efficiently. What Till and the others are currently working on is a small magic drill. If it can be built, the workers in charge of the equipment can directly use the tool to tighten the screws without having to slowly tighten them by hand, and the speed can also be increased several times. "

Heinze and Canby looked at Xu Yi in surprise: "Why didn't you tell us before?"

Although Sebastian didn't ask, he still stared at Xu Yi.

As the representative sent by Viscount Leslie to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, he certainly needs to understand the current actions of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce so that he can give back to Viscount Leslie.

Now Xu Yi actually revealed in one breath that he was researching so many new gadgets, but he knew nothing about it before.

If Viscount Leslie knew, he would definitely not be happy.

Xu Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Because these things were just ideas before, and it is useless to talk about it. Now there is a basic framework for the magic circles and basic structures of these magic machines. When I come back from Anvilmar , I believe that Archmage Camilla and Steele will give me a satisfactory answer. Then I will come to you for final structural research and final confirmation of completion. Before that, you should wait patiently. ”

Heinze and Canby nodded in agreement.

After staying with Xu Yi for several months, they have become accustomed to Xu Yi making decisions and they are only responsible for execution.

Sebas thought for a while and asked tentatively: "President, about the new magic machine tool and the small magic drill you mentioned, should I inform the Viscount?"

Xu Yi smiled: "You don't need to talk about this. I will set off to Anvilmar with the Viscount tomorrow. I will find time to tell him on the way."

The three of them were startled again.

Xu Yi actually left with Viscount Leslie, which was a bit beyond their expectations.

"The Viscount hasn't been home for a long time. This time, he took advantage of my trip to Anvilmar and planned to take me to his home to be a guest while he was going home to visit." Xu Yi explained.

Camby didn't have any special reaction, but the expressions on the faces of Heinze and Sebas couldn't help but change slightly.

Xu Yi spoke very lightly, but the two of them knew very well that Viscount Leslie's action clearly showed that he had truly accepted Xu Yi and planned to introduce Xu Yi to his family.

If nothing else happens, this means that Xu Yi is likely to be included in his sphere of influence by the family behind Viscount Leslie in the future.

Sebastian's eyes immediately became friendly when he looked at Xu Yi, because if nothing else happens, everyone will be their own people from now on.

Heinze frowned slightly, then relaxed.

Although he felt that it was a pity that Xinfei Chamber of Commerce would become a vassal of a big family, this was a very helpless thing.

On the continent of Sainz, without the support of the great nobles, it would be impossible for ordinary merchants and chambers of commerce to truly establish themselves.

Since Xu Yi chose Viscount Leslie from the beginning, it is best not to change his mind again, otherwise he will be abandoned by everyone, and the final outcome will be ugly.

Xu Yi saw the changes in their faces and smiled slightly.

It is not difficult to guess what the two people think, but Xu Yi may not really devote himself to the family behind Viscount Leslie as they thought.

Of course, it is definitely necessary to obtain certain support, but Xu Yi insists on retaining a certain degree of autonomy.

As for how to strike a balance in the middle, this is a problem Xu Yi must face.

"Sebas, the report is not finished yet, let's continue." Xu Yi said to Sebas.

"Yes, Mr. President." Perhaps because he had regarded Xu Yi as one of his own, Sebastian was more respectful when facing Xu Yi. He responded loudly, looked down at the accounts, and then paused slightly. He said with a slight hesitation: "Except for the expenses on the workers, the largest expenses come from your various capital investments, Mr. President. This includes the fixed five hundred gold coins per month for the dwarves, and the unfixed one, which is temporarily set at every There is an investment of two hundred gold coins per month in material research, in addition to the annual investment of one thousand gold coins from the Great Magician Camilla, which averages out to eighty-three gold coins per month. Then there is the research institute where Miss Steele and the three of them work. This investment is slightly less, with a total cost of fifty-seven gold coins last month. In addition to the student fund plan for Baron Rictor Magic Academy that you proposed two days ago, I estimate every month. It’s roughly around 100 gold coins. Based on this calculation, the various expenditures proposed by you, President, cannot be calculated specifically, but they should be around 1,000 gold coins per month.”

"Too much!"

"Too little!"

Heinze looked at Xu Yi in astonishment: "You invest a thousand gold coins every month, but that's not enough for you? Xu Yi, the profit of our chamber of commerce is only more than 10,000 gold coins every month. Putting aside the workers' salaries, we only have It’s less than 6,000 gold coins. If you use another 1,000 gold coins, you’ll only have 5,000 gold coins left!”

"What? Do you think the net profit of five thousand gold coins is very small?" Xu Yi glanced at Heinze. "To be honest, I really feel that the investment of one thousand gold coins is too little. If I had to choose, I even hope to invest all the profits of the Chamber of Commerce in research."

"Are you crazy? Then how can we make any money?" Heinze couldn't help shouting.

As the major shareholder of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, he can accept Xu Yi's use of part of the profits to invest in various research, but he will never accept the idea of Xu Yi investing all the profits of the Chamber of Commerce in research.

Xu Yi shrugged. He had known for a long time that Heinze never had a long-term vision, so it was not surprising that he would react this way.

"What is Viscount Leslie's opinion?" Xu Yi asked Sebastian.

Sebas hesitated for a moment, glanced at Heinze, and said with a forced smile: "The Viscount said that he promised the Chairman not to participate in the decision-making of the Chamber of Commerce. He has no objection to whatever you want to do."

"Really?" Xu Yi smiled, turned around and spread his hands towards Heinze, the meaning was self-evident.

Heinze snorted coldly, but said no more.

Xu Yi glanced at Heinze, suddenly showed a mysterious smile, and waved to the three of them.

"Actually, I have a plan here that is guaranteed to make the Chamber of Commerce a lot of money. Do you want to hear it?"

Heinze was shocked. He knew Xu Yi's abilities very well. Since Xu Yi said this, it proved that he really had a feasible plan.

So Heinze immediately cheered up, leaned over, and listened carefully.