Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 93: The majestic Viscount


Two days later, a convoy of seven carriages slowly drove into Anvilmar City, the capital of the Lampali Kingdom.

The motorcade had just passed the city gate and when it reached the first corner, Baron Heiners jumped out of the first carriage.

"Leslie, Xu Yi, I'm going home alone first, and I'll come find you when I'm free. By the way, Xu Yi, maybe my father will be interested in meeting you."

"Then I'm really honored." Xu Yi said with a smile.

Baron Heiners frowned and shook his head: "My father... forget it, since you finally came here, it would be good for you to meet more people. Okay, it's settled, I'll take a step first, goodbye." After that, he waved to Xu Yi and Viscount Leslie in the carriage and walked towards the corner of the street.

"Is he planning to walk back?" Xu Yi looked a little stunned as he watched Baron Heiners Shi Shiran walking on the crowded street.

"The Marquis of Toyle's Mansion is not far from here." Viscount Leslie explained casually, and then gave instructions to the coachman, and the convoy resumed driving in the other direction.

As the capital of the Lampali Kingdom, Anvilmar City was far more lively than the small Bangta City. The convoy did not travel smoothly in the city, and it took half an hour to drive through three streets.

"If we didn't bring so many things, it would be faster for us to jump off the carriage and walk directly there." Xu Yi opened the curtains and glanced at the bustling crowd outside, thinking that there were traffic jams in the big cities on earth. situation, we still encounter it in this world.

"I can't help it. Anvilmar is the largest city in the kingdom, and of course there are many more people than Bonta City. Besides, it's the time for the Magician's Guild certification exam soon, and there are many more people in the city than usual. No. It's weird to be crowded." Viscount Leslie also looked out the window, with no anxious look on his face, but a smile. "When I was a kid, I used to sneak out to the street to play alone. Seeing the situation now, I actually miss it a lot."

Xu Yi shrugged, thinking that he could not resonate with Viscount Leslie in this way.

The motorcade was still moving slowly on the street. Fortunately, the destination was not far away. Xu Yi was not in a hurry and relaxed and looked at the street scene outside the window.

As Viscount Leslie said, because the assessment of the Magician's Guild is approaching, there are many magicians wearing robes in the city of Anvilmar. Some are alone, some are gathered together in twos and threes, and there are even a group of young ones who look like nothing more than Teenagers huddle together.

"These children should be from a unified organization of some magic academy." Viscount Leslie glanced at the group of children in uniforms not far to the right of the carriage, and then turned to look at Xu Yi, with a look on his face. He showed a somewhat weird smile. "Hey, Xu Yi, I heard that you got some kind of scholarship fund at Baron Rector Magic Academy a few days ago? Do you plan to trick those students into working for you in the Chamber of Commerce?"

"What is cheating?" Xu Yi glared at Viscount Leslie. "I made those conditions very clear and clear. How can it be considered a lie? Besides, working in our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce after graduation does not mean that I have buried them. The salary will never be less, and I can give them so much. A lot of room for development, such a good thing, many people can't think of it." He then pointed to the group of children outside the carriage. "Let me tell you, if possible, I would even like to set up a Xinfei scholarship fund in every magic academy. It would be best to let all children who study magic know about the existence of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce."

Viscount Leslie took a deep look at Xu Yi: "Are you planning to start with these children and change the views of magicians?"

"Did you see it?" Xu Yi smiled, with a helpless expression. "There is no way. It is too difficult to change the minds of adult magicians. I can only make long-term plans."

"Actually, it's not as difficult as you think." Viscount Leslie said thoughtfully. "Think about it, since you can convince the great magician Camilla, you can obviously also convince other magicians. To put it bluntly, as long as you can give them enough benefits, it is not impossible to change their minds. Of course, if you want to change the mind of the entire Magician Guild... with your current strength, I'm afraid it's not realistic."

Xu Yi sighed: "Master Viscount, you are talking nonsense."

Viscount Leslie laughed: "I don't interfere in the management decisions of the Chamber of Commerce anyway, so I just share my thoughts. How you listen to it is your own business."

Xu Yi rolled his eyes at Viscount Leslie angrily, and was about to refute him when a scream and several exclamations suddenly sounded from the front of the carriage, interrupting his words.

Looking around, he saw that a space suddenly opened up in front of the carriage. A man wearing a dirty black robe rolled around a few times and just blocked the front of the carriage.

If the driver hadn't reacted quickly enough and stopped the horse, he would have been stepped on by the horse's hooves.

Three more young people in luxurious clothes walked out of the crowd. After taking a look at the man on the ground, the young man in the middle kicked the man hard in the chest and cursed: "I told you not to stand in my way. How dare you not listen? Do you think you deserve a beating? "

As he spoke, the young man kicked the man one after another.

The man didn't know whether he didn't dare to resist or didn't have the strength to resist at all. Although every kick to his body hurt so much that he couldn't help but arch his body, he just groaned and didn't make any other reaction at all. .

Xu Yi frowned, glanced at the three young people, and then looked at the man on the ground, hesitating in his heart.

This situation made him feel a little intolerable. However, these three young men were dressed luxuriously and dared to behave so arrogantly on the streets of Anvilmar City. He was afraid that they might be the children of any noble family. If they took action rashly, they might not be able to bear it. You're going to get into trouble.

While Xu Yi was hesitating, two other young men also joined in the beating.

The three of them started working together and counted their feet. The man on the ground suddenly opened his throat and spurted out a mouthful of blood, all of which was sprinkled on the stone slabs of the road. It looked shocking.

There was a cry of surprise among the onlookers, who were obviously frightened. Some people also showed hesitant looks, but no one stood up. Apparently they had the same scruples as Xu Yi.

However, Xu Yi couldn't bear it anymore. He moved and was about to jump off the carriage.

But as soon as he stood up, Viscount Leslie grabbed him.

"Xu Yi, do you want to meddle in this business?" Viscount Leslie asked.

Xu Yi glanced at him and said coldly: "Sir Viscount, maybe you, a noble, are used to this kind of thing, but I still can't get used to it."

Viscount Leslie laughed dumbly: "I'm just asking you, why did you take your anger out on me? It's not me who is hitting anyone."

Xu Yi remained silent.

Viscount Leslie shook his head and sighed: "I thought that based on your performance in Bangta City, you shouldn't be so passionate, but I didn't expect it, but I was wrong."

Xu Yi frowned: "Master Viscount, what exactly do you want to say? If it's nothing, don't delay my rescue. After a while, that person will probably be beaten to death."

Viscount Leslie laughed, stood up and pushed Xu Yi back to his seat. He opened the curtain of the carriage and jumped out. He shouted coldly at the three young people: "Victor, Shalu, Urgot, haven't you seen each other in two years?" See, I didn’t expect you three guys to still look like such bastards, please stop it!”

"Who the hell dares to yell at me, young master, seeking death..." The young man in the middle was finishing his kick. When he heard someone yelling at him, he immediately raised his head angrily. However, as soon as he cursed, he suddenly paused. Stop, the originally arrogant expression on his face instantly turned pale as if he had seen a ghost.

The other two young people felt something strange and raised their heads to look over at the same time. When they saw Viscount Leslie, their expressions instantly became as pale as the young man in the middle.

Viscount Leslie chuckled and said to the young man in the middle: "Victor, you are very courageous. You dare to say that I am seeking death? Are you going to come here to accept the punishment yourself? Or should I go over and deal with you?"

The young man known as Victor trembled all over and his expression changed several times, but in the end he walked up to Viscount Leslie with a grimace.

Xu Yi was so close that he clearly heard him pleading to Viscount Leslie in a low voice as he walked over.

"Brother Leslie, there are many people here, please save some face for me..."

Viscount Leslie snorted coldly, nodded, and suddenly raised his leg and kicked Victor in the stomach.


This kick was obviously not light. Victor bent over in pain, but did not dare to shout out the pain. After a while, he straightened up and stood upright again. A few drops of cold sweat broke out on his face.

Viscount Leslie hooked his fingers at the other two young people. The two young people looked at each other and walked over obediently with a wry smile.

"Bang bang—"

Viscount Leslie didn't waste any time and kicked each of them in the stomach. Judging from the sound, it was definitely not lighter than the kick he just kicked Victor.

After the kick, Viscount Leslie waved to the three of them: "Okay, everyone, get out."

As if they were granted amnesty, the three people turned around and ran into the crowd, disappearing in an instant.

The crowd of onlookers thought that someone might be killed today, but they didn't expect that someone suddenly jumped out. The three young nobles who were extremely arrogant just now were like a mouse meeting a cat, and the matter was easily solved.

Seeing that there was no excitement to be seen, everyone dispersed, but no one paid attention to the man lying on the ground.

Xu Yi jumped off the carriage and was about to reach out to help the man, but saw that the man had already struggled to get up. He dragged himself away slowly without even looking at Viscount Leslie who had saved him.

When Viscount Leslie saw Xu Yi still staring at the man's leaving figure, he said angrily: "Hey, Xu Yi, don't you want to tell me that you want a good person to go to the end and find him a hospital to heal his injuries?" , give him some money by the way? This guy doesn't even say thank you, I'm afraid it's not worth it. "

Xu Yi saw the man disappearing into an alley, then turned around and said with confusion: "Strange, why did I feel a strange magic wave on him just now? It didn't look like magic, but more like It's a magic circle."

Viscount Leslie was startled: "You said he is a magician? No way? How could a magician get to this point?"

Xu Yi shook his head. Of course, he couldn't know the specific reason.