Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 94: Sign up


The small disturbance on the road did not delay too much time. Instead, the crowd nearby dispersed due to this incident, making the convoy move faster.

More than ten minutes later, the convoy finally arrived at its destination—Bangta City’s Anvilmar office.

Of course, this is Xu Yi's name for this place. In fact, this is a villa in Anvilmar City owned by Count Sean Summer, the lord of Bonta City.

Earl Sean Summer originally had a residence in Anvilmar City, but since he was exiled and became the lord of Bangta City, he sold his original residence and replaced it with a smaller compound.

Except for occasionally serving as the Earl's residence when he returns to Anvilmar City, the other times this small courtyard is used as a temporary residence for people from Bonta City who come to Anvilmar City on orders from the Earl to do business. This residence is why it is also called the Bangta City Anvilmar Office.

Originally, Xu Yi came to Anvilmar City this time mainly to participate in the qualification certification assessment of the Magician Guild. He was not qualified to live here. However, His Majesty the King happened to summon Xu Yi this time, so the Earl asked Xu Yi to be cautious. As soon as he entered the city of Anvilmar, he moved in so that His Majesty the King could summon him at any time.

Xu Yi came to Anvilmar City for the first time. He was unfamiliar with the place, so of course he would not refuse the Earl's proposal.

Moreover, this would also make it easier for Xu Yi to refuse the help of Baron Haynes and Viscount Leslie, so as not to owe more favors.

The steward in the office had obviously been notified by Earl Satsuma a long time ago. After seeing the autographed letter from Earl Satsuma handed over by Xu Yi and the accompanying Viscount Leslie, he immediately showed his high enthusiasm for Xu Yi and Xu Yi welcomed him in.

However, seeing the six carriages behind them surprised the steward and his servants.

These six carriages were obviously trucks, but they were wrapped so tightly that it was impossible to see what was inside.

From the outside, the things inside seem angular and somewhat ferocious.

"Find a safe place to put these things. Don't lose them. It's best not to let others get close to them. Do you understand?" Xu Yi pointed at the things on the carriage and gave serious instructions to the steward. "By the way, be careful when unloading, don't damage it."

Seeing that Xu Yi spoke solemnly, the steward nodded repeatedly.

The Earl of Satsuma's personal letter requested that Xu Yi be treated as himself. This steward was deeply trusted by the Earl, but this was the first time that the Earl would give such an order. Naturally, he knew that this young man in front of him did not look like an inconspicuous person. He must be highly valued by the Earl, and of course he is extremely respectful to Xu Yi.

After the servants carefully moved the goods of the other six carriages and put them into the warehouse in the courtyard according to Xu Yi's instructions, Viscount Leslie refused Xu Yi and the steward's invitation to stay and left directly.

Xu Yize enjoyed a sumptuous lunch in the office, then took a nap, and woke up in the afternoon.

Seeing that it was still early, Xu Yi decided to go out for a walk.

After waving his hand and rejecting the steward's proposal to arrange an entourage for him, Xu Yi left the office and wandered around the city of Anvilmar.

Of course, he wasn't just wandering around aimlessly.

While walking on the street, Xu Yi looked around.

Unlike other people shopping, Xu Yi's focus is neither on the beauties on the street nor on the exquisite goods in the shops along the road. Instead, he focuses on all directions and every corner. The focus of his observation is whether there is anything hidden inside. What kind of magic machine is there

According to Xu Yi's knowledge, Bangta City is less than 400 kilometers away from Anvilmar City. By the standards of the earth, they are almost like next door neighbors. They should be able to exchange any news.

But the actual situation is that due to the limitations of transportation and information transmission methods, this distance of 400 kilometers has caused the magic machines that are already very popular in Bangta City and several cities around Bangta City to be in Anvilmar. But there is not even one thing to be seen in the city.

"It seems like this is still an undeveloped virgin land." Xu Yi sighed in his heart, not knowing whether to be happy or disappointed.

Fortunately, there is not even a single magic machine in Anvilmar City. As long as the New Flying Chamber of Commerce's magic machines can be sold, there will be a huge market to be tapped.

What's disappointing is that the world has been a little slow to respond to the changes he has brought about. Several months have passed, and there are still no signs of change in Anvilmar City.

"There is a long way to go." Xu Yi sighed, ended his short market inspection, asked at a roadside shop, found out the location of the Magician's Guild, and hurried there.

If you can see magicians wearing magic robes everywhere in Anvilmar City, then when Xu Yi came to the Magicians Guild in the west of Anvilmar City, he found that there were all kinds of magicians everywhere. There are various magicians wearing magic robes, but it is difficult for ordinary people to see them.

Xu Yi glanced over and saw that not far away from him were the group of young people in uniforms he had seen on the road before.

They were gathering together at this time, listening to what a middle-aged magician who was about forty years old was saying.

From the looks of it, this middle-aged magician may be their leader and is explaining some precautions to these students.

Seeing the excitement of these children, Xu Yi flashed through his mind the scene when he was in elementary school and junior high school and seemed to be organized by the school to go on a spring outing. He couldn't help but smile and took a second look before asking inside the Magician's Guild. walk over.

There were so many people that Xu Yi spent a lot of effort to finally squeeze in.

Unlike most other magicians who came to take the assessment, Xu Yi did not squeeze towards the crowded registration window again. Instead, he looked around and came to a door leading to the inner room.

"If you want to sign up, go and line up over there. You can't just enter here." The gatekeeper was an old magician with a gray beard. When he saw Xu Yi coming, he scolded him unceremoniously.

Xu Yi smiled and saluted the old magician, took out a letter from his arms and handed it over.

The old magician took the letter suspiciously, opened it and looked at it twice. When he looked up at Xu Yi, his eyes were even more confused.

"Hey, boy, how old are you this year?" the old magician asked.

Xu Yi was startled: "Twenty-seven, what's wrong?"

"Already twenty-seven..." A trace of disappointment flashed across the old magician's face. "At such an old age, you haven't passed the primary examination yet. Your talent must be very poor. How could that guy Camilla waste such a precious recommendation spot on you?"

Xu Yi was a little speechless, thinking that it doesn't seem to be any of your business to whom the great magician Camilla recommends, right

Fortunately, the old magician just muttered a few words and didn't ask any more questions. He looked at the recommendation letter again, then looked at Xu Yi, sighed, and got out of the way.

Xu Yi took back the recommendation letter, saluted the old magician again, and walked in from the intersection he gave way to.

The inner room was much quieter than the outside. Xu Yi followed the old magician's instructions and easily found the assessment application room at the first corner.

I knocked on the door and went in. In addition to a female magician in her thirties, there was also a boy who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The female magician sat behind the table, and the boy stood in front of the table, seeming to be listening to what the female magician was explaining.

Seeing Xu Yi come in, both of them were a little stunned.

Xu Yi quickly handed over the recommendation letter, and the female magician took it and took a look at it, with a puzzled expression on her face similar to that of the old magician just now.

But unlike the old magician, the female magician didn't say anything. She just handed Xu Yi a form expressionlessly, asked him to fill it out, stamped a stamp on it, and then threw Xu Yi a badge.

"The assessment will officially begin in two days. You will enter with this badge then. Don't lose it." The female magician explained.

Xu Yi nodded to express his understanding. After waiting for a moment, seeing that the female magician had nothing to say, he saluted her and turned around to leave.

Before he could reach the door, the young man suddenly sneered: "Hey, uncle, who are you to Camilla the Great Magician? A nephew or grandson? By the way, I heard that Camilla the Great Magician has a granddaughter who looks like Yes, you must be his granddaughter’s lover, right?”

Xu Yi stopped, turned around and glanced at the young man with a frown, and found that his face was full of frivolity and indifference. Then he looked at the female magician, who was lying on the table writing something, as if she didn't care at all. It was as if he didn't hear what the young man said.

Recalling the happy conversation between the female magician and the boy just now, Xu Yi instantly understood that it seemed that the female magician should have a special relationship with the boy.

Xu Yi looked at the young man with a calm expression: "Why do you ask?"

The young man laughed: "This is nonsense. Uncle, you are so old, but you have not even passed the primary examination. Your magic level is so low, you must have poor talent. How can you still get the title of Camilla the Great Magician?" Recommended, if it doesn’t have anything to do with the great magician Camilla, how is that possible?”

"That's it." Xu Yi nodded. "So, you are still standing here at such a young age, and you seem to have a special relationship with a certain great magician?"

"Fart!" the young man said angrily. "I, Anke Allen, am a genius! Do you know what a genius is? Let me tell you, I passed the elementary examination five years ago. As long as I pass the examination this year, I will be a fourth-level magician! A seventeen-year-old fourth-level magician! How can a genius like me, who has been specially recommended by the great magician, be like a loser like you and still use the back door? "

Xu Yi smiled slightly: "Anke Allen, right? I admit that it is really good to become a fourth-level magician at the age of seventeen. But young man, I have to remind you, no matter how talented a magician you are, You have to be polite first, otherwise it will make people think that you have no tutor.”

After that, Xu Yi ignored the young man and left.

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and became even more furious.

"This guy actually dares to say that I don't have a tutor! I won't let him go!"

The female magician had already raised her head, glanced at the door, frowned slightly, turned to the young man and said: "Anke, he is just a trainee magician taking the preliminary examination, why do you care about him?"

Anke Allen stared and said angrily: "I don't care! How dare he humiliate me like this? I must make him look good." After that, he unceremoniously picked up the form that Xu Yi had just filled out from the table. , glanced at it, and sneered: "Humph! Xu Yi? This time I will make you fail even the primary examination! Let you know the consequences of humiliating this genius!"

The female magician looked at the angry Anke Allen with a headache. She wanted to stop him, but she knew that it was useless to stop him.

This guy has excellent magic talent and a strong family background. He has long developed this arrogant and uncompromising character, and he cannot listen to other people's dissuasion.

Now I can only pray for Xu Yiduo's blessings, and hope that he will not be tortured too badly by Allen.

After all, he came with a letter of recommendation from the Great Magician Camilla. If anything happened to him, it would be difficult for the Great Magician Camilla to explain it to him.