Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 97: Arrogant AG


Early the next morning, Viscount Leslie, who came after hearing the news, stood in front of the warehouse that had been burned to a ball of coke, his face as gloomy as water.

"How's the loss?" After a while, Viscount Leslie asked Xu Yi beside him.

"I found it early, so there is no loss." Xu Yi responded, frowning slightly, with a puzzled expression.

Last night, he saw with his own eyes that little spark exploded, and in an instant it turned into a ball of flames that enveloped the entire warehouse. It didn't look like an ordinary fire, but rather like someone deliberately set it on fire.

But Xu Yi just arrived in Anvilmar City last night. He didn't know many people here at all, and naturally he couldn't talk about enmity with anyone. How could someone suddenly show up and attack the things he brought

After hearing Xu Yi's questions, Viscount Leslie was silent for a while, then suddenly waved his hand, signaling Director Ram and other servants to leave.

After everyone retreated far away, Viscount Leslie sighed softly and said to Xu Yi: "Xu Yi, it was me who caused you trouble."

Xu Yi was startled: "Master Viscount, why do you say that?"

Viscount Leslie looked towards the northeast outside the courtyard wall, with a wry smile on his face.

"Because someone didn't want me back, and that was a warning to me."

Xu Yi opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't ask.

It can be inferred from Viscount Leslie's tone that there must be many complicated reasons involved. Considering Xu Yi's current status, it is better not to be mainly involved.

"It seems like it's not safe to store these things here. Let me find a safe place for you to store them." Viscount Leslie thought for a while and added.

Xu Yi shook his head: "This is not necessary. Since it has been burned once, the other party must think that these things have been destroyed, and they should not come to attack again. Besides, the Viscount said that this is a warning to you, so a warning The goal has been achieved, and the result is not that important. I will ask Director Ram to strengthen the security here, and it should be fine."

Viscount Leslie frowned: "Xu Yi, these things are so important to your audience this time, why do I think you are not nervous at all?"

Xu Yi laughed: "I was really nervous before I was burned, but after seeing the fire burning yesterday, I suddenly figured it out. These things are not the key, the key is the meaning of these things. . Even if the things here are really destroyed, it won’t matter. Anyway, our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can reproduce it at any time. Unless those guys can burn down the whole Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, it won’t make much sense.”

Viscount Leslie laughed dumbly: "You are free and easy, but aren't you afraid that you won't be able to produce something when summoned by His Majesty the King?"

"I'm afraid." Xu Yi nodded seriously. "So Lord Viscount, you have to do me a favor."


After seeing off Viscount Leslie, Xu Yi returned to the warehouse. Looking at the burnt black area in front of him, Xu Yi's originally relaxed expression gradually darkened.

He did not tell the complete truth in front of Viscount Leslie just now.

When the fire started last night, Xu Yi clearly felt that there was a trace of magic power in it. It can be seen that there was probably a magician among the people who came up to set the fire last night.

Being able to dispatch magicians to do something as trivial as arson shows that the other party attaches great importance to this matter and is obviously determined to succeed.

If Xu Yi hadn't caught up and made a decisive decision to control the fire with water magic and neutralize the magical destructive power contained in the flames, I'm afraid that even if these things in the warehouse would not be completely burned, there would definitely be some damage.

After thinking for a while, Xu Yi walked to another room in the distance.

This room was originally a guest room. Because the warehouse was destroyed, Xu Yibian asked Supervisor Ram to move everything in the warehouse here.

When you open the door, you can see six strange-looking machines standing in the middle of the room. The flame-scorched shell was full of mottled spots, and it looked ferocious, but it wasn't very pretty.

These six machines were brought by Xu Yi from Bangta City on this special trip, including six farmland magic machines including a small magic harvester, a small magic scarifier, a small magic excavator, etc.

Summoned by His Majesty the King this time, Xu Yi planned to personally demonstrate the power of these machines to His Majesty the King.

The nobles in Bangta City have now been conquered by these machines and have placed orders with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. I believe that His Majesty the King will be no exception.

If His Majesty the King is also moved to promote farmland magic machinery throughout the Lampali Kingdom, then not only will the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce be able to gain a large amount of profits, but it will also help Xu Yi realize his initial plan earlier.

Xu Yi took a towel and carefully wiped the surfaces of the six machines.

This work was time-consuming, but Xu Yi didn't trust it to be left to servants who didn't know anything about these machines, so he had to do it himself.

It took him more than half an hour to roughly wipe the surfaces of the six machines, then took out a few pieces of magic crystal, put them in each of the six machines, and then turned on the switch to prepare for a test.

Just as the switch of the first small magic harvester was turned on and the rake in front began to rotate hummingly, there was already a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the house.

"President Xu, President Xu..." Supervisor Ram's shout came through the door and window.

Xu Yi turned off the small magic harvester and walked out in confusion.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Director Ram leading four people over.

The four of them were wearing uniforms of well-made uniforms and looked like they were from the same organization.

Sure enough, after the introduction of Supervisor Ram, Xu Yi found out that these four people were actually officials from the Department of Agriculture. After learning that Xu Yi had arrived in Anvilmar City yesterday, he came over to meet Xu Yi early this morning. noodle.

The leading Agriculture Department official was a middle-aged man with some gray hair who looked to be over fifty. After listening to Supervisor Ram's introduction, he nodded slightly and said: "President Xu, you bring What about those farm magic machines? Let us take them back."

Xu Yi frowned. This Lord Fisher sounded calm, but both his expression and tone revealed an undisguised contempt and indifference. It was as if they had already treated Xu Yi when they came to see him. It gave Xu Yi a lot of face, and it was even more natural for Xu Yi to hand over the things.

Xu Yi originally thought that the officials from the Agriculture Department actually received the news the night before and came to meet him early the next morning. They must have attached great importance to the farmland magic machinery he brought. But now that he saw it, that was not the case at all. .

"Lord Fisher, I don't think I said anything about handing things over to the Department of Agriculture, right?" Xu Yi frowned.

"If you don't hand it in, do you still want to keep it?" Lord Fisher raised his voice slightly and looked at Xu Yi, seeming a little impatient. "President Xu, since you reported that you have brought those magic farm machines over, of course you have to hand them over to us and let us take them back and study them carefully. If it is really helpful to improve farmland, the Agriculture Department will definitely I would like to commend you, the New Aircraft Chamber of Commerce.”

"Recognition?" Xu Yi suddenly became angry.

He came this time with the intention of promoting farmland magic machinery. He originally thought that even His Majesty the King would summon him for this, so the Agriculture Department should pay great attention to him, but he did not expect that these four Agriculture Department officials would behave so indifferently. , there is no sign of paying any attention to it.

Judging from their attitude, if Xu Yizhen gave them these farmland magic machines to take back, he might be immediately shelved and no longer asked.

"Your Excellency, please forgive me for asking one more question. I remember the Department of Agriculture said in my letter that I came here mainly to hear about the complete farmland transformation plan and the farmer support plan of our New Flying Chamber of Commerce, and You didn't say you wanted me to hand over these magic machines, did you? Besides, I never said I would bring farm magic machines, how did you know?" Xu Yi stared at Lord Fisher and asked.

Lord Fisher's eyes flickered for a moment, then he glared at Xu Yi and raised his voice: "President Xu, this is not something you should ask. Now don't worry about it so much. On behalf of the Agriculture Department, I ask you to immediately turn over those farmland Hand over the magic machine for us to study, won’t you agree?”

Xu Yi's eyes swept over the three Agriculture Department officials next to Lord Fisher, and found that they also had fierce faces, as if Xu Yi dared not agree, they would immediately rush forward and take action.

Seeing the posture of the four of them, Xu Yi pondered.

He wasn't afraid, he just felt there was something fishy about it.

If the Agriculture Department didn't take it seriously, it would never come here so early. If it really did, how could it show such an attitude

After thinking about it, Xu Yi shook his head: "Your Excellency, I'm afraid I can't agree to your request. I have other uses for these machines. If I leave them to you like this, it will disrupt my plan."

Lord Fisher suddenly darkened his face and snorted coldly: "Disrupt your plan? If you don't hand over those machines to us, it will disrupt the plan of our Agriculture Department! Do you think it is your plan that is important?" , or is our Department of Agriculture’s plan more important?”

Xu Yi smiled softly: "Your Excellency, there seems to be no comparison, right? Maybe the Agricultural Department's plan is important, but this does not mean that I have to hand over those machines to you."

"Presumptuous!" Lord Fisher suddenly became furious, pointed his finger at Xu Yi's nose, and shouted loudly: "Xu Yi, you are just a small businessman, how dare you resist the requirements of our Department of Agriculture? You Do you know that if it weren’t for the fact that the farmer support plan of your chamber of commerce has some merit, you wouldn’t even be qualified to talk to me?”

Xu Yi frowned, grabbed Lord Fisher's finger pointing at him and pressed it down, still maintaining a calm tone and said: "Your Excellency, if you continue to maintain this attitude, I think our conversation will end here. Bar."

Xu Yi's calm tone immediately angered the other three officials of the Department of Agriculture, and even more angered Lord Fisher. However, after all, he was older and more stable. He raised his hand to stop the three companions who were about to rush over. Looking at Xu Yi, he said seriously: "President Xu, are you really planning to disobey the Agriculture Department's order?"

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Your Excellency, first of all, our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and the Agriculture Department are not in a superior-subordinate relationship. The word order seems not to be used here, right? Secondly, can you really represent the Agriculture Department?"


Automatic publishing seems very unreliable...

This chapter was supposed to be released tomorrow morning, and since it has already been released, so be it.

But there will only be one update tomorrow, please forgive me.

ps: Thanks to the strong recommendation, the number of book friends has gradually increased, and the number of people giving rewards has also increased. Thank you all for your support. I will do the statistics on Sunday and thank you together~