Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 98: Programmable magic circle


Seeing Lord Fisher leaving angrily with his three companions, Director Ram approached Xu Yi and said with some worry: "President Xu, you... are you treating the officials of the Agriculture Department like this? Isn't that what the earl ordered?" However, I hope you will cooperate well with the Department of Agriculture to promote the things you have done in Bangta City?”

Xu Yi pointed to the direction in which the four people were leaving: "Do you think they have a cooperative attitude?"

Director Ram was speechless.

Just now, Lord Fisher and the other two acted like they were arrogant and bossy when they arrived. They treated Xu Yi as a subordinate. They even said something like ordering Xu Yi to hand over the farmland magic machine. That was really not the slightest bit wrong. It means cooperation.

You must know that even Earl Satsuma praised Xu Yi very much in his letter, and his tone was extremely polite. This shows that President Xu is not an ordinary civilian.

In addition, Viscount Leslie has a close relationship with him, so it is normal for Xu Yi not to take these four officials of the Agriculture Department seriously.

"Director Ram, how did you determine that the four of them were officials from the Agriculture Department?" Xu Yi suddenly asked.

Director Ram was startled, and then realized that Xu Yi had even begun to doubt the identities of the four people just now.

He quickly replied: "The uniforms they are wearing are the uniforms of the Department of Agriculture, and they also wear the badge of the Department of Agriculture. No one in Anvilmar has been so bold and casually pretending to be an official."

Xu Yi nodded, did not ask any more questions, and returned to the house to continue testing the six machines.

The test results are quite optimistic.

After all, these six machines are all made of iron, and Xu Yi strictly requires quality during the manufacturing process. Coupled with the exquisite craftsmanship of the dwarves, these six machines are extremely strong and difficult to damage.

Except for the magic circle inside one of the small magic excavators that was damaged and could not be started, the remaining five can be considered intact.

Xu Yi did not have the appropriate materials on hand for repairs, and of course there would be no corresponding materials in the other courtyard to be spared. So Xu Yi explained to Supervisor Ram, left the other courtyard again, and walked into the streets of Anvilmar City.

Compared to yesterday, there were more magicians wearing magic robes on the streets today. No matter which direction you looked, you would see magicians in twos, threes or even more.

If he only came to this world in these two days, it would definitely give people the illusion that everyone in this world is a magician.

Xu Yi just found a magic materials store to buy some materials for setting up magic circles, and he queued for more than half an hour to buy them. This can be seen from this.

Just as he was about to leave this commercial street that specialized in magician-related items, a man suddenly stumbled out of a small store in front of him.

"I told you a long time ago that no one will take a fancy to your piece of shit, and you are not allowed to come here again!" A young man who looked like a clerk rushed out of the store, yelled at the man, and even kicked his butt. After a kick, he returned to the store.

Looking at the back of the man dragging himself away, Xu Yi suddenly felt a little familiar.

After thinking for a while, Xu Yi finally remembered that this person was the guy he rescued when he first came to Anvilmar City yesterday.

Seeing him limping away from the commercial street, Xu Yi's heart moved and he followed him.

After the man left the commercial street, he turned into an alley and found a remote and quiet corner. He sat down without caring about the cold stone slabs on the ground, and then took out a dark thing from his arms that looked like bread. The same thing was slowly chewed.

He was obviously very hungry, but he ate very slowly. After taking a bite of black bread, he chewed it in his mouth for a long time before swallowing it. It was as if this piece of black bread, which no one would care about even if it was thrown on the ground, was a difficult meal. Enjoyed an average meal.

Xu Yi looked at it not far away for a while, thought for a moment, left the alley, bought something, and walked up to him.

"Hey, just eating bread will make you very thirsty. Let's drink a glass of milk." Xu Yi squatted down in front of the man and handed over a bottle of hot milk he had just bought at a street shop.

The man paused and raised his head to look at Xu Yi, who immediately showed a kind smile.

The man glanced at the hot milk in Xu Yi's hand again, with a look of longing in his eyes.

Xu Yi put the hot milk in front of him, but after his throat rumbled, he lowered his head again and had no intention of taking the hot milk.

Xu Yi was a little surprised. His clothes were ragged and his hair was as messy as a chicken coop. He looked like he hadn't had enough to eat for many days. He looked like a beggar no matter how he looked. He didn't expect that he would refuse his charity.

After thinking about it, Xu Yi smiled and said: "Hey, brother, this is not a charity for you. I am a businessman and want to do business with you. This cup of hot milk is just a meeting gift."

The man raised his head again, a puzzled look on his dirty face.

Xu Yi pointed at his chest: "I saw you coming out of that store just now. From what the waiter said, you should want to sell this thing in your arms to that store, right? Oh, by the way. In addition to being a businessman, I am also a magician. I can feel that the magic circle attached to the thing in your arms is very strange. I am very interested in it. Can you show it to me. ? If satisfied, I can buy it."

The man hesitated for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand, took the hot milk from Xu Yi's hand, and drank it in one gulp.

The temperature of this cup of hot milk was quite high, and he immediately burned himself quite a bit.

Xu Yi waited patiently for him to recover, and then handed over the food that had been prepared in his other hand.

The man didn't refuse this time. He took it and wolfed down the hot milk.

After drinking every drop of the hot milk and swallowing even some scraps of food, the man let out a long breath, then looked at Xu Yi and finally said: "You... want to buy it?"

Perhaps it was because he had too few opportunities to talk to people. Although it was only three words, he struggled to speak them.

Xu Yi shook his head: "I'm not sure whether I will buy it. I am a businessman, and I will not make a decision easily before seeing the real thing. Of course, if my induction is correct, I should buy it."

The man nodded, reached into his arms, took out a round crystal ball and handed it over.

Xu Yi took the crystal ball and looked at it carefully. He found that the crystal ball looked no different from ordinary children's toys on the surface. However, after using magic power to detect it, he could tell that there should be a wind element attached to the base of the crystal ball. Magic circle.

"Can you let me try it?" Xu Yi asked, pointing to the base of the crystal ball.

The man nodded and looked at Xu Yi curiously, as if he wanted to see what he was going to do.

Xu Yi concentrated his energy, and a trace of magic power penetrated from the palm of his hand into the base of the crystal ball.

The magic array attached to the base of the crystal ball was instantly activated, and a breeze suddenly blew out from the base, blowing up the debris used to represent snowflakes in the crystal ball. The crystal ball suddenly seemed to be filled with flying snow.

At the beginning, there was nothing unusual. The crystal paint base continuously blew out a steady breeze through the wind magic circle, which was no different from an ordinary magic circle.

But after a while, the wind blowing from the base suddenly changed, from blowing upward to blowing diagonally upward.

The debris that had been blown into the air suddenly started flying again due to the change in wind direction, dancing wildly in the crystal bottle, causing the originally stable scene in the crystal ball to instantly look like a snowstorm.

After a while, the magic circle on the base of the crystal ball suddenly stopped blowing the breeze, but suddenly stopped, and the floating debris naturally fell down again.

When the debris completely fell, the magic circle on the base was activated again, but this time it only occasionally sprayed out a stream of air like a fountain from different places on the base, not a continuous blow.

As a result, the debris covering the base suddenly exploded upwards with each jet of air, and then fell down one after another.

The frequency of the jets on the base alternates between fast and slow. Sometimes only one jet ejects airflow, and sometimes the entire base erupts together. The debris in the crystal ball is flying randomly all over the sky, which looks really beautiful and spectacular.

After this process lasted for about two minutes, the base returned to the original situation of blowing upward breeze.

Xu Yi withdrew his magic power and calm returned to the crystal ball.

"We will keep repeating this process in the future, right?" Xu Yi asked the man while holding up the crystal ball.

The man looked a little surprised, nodded and asked, "Did you see it?"

Xu Yi smiled and looked at the crystal ball in his hand again, his eyes gradually becoming fiery.

This crystal ball doesn't look too surprising, but Xu Yi knows very well that the wind magic array on the base of this crystal ball is enough to trigger a revolution!

Before this, whether Xu Yi studied or came into contact with the magic array, the effect had been determined when the magic array was arranged, and the effect was completely single and would not change.

For example, when the whirlpool array used in the magic fan is placed on the base of the magic fan, the power of the whirlpool has been determined, and then it is used as the power to push the fan blades, and the speed of the fan blades will be fixed and blown out The wind force is also fixed.

As for the second-generation variable-speed magic fan, three whirlwind arrays with different powers are actually arranged on the base of the magic fan.

When switching the speed of the magic fan, you are just switching different whirlwind arrays.

However, the wind magic array on the base of the crystal ball in Xu Yi's hand now actually undergoes various changes while Xu Yi maintains the same magic power injection!

Not only changes in wind speed, but also changes in wind direction, and even changes in air outlets, changes in frequency, etc...

If I had to describe it, the wind magic array on this crystal ball even has a hint of programming!