Magic Notes

Chapter 123: The Messenger of Death (14)


I think of Rachel sitting in her dark living room with bloody fingerprints on her face, and blood stains on the carpet around her.

"You are stronger than that," he said softly, as if he had pulled those thoughts out of my mind. I felt a hand press lightly on my forehead. This is comforting, just like Ellie would do.

"Are you a good angel or a bad angel?" I asked.

"I'm here to serve you," he said, touching my cheek with his fingertips. "I am determined not to fail."

I am not sure when I fell asleep. A minute ago I was still listening to Gabriel touching me gently, and the next minute I was awakened by the sound of something knocking on my bedroom window. I sat down in a fluid motion.

Gabriel is gone, and I have mixed feelings about it.

I listened carefully to the voice that awakened me, thinking it might be him or God helping me, some other psychological development, but I never heard that voice again.

Then I saw it. On the other side of the room, one of my bedroom windows is open. I thought I closed all the windows, but this window opened a gap.

As I walked through the room, I saw something stuck in the corner of the window sill. I opened the window and took out the folded paper. This is a business card of the Jade Palace, which is a small Chinese restaurant by the road. On the back of the card, written in black ink, it is a message.

The house was tapped. Wait for me by the side of the road.

It has no name, but I don't need it. I spent seven years reading this crappy handwriting.

I crossed the other side of the bedroom so that I could see the street. A black car is parked near the house, but I can't see who is in the car from here. More Jǐngcha, even Garrison himself, am I really thinking about sneaking out to meet my fugitive person in charge? If that means any damn answer, of course.

The squeaking noise of someone walking up the stairs made my heart beat faster.

Allie appeared at the door. "You are awake. How do you feel?"

"I feel groggy," I said. I gave Ellie my note from Brinkley. "I think I might want to go for a walk and wake up. Do you want to go with me?"

Allie looked at the card. "Of course. Are you hungry? I can make you a sandwich."

"Okay, please give me a sandwich."

I dug out a green sneaker and a yellow sneaker from the basket in the closet. Of course, it did not match, so I paired it with a pink sè and a white sè. "Bring insecticide so we won't be beaten."

Allie's eyes widened.

"I mean it's finished. Dude, how stupid I am?" Obviously I was not born for a secret mission.

With a sandwich in my hand, we went out through the back door. Allie tied Winston with a belt, but he did not show interest in walking. I have been paying attention to Gabriel, he will show up at any time.

My backyard was full of trees, and when I passed by them, it was only a few feet away, until we reached a two-mile dirt road, two miles around the entire suburbs, and a little bit down on the other end of the road. . I opened my mouth, but Ally shook her head. She didn't speak until we walked for almost five minutes.

"This situation can't go wrong," she said sarcastically.

I followed her with a deep voice. "I want answers"

"Hope this is all we can get," she added, and the dust on her jacket patted her legs gently.

Garrison found me. What if Brinkley really wants to hurt me? What if he is tired of working with me, tired of my attitude or whatever

I glanced at my shoulder again, but still did not see Gabriel, only the narrow path and surrounding woods. "If you really think we might be attacked, why are you bringing him here?" I asked her, pointing to Winston, his belly dragging along the path. He will not yell at attackers.

"He needs more exercise," she said. Her breathing quickened when she walked. mine too. Winston was almost out of breath.

"Yes, but we can't drag a forty-pound pug behind us," I argued.

"We must carry him," she said. "Wait, hush."

Allie's hand flew up, blocking my footsteps. She approached the edge of the tree and stared at the gap between the trunks. "Did you see it?"

Yes, I saw it.

The black silhouette of the humanoid body runs through the woods. Not just a person, I think this is a very bad signal.

"Can you make out their faces?" I whispered.

"Not Brinkley," she replied. "They have at least two people."

"Three," I said, counting the moving shadows myself.

Allie lifted Winston from the ground and placed it in her arms. I think this means we have to run away. Oh shit. If I knew we had to run away, I would tie my sneakers better. it is too late now.

"Wait for you to be ready," she whispered.

I left, leaving Allie in the dust. I'm not really worried, because Ellie may run faster than me at any time, with a 10 kg dog. This is not because she is a few centimeters taller than me, but between the two of us, she is obviously healthier.

She went to the gym and she ate vegetables. The only exercise I get comes from death substitution and xìng. The only vegetables I have eaten are potato chips, french fries and the occasional spinach dip.

Ellie overtook me on the road, and as I knew it, velvet black ears were flying in the wind. But Ai Lichao is not the problem.

The problem is the person behind me. There are actually some people—sounds like a group of rhinos tearing up the trees as they walk through the woods after us.

"Hurry up," I shouted after Ally. It doesn't make sense to calm down now.

She quickened her pace, but it was difficult for me to catch up with her. I surreptitiously found the last Gabriel. No. Protect and serve ass.

"I caught you," I heard someone say. A pair of big hands stretched out from the tree and grabbed Ali's red coat.

She disappeared in the woods. I was stunned and stunned on the trail. With a hand tightly on my mouth, I was pulled into the surrounding darkness.

I work hard. Not just for Ellie and Winston, but for myself. I don’t want to be the girl in the six o’clock news: I found the body of a young woman in the woods today, with extensive trauma to the head, or decapitation, or my attacker deciding what to do to my brain Let me die. I took a few decent pictures: the elbow hit the breastbone, the forearm was bitten badly, and a few kicks hit the shin, all of which caused curses from the attacker.

"Fuck, Brinkley. I hanged my own wild cat." I fell like a hot potato, and my knee hit the ground. The person who attacked me was tall, blond and blue-eyed. This paleness makes me think he comes from a cold place and is totally unaccustomed to the sun: Sweden or Finland. It's just a little bit of albinism. But there is no accent, so it may be more like Canada or just pale heredity.

"Language," said a familiar voice, a voice I could hear everywhere. "There is a lady present."

"She doesn't behave like a lady."

I pushed away from the ground and turned to the voice, but did not see that my face was hidden by the shadow. The pale man walked away from me and hugged his forearm where I bit him. The man who brought Allie and Winston into our circle was also a stranger.

"This is not a lady either," the second man said with an arrogant accent. He comes from somewhere in the east, Philadelphia or Boston.

He is 1.75 meters tall and has the same hair as mine. He may be a few years older than me, with sharp features: a pointed chin, a hooked nose, soft cheekbones and dents left by acne. He is thin, without fat, wearing black clothes, cotton T-shirt and leather boots from head to toe. Under the shade of the tree, I can't see the color of his eyes, but his eyebrows are black and thick.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine," she murmured, but the rosy cheeks showed that she was not happy.

Brinkley walked out of the shadow of a tree and walked towards the light. I feel relieved. He is still alive. Brinkley is still alive. Only at that moment did I realize how worried I was about him. But my relief was quickly replaced by gangsters.

"How are you, Fanfan, how are you?" Brinkley asked. My mouth opened. When Brinkley saw my shocked expression, his lips twitched to one side. "You are fine."

"How old is she?" Boston asked.

"Old enough," Brinkley said.

"Yes," he started.

"This is rebirth," Brinkley told him.

"Will she grow old?" the Swede asked.

Brinkley was obviously angry. "I need you to come out because your house has been tapped. I cleaned it, but I may have missed one in the kitchen. It is safer to talk here."

"You disappeared from me," I said. Anger and fear gradually escalated, replacing chaos. "If you answered my call from the beginning, I wouldn't be in such a predicament."

Brinkley turned his gaze to his companion. "Patrol this area. Make sure we are safe."

The men hesitated. Then Boston made a speech. "Whatever you say, boss."

I don't like the way Boston says "boss". It seems more sinister than it should be.

Brinkley watched the men go, while Ally stood patiently next to the pug at her feet. She may be able to wait all day, but I can't. "Where have you been?"

"I didn't disappear by your side," he started.

"That's for sure," I started, feeling the anger on my face when I got up.

"Shut up," Brinkley said, before I could leave. "Just this time."

I closed my mouth and watched Brinkley touch his thick hair with my hand. "I put you down, held me for questioning all night, and my boss called me. I was not released until Eve's successor appeared. Very convenient." (to be continued) (end of this chapter) )