Magic Notes

Chapter 124: The Messenger of Death (15)


"Why are they doing this?" Allie asked.

"Make me look guilty, so I don't have an alibi." Brink used his index finger to poke him lightly.

"You can at least come and see me." I watched the trees move around us until all the hairs on my skin stood up. At the beginning of this dark grove, the paths and houses were completely invisible, but when the sun disappeared around us, the sound of crickets and bugs became louder and more and more discordant. This is not just creepy.

"You are strong." Brinkley grabbed my shoulder and forced me to look at him. "But if they arrest me, we will never be able to prove the truth."

"Why should I prove my innocence?" I asked. I transferred his concern. "The one who was almost beheaded was me."

Brinkley walked to a certain place. I know this dance. When Rachel was sick, he did this dance.

"Just say it," I asked. "What happened?"

"The person with you in the hotel room is our own. Another agent from FBRD. He said: "Substitutes are dying. ".

"Yes, I know," I told him, and he looked surprised. "We know the situation in Atlanta."

Brinkley's sad smile said many things. "It's not just Atlanta. It's everywhere. Someone is setting up fake substitutes and killing as many death substitutes as possible."

My knees are shaking, "Who? Why?"

"I don't know," Brinkley said, and I saw his own frustration engraved on his face. "At first I thought it was a church. It's no secret that they reject death as a substitute. Religions don't have the habit of killing people in the name of God. But our own men—change everything."

Winston snorted at our feet.

"Tell us what you know," Allie said. "Don't keep us in the dark."

Brinkley considered her for a while. "FBRD has a record of all active agents and their work tasks. They have the information and methods to plan these attacks. They prevented me from working at a critical moment. I was not allowed to listen to reports for several weeks. Time changes. , Suddenly requesting, all these are suspicious. Then we saw our own people appearing in the video.

"How did you see this video?" Allie asked.

"Busy kid," I murmured. "No wonder you didn't call."

Allie's forehead wrinkled tightly. "But the bureau was established to manage the death substitution industry. Without a broker, it will be closed."

"Not everyone wants death substitution as a permanent fixture."

"What the hell does this mean?" I have a terrible headache.

"The military never wanted to bring replacement agents into the mainstream. The reason they released them from protection prisons was because human rights activists raised hell, and they felt the pressure from the president to be re-elected. The military wants all of you to be re-elected. Detained. It's no secret."

"But this means that FBRD and the military must cooperate," Ally said.

Brinkley glared at her harshly. "Alliance: The combination of two thieves. They put their hands in each other's pockets so deeply that they can't take the third one separately."

"Are you quoting someone else?" I asked. I have never heard Brinkley speak ill of FBRD.

Thirty years ago, after NRD became a noteworthy condition, protection xìng was imprisoned 0 years ago. History speculates that such cases existed as early as ancient times, and may be the cause of the resurrection involved in vampires and Christian myths. But it wasn't until the 1990s that this number increased exponentially.

People started to die, but they did not die. The public response was not very good. The military solution is to detain the dead for protection. It turns out that only protection of imprisonment is a cross between scientific experimentation and painful detention camps.

Brinkley said: "They can use these attacks as an excuse to restore and protect their imprisonment.".

"Or?" Allie asked. She never liked an explanation.

"Or FBRD might have another motivation. That's why I have to look at how deep the rabbit hole is. If the bureau thinks you are a threat, they will kill you. This is the norm; if it can't be repaired, kill it. it."

"Who is the most likely suspect?" Allie asked. I saw these questions in her mind all the time. She formed her beliefs and theories faster than Brinkley could get the information between her lips. This is one of the reasons I like her, she moves quickly.

I found myself staring at the curve of her neck and the pursed lips. She is very beautiful in the dim light. I was wondering if I could persuade her to make out with me. It doesn't make people feel emotionally confused, right

Brinkley didn't realize my distraction. "The deputy director is responsible to the director of FBRD. He has donated large sums of money to the church. The executive assistant director of our department must know because he is the only person who issues orders unless external forces pay or coerce individual agents. Many federations The agents of the Bank for Reconstruction and Development are all veterans. Perhaps this is where their true loyalty lies. It is also possible that the director of our company is following the orders of the despicable deputy instead of the director himself. I hope so, because I think the director A good man. A man Hoover would be proud of."

I don't want Brinkley to talk about Hoover again. Speaking of hero worship. "So, EAD and the agents who ordered our cao to act as agents may know. But you are a supervising special agent, you don't know."

"Considering our close cooperation with the replacement agent, I think we should never find out. They want us to rely on our allegations," he said. Once again, blood rushed to my face. "The bottom line is that FBRD is like a three-tier cake-from top to bottom: director, branch, department. We are at the bottom, so we don’t know anything. Most likely, the people above know, and they are what I’m looking for people."

"Is it possible that agents like Garrison don't know?" Allie asked.

Brinkley shrugged. "It is possible, but everyone is a suspect at the moment. There are too many professional and personal connections between the church and the army. We must remain vigilant until we can identify the hand in the glove."

"Suddenly, I felt lucky," I groaned. I pushed myself away from Ellie, squeezing my temples.

"Stay tough and keep your eyes open," Brinkley said. Someone wants to kill me, I don't know why. All the possible explanations of "why" didn't make me feel better. My eyes are wide open.

"Stay tough and keep your eyes open," Brinkley said. Someone wants to kill me, I don't know why. All the possible explanations of "why" didn't make me feel better. My eyes are wide open.

No one came up with theories. We have nothing.

"The bottom line is that they failed to kill her," Allie said. "You know how they failed."

"Try again," Brinkley replied. He turned around and squeezed my shoulder. "You can't give them a chance. They will seduce you, indulge you, and try to leave you alone."

Winston snorted again, as if these rotten leaves were fresh bouquets.

"You have to go back," Brinkley said, and let me go. "They are coming to you."

"How do you know?" I asked.

Brinkley said: "Before you were born, I have always followed the FBRD protocol.". I couldn't see his face anymore in the dark, but I felt that ironic smile, and had seen it clearly enough for the past seven years. "You go."

Allie fished Winston out of the bushes at her feet, turned and walked towards the house. When I looked back, we had reached the edge of the tree.

"Brinkley, hey, Brinkley," I yelled hoarsely.

"Don't worry, boy. We are nearby." This is the voice of Boston. Considering that I can't even see where that terrible bastard is hiding, this is not comforting.

"No, really, Brinkley, I need to talk to you," I asked.

The first is silence. Then, the silence grew longer and heavier, I thought they slipped out of the woods like ghosts, and I didn't get the answer to the question I wanted to ask from the beginning.

"What?" Brinkley groaned.

I jumped again. I did not see or hear him walking through the darkness of the woods. It's nice to know that he still has some moves. We may need these.

I gripped my chest tightly. "Give me a heart attack".

"What?" He asked again, not so patient this time.

"What's our story?" I asked him, my heart beating faster. I catered to this problem. "About the fire?"

Brinkley was quiet for a while. "Tell them you don't remember."


"Listen," Brinkley said. "You are different, and Garrison will figure out a way. He will be curious. He will inquire around, but he can't find anything, because I have determined that there is nothing to find. No matter what they say or do, no matter what Don’t confess how they threaten you. As long as you don’t, they will have nothing."

I looked down the path and saw Allie, with a red outline in the distance, and Winston staggering at her feet.

"No confession." Understood, "I said. Then I heard what he said. "Wait-what do you mean by the difference?"

He did not answer.

"How about me?" I started again, but Brinkley was gone.

When it was exciting in the woods, I hadn't had a chance to tell Brinkley about Gabriel. Do I really want to tell Brinkley that his other agent is losing her shit? actually not.

When I went to the sensitive xìng seminar, I did not mention this to Dr. York.

I walked into the spacious white room on the main floor of the hospital and sat at a table without any attempt to talk. The room is like a conference room. In addition to a long table, there are several smaller movable tables where people can gather in groups of four or five. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)