Magic Notes

Chapter 127: The Messenger of Death (18)


"Do you know what sacrifice is?" I asked him. "You are a white American. I bet no one has ever treated you as a different person."

"I was shot to protect someone"

"You are so fucking noble. I was shot because someone thought I was a freak and I wanted to save his life."

I rushed out of the room. This is also a good thing, because the air around me has become still. It's like real static. I think if I don't leave, I will explode.

I paced back and forth in the hall, trying to slow my breathing while Ellie caught up to me. Gabriel appeared.

"Not now," I yelled to him.

Allie stopped.

"No, it's not you," I said, then realized what I did.

"Are you okay?" Allie asked. "what is that?"

"A bastard has crossed the line," I said. Gabriel’s tie is red. What does red sè mean

"No, I mean, you are angry, the room is a bit cracked—" She shook her head. "Do you want to go back and throw him down? For Gloria, I bet we can take him away."

I gave her a jealous look. "Don't fuck me."

I found myself looking at her again. I want to hold her in my arms. I want to bury my face on her neck, let her kiss my cheek, and tell me everything will be fine. I felt like I was leaning against her, knowing that if I tried to accept her, she would accept me, but the damn door suddenly opened.

Dr. York ran out. "Fanfan, I'm sorry, but..."

"Don't teach me," I told him. "That guy is a bastard."

"I can let him go and give others a chance to ask more questions," he said. He seemed willing to do whatever I asked for. He also looked scared to walk very close to me. Why? Am I really that scary in there

I saw Gloria through the small window and started asking questions again. "She has this," I said, pointing to her.

Allie's wallet vibrated, playing a stupid little tune. She rummaged through my phone while Doctor York continued to beg. I thought about it, but I can't go back. This is called pride, but I can't. Ellie finally took out the phone. I don't recognize this number, but the area code is very familiar. I don't care who it is. If this annoying seminar is over, I am willing to answer any phone calls.

"You better go and see her," I said, pointing to Gloria. "She felt a little strange to the people around her." Before he objected, I answered the phone. "Hey?"

"Fan Fan?" asked a shy whisper.

"It's her," I said, wondering what a kid was calling me.

"Well," he stammered. "um, I... ... "

"Oh, God, child," I said, "start with your name."

"My name is Danny Phelps," he choked. "Daniel, actually. Do you remember me?"

"Yes, Danny, of course," I said softly this time. This is true, because I can't even forget my brother.

"Your mother is dead?" Ryan asked, sitting on the steps next to me.

"The news spread quickly," I said. Since the seminar, I have been sitting on the porch steps, watching Winston play on the grass under the maple tree.

"Do you want to talk?" he asked, knees touching mine.

"Daniel said she died in a car accident yesterday, and the funeral was the day after tomorrow, and then it was over."

"How does he know how to contact you?"

"My mother has my phone number," I said. "It's not that she has used it."

If she never planned to call me, why would she spend time following me

"Are you going?" He gently pushed the pug with his feet until he stretched out his soft belly.

"I can't leave here," I said. "Garrison will hang me"

"I believe you can petition for special circumstances," he said. "Your mother is indeed dead."

"Appearing under the escort of Jǐngcha may send wrong information."

Of course, this is not all. How much does Daniel know? How much do family and friends know? My mother probably told everyone what happened. The last thing I need is a grieving friend or family member shouting "Did you kill Eddie?"? Did you really kill that poor bastard?" The voice was loud enough for Garrison to hear.

No. If I don't want to go to jail, I can't take this risk. Again, I do want to go to my mother's house. I want to see if Danny is all right. How can I explain to a child that he is an orphan because his father is a sickly criminal? Even if I can reach Danny without Garrison's knowledge, some people still want me to die.

I suddenly remembered an outstanding image of my mother. She was in our backyard, shining in the sun, and she looked at the pond behind our house. The barn has been built. It is the barn my father built, his last relic, and the one I sacrificed to get rid of Eddie. I don't remember why we stood there, how old I was, or what we did, but I remember her face flooding in the sun.

The tears stung the corners of my eyes, and when I squeezed them tightly together, the tears overflowed the corners of my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Ryan's warm hand clasped my shoulder.

I don't know why I don't want to share this memory with him, but I curled up around it like a clenched fist.

"My painkillers are disappearing," I lied. I brushed the gauze to show off.

I stayed silent, contemplating seeing the amazing feeling of my mother burning in the full sun, and Ryan spoke again. "Do you want me to leave?"

My chest tightened and my memory disappeared. "Isn't it our decision?" I asked.

"I can cook dinner," he said.

"I don't need you to do this." I am fully capable of making some fashionable things," I said, a little angry. I don't understand how his position has changed, which annoys me.

He grinned. "Not gingerbread, I hope?"

Well, maybe I redecorated the kitchen because I put a bunch of biscuits on the fire. So my concentration is not enough. Sue me. "Sweet potato soup, thank you very much."

"Do you know what it is?" he asked.

I considered lying. I still got a lot of practice today. "Sweet Potatoes... Egg nǎi Crispy"

"Do you know what sweet potatoes look like? Can you describe it to me?"

"Hey, I can cook."

His smile is hidden at the corner of his mouth. "Let me cook dinner."

"Thank you, but no need."

He wet his lips. "If you reject me, you will be alone."

"I should be used to being alone," I said. "Didn't you say that?"

He did not take the bait. "But you just got bad news on top of the bad news."

"Why do you care so much? I might die tomorrow, and you might think I asked for it," I said. I felt a sting, as if I was inviting destiny to kill me. I glanced at the sky nervously and added: "Although I hope this will not happen."

"Of course I care," he said. "This is the point. I'm not here to fuck"

His cheeks became smooth with a new shave, and a strand of black hair made his neck and ears look amiable. This is enough to stop me.

"I thought you need time to think?" I asked.

"I know how I feel about you," he said. He was so close, I could feel the heat from his lips on my face. "I just need to think about how."

He covered my hand with his hand, and everything in the lower part of my body was taut.

"Really?" I said, my voice is definitely higher.

But instead of kissing me, he walked into my house with a grin.

I followed him closely, and Winston followed me closely. "tease."

When I turned on the main light switch in the hall and the five bulbs it controlled exploded at the same time, the door knocked shut. When the spark fell on us, I panted, grabbed my hair, and held it with my hands, hoping it didn't burn.

"Understood," Ryan offered. "Where do you put the parts?"

"Laundry," I said. "First I broke a computer. Now, I blow up the bulb. This is becoming a problem."

"You have been challenged," he said. "That's why you can't match a pair of shoes."

"I'm a miser. That's why I can't match a pair of shoes," I said, feeling a bit insulted. My brain is doing mathematical operations. All the electrical appliances I broke in the past week or so. I can't connect these points, but something is wrong with me. Gabriel. electronic product.

Ryan hid in the kitchen with a ladder in one hand and a bunch of broken light bulbs in the other. I gave up and went upstairs. He found me in the bathroom with a medicine bottle in my hand. They are white, and each has a deep wrinkle. I piled them in the sink and filled an old glass with tap water.

"Are you going to sleep all night?"

"If I accept this now, I should do it," I said. "This will definitely help you figure it out." I imitated the pause in his previous drama.

Doorbell rang.

"No. No matter what it is, it won't work." My voice replied in the glass. "who is it?"

Ryan walked to the window and looked forward to the corridor. "Jǐngcha is getting off the car."

"This can't be a good thing." I drank the water and dropped the empty glass on the sink.

The doorbell rang twice.

"I'm here" I yelled when I had a sore throat. I looked back and made sure Ryan was nearby.

He insisted on opening the door. If he wants to be a sword-wielding knight, no matter what. I patted my foot impatiently, waved him to hurry up, and he checked the guests through the glass panel by the door. He looked confused. As soon as he opened the door, I was shocked by the number of people on the porch, four people in all.

"Are you Jǐng inspectors?" I said, pointing to the strangers.

"Madam, do you know this woman?" the tall man Jǐng asked.

"Yes. This is Cindy, the agent of another death substitute. Friends, not enemies."

The man who hugged Cindy under his upper arm was like a naughty kid letting her go. I did not introduce another woman. They may know Gloria if they are local Jǐngcha. She often handles various cases with them. Neither of them was stupid enough to catch her. Once Gloria and Cindy both crossed the threshold, I politely nodded to Jǐng and then closed the door.

"What happened?" I asked. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)