Magic Notes

Chapter 146: The Messenger of Death (37)


I kept listening until I heard it, a low pop. I don't know where it came from.

"Is that what you hate? So what? Some squirrels become active in their dens."

"Big squirrel," Cindy murmured, her ears becoming tight.

A light appeared on Kayla's face. "Oh, my goodness, what if they put her in these boxes?"

Their eyes scanned the parking lot and more than a dozen cars, which filled random spaces.

"If Ally is in the trunk, we must be fast," I said. "Jǐng Cha is coming to arrest me."

"What?" Keira and Cindy cried at the same time. Now they heard it. Ryan pulled me closer, as if holding me, so I wouldn't have to go to jail.

I want to make a joke. "I've always wanted to sit in a cell and sing. No one knows the trouble I see... Can anyone of you lend me a tin cup to rake the iron railing?"

"How much time do we have?" Cindy had put her ear on the nearest tree trunk and knocked on the door. No one appreciates my humor.

"A few minutes," I said.

"We should run," Lane said. "I can hide you"

I left him. "I won't leave until I find her. Let's search these boxes."

Everyone drove a car, patted it lightly, and listened to the sound of the system. Before Cindy called my name, I knocked on three cars. We abandoned our car and ran to the brown sedan farthest from the back door of the church. It clearly stopped under a big tree, and every time it was windy, dying leaves fell on the tree.

Cindy reached out his hand from the trunk. "Well, there is something in it."

Kayla knocked on the trunk, and a noisy sound returned. The noise is somewhere between a deep scream and dragging noise.

"How can we open it?" I asked hesitantly. What if it’s not Ellie? I have heard stories about raccoons hurting people. Of course, I don’t know why anyone puts raccoons in their trunks, but I have some theories. I always have a theory.

Ryan lifted a boulder from under the tree and smashed the driver's side window. The glass shattered and shattered on the dark pavement, gleaming. Under the street lamp overhead, it looked like gold.

"That's it," Keira said, and then opened the door. She tucked the switch button of the trunk under the dashboard. When the four of us huddled together to see what was inside, the trunk suddenly opened.

Allie. She was tied up with her hands behind her back and her mouth was stuffed. I took what was in her mouth out of her mouth, and Ryan lifted her out of the trunk.

"I never thought I would see you like this," I said. I opened her coat so that she could stretch her arms into her sleeves while she was ZìYóu.

"I never thought I could see you again," she said when Ryan asked her to stand up.

Ryan tried to loosen the rope completely. Allie never looked away from me once, tears rolled down her face. Her mouth is red because the cloth irritates her skin. As soon as the rope broke, she leaped at me and kissed my mouth.

I mean kissed me, despite her wet cheeks and all. Is that her tongue? When she pulled back, her arms wrapped around my neck, crushing the coat between us.

"I have a lot to tell you," she said.

"Obviously." Kayla tilted her head with a playful smile.

Ryan didn't laugh. I try my best to ignore the attention and warmth in me. I looked down, trying to hide my blush. If Ryan is angry at this kiss and has any doubts about my monogamy promise, I am sure I will hear about it in the future.

"This is your coat," I said, and handed me the coat again. "During the visit time, you must save whatever you want to tell me. Jǐng Cha is on the way to catch me."

"It's perfect," Allie said. She grabbed me and pulled me towards the church. "bring it on."

"No," I said. "We just came out of there. We can't go in anymore."

"We have to find Nesha," she said. "I promised."

"Is Nisha in there? But we searched everywhere." That would be great. A living Nessa can at least exonerate me from one crime and make people doubt Eve's confession. I haven't figured out a plan to kill Eddie yet. But if I can prove that this is justified defense, I may be sentenced to life imprisonment or death.

"Fan Fan can't go back to church," Lane said. "It's not safe."

"If the agent is on the road, he can help," Allie said.

Allie dragged me to the back door and opened the door. Ryan grabbed my other hand. "No, you don't understand," he said. "Some pictures are painted by Gloria."

"Don't pull me." I pulled my hands away from them and took the key out of my pocket. "First of all, Keira and Cindy need to leave here. You will be safer in the office with Gloria or at home."

"We can't keep you here," Keira said.

"You better do this," I said. "I don't have to worry about two people."

"I thought you needed help?" Cindy asked.

"I just want to ask for your help." With Cindy's help, I can save at least two people if that terrible photo comes true. "But I can't ask you to risk your life. If they want me to die for being a necroman, then you are not safe."

Cindy hesitated, but I could see the ease on her face. If necessary, she will stay, but if I give her a way out, she will be happier. "how about you?"

"I have these people to help me," I said with a smile to Ellie and Ryan. "I'll be fine"

There is also the issue of Cindy's strange behavior. If she is going to be crazy like Rachel, I don't want her to be with us. I have one more thing to worry about.

Cindy walked to the office with a reluctant Kayla. I turned around and found Ally trembling.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked her. "I'm going to jail"

"It's nice to meet you," she said. She bit her lip. "I'm so happy. I knew they would shoot me and then bury me in the ditch."

Ryan was angry. "Does Fanfan have a chance to tell you that we..."

I severed his contact. Allie has just been rescued from a place on the verge of death. She doesn't need to know that I am dating someone now.

"I'm also glad you are okay, I want to apologize because..."

I fell to the ground, and Ryan pushed me away, using all the power of the shovel to reach his own skull. I didn't even have time to deal with his corpse lying next to me, until I saw a steel plate leaping towards my face.

When I woke up, I had a terrible headache. Not literally, but I wish I was dead so that I don't have to feel the big beating on the side of the skull. My face was covered with blood, but I reminded myself that the wounds on my face are always bleeding, so don't panic. Once again, I am not afraid of dying for someone, but I am worried that I will faint before I discover the truth.

Okay, maybe I'm a little worried about my face.

When my vision blurred into focus, I first saw the bed. As we saw in the room upstairs, a double-sized mattress was sitting on my right against the wall. Allie and Ryan were tied to the chair opposite me, with a black door on the left. I jumped up and ran towards them, only to be pulled back.

Something grabbed my ankle-a small bracelet with bells jingle.

The door opened, and a man came in, as if I was calling him.

"Meet again," he said. He was dressed just like Cindy described it, a black robe and a white collar. I tried not to think about him standing behind Eve with his little brother in his hand.

"Brad," I said. "I'm thinking when you will show up"

"My name is Martin," he said.

"Brad is better for you than Martin," I said. "Martin seems too good for you."

He smiled. "Do you like watching us? I bet you will, you perverted little bitch

"Wow, this language is for a pastor," I said. "In fact, I was thinking, if they provide xìng education in the seminary, maybe your performance will be better. Five minutes? Come on."

Despite the poor lighting in this small room, his face was still red. Martin is very conceited. Glad to know this. Maybe it will let him get the best like me, just like me. I will definitely try it.

"I thought the pastor swore to be celibate," I said. "Does your church patron know how you and Eve lied to me to die?"

His face became something similar to pain.

"I'll treat you as if you didn't," I said. "So this is the time I call you the kettle, because I think you are the one who likes it. Oh, Martin, don't tell me. Is this your first time? Well, that explains some of the problems. "

"Shut up!" he cried.

Then I suddenly realized. I realize where I am.

The room was spinning, and I grabbed my head to stabilize myself, unable to restrain the fear we were in: the stone wall, the lights cast shè humorous shadows. Rachel and Gloria saw all this, and if I didn't do something different, I knew what would happen.

We will die here.

All of us.

"Don't shout, Martin," I said, trying to keep breathing. "That shovel gives me a headache, buddy."

"To shut up."

"Not a lot of words. I think people in seminary are well educated." I want him to continue. Letting him continue to speak means time. Time means possible rescue. That person must be on the way, right? But where is Ryan's phone? It is no longer my responsibility.

Ryan stretched his neck to one side, then the other side. He was gagged like Ally. One of his eyes was swollen and purple. The other man opened his mouth wide, and the flame inside told me that he would kill Martin whenever he had the chance. I am happy to untie him and let him do it, but my little foot ring only allowed me to go so far. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)